The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 396 The Saint and the Pope? (87K)

Chapter 396 The Saint and the Pope? (8.7K)

Matthew couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this:

"If you pray for 100 gold coins, and the money in the wallet you pick up is less than 100 gold coins, it can be regarded as a success, right?"

despite this.

He still endured the heartache, took out 100 gold coins from his bag, and put them into the prayer incense burner one after another.

The incense burner is not big.

But the magic is that every time Matthew puts in a gold coin, the latter will disappear into the gray smoke in the furnace.

It didn't take long.

100 small alliance gold coins have been filled.

Matthew looked up.

At this time, the short incense in the incense burner has burned to one-third of the level.

The lines on the face made of gray smoke have become more realistic.

"You can easily take out 100 gold coins, but you still want to get something for nothing. It shows that you are a greedy guy."

The face on top of the incense burner said seriously:

"Your wish will come true."

"But you must be careful. Excessive greed will lead to punishment from fate. You may encounter small accidents and setbacks in the process of realizing your wishes. These are necessary arrangements of fate."

"But if you remain loyal to the great Sioux Emperor and say my name silently when you encounter setbacks, I can spare you these unpleasant things."

“It’s important to remember this!”

The other person's tone became very harsh.

Matthew looked up in shock.

But I saw that the short incense in the incense burner burned out quickly.

The gray face disappeared.

A wisp of gray smoke lingered around Matthew's body.

Matthew looked down at the data column.

"Hint: You received the blessing of "a little good luck" from the prayer censer

A Little Good Luck: The good news is that you have a little good luck; the general news is that there really is only a little bit. "

"It seems that the phantom dragon really knows a little bit about wishing."

Matthew knew that his blessings could not be faked, but this level of good luck did not guarantee that he would be able to pick up the wallet in the next twenty-four hours.

At most, daily life is just a little smoother.

Its effectiveness is so low that it can't even be called a blessing. At most, it is equivalent to the magic tricks of mages!

Matthew checked his luck again through the balance nodes on his body.

Confirmed that there was no impact here either.

This shows that the magical dragon's wishing technique is definitely not realized through normal spell-casting channels.

In fact, this is normal.

If Phantom Dragon's wishing technique was really that powerful, he would have escaped from the prison in the Nine Netherlands long ago by his own ability. Why would he need to ask for help from others?

Matthew thought that if the Phantom Dragon wanted to take the bait of him, he would definitely find a way to realize his wish through other means.

Think so.

Matthew silently attached three special spells to himself, and used the metamagic ability of spell delay to delay their trigger points indefinitely so that they could be used when necessary.

And those three spells are -


Spell rebound;

Spell cancellation;

When he encounters a spell effect, the above three spells will be triggered in turn in order.

Even illusions cannot directly affect him.

Then Matthew put the matter aside and went about his own business.

He has recently been learning the fifth-level spells "End of the Road" and "Lost Mind". These two spells can collectively reduce the target's resistance and provide considerable legendary penetration.

Wait until you finish learning these two spells.

Matthew is a qualified legendary support. At least it's not difficult to help big brother Olorin.

There is nothing difficult or obscure about these two spells.

The field it belongs to is also the field of necromancy that Matthew is good at.

So Matthew learned quickly.

It's just dawn.

He successfully mastered the basic skills of these two spells.

Then it’s time to practice again and again in practice.

But Matthew didn't strike while the iron was hot and continue practicing.

on the contrary.

He changed into a decent mage robe and left the mage camp in a hurry.

Because today is Terraste's happy day...


This should be the day when Terraste's wish comes true.

before sunset today.

The first batch of elderly elves who are said to be voluntarily exiled will take the initiative to enter the Secret Light Jungle.

This is a landmark event.

Even if Terraste doesn't invite.

Matthew will also go over to see what's going on.

early morning.

Valley of the Sacred Trees.

This is a valley located northwest of Jade Cangting.

Jade Cangting is a large city built on the endless mountains and forests.

From the perspective of topography.

The main part of the city and its surroundings are dotted with various hills.

That's why.

Many low valleys in the hills have become densely populated gathering places for elves.

Windward Valley, located to the east, is one example.

The same is true for the Valley of the Sacred Trees.

