The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 441: Sacrifice Moment and Blood Angels

"What benefit has little Ingram given you?"

Matthew looked at Sen Er standing at the entrance calmly.

The latter said with an innocent face:

"If I said that I just wanted to take you away from this place of right and wrong, would you believe it?"


He pointed with his index finger to the dagger that was stuck straight into the floor, and then crossed his fingers.

The next second.

A burst of blue light lit up on the dagger, and there were faint runes for teleportation spells in the halo.

Immediately afterwards.

The dagger disappeared, and there was also less dust on the ground.

"Look, this dagger is a teleportation beacon. I was just planning to take you away. You misunderstood my good intentions..."

Sener sighed with regret.

However, Matthew was not moved at all:

"I actually want to believe you."

"But the so-called beacon and killing weapon are all in your mind."

"You don't seem to be planning to win my trust, but you just took action."

"The consequences of this are obvious."

"You broke the rules, Sener!"

Sen'er's pupils shrank slightly, but his expression was still calm.

At this moment.

A young and handsome man walked through the passage.

He appeared like a king surrounded by elemental beings.

There was a faint smile and pride on his face, giving people a feeling of being naturally superior to others.

"Let me tell you, if you hadn't rescued them outside the city, there wouldn't be so many things happening now."

Little Ingram said to Sener calmly.

Sen'er laughed softly and said:

"Everything is unpredictable."

"If you had thrown such a bargaining chip to me when you were outside the city, I certainly wouldn't have done anything unnecessary."

"Okay, my mission has been completed, and the rest will be left to you."

"Goodbye, my friends..."

As the air around Sen'er twisted slightly, his figure disappeared from the place.

And in perception.

His breath was gone too.


At the entrance of the safe house, only Ingram and his group were left confronting each other with Matthew and others.

The mechanical snail crawled over:

"Hey, I told you, this is a safe house, no force can be used."

"What's going on with you people? You even broke the door. Logically speaking, you need to compensate for this!"

Little Ingram looked at the mechanical snail quite like a gentleman, but after the other party finished speaking, he couldn't help but show ridicule and contempt on his face:

"So what kind of object are you?"

"Rust snail, or snail robot?"

The mechanical snail introduced himself seriously:

"I am the housekeeper of safe house No. 779, you can call me Mr. Slow..."

However, his conversation with Ingram Jr. is not over yet.

There were bursts of cold light behind Matthew again.

at the same time.

The Silver Dragon Secret Treasure that had already been captured by him erupted into a warning almost simultaneously!

"No, Sen'er didn't leave!"

Matthew took a step back, and his back unconsciously pressed against the wall.

The next second.

With him as the center, four shadows appeared about three meters apart!


Not four.

But five——

In his peripheral vision, Matthew noticed that there was a shadow above his head that was attacking him at an extremely terrifying speed!

These are all Sener's clones!

that moment.

The hair on Matthew's body stood up. Faced with a sneak attack from a rogue who was suspected to be a legendary-level rogue, he had to do his best to take it seriously!

Be the first to blink.

Matthew activated his ability "Above the Dragon" without hesitation!

This is a powerful intimidating ability that will cause all those close to you to withstand a will test that exceeds the dragon's power.

The second blinks.

Matthew simultaneously opened up the two most skilled fields——

"Oak" and "Immortal"!

In the process of opening the field, two air waves with the ability to resist were pushed to the side.

This is the resistance reaction produced when the realm is opened, and ordinary people cannot resist it at all.

But a surprising scene appeared——

Sen'er's five clones were actually directly immune to Matthew's dragon!

With Sen'er's strong resistance, it is not surprising that his body can be completely immune, but even five clones can achieve this level, which shows how terrifying the other party's achievements in the field of will are!

And when facing the waves generated in the two major fields.

The clones almost made the same movements. They jumped up on the spot and twisted their waists slightly. The moment they came into contact with the air wave, all the clones briefly disappeared in place.

And when the storm passes.

They reappeared and then pounced on Matthew!

This moment of opportunity is very difficult to capture. I am afraid that only after experiencing hundreds of battles and even training repeatedly with training subjects who own the field can we do this!

Seeing that the five Seners were about to pounce on him.

At the critical moment.

Matthew's third instinctive reaction also followed -

He opened his mouth as wide as it would go.

Let out an unprecedented roar:


"Ability: Scream back"!

crucial moment.

This ability based on the celebrity realm has finally come into play, perhaps because Matthew is too famous now.

