The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 430 Place of release and shared body

Before Matthew could speak, Margaret asked with another evil smile:


"Do you want me to call you mom?"

Matthew quickly stopped him seriously:

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Margaret said:

"I don't want to scream yet!"

"I remembered, I inspired you with your combat spells!"

"I still have many memories that are slowly recovering, but I can't allow you to take advantage of me without knowing it in the process..."

"Besides, this is a place of release, so you have to call me Miss Guardian."

"Ordinary people are not qualified to see me, let alone taste the cakes I made."

While talking.

She lifted up the honey cake again as if it were a treasure.

Matthew was infected by her emotions and became relaxed.

He took a knife, fork and plate from the kitchen, cut a piece of honey cake, and put it in his mouth to taste.

It tastes really good.

"Tip: You tasted Margaret's honey cake, and you obtained the following magical food buffs——

Legendary Intelligence +1;

Three failed saves;

Duration: seventy-two hours. "

Matthew's eyelids twitched as he guessed that the cake might be helpful.

But I didn’t expect the effect to be so powerful!

"How was this done?"

Matthew looked at the oven in the kitchen, his eyes filled with disbelief.

A buff food that can increase legendary intelligence and provide three judgment saving chances——

This can only be done by a legendary enchantment master, right?

"That's the magic of being a guardian."

Margaret was clearly pleased with Matthew's reaction.

She hummed softly, took a knife and fork, and enjoyed it happily.

She eats slowly and gracefully, like a kitten.

In comparison.

Matthew's actions were much rougher.

Soon the two of them were sharing the whole cake.

Feeling the strong feeling of fullness in his abdomen, Matthew burped lightly, and then asked seriously:

"Can you tell me what's going on now?"

"I have a lot of doubts——

Why are you here?

What is this place?

I clearly remember that I entered the Holy Land of Trolls, but in your words, how did it become a place of release?

Is this a demiplane created by Cyber ​​Dragon? "

Different from Matthew's monkey anxiety.

Margaret maintained a slow and calm demeanor from beginning to end:

"You have too many questions."

"It's too troublesome to answer them one by one. I'd better explain it to you according to my own ideas."

"Well, do you know Lan Sha Yimeng?"

Matthew nodded slightly.

Of course he knows this spell, which is a method that can make the soul travel to another world.

Everything you experience in another world is vivid, and some fragments will remain fresh in your memory long after you wake up.

According to the accounts of those who have experienced this spell.

The process of Lansha's dream was like having a wonderful dream. Many things in the dream were extremely clear, and some things became very blurry after waking up.

They seemed to be experiencing a new world firsthand——

This is indeed the case.

According to the magic principle of Lansha Yimeng, the extracted soul will enter a real different space and experience a brand new life.

This spell is a semi-taboo spell.

The main reason is that there are many paradoxes and confusions.

When Matthew and Suriel were discussing the reconstruction of Margaret's memory and personality, they thought that the latter would use Lansha Yimeng on Margaret.

But Suriel didn't do that.

Instead, Margaret was sent to Cybertron.

At that time, Matthew had a guess——

The magic weapon masters may have similar methods that are more sophisticated than Lan Sha Yimeng!

The fact was just as he suspected.

Margaret said:

"Cyberon is a great city. You must go and see it if you have the chance. I mean it, Matthew, you really have to go and see it!"

"Let's talk about it. After I went to Cyber ​​Dragon, the artificers there helped me a lot."

"They invented a very peculiar device, which they call a drop chamber. The intelligent life entering the drop chamber will experience an effect similar to Lansha Yimeng, except that the process is more realistic and can be dropped The direction also becomes precise and controllable.”

"Artificers can release the souls in the warehouse to different locations, planes and even parallel universes. It's really dreamy. It's hard for me to describe the feeling in words. It seems like you can create a few extra lives out of thin air. Experience, this can greatly enhance the thickness of your life..."

"Of course, there are also many errors in the design, use and subsequent improvement of the drop bin. Artificers call these errors bugs.

The funny thing is, they are fixing bugs almost every day.

