The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 439 The world's first necromancer!

Matthew instinctively wanted to attack.

But the next second.

He noticed some signs, so he resisted the nausea and stood there motionless.

Anne Salvens' reaction was similar to his.

A few seconds later.

The bloated tongue licked the people in the elevator box clean.

Then it was quickly retracted.

The next second.

A bright white light lit up from the darkness.

Followed by a somewhat funny voice:

"Welcome to safe house No. 779!"

"I am your butler Mr. 'Slow'. The mechanics prefer to call me Slow, but if you think these names are too troublesome, just call me Big Tongue!"

A mechanical snail about one person tall appeared in front of everyone.

Matthew took a step forward.

After stepping out of the elevator, the space in front suddenly opened up.

His eyes were mainly focused on the cool shell of the mechanical snail-

The entire shell is made of some high-strength alloy, reflecting the color of mithril under white light, giving people a very solid feeling.

The snail's soft body is covered with a thick layer of enamel.

It makes its appearance look unique.

Matthew was amazed the more he looked at it.

"This is simply the perfect combination of mechanical construction and biological enchantment!"

The mechanical snail named Big Tongue showed extremely flexible mobility.

He walked left and right in front of everyone, introducing as he walked:

"The enthusiastic licking just now was a little easter egg arranged by the mechanics."

"I hope you won't have any objections to me because of this."

"I don't think so."

"Because you are the rare guests who have not had a stress reaction due to my licking, which shows that you are of high quality. I am very happy that you can come to the safe house No. 779 as a guest."

"By the way, I have just removed all the dust from your bodies. Not only that, I have also lifted all the negative states on you, and blessed you with purification and dust-free for thirty-six hours."

"Now, you should feel that your body has become more relaxed, right?"

Matthew's heart moved.

He looked at the data column, and it was true.

The mechanic is really a bit weird, actually setting up such an easter egg in the safe house.

If it were someone with a faster reaction speed, I'm afraid he would have cut off the tongue of the big tongue long ago!

"Please follow me. Through this corridor, we will pass through the cleaning area, disinfection area and inspection area."

"In these areas, I will lead you to complete the necessary steps to enter the safe house."

"Before that, I must remind you not to bring dangerous goods into safe house No. 779."

"In addition, as long as you do not violate the regulations of the safe house, safe house No. 779 is the warmest home you will encounter in the wild."

"We will give all visitors who pass the inspection three return scrolls. As long as you are inside the Krafa city area, you can use these scrolls to return to the safe house within three to five seconds."

"The closer you are to the safe house, the faster you return. This is easy to understand, right?"

"Of course, due to some design errors, you may appear directly in the elevator shaft when using the return scroll."

"Don't worry, as long as you hold on for a while, I can lick you in with my tongue. It's not a big deal, right?"

In the nagging narration of the mechanical snail.

A group of people followed him through the three areas of the central passage.

The work in the cleaning area has been completed in the small easter egg of the first meeting;

The content of the disinfection area is to spray two special potions to eliminate toxins and plague on the body;

The last inspection area is actually a registration area.

It is to roughly register the origin of the visitor.

The group entered quite smoothly.

After seven or eight minutes.

They arrived at the interior of safe house No. 779.

The space inside the safe house is quite spacious, with an internal height of 4 to 6 meters, and a wider horizontal area.

The mechanical snail seemed very enthusiastic, and introduced in detail as he walked:

"This is the kitchen area, where spider maids and cow chefs are in charge. Most of the dishes you want to eat... are not here!"

"Don't think too much. The requirements of the strange mechanics for food are very low. As long as they can fill their stomachs, it's fine. If you really want to improve the quality of some food, you can do it yourself, but before that, you have to convince the staff in the kitchen?"

"What? You are interested in spider maids? I know that no one can resist the temptation of constructs..."

"Over there is the venting area, which contains fire-relieving robots of various races. Unfortunately, due to the limited area, if you want to experience the actual combat capabilities of dragons or giants, you may have to go to a larger safe house."

"In front is the living area and rest area. Smoking is strictly prohibited, but if you roll tobacco into explosives and smoke, you will be exempted."

"After that is the library and work area. I'm sorry, there are no strange mechanics among you, so these two functional areas will not be open to you..."

After a circle.

Matthew also had a general understanding of the structure of the safe house.