The five clones faltered in their movements almost at the same time.


They reluctantly took three steps back!

Don't underestimate these three steps. This little buffer space is enough for Matthew to get out of trouble!

What's more, he is not fighting alone!

"Stay away from Matthew!"

Claire came up to rescue him immediately. The orc swordsman swung two swords in one hand and slashed very fiercely. In three rounds, she forced a clone of Sener into a desperate situation!

At the same time.

Peggy, A Bing, Annie and Holiday also took action.

They each found a clone of Sener and fought with it.

Seeing the two trolls join, Sener's eyes flashed a strange color, but in a hurry, his sneak attack failed, and he could only face the fierce counterattack of Matthew and his companions!

The advantage of the wanderer is to wait for the opportunity, not to fight head-on, even the legendary wanderer is the same.

After a few rounds.

Almost all the clones were at a disadvantage on the surface, and they began to dodge and retreat.

At this time.

The lazy duo who had just fled also returned to the scene, but they did not participate in the close combat with Sen'er's clones, but cast buffing or debuffing spells from a distance.

The God of Travelers cast a "Swift Wind" on Matthew and others, and a Weakness spell on Sen'er's clone, and then began to verbally support them with the look of exhausting mana and going all out;

Gasliwen was even more excessive.

She pretended to cast several buffing spells on Matthew.

Matthew glanced at the data bar.


What "Golden Spear Spell", "Delay Spell", "Double Dragon Spell"... At first glance, it's the evil ways of the Red Chapter series!

Matthew resisted the swelling in his lower body and took the time to glare at her. The latter then smiled and removed these buffs and started to cast serious buffing tricks.

After the crisis was temporarily resolved.

Matthew looked at Sen'er's clones calmly.


He threw a bright spell mark at one of the clones!

At the moment the mark hit.

Matthew could clearly read a hint of surprise in the other party's eyes.

"This must be his real body!"

Matthew was fully confident about this -

When he was threatened by Sen'er, he never forgot to observe the details of the other party's body.

Just when he used "Shout Back".

The other four clones immediately became stiff and then retreated.

Only this one became stiff a little later than the others!

Matthew therefore judged that Sen'er's real body was exempt from "Shout Back", but at that time the others had already surrounded him, especially Claire's blade threat index was very high. With the empty door behind her, it would be disadvantageous for him to continue to entangle Matthew, so he pretended to be shocked and continued to hide his real body in the clone.


Matthew successfully captured this detail.

In addition.

He also realized that Sen'er was close to him, but he didn't have a weapon in his hand. He came empty-handed!

Although a wanderer of his level can cut out a weapon at any time with bare hands.

But Matthew's intuition told him.

Sen'er's purpose is not to take his life...

"Exclude this possibility, then the answer is quite clear."

Matthew's thinking is unprecedentedly clear.

Thieves have two purposes for doing things, either to kill or to steal money!

But no matter what.

Since Sen'er broke the rules set by Terrast, it is not Matthew's fault for turning against him at this time.

At the moment, he pointed directly at Sen'er's original body:

"Give up other targets and kill him!"

To show his determination, he directly cast a "weakness spell" at the other party!

Seeing this, the others also gave up the attack targets in front of them and rushed towards Sen'er's original body.

Critical moment.

Sen'er showed the superb skills of a top wanderer. He took a series of extremely exquisite steps back, twisting his body like a phantom, and then successfully distanced himself from everyone with the help of a technique similar to shrinking the earth into an inch.


He dropped three smoke bombs on the ground and tried to escape into the shadows.

But at this moment.

Anne Salvens suddenly stood up and shouted at the place where the smoke rose.

Anne used the ancient troll language.

Matthew could not understand the individual words, but he could feel the energy of the language bursting out of her mouth.

That was...

the power to purify everything!

The bright light burst out from the smoke bomb, and all the smoke, shadows, and illusions disappeared.

Even Sener, who was about to step into the shadow plane, was "pulled" back by the purifying power.

At the same time.

Claire's blade was about to cut Sener's spine.

At the critical moment.

Sener crouched again and uttered a quick spell.

As the spell sounded.

Sener's spine softened sharply, and then twisted into an S shape -

In this process.

Matthew noticed a strong shadow on his spine!

"He solidified his spine into a bridge to the shadow world?"

Matthew's eyes flashed with surprise.

In an instant.

A large number of shadow creatures jumped out from the spine behind Sen'er.