However, compared to the open terrain and larger area of ​​Windward Valley.

The Valley of the Sacred Trees is much smaller.

The trees here are extremely sparse, forming a small vacuum zone in the lush forest.

So look down from high in the sky.

This valley is like the courtyard of the city of Jade Cangting.

It was early June.

Although the sun in the south is not as fierce as in July and August, it still has a bit of blazing heat.

Matthew came here early.

He originally wanted to find a shaded place to watch the ceremony quietly, but found that it was not easy——

There are also some trees in the Valley of the Sacred Trees.

However, most of these trees have dry branches and leaves and cannot provide shelter from wind and rain for living creatures.

There are also some ancient stone buildings.

But most are heavily weathered and have essentially caved in or cracked ceilings.

Matthew finally found a place with a good view and shadow.

"This is probably the place with the most sunlight in the entire Emerald Cangting."

Matthew sighed secretly.

He discovered that he was not the only one unable to find shade.

Many wood elves who heard the news are also looking for shade spots everywhere——

Because of lack of light.

Wood elves generally have fair skin.

It can even be said to be frighteningly white.

When Matthew was chatting with Lorraine, he learned from the latter that at a certain period of time, bards in the South generally liked to write scripts with such bad characters as "vampires pretending to be wood elves". To create contrast and conflict in the plot.

But a bad idea is a bad idea.

The popularity of this kind of plot also reflects from the side that wood elves and vampires do have some similarities in appearance.

At least in front of other races who are unfamiliar with both.

It's common to get them confused.

Morning time.

A large number of wood elves have gathered in the Valley of the Divine Tree.

It is not difficult to see from the way these people come and go.

They were not invited by someone or organized to gather here specifically.

They probably heard about the news announced by Terraste before, so they came to see what the specific situation was.

Most of the wood elves who came to watch were under 600 years old.

Occasionally, I can see a few older people with worried faces on their faces.

Matthew saw many faces among these wood elves who had chosen to flee before.

Some of them originally fled to Rapid City, some wanted to escape to Yongsong Forest, and some hid in some scattered villages and valleys in the north of Jade Cangting.

But many of these elves appeared on the scene.

They may have noticed the change in the direction of the wind, or they may have truly realized how powerful Terraste was, and in the end they gradually became inclined to compromise.

This is human nature.

After all, in the second half of May, the light pool used to send away the corpses of the wood elves was working almost 24 hours a day.

Many elves spoke privately of that terrible time.

They all call it "Bloody May."

It is said that they no longer mentioned Terras' name, and instead used pronouns such as "that lord", "that marshal", and "a certain butcher" that seemed vague but had extremely clear referential meanings.

No matter what.

Terraste's plan is beginning to bear fruit.

There are no more elves in this city who resist him head-on.


All the rebels have been killed by him.

"What a terrifying extraordinary power..."

Matthew sighed secretly.

This was also the first time he witnessed the process of an individual changing the future of a group with extraordinary power.

He felt that there was a need for deep learning and reference.

Sometimes thinking really can't be too rigid.

The extraordinary world is still different from the ordinary world.

Between thoughts.

A group of young elves dressed in strange clothes suddenly walked out of the valley.

With their arrival.

There was a slight restlessness among the crowd of wood elves watching.

Everyone was watching the group of young elves.

The onlookers' eyes were very complicated.

Matthew pricked up his ears and listened for a while, and then he realized that the red and green willow leaf pattern clothes worn by this group of young wood elves were actually the "hundred flower clothes" worn by fanatics in ancient times when worshiping the god of elves. !

Since the fall of the Elf God.

It had been many years since a wood elf had worn this outfit.

Not to mention walking around the city arrogantly.

This scene obviously shocked the unsuspecting onlookers, and Matthew could hear them whispering. In the past, this was an extremely outrageous move, and he would probably be scolded by everyone soon, and then handed over to the Willow Leaf Agency for processing.

But today is different from the past.

After the Bloody May, the wood elves also learned a lot. No elves dared to act rashly until they figured out the origins of this group of arrogant young people.

It's just that they can't avoid all kinds of complaints and accusations in their whispers.

Matthew just wanted to smile.

He had heard about these young wood elves from Banna.

They are a group that Terraste secretly organized a long time ago.

