The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 407 The Battle of Fame, the Legend of Xia Hai Fantasy Land!

Chapter 408 The Eye of Zhurong and the Dragon of Twilight Qi

From Yu Qi's mouth, Matthew learned that the giant beast Leviathan and Xiahai Illusion were both victims of the war between gods and wizards.

But before Qin Wuyue and others discovered this.

The battle between Isabel and the unknown mage has been going on for several years.

They continue to fight in the gap between the planes.

The aftermath revealed from it affected Xiahai Fantasy Land and the nearby sea areas.

Leviathan was frightened.

It instinctively wants to find a place to hide.

Only then did he subconsciously focus on Xiahai Fantasy Land.

And during this period.

Leviathan's activities did cause some shipwrecks.

This led the hapless outsider to misunderstand the behemoth's motives.

After figuring it all out.

Qin Wuyue boldly approached the gap between the planes and asked the two divine mages not to destroy Xiahai Fantasy Realm and Tianpeng Island.

She thought it would be difficult to get an answer to her call.

Who knew that the two sides actually stopped.

After that, Qin Wuyue met Isabel. As for the Wuming Mage, he left early and did not have any contact with the immortals on Tianpeng Island.

Only much later.

Qin Wuyue and the immortal clan members suddenly reacted:

That's when they saw Isabel.

The giant beast Leviathan is also missing.

A long time passed.

Only then did they learn that the unknown mage took Leviathan with him when he left.

"Is it equivalent to your Xiahai Illusion and Leviathan being divided up by two divine mages?"

Matthew asked.

Yu Qi smiled bitterly:

"That seems to be the case."

"After that, Ms. Qin Wuyue briefly followed Ms. Isabel for a while, and the immortals on the island also joined the Seven Saints Alliance."

"As for the motivation and follow-up of the battle between the two divine mages, no one knows..."

Matthew nodded slightly.

He was not surprised by this. The unknown mage and Isabel had always had a major conflict of opinions. The two possessors of extraordinary power could not convince each other for a long time, so the use of force was almost inevitable.

But the two of them were relatively restrained.

If the Divine Mage really takes action, it is hard to say that he will destroy the world, but he should have the potential to destroy a continent!

"What is the current situation of Peng Island and Xiahai Fantasy Land that day?"

Matthew asked curiously.

Yu Qi looked sad:

"It's no longer here."

"I said before that the Xiahai illusion originated from Tianpeng's dream. Since it is a dream, it will always end one day."

"Not many years after joining the alliance, the illusion of Xiahai gradually burst like a bubble rising to the surface."

"In order to survive, the ancestors on the island moved away collectively. They found a small island near the Liberty Islands with a similar environment to Tianpeng Island and continued to thrive. But after all, that island was not the real Tianpeng Island..."

"Over the past few decades, the fairy people have gradually integrated into the continent of Irondor. Although we still adhere to some cultural traditions, more of them have been lost in the dust of history."

Matthew was slightly silent.

Yu Qi sighed a little, and then his tone became positive again:

"Actually, that's not a bad thing."

"Whether it's a person or a group, we must always look forward."

"The people on the island are living a pretty good life now. Those who are talented can become a member of the Southern Wizard Legion, and those who are not talented can also join organizations affiliated with the legion. Compared with those who are wandering around and have no fixed place to live. Refugees, we are much better.”

Yu Qi is a very optimistic person.

He told Matthew many interesting stories and rumors about Tianpeng Island.

As an astromancer.

He is very well informed.

According to his own words.

There is no news in this world that he cannot know——

"The stars tell me the truth."

This is the professional motto of the Astromancer.

Matthew immediately thought that the strong man from the Su Kingdom who sealed the Soul of the Heavenly Dragon was also an astral magician.

If the astromancer inheritance Yu Qi obtained came from that strong man.

Maybe he will know something about the sleeping soul of Tianlong!

Matthew asked this question immediately.

Unexpectedly, Yu Qi actually knew about this!

"Strictly speaking, your statement is wrong."

He said seriously:

"Back then, the senior astrologer did not seal the Heavenly Dragon Soul, but reached an agreement with the already torn apart Heavenly Dragon Soul. He used the power of the Heavenly Dragon Soul to seal the Abyss Mother Body that was causing harm everywhere on the Eastern Continent!"

"The Soul of the Heavenly Dragon is willing to become part of the seal. He is not the object of the seal. Just like the relationship between a prisoner and a jailer, the Soul of the Heavenly Dragon is the jailer, not the prisoner."

"You should know that the power of our astromancers comes from the stars in the sky."

"But not every star can grant power to the Astromancer."

