"Matthew? Is that the Necromancer Matthew?"

"It seems to be him. There have been rumors that he has a close relationship with Rolling Stone."

"Which Matthew are you talking about? I have only heard of a tree-planting mage before, and his name is also Matthew."

"I don't know, but in the northern city-states, Matthew the Destroyer's name is more famous..."

in the hall.

Representatives of the major city-states whispered.

After experiencing a series of events, the name Matthew has become legendary.

Even ordinary civilians have heard about it, not to mention these are considered representatives of the upper class in major city-states.


Due to the distribution area.

Everyone hears different legends about Matthew.

This resulted in a skewed impression of Matthew in the minds of the representatives.

But no matter what.

The shadow of a person's famous tree, a mage from Rolling Stone Town, can be famous thousands of miles away, which itself is enough to explain a lot of things.

Plus he is a member of the Seven Saints Alliance.

There was an expression of respect on everyone's faces.

Matthew's words are quite convincing.

"Master Matthew, we don't want to cause trouble, we just heard about this sudden news and want to confirm the specific situation with you."

"After all, demon invasion is a matter of life and death for many of our cities. I hope you can understand."

A chubby representative from the northern city-state took the initiative to step forward and smooth things over.

Matthew said calmly:


"If you still have concerns, you can leave on your own, but I must remind you that there are indeed many demons active outside the city. It may be more dangerous to leave now."

"As for the founding ceremony of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, everything is going on as usual at the moment. We have the ability to solve all emergencies."

Having said this.

He turned around and walked deeper into the hall.

Just in time.

Sif, dressed in fine clothes, walked down the corridor.

Matthew met her face to face.

Sif's outfit today was quite stunning and attracted many people's attention.

Many men, especially young men, are looking at each other longingly, hoping that the princess of the Rolling Stone Kingdom can take a look at them.

To their dismay, however.

Sif's attention was always on Matthew.

"They are in the council chamber in the next building, the one near the watchtower."

As soon as Sif saw Matthew, she knew his purpose and whispered a reminder.

Matthew nodded.

"Hurry over there. Father and Uncle Zeller are waiting for you."

Today, Sif is as gentle as a little sheep. She speaks in a soft voice. She wants to put her mouth next to Matthew's ear:

"Just leave this to me."

Matthew felt a little relieved.

At critical moments, Sif is still very reliable, and she knows what she should do.

If there is no one around Rhaegar to take charge.

It may be difficult for representatives of these foreign city-states to calm down.

In this case.

Only Sif is the most suitable to come forward to comfort.

Matthew glanced back at the crowd and found that little Paton was among them, and he felt a little relieved.

He and little Patton looked at each other.

Then he suddenly took a deep look at Moreira, the lord of Red Earth Mountain.

The latter trembled.

The pupils contracted violently.

Matthew left without looking back.

Sif watched Matthew disappear down the corridor.

When she turned around.

The gentle and sweet smile on his face suddenly turned into a cold and elegant expression.

She took the initiative to chat with the representatives.

Sif's posture and etiquette are impeccable, and she is also very mature in dealing with others, giving people a feeling of being valued.

It can be compared to the previous conversation with Matthew.

There was always a vague sense of alienation about her.

It is precisely because of this unique temperament that makes Sif look even more charming.

Many city-state representatives subconsciously hoped to chat with her for a while.

It's a pity that Sif behaves equally.

Everyone took care of a few words, but only a few words.

Finished a round of chatting.

Sif graciously offered to step away for now.

When walking into the corridor.

She saw the young Lord of Red Clay Mountain covering his lower back with his shirt and walking toward the locker room with weird movements.

Sif took a step forward.

Little Patton suddenly appeared next to him:

"Matthew has taught him a lesson."

Sif smiled slightly and narrowed her eyes into a crescent shape:

"That's Matthew's."

"My retainers should be trained by myself."

When saying this.

There was an awe-inspiring aura about her.

Little Paton shrank his head and quickly got out of the way:

"Remember not to go too far."

"I mean...at least let him live, right?"

Sif hummed and walked away.

West side of the hall.

VIP locker room.

Moreira put on a new set of clothes, but his face was clouded.

He looked at the soaked pants on the ground with hatred on his face.