Some bugs are very difficult to fix, while others just need to be fixed -

But it was not fixed by the magician, but the bug suddenly and inexplicably became self-consistent one day...


I had fun every day at Cybertron.

But the most interesting time is watching the scenes of those artificers scratching their heads and fixing bugs..."

So much for that.

There was a faint smile on Margaret's face.

It seems that the artificers are indeed a group of people who are easy to get along with, at least in Margaret's opinion.

And based on Matthew’s experience.

As long as you don't mind small explosions from time to time, and have the ability to stop the occasional big explosion.

Then getting along with the Artifact Master is definitely very pleasant!

"They used the magical device of the delivery cabin to release my soul into my original memory world. I experienced my previous life in a short period of time, and I also found myself and reshaped my personality. "

"But because my real body - the one that came out of your body, she doesn't grow that fast. In order to prevent cognitive confusion and to cooperate with the experiments of the artificers, they asked for my consent and My soul went somewhere else."

"Yes, I am in a state of being released now. The world we are in is also a place of release. This is not the first time I have come to a place of release. In fact, in addition to my original memory world , this is already the third place I have arrived.”

Margaret narrated methodically:

"I can still clearly remember the experience of the first two launches."

"The first world was a very primitive world. That world was filled with super giant tree species and dinosaur species that were almost as tall as giant trees.

Can you imagine?

In such a world, a caveman civilization was actually born.

I spent a brutally hilarious time as a caveman with those primitive people.

Cruelty is theirs.

Funny is mine.

This is a very subtle experience——

At first I thought I wouldn't care if they died.

Until later.

When my tribe of cavemen was attacked by a group of underground monsters.

When the separation of life and death really happened, I found that I shed tears, not at the place of release, but after coming out of the release cabin.

I cried a lot at that time.

The artificers came over to comfort me, thinking I was frightened.

But actually.

I just sympathized with what those cavemen were going through.

It’s hard for me to describe their difficult situation in words. Living is a very, very difficult thing for them. The suffocation of being nervous all the time for survival can really drive people crazy..."

"The second world is a world without magic.

It was a relatively safe world.

Due to all kinds of strange technologies and advanced technologies, people are living a very prosperous life.

I thought I would experience more time in that world.

But what I didn't expect was.

I died earlier this time——

The identity I obtained at the second place of placement was that of a low-level employee of the company, in order to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

I chose to increase my work intensity like crazy.

The results are out within a week.

I died suddenly and inexplicably.

This result hit me even harder. It made me realize two things:

First, intelligent life in some worlds is really fragile;

Secondly, not every effort in the world will yield results. In this regard, Irondor seems to be much better..."

Speaking of which.

Margaret concluded with some emotion:

"In short, everything I experienced at the place of release has become an extremely valuable experience and inspiration in my life."

"The only flaw is that it is too real, and the strong sense of reality makes it difficult to distinguish - I have seen another participant in the drop cabin become lost, and speaking of it, that person is still an old acquaintance of yours. "

Matthew was stunned for a moment, then blurted out:


Margaret smiled and said:

"It's that naughty Ta Ling!"

“After experiencing three worlds, he suddenly felt that the world where he was released was the real world, and our world of Irondor was actually a game——

The drop pod is the gateway to the real world. "

"Then he talked to me about the philosophy of life and death, games and reality. I was very annoyed by him. Fortunately, he was quickly taken away by the artificers..."

Matthew thought for a moment.

177 also strongly recommended that you go to Cyber ​​Dragon before, saying that there is a very real game, which is probably referring to this kind of delivery device.

Artificers are truly a group of miracle workers.

You actually created such a fun thing for them?

Matthew felt very itchy after hearing this.

But what he was more curious about was:

"How does this drop pod work?"

"What are the rules of the world that is released?"

"Can you get a brand new body out of thin air in an existing world? What about the original owner of the body?"

Margaret shook her head:

"I'm not an artificer. I don't know how the delivery cabin works. I can only explain my understanding based on my understanding of Lan Sha Yimeng."