"Among the stars in the sky, only those stars that have the potential to be promoted to the material world can resonate with astromancers."

"These stars can use starlight as a medium to lend us their unique power."

"And some of these stars, their star cores will give birth to star spirits, and stars blessed by star spirits will be regarded as their main stars by astrologers. The main stars can give us more powerful power, and what we have in the main material world Everything you do can also promote the growth of those stars, which is a mutually beneficial thing. "

A brief explanation of the power rules of the Astromancer.

Yu Qi said again:

"After the death of Tianlong, his soul was torn apart and scattered in every corner of the Eastern Continent, affecting weapons and disasters in the world."

"This is actually not what Tianlong Soul wants to see."

"All he wants is to regain his strength as quickly as possible."

"In this case, the senior astrologer overcame all difficulties to find the Soul of the Heavenly Dragon and reached an agreement with him——

On the one hand, the Heavenly Dragon Soul wanted to help the senior seal the abyss mother body at that time;

On the other hand, the Astromancer also promised that at some time in the future, the seven Heavenly Dragon Souls will be sent to the seven stars with the Star Spirits sitting there. During the sealing period, those Star Spirits will also help the Heavenly Dragon Soul nourish the spiritual body. , to speed up his recovery;

Those seven stars are the Seven Stars of Abyss that are familiar to astrologers.

But the problem is.

Although the senior successfully sealed the Abyss' mother body, the Abyss still broke through Su's northern portal.

After the Jade Broken Catastrophe.

The entire eastern continent became riddled with holes.

I heard that several abyss mother bodies were destroyed and the original seals were moved to other locations.

After that, the lineage of astromancers was almost cut off.

Without the maintenance of the latecomers, the Heavenly Dragon Soul could no longer absorb the nourishment of the star power of the Seven Stars of Yuanzi, and gradually became more and more violent.

In the eyes of Tianlong Soul.

It was the senior astromancer who broke his promise.

But from our point of view, it is also very helpless.

Even if it’s me.

One of the few immortals who has received the inheritance of astromancer.

But I don’t know how to maintain the sealed Heavenly Dragon Soul.

I don’t even know where the Heavenly Dragon Soul was sealed after it was transferred!

There are also many factions among astromancers.

can only say.

Compared to Tianlong, an immortal species that is almost immortal.

It is indeed difficult for human beings, who may have great power at their peak but are very short-lived, to complete contracts with them in longer dimensions.

There is such a thing as placing hope on future generations...

It’s still a bit illusory! "

Is this the truth?

Is the reason why Tianlong Soul is so violent because the descendants of the Astromancer failed to fulfill their promises?

Matthew suddenly understood.

This can understand why the Tianlong Soul on Junliu Island is relatively gentle.

"King Mingtan, or the Balance Messenger who set up the ceremonial ground back then, is probably the descendant of the ancient astrologer. They ensured that the soul of the heavenly dragon can be nourished by the experience of the seven stars of Yuanzhi, so the dragon soul there is very Easy to talk to.”

"And the Dragon Soul under the Gray Lake is unlucky. Not only is it unprotected, but it is also being pressed down by the tentacles of its old enemy. It is probably disgusting to the point of being so violent!"

Matthew analyzed it this way.

Starting from this point, if we can provide the Heavenly Dragon Soul with an appropriate amount of nourishing star power, can we solve the increasingly serious boiling phenomenon in Gray Lake?

Matthew wasn't sure yet.

But in any case, this conversation with Yu Qi benefited him a lot.

"Even Yu Qi doesn't know that there are three dragon souls sealed on the continent of Aindo. This shows that the inheritance of the Su clan has indeed been fragmented."

"Hex is right, even the magicians may not know what's under the Gray Lake!"

Matthew composed himself.

Then he talked about the situation in the Far East.

It's a pity this time.

Yu Qi said that he did not know much about the situation in the Far East.

The immortal people on Tianpeng Island have been isolated from the world a long time ago. Although they are all related to the Su people, under the long time scale, it is inevitable that the inheritance of short-lived species will be broken.

Matthew felt a little regretful.

However, Yu Qi added:

"If it's information related to the Sioux people, I can help you go to Tianshu Pavilion to check it. Well, Tianshu Pavilion is equivalent to the alliance's big library. It contains the historical materials and books of the Eastern Continent that have been collected and compiled by the ancestors of Tianpeng Island for many years."

Matthew thought for a while:

"I would like to know the information about a prisoner named Huan Long in the Far East. He was imprisoned in the Jiuyou Land by the Emperor of the Su Clan. In recent years, he seems to have found a way to influence the outside world."