These young wood elves are a bit like the Bamboo Stick Party back then, except that this group is not so aggressive. They only regard protecting Terrast and its glory and reputation as the first priority, and nothing else is too extreme. move.

It seems to be a pure personality cult group.

Because I have never walked to the stage.

Therefore, this group did not get the attention of other elves.

Until today.

"Tarraste obviously has his own group and confidants, but he did not let them participate in the implementation of the "Road to Glory" plan. "

"He came forward by himself and killed all the people who were in the way. After taking on all the bad reputation, he then let these young people gradually come out to stabilize the situation..."

Matthew saw something.

Tyrast arranged this so that these young people could be accepted by other wood elves more quickly.

This can be considered a lot of painstaking effort.

Matthew heard that most of the members of this group came from Yue Yao and Shadow Leopard in the Wind Chaser army. Except that they were a little younger, there were no problems with their other qualities.

Even if you go out to fight, you won't have stage fright.

Not to mention just maintaining order and executing Terraste's established plan.

Even though there are only a few hundred people in this group.

But in Jade Cangting, hundreds of young people are already a force that cannot be ignored in the elf group.

Matthew saw them coming out of the valley, traveling in pairs to other parts of the city.

Not long after.

Some young people began to return to the Valley of the Divine Tree.

Behind them are often 1 to 3 old wood elves.

Those are obviously old men who are about to be exiled.

These old elves were not tied up, and the young elves did not physically restrain them. However, the two sides often walked in tandem. The young man walking in front walked lightly and proudly, while the old man behind him had a heavy face. Like water, one pair of legs seemed to be filled with cement and it was difficult to move forward.

But even so.

Accompanied by three poles on the sun.

The number of old elves in the Valley of the Divine Tree has gradually exceeded 800.

They were the first group of elves to go to the Secret Light Jungle, and their average age was even more than 700 years old.

"I don't know how Terraste did it. It's impossible to make these old men walk out of the house willingly through mere threats, right?"

"Some of them originally fled, but later returned to Jade Cangting. It seems that they came here specially to participate in this ceremony."

Matthew was secretly amazed.

And while he was silently observing the situation in the valley.

He heard another new news from the crowd next to him——

The ruins of stone buildings in the Valley of the Sacred Trees are the ruins of the temple of the Elf God!

Since the fall of the Elf God, the Valley of the Divine Trees has become sparsely populated.

It's been a long time since it's been this lively.


Matthew's eyes flashed.

At this moment.

He spotted an unexpected figure in the crowd.

It’s actually Winter Moon Ai Lan!

She was walking alone on the ruins of the temple with a sad expression.

Was she freed by Terraste?

Matthew took the initiative to walk over and greet Ai Lan. When he got closer, he realized that Ai Lan was much more haggard than before.

"Feel sorry."

After a simple greeting, Matthew expressed his apology to Ai Lan.

Ai Lan calmly shook his head:

"You don't need to apologize to me, Matthew. I know there's nothing you can do about it."

"As long as the legendary mages don't want to intervene, there won't be many people in the continent of Irondor who can stop Tyrast."

Although her expression and tone were calm.

But Matthew felt a faint complaint from the other party's words.

He had to remind:

"The legendary mages did not stop the Council of Elders."

"They also failed to stop Lance the Warlock."

"You should understand this."

A look of helplessness flashed across Ai Lan's face:

"I understand, of course I understand."

"The ancient covenant has given Jade Cangting a high degree of autonomy. This is something that many wood elves are proud of."

"For many years, the alliance has never interfered with Jade Cangting's decision. At most, it is consultation."

"I used to think this was a good thing, proving the strength and foundation of the wood elves, but after the Mark of the Dead incident, I had doubts about it. Now, I feel even more that the alliance's non-interference has a negative impact on the wood elves. Saying that may not be a good thing.”

Matthew smiled helplessly.

There is nothing in this world that both needs and wants.

He could only cough and said insinuatingly:

"There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. The Alliance has adhered to a consistent attitude in the incident related to Jade Cangting."

"Although I don't know what the big guys are thinking, I think I would be happy to see the legendary mage respect the power of the elves so much when I come to Terrast."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Ai Lan's face:

"Of course Terraste would like to see it happen."