The machinists are quite capable. Not only can they build a shelter of this scale in the underground space, but they also arrange the major functional areas in perfect order.

The only thing that made him feel a little sore was his balls.

The library and work area combined occupy 98% of the entire safe house!

All other areas tied together are less than one-tenth of their size.

"Is this a safe house, or the Artificer's former underground workstation?"

Matthew had his doubts.

The group of people found a place to sit down in the rest area.

The mechanical snail serves them enthusiastically:

"Black tea or coffee?"

“Whatever you want, we don’t have it here—

Don't look at me like that, the artificers took everything with them when they left, which is why regular food from the kitchen gets a bad rap.

But as a service robot, I have to ask this question as usual even if supplies are in short supply.

This helps create a sense of intimacy for everyone..."

Annie chatted with Big Tongue for a while with great interest.

Matthew then asked:

"I want to know how this safe house implements its security function?"

"As far as I know, the biggest threat to this ancient city is the troll spirits left over from ancient times and some sleeping guardians. How did you prevent them from entering the safe house?"

He was just asking casually.

Who would have thought that the other party would actually answer honestly:

"It's horse manure."

"We used a lot of horse manure and horse hair when building the walls of the safe house..."

Speaking of which.

The faces of Annie and other trolls suddenly changed, and their expressions became very unnatural!

Big Tongue said bluntly:

"As we all know, ancient trolls hate horses from the bottom of their hearts. Horse dung and horse hair will make them feel disgusted, so they can resist the invasion of troll spirits."

"The reason is said to be because the ancient trolls were deliberately designed by the cursed ancient god Aedouin when they were taming horses.

He cursed the trolls with allergies to horse hair.


Many ancient trolls developed severe allergic reactions during the process of domesticating horses.

It can range from itching all over the body and crying, to severe symptoms such as fever, amnesia, and death.

In some remote troll tribe.

There have even been small-scale epidemics caused by horse hair allergies.

To this day.

Trolls still can't ride horses like humans. Their size is not suitable for riding horses on the one hand, and the deliberate influence of the cursed ancient gods on the other.

Over time.

The ancient trolls stayed away from such creatures as horses.

They don't even dare to go where horses roam in large groups, and they treat horse dung and horse hair like tigers.

This point has been deeply engraved in the bloodline inheritance of the trolls.

Therefore, ancient trolls would basically take a detour when they encountered a place with horse dung or horse hair.

Even the troll wraiths are like this.

Their keen senses allow them to discern the materials within the walls of a safe house.

So I won't come here to harass you. "

Speaking of which.

Big Tongue explained to the trolls:

"But as far as I know, today's troll clan has come out of the shadows that cursed the ancient gods. Your body is no longer allergic to horse hair, but you still have some psychological shadows, but you should be able to overcome it, right? ?”

Anne nodded unnaturally:

"You're right, horse hair and horse dung are no big deal to us anymore."

But Matthew noticed.

Before saying this, the Troll Princess held her breath for more than forty seconds!

And judging by the reaction of the trolls.

Their psychological shadows have obviously not disappeared as the mechanical snail said.

"This is a useful little bit of knowledge."

Matthew made a mental note.

after awhile.

A Bing suddenly made a gesture to him. After the two of them walked aside, he handed a tiny piece of hair into Matthew's hand.

"Did Li Ang fall behind?"

Matthew asked.

A Bing nodded.

Some of Matthew's doubts were answered——

Although the legendary archer fled without a single hit, Matthew still asked the soldiers to check the location where the opponent launched the attack.

Hope to find some clues.

Now this horse hair obviously comes from Li Ang!

"No wonder he dared to catch up alone, with a posture that is not afraid of the night..."

Matthew touched his chin.


Little Ingram and his team knew about the restraining effect of horse hair or horse dung on troll spirits before they did.

This is one of the reasons why they seem so confident.

"According to this statement, as long as I hold a certain amount of horse hair or horse dung, wouldn't it be possible to pass through the ancient city of Krafa at night without any hindrance?"

Matthew asked.

Big Tongue patiently explained:

"not that simple."

"You have to know that ghosts are not living creatures. They are not allergic to horse hair or horse dung. They just instinctively hate these things."

"But disgust is not fear. If you appear directly in his sight, they may still suppress their nausea and kill you. Therefore, in Krafa City at night, it is best not to wander around outside, as this will increase the risk of contact with giants. The probability of meeting the evil spirit."