"But you will know if you have experienced it yourself. It is definitely not the same principle as Lansha Yimeng. This is a very clever creation and can be called a miracle."

"As for the body, depending on the score, in some places, the Artifact Master can create a clone of you across planes, so that you can have a more realistic experience;

In other worlds, you may get a body that has just died or lost its soul. In these worlds, you still have to explain the changes in your body to the people you were close to, but it is also an interesting experience;

And in some very special places.

The artificers have created some bodies that can be shared. These bodies do not have specific ownership rights. Everyone who uses the drop cabin can obtain their temporary use rights with the permission of the artificers.

They call it shared flesh.

What I am using now is a shared body that the artificers have been using for a long time. Of course, I fine-tuned the look and feel of the flesh before this release..."

Matthew suddenly realized:

"So this world was transformed into this by cyber dragons?"

Margaret nodded:

"Yes, the demiplane of Blood Drinking Mountain itself was built by the Troll Empire under the guidance of Cyber ​​Dragon."

"After the collapse of the troll empire, the artificers believed that they should own half of this demiplane, and they wanted to continue to develop this world."

"However, the Troll Prince sealed the entrance to the Blood-Drinking Mountain, and the Cyber ​​Dragon found no other way to enter, so it adopted the method of soul injection, acquired a new identity and body in this world, and then built various strongholds "

"The magicians combined the original characteristics of Blood Drinking Mountain and guided the native creatures here to evolve one after another. They successively transformed this plane for two thousand years, and then they became you. What you see now.”

"The Blood-Drinking Mountain can be said to be a testing ground for cyber dragons to transform the world."

"In the process, they also gained the recognition of this demiplane and established a power system with the five guardians as the core."

"By the way, these five guardians all share the same body. Originally, only the artificers of the past who met the requirements of cyber dragons could serve."

"I'm probably the only exception."

Sure enough, it was transformed by Cyber ​​Dragon. No wonder many of the rules of this world are so close to those of games...

Matthew came to spirit.

He knew the point was coming.

Margaret said solemnly:

"I only recently learned that Cybertron is an organization that is much older than the Alliance. Throughout history, the Artificers have also protected the world in their own way."

"There are cyber dragon eyes and ears all over Irondor. The news that the Elf Swordmaster Tyrast intends to find Lost Paradise has long been leaked. Many people in the south have learned about this, and everyone is eager to take the position of the ancient god. "

"The Cyber ​​Dragons also learned of this news. They realized that the half-plane of Blood Drinking Mountain that had been closed for two thousand years was about to be opened to the outside world under the promotion of these careerists."

"In fact, the artificers are not willing to see this scene happen. For them, this isolated experimental site has cost them too much effort, and in the next catastrophe, the world may be destroyed. "

"But according to Cybertron's principles, they will not interfere too much in the world. Their attitude is to observe more than interfere."

"Even in this matter, despite a lot of controversy within the Artificers, Cyberdragon ultimately decided to let the situation develop naturally."

"The difference from the past is that this incident happened to happen on their territory, so they are willing to provide appropriate guidance——

That is to say.

If the resurrection of the ancient gods is inevitable.

Then Cyber ​​Dragon hopes to put the power of gods in the hands of more reliable people..."

Matthew's eyes lit up:

"Reliable person, are you talking about me?"

Margaret rolled her eyes at him:

"Of course it is me!"

"Will you help me become the most powerful ancient god?"

Matthew was startled.

Then he touched his chin:

"It's not impossible..."

Margaret chuckled:

"I lied to you."

"How could it be me or anyone else."

"The person chosen by Cyber ​​Dragon can only be you."

“Matthew from Rolling Stone.”

"It's always been like this."

Speaking of which.

Her eyes became meaningful:

"Maybe you don't know."

"Cyberron has been watching you."

"They were already paying attention to you three years ago...maybe earlier..."


Matthew's heart suddenly beat violently.

That was before I traveled through time?

"How can it be?"

He retorted subconsciously.

Today is a little short, take a rest and kowtow~

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