"He is the most arrogant and authoritarian elf ruler I have ever seen, bar none!"

Matthew raised his eyebrows:

"Where is the Elf Queen back then?"

Ai Lan's expression was a bit ugly.

Then she smiled bitterly:

"Well, I was not careful with my words."

"In the history of the wood elves, there have indeed been many worse rulers than Tyrast, but he must be the craziest one among them!"

Matthew said calmly:

"He may not be really crazy."

"During the days when you were in prison, he specially asked someone to send me a message, promising me that he would not harm you."

"Now it seems that he probably did what he said."

Ai Lan was startled for a moment, then said reluctantly:

"He really didn't do anything to me other than house arrest."

"I'm just a little scared."

"I have never seen a butcher like him, and my instinct tells me that he cannot get what he wants."

"This goes against the most basic common sense!"

What the elf mage said was true.

But his tone was very soft.

Matthew probably didn't even have much confidence in herself anymore.


The terrifying strength displayed by Tyrast would indeed make ordinary legends despair.

Not to mention that Ai Lan has not yet entered the legend.

Seeing that the other party still had a grudge, Matthew kindly tried to persuade him:

“Sometimes we have very little to decide and can only follow the tide of fate.”

"In addition to being an elf, you are also a mage."

"If you can stop being so obsessed with what's in front of you, you might be able to gain a different view."

Ai Lan obviously understood Matthew's advice.

She bit her lip hesitantly, then smiled helplessly:

"Don't worry, I won't openly oppose Terraste today."

"Too many elves have died and too much blood has been shed. I don't want more innocent elves to lose their lives because of my instigation."

"Even if I have to fight against Terraste, I will do it through my own efforts."

Matthew felt something strange about the other party:

"Are you planning to be promoted to legend?"

He knew that Ai Lan had been stuck at level 20 for a long time. As a non-pure-blood Supreme Heaven, she had already had the capital to be promoted to Legend, but she was just accumulating stronger capital.

Now it seems unwise to force promotion for the sake of Tyrast.

What's more, ordinary legendary mages can only run away when facing a strong man of Tyrast's level.

There may not even be a chance to escape!

Matthew wanted to persuade him again.

But Ai Lan's eyes were so determined that he gave up.

Everyone has their own legendary path.

Maybe Terraste is Ailan's destined opportunity.

"My father is a forest demigod. He is the guardian of the three major forests in the south——

Emerald Cangting;

The Garden of Fallen Leaves;

There is also Yonge Forest.

These three forests are covered with his footprints.

I have inherited his will and strength, and I should shoulder the responsibility of guarding the three major forests.

I see.

I am not strong enough to challenge Terraste.

But I can foresee it.

In the near future.

These woods will suffer a terrible backlash from Tyrast's radical actions.

Can you hear the whispers among the trees?

The will of nature was already disgusted by what Terrast had done.

I must be prepared for disaster that may break out at any time..."

Matthew nodded quietly.

From this perspective, it is understandable that Ai Lan wants to be promoted to a legend.

Matthew fired an invisible magic ball, and the two walked side by side on the ruins.

Because we happened to talk about Ai Lan’s life experience.

Matthew suddenly asked gossipingly:

"I heard that your mother seems to be related to the moonlight goddess Asiya?"

Matthew had known this for a long time.

Ai Lan's father is a forest demigod who walks the world as a stag;

But there are different opinions about the identity of her mother.

In fact, Matthew has always been curious, and he didn't get the chance to ask until today.

After asking, he felt a little uneasy and felt that he was still too presumptuous.

However, Ai Lan’s attitude is very frank:

"Yes, the rumors are true. My mother is indeed the incarnation of the moonlight goddess Asiya in the human world."

"But I don't have any feelings for her - at least not as deep as the feelings I have with my father."

"For Ms. Asia, I am just a by-product of her accidental birth after a short and exciting game. For the gods of Tianlun Palace, this is normal."

"I only heard about my mother's existence from my father when I was a child, but I almost never saw her. Maybe I saw her briefly after I was born, but I don't remember it anymore..."

Ai Lan's tone was quite indifferent.

Matthew coughed:

"Is that so? I originally wanted to tell you that since the Blood Moon Strike incident, Asia's Moonglade came into my hands."