"Even if you think you are skilled and brave enough to easily defeat ordinary troll ghosts, according to the experience of the artificers, once the number of troll ghosts decreases sharply, the resentment in this city may summon more powerful resentful creatures, which are the regrets of terrible lives active in the dark ages, and even the gods will retreat..."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Then they took a rest.

To be fair, Matthew was still a little stressed to be in the same room with such a large group of trolls.

Especially, the troll princess Anne Salvens did not hide her concern for Matthew at all.

And what she was concerned about.

Holiday beside her was naturally concerned about something.

Being stared at by these two people.

Matthew's nerves were no less tense than when he was carrying the prey mark of the legendary archer.

So he quickly found an excuse to leave the public rest area, asked Big Tongue for a separate lounge, and let A Bing and Peggy stand guard at the door, and he went in alone.

After entering the room.

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

He relaxed his mind and adjusted his state through meditation and supplements.


He sank his mental power into the Jaeger Blade to check the condition of Princess Ruiqi's soul.

Who knew that Matthew had just probed a ray of mental power into the golden knife.

He saw an extremely horrifying scene-

Ruiqi's soul was tied up on the stone pillar in the center of the altar.

Under the altar.

Wet tentacles were whipping her soul alternately!

Although there were mysterious guardian runes guarding outside the spirit body.

But every twitch of those tentacles would make Ruiqi scream like tearing the sky.

Matthew rushed over to stop the brutal behavior of the Jaeger Blade.

On the altar.

The tentacles sank into the ground one after another.

Matthew vaguely caught a trace of puzzlement from the Jaeger Blade.


"Hint: Jaeger's Blade is not satisfied with your cowardly behavior.

It believes that the troll princess, Richie Salvens, should be trained into a banshee or a voluptuous spirit according to convention."


Jaeger's Blade has this function?

Matthew was secretly surprised.

But when he thought that this was the weapon of the god of death, everything became reasonable.

At this moment.

Matthew controlled the mental power to come to Richie's side.

The latter broke free from the restraint of the tentacles and grabbed Matthew like crazy:

"Save me!"

"Save me!"

"Take me away from here!"

Her voice was like crazy. Matthew tried to communicate with her several times, but the other party seemed to have been closed by fear and had no ability to interact with people.

In desperation.

Matthew had to condense his mental power into a long whip——


With three consecutive crisp sounds, the long whip was whipped on Richie's spirit.

She wailed in pain, and the guardian rune became much dimmer.

At the same time.

She was also much more conscious.

"Can you hear me now?"

Matthew asked calmly.

A deep fear flashed in Rich's eyes, and then she said "hmm" obediently.

"You should know who I am. You and I both know what you want to do by breaking into my magic range. For me, those are all in the past. What's important is what will happen next."

Matthew said bluntly:

"First of all, I can't let you go."

"Secondly, if you answer some of my questions truthfully, I will make your situation a little better than it is now."

Ricky was a little desperate.

But she nodded quickly and said:

"I will answer all your questions truthfully."

Matthew first reviewed some topics he had talked about with Annie.

These included the origin of Twin Heaven and the current situation of the Troll Kingdom.

Generally speaking.

Anne did not lie to Matthew.

It's just that Ricky said more things to save her life.

Matthew learned from her.

Today, the Salvens family is facing a dilemma of lack of successors. Although Anne and Ricky's father, the patriarch of the Salvens family, is in his prime and has amazing legendary strength, his descendants are not good enough.

The second generation of the troll royal family originally had six members, three men and three women.

Among the three men, one died young, one died in the war between the trolls and the barbarians, and the remaining troll prince was rebellious by nature and left the family many years ago. It is said that he was very close to the barbarians, the mortal enemy of the trolls.

Of the three remaining women, Anne is the eldest, Ricky is the second, and there is a princess who is even younger.

This situation is indeed a bit embarrassing for a royal family.

Although the Troll Kingdom was successfully established.

The Salvens family still faces great pressure both inside and outside.

It was under such circumstances.

Anne and Ricky took on the responsibility of leading the team to find the Lost Paradise.

According to Ricky.

This task was given to them by their father.

The latter said that she was inspired by the troll god in her dream.

Considering that the king of the troll kingdom is also a legendary warrior.

The phantom dragon should not be able to deceive him in a dream.