Although these shadow creatures are small in size, only about half the size of cats and dogs, there are too many of them, and they rush towards Claire and others without fear of death.

This time.

Finally, Sen Er won a good opportunity to retreat.


Under the cover of another smoke bomb, Sen'er finally washed away the spell marks on his body and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Matthew stared intently in the direction of the smoke bomb.

The moment Sen Er disappeared.

He actually had a chance to take action, but after much hesitation, Matthew decided to hold back for the time being——

A ruthless character like Sener who has been hunted by the Alliance for many years.

The ability to escape and save one's life is definitely not lacking.

That's all if you don't take action yourself.

If you take action, even if you can't kill the opponent, you must at least teach him a profound lesson!

He needs to wait for a better time.


Matthew's balanced perception is already in full swing.

He could sense every abnormal flow of elements in the safe house, as if he had opened his eyes and had everything under control.

This feeling made him excited and happy.

When facing Sener.

He felt unprecedented pressure, but at the same time, he also became more excited than ever!

This is an instinct derived from the field of combat!

This is the powerful potential that life bursts out when it faces a powerful enemy because it is unwilling to accept the destiny!

This is the path of evolution for the world of Irondor.

It is also a blood-soaking battle baptism.

Matthew vaguely captured something. He was a call from a higher level in the field of combat!

"calm down……"

He paid keen attention to the changes in the elements in the safe house.

Except for leaving a small portion of the focus to Ingram Jr.

Matthew put almost all his energy into Sener.

In the safe house.

The rest of the people are still alert to Sener's possible attack with Matthew.

The elemental creatures are already in close combat with the trolls.

The trolls' individual combat effectiveness is quite good, but Little Ingram's summons are well versed in cooperative tactics.

These elemental creatures advance and retreat like soldiers.

The two sides had just fought.

The trolls showed an overwhelming victory.

Can move backwards over time.

Elemental creatures repeatedly pull, cooperate, connect, and counterattack...

Instead, the trolls lost their initial vigor and soon reached a state of exhaustion.

This is even when little Ingram never used spells from beginning to end!

"There are still too many elemental creatures..."

Seeing Annie's face looking a little unhappy.

Matthew comforted him gently.

At this moment.

Mo Song suddenly intervened:

"Hey Matthew, things are looking bad. We need to get out of here."

Matthew glanced at him:

"Can you open a portal to the outside world?"

"As far as I know, except for the fixed exit, there is no way to use teleportation spells inside this safe house."

Mo Song smiled:

"I just made it clear that you can't teleport from the outside in, but you can teleport from the inside to the outside."

"How about I open the door and everyone should evacuate..."

While talking.

He walked toward Matthew, as if trying to open a portal in the wall behind him.

Just when the two sides were alternating positions.

Matthew suddenly grabbed the magic bag from his waist, and then threw it in the direction of little Ingram!

Mo Song was slightly startled.

He instinctively wanted to grab the magic bag, but halfway through, his hand suddenly retracted.

It was at that moment.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Matthew's mocking smile.


The Miaofa luggage exploded in mid-air. It was an ordinary stone.


It's a trivial trick.

"You don't think I'm really a fool for you to fool, do you?"

Matthew sneered.

A biting cold light began to appear on his body, but the power came from the sacrifice field!

"Mo Song" lowered his head and tried to escape forcefully.

But how could Matthew, who had been prepared long ago, let go of such an opportunity?

Accompanied by the surge of power in the sacrificial domain.

His fingers also lifted——

"Human Body Holding Technique"!

This spell comes first and comes later, because at the moment when the spell breaks out, the "moment of sacrifice" from the field of sacrifice has been resolutely activated by Matthew!

"Reminder: You sacrificed all the non-contract summons in your name (this plane/Blood Drinking Mountain)!

All the dark servants (murlocs) you summoned have been sacrificed!

In the next three minutes, you will receive the following attribute bonuses——


Triple mana;-

Triple spell power;-

Triple cast speed;


300% spell bloodsteal;


Triple spell hit modifier;"


A gray light shone on Sen'er's body, and the human immobilization technique, which had been enhanced by legendary corrections and three times the magic power, showed an unprecedentedly powerful effect.

Sener failed the saving throw and froze in place!

His face turned pale, and he obviously felt great trouble from the aura emanating from Matthew.

Between the lightning and flint.

Sen'er suddenly raised his head and let out a sharp whistling sound——


He digested a piece of "Legendary Resistance" and was exempted from the effect of this immobilization judgment!