"It's the mind-catching gaze, a standard necromancer method that can shock a person's soul and amplify the fear in your heart."

An old mage next to Moreira said seriously:

"Master Matthew has shown mercy."

Moreira said angrily:

"Why did he treat me like this?!"

"I didn't say anything wrong!"

"I just asked the same question as everyone else!"

The old mage was silent.

Perhaps knowing that he was not qualified to argue with Matthew, Moreira directly pointed the finger at the old mage:

"What did you say before you came?"

"You said you were very good at protective spells and could protect my safety!"

"Actually? You were just watching from the side when I was being tortured by the Necromancer! Forget about losing my face, the glory of Red Earth Mountain has been destroyed today!"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, his face turned the color of pig liver, and he punched the closet several times.

There was minor damage to the wardrobe.

The old mage whispered:

"Not many people noticed just now..."

Immediately a wry smile appeared on his face:

"And I'm just a wild mage. I heard that the other party is a disciple of the Seven Saints..."

Moreira said irritably:

"I don't want to hear these excuses!"

"Can you do it? If you can't do it, get out!"

A shadow flashed in the old mage's eyes, but he still said solemnly:

"As long as it's not against Matthew."

"I can protect you perfectly."

Moreira stamped his foot bitterly:

"You better be able to!"

The words fell.

The locker room door was suddenly pushed open.

The old mage instinctively made a warning posture, but when he saw the person clearly, he relaxed slightly.

"Miss Sif?"

Moreira was a little surprised.

He pulled at his clothes, trying to look neater.

His impression of Sif was still very good.

However, Sif's eyes were serious and cold:

"First, call me princess."

"Second, you smashed my favorite wardrobe!"

She pointed to the shabby wardrobe next to her.

Moreira was stunned:

"Then I'll buy one..."

Before he could finish his words, a sharp pain came from the roof of his mouth.


Moreira's front teeth were knocked out by Sif's punch!


Only then did the old mage next to him react, and he raised the staff in his hand.

"You want to do something to me too?"

Sif sneered.

After a few seconds.

There were several wails and slight movements in the locker room.

Less than thirty seconds.

Sif walked out of the dressing room gracefully.

He also carried two uniquely shaped spittoons in his hands.

She just carried the two spittoons to the hall where the representatives were.

Then they were placed next to the sofa.

Little Paton came up again:

"You didn't do anything to them, did you?"

Sif showed an innocent look:

"Do I seem to be such a fierce woman?"

Patton shuddered and didn't dare to say anything.

Sif lifted up her skirt slightly and walked away with ladylike steps.

Little Patton looked at the sofa:


"Why haven't I seen this spittoon before?"

"But it's quite appropriate to put it here..."


He spit out a mouthful of phlegm.

The spittoon twitched slightly.

Seeing this, the other guests followed suit and rummaged through the trash and threw it into the spittoon.

It didn't take long.

The two spittoons were filled to the brim.

New chamber.

Matthew quickly walked through a simply decorated corridor and came to the temporary tactical command room.

There are several crystal balls placed in the room.

The crystal ball displays the image information observed by the watchtower in real time——

That’s the situation northeast of the Stone Kingdom.

There were already many people standing in the meeting hall.

Rhaegar, Zeller, Richard and others are discussing closely.

Matthew walked in.

Everyone looked at him with concern.

"How to say?"

Rhaegar, who had already put on full body armor, came forward with a serious face.

As before Matthew and they passed the gas.

So everyone also guessed that the demons might come to cause trouble, but they didn't expect that it would cause such a big battle.

Follow normal thinking.

The founding ceremony should be postponed.

Everyone must fight the coming demonic invasion with all their strength.

However, Matthew’s stance was extremely firm:

"Ask your troops to go up the northern city wall, prepare two cavalry and fire bat soldiers, and have them guard the side of the secret door, ready to support at any time."

"The Southern Division Division Corps and my troops will become the main force on the frontal battlefield. You only need to assist in defense and delay when necessary."

"There is no need to postpone the founding ceremony. We can also let the representatives of those city-states see our strength."

Everyone showed surprise when they heard this.

"The number of demons coming this time is quite large..."

Richard couldn't help but remind him.

Matthew smiled:

"The Necromancer is never afraid of too many enemies."