"When I bumped into him, he was pretending to be the Emperor of the Sioux."

Yu Qi suddenly showed a look of astonishment:

"The emperor of the Su clan has been dead for thousands of years, is there anyone else pretending to be one?"

Matthew shrugged.

"The next time you enter Tianshu Pavilion, I will help you pay attention to this aspect."

Yu Qi promised.

Matthew naturally thanked him again and again, and asked about the way to enter Tianshu Pavilion.

Yu Qi explained that Tianshu Pavilion was built in a smaller illusion. That illusion was actually a derivative world of the Xiahai illusion. Because it was smaller, the location was more hidden, and the star magicians deliberately maintained it, it has not broken so far. .

To protect that illusion.

Only the immortals from Tianpeng Island are eligible to enter.

Hear this.

Matthew asked no more questions.

The two chatted for a while.

Then Yu Qi stood up and said goodbye.

When Yu Qi returned to the Phoenix ship, it was almost dusk.

It didn't take long.

Matthew saw a bright fireball rising over the moss-green cage——

That's a huge lantern!

The lantern was burning with an orange flame, and the flame was burning brightly. As the lantern continued to rise, the fire gradually illuminated a large area in the north.

More lanterns were raised one after another.

There is a diamond-shaped gem suspended above each giant lantern. The gem reflects a variety of colors and looks really beautiful.

"Tip: Your ally, the Southern Wizard Legion, has deployed the "Eye of Zhurong Formation".

Wherever the Eye of Zhurong shines, all invisible units will appear and be punished by the Fire of Zhurong! "

A large number of lanterns floated to the northeast and northwest.

See this scene.

Matthew also felt a little relieved.

The Abyss Army is very suitable for night attacks, but it lacks sufficient means for long-distance anti-stealth and counter-running attacks at night.

Fortunately, Yu Qi's people made up for this.

With these lanterns.

Matthew can more intuitively obtain the movements of the demon army near the Resting Wasteland——

After the advance team suffered a major setback.

The following demon army chose to stay put.

Although the Abyss Mage's portal is still transporting demons to the Resting Wasteland.

But they did not continue to move towards Rolling Stone City.

More demons chose to camp in Hagba Castle and further north.

Demons have grown brains.

This is certainly not a good thing for Matthew -

He sincerely hoped that the demons behind him would be as heroic as the advance team and attack them.

This can save him a lot of energy.


Enemies in reality are not so brainless after all.

Even the devil is like that.

"Tonight, or even before tomorrow night, it is impossible for them to march in a hurry."

In this case.

Black warrior Argus gave his own judgment:

"Although the number of demons transported to the material world has reached 50,000 to 80,000, most of them are Brazu demons who can only fight with the wind. The number of elites, cavalry demons and big demons is very small."

"They must also know your methods, master. As long as the enemy commander has some brains, he will not let his men continue to blindly die - this is equivalent to increasing your troops."

"If I were the commander of the demon army, I would definitely make sure that the number of elites is enough to defeat us on the frontal battlefield before moving on."

"And from what I see, their movements seem to be waiting for some important legion or some important person. There shouldn't be any fighting in the past two days."

Matthew nodded slightly.

His view is similar to Argus.

But don’t be careless.

If these demons don't play their cards according to the rules and force a wave of attacks, I must be ready to accept them at any time.

And in the prelude to this storm.

The benefits of the undead army are revealed again——

Skeletons and zombies are emotionless, fearless, and tireless.

As long as Matthew can give orders accurately.

They can do it happily all day long.

The morale of the cemetery will not be affected by the outside world at all.

The only one who needs to save the state is Matthew himself.

Matthew himself has "super sleep" and only needs two hours of sleep every night to feel full of energy.

Than see-sawing and suffering.

He is not afraid of anyone!

That night.

Matthew had a good sleep after saying hello to Yu Qi.

It was still midnight when I woke up.

Nothing happened on the battlefield.

He got up, washed his face, said hello to the people of the Southern French Legion, and then started his preparations for the war again.

Cemetery hill top.

Outside the original workshop on the first floor.

Matthew took out a series of cold mini stone statues, and then threw a small bucket of dragon flesh and blood on the ground covered with undead incantations.

Immediately, he carefully laid out two priceless pieces of undead Siwen, and placed the newly brewed dark oil aside.

After doing all this.

He just placed one of the stone statues with teeth and claws in the center of the magic circle.

He plans to summon a very special strategic level undead unit——

The dragon of twilight.

The dragon of twilight energy is not a real dragon.

It is an undead creature transformed from a gargoyle. Its appearance has the characteristics of a flying dragon, and it is also known for its iconic twilight breath, hence its name.