"I used the Moonglade to establish a spell guild. There are many like-minded friends in the guild, including mages and some top talents from other professions."

"I want to invite you to join my guild, but because of the special nature of Moonglade, I don't know if it's appropriate."

For Matthew.

Elf mage Ai Lan has always been on his invitation list.

The only awkward point is Asiya.

But Ai Lan didn't seem to mind this.

She just asked in confusion:

"What is a magic guild?"

Matthew thought for a while:

"I'll take you to have a look in two days?"

Ai Lan nodded slowly.

She didn't seem to mind Moonglade's relationship with Asya.

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ai Lan joins the guild, it won't be long before the guild adds another legendary warrior!

As the president of the association, Matthew naturally benefits.

As for the guild elf Xixi.

Considering that the other party is just a remaining consciousness of Asiya, he should be able to coexist peacefully with Ai Lan, right?

Matthew suddenly looked forward to what Ai Lan and Xixi would say when they met!

And just when Matthew gave Ai Lan a rough introduction to the Magic Guild.

There was a sudden commotion at the mouth of the Valley of the Divine Tree.

The commotion this time was even greater than the previous one caused by the group of young elves wearing floral uniforms.

The two flew lightly.

Matthew saw a very special woman among a group of elves at a glance.


Matthew was surprised.

He knew that there was a high probability that Biana would participate in today's ceremony, but he thought that the other person's identity would be just a bystander like himself.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Beanna would come together with the group of young elves wearing floral costumes!

What's even more surprising is that.

The group of elves seemed to cluster Biana in the center of the crowd intentionally or unintentionally.

She wears ancient clothing in the traditional elven style.

After Ai Lan's reminder.

Only then did Matthew realize that Beanna was wearing the clothes of an ancient elf saint!

That is a very unique long skirt.

The upper body of the skirt was very tight, showing off Biana's proud figure.

Beanna's capital is also considered strong among humans.

And among the elves who have always been poor, they stand out even more.

Therefore, as soon as she appeared, she attracted all kinds of looks of unknown meaning, but most of them contained undisguised hatred!

"Is that kid your friend?"

"I'm afraid she's going to be taken advantage of by Terraste!"

Ai Lan said with worry:

"Did you see the look in other people's eyes?"

"They don't dare to hate Terraste, they only dare to hate the people related to him."

Matthew wasn't worried.

On the one hand, he knows that Biana is a very smart girl. She uses her courage to seize the opportunities given by fate and climb up. Naturally, she also knows what risks she will face in the process;

On the other hand, Matthew also believed that Terraste must be well prepared for today's ceremony.

At least today.

No matter how hateful the elves looked at her.

She is most likely safe and sound.

as expected.

After entering the ruins of the Valley of the Divine Tree.

The young people surrounding Beanna suddenly dispersed, leaving the girl standing alone under a broken stone pillar.

Only then did everyone see it.

Biana held a heavy stone basin in her arms. In the basin were seven or eight kinds of flower branches, more than a dozen kinds of fruits, as well as leaves and caterpillars crawling on the leaves.

at the same time.

She also carried an inconspicuous bamboo stick on her back.

"That's Terraste's bamboo stick."

Ai Lan's expression was also a little surprised:

"What she holds in her arms is the stone basin that the Elf Saint would use when performing the highest-level sacrifices. This is a custom inherited from the troll era."

"The stone basin alone weighs dozens of kilograms, and there is also some water, flowers and fruits in it..."

Matthew noticed too.

The posture of Beanna holding the stone basin was not very natural, and her chest showed signs of leaning forward from time to time, which was probably quite strenuous.

But her expression was always calm.

There is a very sacred beauty.

Matthew took a closer look and confirmed that the girl was blessed with at least three charm-related spells.

If you stare at her for too long.

He may even be dazzled and hallucinate, as if he saw a ball of walking holy light.

In the age when the gods have not yet risen.

These are common methods used by small gods whose foundations are not stable.

Beanna stood in front of the group of old elves who were about to be exiled. She did not make an impassioned speech, she just stood there like a statue.

Time passes minute by minute.

The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

It was just after noon.

Beanna finally made a move.

She turned around slowly while holding the stone basin, then walked around the path beside the ruins and towards the mountain!

"This is the road to glory. Please follow me."