Zeller nodded slightly:

"We believe you."

"Just do as you say."

Rega only hesitated for a few seconds, and then patted Matthew's shoulder heavily.

"Then it's up to you to lay out the specific combat plan."

Rhaegar placed the map around Rolling Stone City in front of Matthew.

Matthew shook his head:

"I don't know anything about military affairs. It's up to you to decide on the city defense plan for Rolling Stone City."

"You just need to know that after the first round of fighting, the morale of the demons will inevitably drop to freezing point. They will have sporadic and small groups approaching the walls of Rolling Stone City. You just need to eliminate them. This shouldn't be difficult. ”

"As for after the first round, as long as there are no big surprises, the demons should not be able to touch the walls of Rolling Stone City."

Everyone looked at each other.

What Matthew said was so unbelievable that anyone else would have been scolded for being fanciful.

But because he is Matthew.

He is a mage.

Everyone could only nod silently.

"But we must be prepared to fight the devil for a long time."

Matthew reminded:

"The demon lord Eisner seems to have mastered a stable channel for invading the material world. In the future, demon armies may appear regularly in the northeast."

"It just so happens that the Southern Magistrate Corps may have the deepest understanding of demons in the world. When assisting in defense operations, it is best for our own troops to take the opportunity to learn more about their methods."

Rhaegar understood.

Immediately he asked again:

"Then I will inform the people below that the ceremony will continue as usual?"

"Let representatives from other city-states also go to the viewing platform?"

Matthew thought for a while:

"Anyway, today is the first day, and what they go to the viewing platform to watch is a warm-up show. Why not let them go directly to the city wall!"

"Well, those who are brave can go up to the city wall, and those who are timid can invite them to the watchtower."

"I just prepared a program for this ceremony. No one has cooperated with this program originally, but now it is available, let everyone come and see it!"


He explained a few more details to Rega and others, and then hurriedly left the meeting hall.

Then Matthew summoned the wild ghost Sanger and handed a improvised letter to the other party.

"Send to Jade Cangting quickly. If you can't find Terraste, go to Biana. If you can't find both of them, go to Terrani. You know their address."

Matthew warned seriously.

The tauren spirit patted its chest and said:

"Are you looking for reinforcements? Don't worry, I'm the best at this."

"When the Tauren tribe perished, I was responsible for finding reinforcements. As a result, I accidentally ended up in the underworld while running away. It's a pity. If I hadn't gone the wrong way, I might have been able to find reinforcements..."

Matthew was speechless.

After sending Sanger away.

He went to the Sanctuary of Life and the Cemetery successively, and met with Obest and Ali respectively.

He said to Obest:

"Evacuate everyone, move closer to Rolling Stone City, and prepare to meet a small number of demon deserters."

As for Ali.

Matthew's command is even simpler:

"All mobilized."

"Ready to take off!"

In the afternoon.

There are many more figures on the northern wall of Rolling Stone City.

There are many daring figures among the representatives of the major city-states, and at least half of them expressed their willingness to climb the city wall to see how Matthew, the guardian of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, prepares to face the demon army.

Their boldness is not without reason.

Didn’t you see that Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Rolling Stone Kingdom was standing with them?

Compared to the city wall.

The figures near the city gate were even denser.

Although the garrison has been evacuating, trying to move the watching civilians from the north to the south.

But the festive atmosphere of celebration is there.

The manpower of the garrison was limited.

There are still many civilians active near the city wall, and some even want to climb up the city wall to find out——


News about the possible invasion of Rolling Stone City by an army of demons has already spread.

But most people are still very optimistic.

The main reason is that the city wall of Rolling Stone City, which is more than 20 meters high, gives people a strong sense of security.

It is said that this is only the prototype of the construction of the Southern Magistrate Corps.

The real city wall will be extended many times on this basis!

But even so.

The sense of security brought by the high wall and the prestige established by the Rolling Stone Kingdom in the battle of Moss Green Hills still stabilize the hearts of the people in the city.

Especially when rumors get out.

Lord Matthew, the guardian of the Rolling Stone Kingdom, will personally take action to defeat the demon army.

More people rushed toward the city wall out of curiosity.


Many people gathered near the outer three levels of the city wall.