As everyone knows.

A gargoyle is a type of devil.

Thanks to Torrega, Matthew easily obtained a large number of small gargoyles as summoning materials.

But even so.

Matthew also tried his luck to see if he could successfully summon——

What makes this thing special.

It's because the success rate of summoning is too low.

So low that many necromancers doubt whether the Dragon of Dusk Air really exists!

Even White Rock City has been discussing for a while whether this thing was made up by some cheating guy to deceive the poor Necromancer group! ?

But Matthew knew that this thing was real! The reason is also very simple.

In his last life, when he was playing the role of the Necromancer, he was lucky enough to summon a dragon of twilight energy!

"Rhaega gave me 300 small gargoyle statues. It is said that the cost of a single gargoyle is about 200 gold coins, which is only 60,000 yuan, easily..."

I took inventory of the materials in my hand.

Matthew started his squandering without any psychological burden.


He personally stood in the center of the summoning circle, took a small bucket of dog blood, stuck a drop of blood with his index finger, and then placed it on the head of the gargoyle statue.

This is the process of activating a gargoyle.

The next second.

The shell of the statue began to slowly soften, and the gargoyle, which was released from the sealing state, blinked and scratched its paws, surrounded by alert and confused matter.

Immediately he saw Ma Xiu looking at him kindly.

Under the powerful aura exuded by Matthew.

The gargoyle lowered his head naturally.

"Are you willing to be my slave?"

Matthew asked pleasantly.

The gargoyle chicken nodded while pecking at the rice.

It was at that moment.

A thick dragon tooth pierced the gargoyle's body directly from behind!


The gargoyle let out a howl and died immediately.

Peggy suddenly pulled out the dragon's teeth.

Matthew immediately began to chant the summoning spell.

In an instant.

A large amount of negative energy from the magic circle poured into the corpse of the gargoyle.

at the same time.

Part of the dragon blood and dragon meat that Matthew had prepared earlier was also incorporated into it.

Wait until he finishes reciting the spell.

A gray light bloomed from the gargoyle's corpse.

Unfortunately, this light is fleeting.

The summons failed.

Matthew sighed:


A second gargoyle statue was brought up.

Still using dog blood instead of his own blood to deceive the poor gargoyle.

Just when the other party is about to agree to become his slave.

Peggy, who was hiding next to him, immediately started to kill him with dragon teeth.

Gargoyles who die in this situation will have extremely strong evil elements and revengeful psychology.

It will be eager to drag down all living things around it.

Become an undead creature like him!

And this is the general principle of making the Dragon of Dusk Air.

The gargoyle's resentment determines the probability of success.

to this end.

Matthew had to pull all sorts of scams out of the poor little devil.

Cheated to the back.

He himself felt a little sorry——

no way.

Every time he was summoned, he had to bear the aggrieved, confused and hateful look in his eyes before his death.

If it weren't for the thing itself, it wouldn't be a good thing.

Matthew really couldn’t do this!

that's all.

Matthew and Paige work together expertly.

He killed more than 100 gargoyles in one breath.

In order to preserve mana and spiritual power.

Matthew has set himself a daily try limit of 120 birds.

exceed this number.

He planned to try the remaining gargoyles tomorrow.

But what surprised him was.

It seemed that some mysterious luck had taken effect.

Just when Peggy killed the 118th gargoyle.

While Matthew was singing, he suddenly felt a hot and hateful vortex appear around the two of them!

Immediately afterwards.

An angry roar sounded in their ears:

"They all must die!"

"Everyone will be buried with him!"

But the gray light on the gargoyle's body fermented like dough.

Its body suddenly expanded to more than twice its size.

The gargoyle's wings spread out forcefully, and its appearance resembled a bipedal flying dragon.

Only those weeping eyes and the soul fire burning in them reminded him of his true identity——

This is a genuine undead figure!

"go to hell!"

The new Dragon of Twilight rushed towards Matthew angrily.

Unfortunately, he was only halfway through the flight.

He was knocked down by a huge shield!


Argus slowly put away his shield, dragged the dizzy Dragon of Twilight Qi with one hand, and brought him to Matthew.

"I won't... surrender to you!"

The Dragon of Twilight Qi is full of resentment.


Argus hit the opponent's head with another shield.

"I won't...surrender!"

The Dragon of Twilight Qi is still struggling.

Argus frowned, picked up the shield with both hands, and swung it wildly at the opponent's head!

Matthew added a brainwashing trick at the right time.

After a while.