Her articulation is clear and her voice is crisp yet solemn, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

more importantly.

This sentence was said by Biana in Elvish!

As Beanna's figure gradually walked up the mountain.

The group of exiles also took steps forward one after another.

One after another, they lined up in a long line and climbed up the mountain path.

Biananna took them to the top of the mountain and then spiraled down another path.

Because the queue is very long.

People going up the mountain and people going down the mountain will see each other on two different spiral paths.

Some people have just gone up the mountain.

Some have almost reached the foot of the mountain.

Out of curiosity and some other excitement, Matthew and Ai Lan also joined the team.

The mountain road is lined with camphor trees and beech trees.

There are also some tenacious lilies of the valley growing near the top of the mountain.

The breeze blew, taking away the heat from everyone's faces.

Bathed in this strange fragrance and cool air.

All the elves became much calmer.

And while traveling.

Matthew could hear singing coming from the front of the line.

Ai Lan explained:

"This is a hymn used to sing to the god of elves. Usually only saints are qualified to sing on specific occasions."

"Trast's path to glory is not made up out of thin air, but is based on evidence."

"It is said that in ancient times, in order to avoid an unprecedented disaster, the Elf God created the Secret Light Jungle as a refuge. However, the capacity of the refuge is limited, and not all elves can enter it."

"At that time only the most devout believers were eligible to be selected for the sanctuary."

"Even these people, before entering the sanctuary, must perform a ritual called the Path of Glory, which is probably like this now - walking around the Valley of the Sacred Trees, with the Elf Saint singing hymns, The rest of the people praised silently in their hearts..."

At this point.

Matthew was finally sure.

Tyrast is planning to "resurrection" the Elf God!

Ai Lan was obviously aware of this, but judging from her reaction, she seemed to be in a tangle.

This shows that she also understands.

If Tyrast can successfully become a god, the fate of the wood elves may indeed usher in a huge turn for the better!

"But why did he choose a human to be the saint of the elves?"

Matthew couldn't help but picture the taciturn face of the old elf man.

Complete one lap.

It took about half an hour.

But Beanna didn't rest.

She continued to walk up the mountain along the original path holding the stone basin.

The elves followed in turn.

It's more subtle.

This time, other onlookers followed one after another.

They bowed their heads and remained silent.

It was as if a long and pious prayer was going on.

Matthew could feel the contagious atmosphere.

This feeling is very strange.

You cannot simply use herd mentality to resolve doubts.

This valley, the hymns sung by Biana, and the young people dressed in floral costumes and the glorious path they walked.

All this formed a ceremony venue that was enough to shake the hearts of onlookers!

Matthew did not follow on the second lap.

He waited quietly near the ruins of the temple.

Less than half an hour.

Beanna's figure appeared in Matthew's field of vision again.

But this time.

She did not continue up the mountain, but bent down and placed the stone basin on the ground, and slowly retreated to a stone room in the center of the ruins.

Matthew's heart moved and he followed curiously.

But there was only Beanna in the stone house.

"Isn't Terraste here?"

Matthew was a little surprised.

He thought for a while and felt that now was not a good time to communicate with Beanna, so he planned to leave.

But at this time.

The other party took the initiative to look in the direction of the invisible magic ball.

Maybe it was because walking was a bit difficult.

The girl's face was slightly red, and there were a few drops of pearl-like sweat on her fair skin.

She asked softly:


"Is that you?"

"I just felt that you have been following me. Are you trying to do something bad?"

Matthew showed up and explained:

"I'm just out of curiosity..."

"Can you follow me out of curiosity?"

Beanna interrupted Matthew a little rudely.

Matthew looked at each other with surprise.

The girl burst into laughter:

"I'm kidding you, I was exhausted just now."

"I have three more trips to go in a while. Hehe, I need to take a good rest."

"Is it surprising that I became an elf saint?"

Matthew nodded.

Beanna said a little embarrassedly:

"The teacher didn't let me tell you this in advance."

"It wasn't until this morning that he told me that if I had the chance to meet you, let me ask you something."

Matthew asked:

"What's up?"

Beanna said expectantly:

"If the Elven God is resurrected and forms a church, would you be willing to be the patriarch of this church?"

"Or another word..."


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