They were discussing the topic of demonic invasion enthusiastically, as if they didn't even realize how terrifying the monsters they were talking about were!

Feeling this incredible emotion.

Barton on the city wall once again showed an envious expression.

But very quickly.

He was attracted by the black shadow appearing in the northeast!

The endless wasteland began to tremble slightly.

As the sun gradually sets in the west.

A demon with a ferocious face rushed over from the horizon.

Barton's expression was extremely serious.

As someone who experienced the Battle of Wild Wolf Mountain, he is the most qualified person to express his feelings about fighting demons.

at the same time.

After that fiasco, he also learned as much as he could about the demon.

His eyes are good.

It didn’t take long for me to read a lot of useful information from the first batch of demons that appeared!

"The advance team of the demon army actually consists of four legions?"

"This shows that the number of coalition forces behind them is more than twenty legions!"

"The core of every legion is the Great Demon Overseer."

"The four great demon governors of the advance team kept a good distance from each other. Although the demons are chaotic in nature and difficult to restrain, the four legions were able to maintain relative order as a whole when marching. This is already very good. It’s rare…”

Barton shared his views in a low voice with the two companions beside him.

Gavin's expression was also solemn.

He seemed to feel Barton's despair on the battlefield at Wild Wolf Mountain.

Alena's beauty was even more pale.

She had already begun to think about how she would escape from the hands of these hideous and ugly demons if Rolling Stone City was breached!




From the other side of the horizon came the thundering sound of war drums.

The drumming is not dense.

But it hits home.

Everyone who heard the drums felt as if their heart had been struck hard.

The feeling was extremely depressing.


The originally relatively calm and calm atmosphere above and below the city wall became solemn and depressing.

Some city-state representatives silently retreated from the city walls.

Even if you are still standing there.

Most of the faces also become unsightly.

"very scary……"

"Each demon is as tall as two people?"

"I heard they can fly?"

"How can you keep this?"

Such whispers came from up and down the city walls.

Barton looked at Princess Sif standing at the front.

He wanted to see even a hint of worry on the other person's face.

But no.

Sif had a faint smile on her face from beginning to end.

She really doesn't seem to be afraid of those demons.

Barton frowned.

He didn't understand where Sif's confidence came from?

Just the necromancer who hasn't become a legend yet?

Barton knew Matthew was strong.


Can a mage really resist these demons from the abyss?


Just when Barton was frowning and thinking hard.

There was a sudden scream above him.

A child fell from the watchtower above the city wall!

Fortunately, Barton has quick eyesight and quick hands.

He rushed over and hugged him firmly.

The child fell into Barton's arms, still in shock, stumbling and unable to speak a word.

Barton glanced up.

I guessed that the child probably wanted to climb up the tower out of curiosity to see what the demons the adults said looked like, but was frightened by the momentum of the demon army and accidentally fell down.


He placed the child firmly on the city wall:

"Go back to your family, kid."

"It's not safe here."

The child nodded confusedly.

He turned stiffly and prepared to leave.

But he didn't go a few steps.

He ran back again:

"Sir, I saw those demons..."

"Can we really win?"

Barton was speechless for a moment.

He didn't know how to answer, so he could only choose to remain silent.

The child seemed to understand something, lowered his head and wanted to run away.

But at this moment.

Everyone on the city wall suddenly discovered——

The sky became overcast.


It's not that the sky is getting cloudy.

But something appeared in the sky, blocking the sun's light!

They instinctively raised their heads, and then all opened their mouths.

that moment.

All the residents of Rolling Stone City and representatives from other cities and states showed stunned expressions.

They looked dreamily in the direction above their heads.


It's a mountain!

The mountain is densely covered with tombstones!

I'm sorry, I've had severe insomnia these past two days, and I've developed symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath. I've had similar symptoms before, probably myocarditis, and my physical condition is really not good, so I can only write as much as I can. In fact, I also want to finish this paragraph in one go, because this kind of scene must have a lot of foreshadowing and side descriptions. If the number of words is smaller, everyone will feel uncomfortable. I can understand your criticism, but I can only It can be written like this, but if there is not enough side and foreshadowing, the final result will be boring. The main reason is that there is less, my fault. I worked hard to adjust for two days, and I will work hard to make up for the word count I owed before. I apologize again and kowtow!

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