Matthew believes that the probability that the real summoner is Paradise Lost has increased by another 10%.


Matthew asked Ruiqi for other information.

Ruiqi no longer has the high spirits when he first charged into the fish crowd.

She talked about almost everything she knew.

Come down in half an hour.

Matthew turned Annie's team upside down and almost knew the color of Holiday's underwear!

Even Anne's weaknesses.

She told Matthew everything!

This surprised him very much.

"This guy is really ruthless in his selling!"

Matthew murmured in his mind.

At this moment.

Ruiqi suddenly asked cautiously:

"You really can't let me out?"

"I can sign a contract with you in the form of a slave. I will never betray you. I will become your most loyal female slave..."

Matthew interrupted:

"Forget it."

Ricky's eyes became much darker.

Matthew sensed the other person's emotional changes and continued to control the rhythm of the conversation:

"But the information you just mentioned is indeed of great use to me."

"I decided to take you away from this place and provide you with a relatively safe place to live."

"In addition, you can also make some small requests. As long as they are not excessive, I will satisfy you."

Ricky thought for a moment.

What he said next surprised Matthew:

"If you really don't want to let me out."

"Then I have only one request left from now on."

"I hope you will treat Anne Salvins the same way you treat me!"

Ricky looked at Matthew expectantly:

"I will do my best to help you and conquer her soul!"

"Don't you want us two sisters to serve you together?"

Matthew looked at the earnest face.

A chill could not help but surge through my heart.

"You want her to be my slave girl?"

he asks.

Ricky said excitedly:

"I want her dead!"

"Why can she still live well after I die?"

"Since she is a sister, she should suffer the same fate as me!"

while talking.

Her soul trembled slightly, feeling an uncontrollable pleasure.

Matthew was silent.

"I see."

He dropped these words and then threw Ricky's soul into the Lost Lantern.

When leaving Jaeger's Blade.

Matthew could clearly feel a sense of ridicule coming from the altar——

"See, I said she's very suitable to be trained into a succubus."

"According to this vicious intention, she is even qualified to become the new Banshee King..."

Consciousness returns to itself.

Matthew took another nap in the room.

He then left the room, first to see if the others had successfully reached the safe house.

Just opened the door.

He heard a group of trolls surrounding Jia Siliwen.

The latter is talking eloquently:

"...Do you know how the original Necromancer was born?"

"That was in the dark ages. Oh, the dark ages were such a good time. It's a pity that you didn't catch up. At that time, if you went out to eat some fruit and did something special, you would have the chance to become a god. But it's different now. , the good times have passed..."

"Back to the Necromancer."

"In an ancient city-state in the North, there was a young man whose family was living in poverty. Because he had been receiving financial support from his neighbor's sister for a long time, he developed a strong affection for the latter."

"She was a cheerful, outgoing woman who could get along with everyone."

"The boy likes that sister very much, but in her eyes, he is just a weak and young brother, and his love has been ignored and suppressed for a long time."

"In the end, the boy feels inferior because of the current situation and goes crazy with love."

"Once, a meteor landed near that city-state. The boy risked his life to find a miracle, and he actually found an ancient prayer stone."

"As we all know, each ancient prayer stone has three opportunities to pray."

"The boy was so excited that the first wish he prayed for was that the sister next door would fall in love with him."

"However, this prayer failed."

"The young man was unwilling to give in and prayed a second time."

"But it still failed."

"In anger, the young man angrily started praying for the third time."

"He prayed that all those who had an affair with the neighbor sister would die on the spot and become slaves under his control."

"The prayer was successful."

"After that day, more than two-thirds of the men in that city-state died suddenly and became undead wandering the streets."

"And that young man also became the master of those undead souls as he wished."

"This is how the world's first necromancer came about."

The trolls were stunned.

Only one of the trolls said with envy:

"Can this make me a powerful necromancer?"

"I also want to be such a lucky person."

Mo Song, the traveler god beside him, nodded.

The troll asked:

"Do you want to be that boy too?"

Mo Song shook his head:

“I want to be that sister.”

In the lounge.

It suddenly became extremely quiet.

This chapter is 6K, and another chapter of 2~3K will be updated at noon tomorrow. From now on, the daily update time will be adjusted from zero to 12 noon! I really don’t want to be a person in the underworld anymore. I hope everyone will understand and kowtow!

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