Only a dull-witted Dragon of Twilight Qi stood there:


"Tip: You have obtained a brand new summoned unit "Dragon of Twilight"

Dragon of Twilight Qi: Level 5 undead with low combat effectiveness. It can spray fan-shaped dragon breath 3 to 8 times a day.

The target hit by the dragon's breath will be transformed into an undead at an extremely fast speed.

These undead have stronger fighting power and resentment than ordinary undead.

at the same time.

Their soul fire's lifespan is one-third that of ordinary undead. "

"Well done!"

Matthew gave Argus high praise.

He didn't instruct Argus to intervene, it was the latter who took the initiative to act according to the situation and helped.

In the cemetery.

There is a shortage of such discerning subordinates.

After encouraging the Black Warrior a few words again.

Matthew flew down the cemetery hill with the fragile Dragon of Twilight Qi.

They came to a battlefield that had not yet been cleaned up.

Under the command of Matthew.

The dragon of twilight fiercely breathed dragon breath at a pile of corpses.

Just two minutes.

All the mutilated demon corpses stood up!

Some are zombies, some are skeletons, and some are suture monsters (low-level abominations)!

Matthew's face showed a look of satisfaction.

Let’s not mention the quality for now.

What he wants is quick results!

Because there are too many corpses.

Nowadays, the undead transformation pool in the cemetery is somewhat insufficient.

On the one hand, Matthew sent people to continue building more transformation pools.

On the other hand, they are also actively exploring faster ways to transform undead.

The Dragon of Twilight Qi is one of them.

The undead transformed by the Dragon of Twilight are more like temporary workers.

As long as the excess corpses can be consumed and a certain amount of undead is produced.

Matthew's purpose was achieved.

What he wants is not high-quality undead, but cannon fodder that can carry and fight.

Without launching undead natural disasters.

The Dragon of Twilight Qi is the perfect replacement.

He took Xiaolong for a walk around the battlefield.

A blink of an eye.

There are nearly 2,000 undead in the northern wasteland!

This is an extremely terrible efficiency.

This means in the war to come.

As long as the dragon of twilight energy doesn't die.

The cemetery can continuously and efficiently transform corpses into undead!

Compared to the undead natural disaster.

It’s not easy to lose control this way!

"Finally lucky!"

Matthew assigned all these undead to Argus.

This way.

The army under General Black Warrior suddenly seemed stronger and stronger.

"The remaining gargoyles will be summoned tomorrow."

"I hope there will be another Dragon of Twilight Qi!"

Matthew ended today’s summons with satisfaction.

Just in time.

The red flame nightmare also ran back with the stray lantern in its mouth.

The task Matthew assigned to this guy is to collect the souls of demons——

This is actually not easy.

The soul of every demon belongs to the abyss. After death, their souls will be inspired by the mother body of the abyss and flee to the abyss through the nearest channel.

Only mounts like Red Flame Nightmare, which can run fast and can enter the etheric plane, can catch up with the escape speed of the demon soul.

After taking the lantern.

Matthew took a brief inventory, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"They actually brought back more than three thousand people!"

"We must let Fan Zijue get some blood this time!"

Matthew praised the Red Flame Nightmare's achievements mercilessly.

He then contacted Fan Zijue who was in the underworld through the Lost Lantern.

This thing is the soul of a devil.

Not to mention the quality, the scarcity is still very high!

At least the underworld under normal circumstances cannot receive these.

"Even if I can't exchange for the entire Sun God Spear, I should be able to convince Fan Zijue to lend me the spear for a few days, or buy it in installments..."

Matthew's mood is getting better and better.

He reached the top of the cemetery.

Overlooking the deep earth.

Before I knew it, it was already dawn, and dawn was about to break in the east.

Matthew stretched and planned to have another cup of coffee.

But at this time.

Suddenly a purple lightning flashed in front of his eyes!

Wherever lightning passes.

The sky on the distant horizon seemed to be torn into countless small holes.

The small hole in the center even split into a dark crack.

Then there was a muffled sound.

A bright red giant tongue with numerous bumps stuck out from it!

As soon as the tongue entered the main material world, it suddenly broke under the action of an inexplicable force!


A large amount of blood gushes out from the broken base of the tongue.

Blood dyed the earth red.

The huge tongue also began to collapse, turning into small tongues one after another, jumping enthusiastically on the ground!

That scene was quite horrifying.

Matthew's face instantly became extremely serious!

"Warning: You have encountered the tongue of the demon lord Eisner!

World events: In order to pass the barrier between the main material world and the abyss, Eisner took the initiative to cut his body into 100 million parts, and then threw them into the main material world in batches!

Warning: The remains of Eisner (high-ranking legend) are quickly approaching your graveyard! "

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