He took a step forward, trying to escape into the shadows.

But at that moment.

There was suddenly an inconspicuous stumbling block under his feet!

For some reason.

As a top wanderer, Sen'er actually avoided the stumbling block. His body lost balance, which greatly slowed down his speed of entering the shadows.

"Woo woo woo..."

The touch of death and the pale hand whistled.

Without looking back, Sen'er resolutely escaped into the shadows-

Pah pa!

At that moment.

The terrifying tentacles emitting negative energy slapped Sen'er's back twice in succession!

Sen'er's face turned as white as a piece of paper in an instant, and blood gushed out of the corners of his mouth.

But he still escaped into the shadows.

A few seconds later.

Sen'er slowly appeared in another corner of the safe house, and he looked at Matthew with a complicated expression.

At the same time.

He took out three bottles of potions of different colors in one breath and drank them.

Matthew also looked at him silently.

A trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

"Hint: Sen'er took "Lucky Star Potion", "Lucky Amniotic Fluid", "Strong Life Tonic" in succession...

Sen'er successfully exempted from the instant death effect!

Sen'er's current status is "moderately injured/negative energy erosion"!"

"You're still rich, but you didn't kill him in one second..."

Matthew shook his head.

This is actually a rare opportunity. Although Sen'er is amazing, he is still a fragile wanderer after all.

The spell power enhancement provided by "Sacrifice Moment" is calculated independently after the legendary correction!

This means that in these three minutes, Matthew burst out the lethality of a top legendary mage!

He did it with the purpose of killing Sen'er in one second.

What a pity.

This is the embarrassment of instant death damage. Even if the probability is high, the opponent has a chance of survival.

Even so.

Matthew's sudden attack also gave Sen'er a head-on blow.

The latter's eyes were full of fear.

He said coldly to the little Ingram who was standing by and watching:

"Do you want to take a nap before you start?"

Little Ingram smiled slightly:

"Don't worry."

"You will get what you want."

Sen'er snorted coldly and hid in the shadows again.

However, what he didn't expect was.

In the shadows.

There was already someone waiting for him!


"This kind of stuff also wants to stop me?"

Sen'er's eyes narrowed into a line, like a venomous snake about to attack.

There seemed to be an endless river of shadows in front of him.

On the other side of the river.

The double-blade sage just silently drew out his sword.

Clank clank.

The silent and fierce collision intertwined into a net in the black and white light and shadow.


The scene in the net became blurred.

All the shadow creatures nearby fled in all directions!

Only the river of shadows remained.

Still flowing continuously.

"Sen'er still has something..."

Matthew raised his eyebrows.

In the close combat in the shadow world, Bing was completely at a disadvantage!

This is a comprehensive gap in skills, levels, experience, abilities, and fields.

It is reflected in the specific combat level.

That is, Bing was chased and beaten by Sen'er. If it were not for the extremely strong mobility of the Double Blade Sage, especially the ability of "Flash \u0026 Slash" which was greatly enhanced in the shadow world.

I am afraid that Bing would have become a pile of bones by now!

You know.

Sen'er is now injured!

"We can't let him and Bing fight alone..."

Matthew was about to support Bing, but at this moment, Peggy suddenly dived into the shadow world!

At this time.

Matthew didn't have time to ask "How do you have this skill?"

But seeing Peggy only attacking Sen'er's back, the latter calmly dodged and slashed Peggy's butt with a backhand knife -

Fortunately, it was just a phantom.

The three of them then started a melee.

From the scene, Sen'er still had an absolute advantage.

But Peggy obviously had a stronger frontal resistance ability than Bing.

Her mobility is the worst among the three.

But for some reason, she can withstand Sen'er's violent attack.

Matthew observed.

He realized that this might be related to Sen'er's more cautious and conservative offensive strategy when facing Peggy.

On the other hand.

A Bing is also growing rapidly in this two-on-one melee.

Matthew can clearly feel that his combat experience is soaring!

Sure enough.

Actual combat is the shortcut to rapid progress.

This rapid improvement in skills cannot be achieved by external force reinforcement.

In general.

A Bing and Peggy two to one, successfully pressed Sen'er into the shadow world.

The situation on the front battlefield was also eased with the addition of Claire-

This female orc is really too fierce.

Every battle.

She seems to be experiencing the last battle in her life, as if she is defending the most precious thing in her life!

Also using double swords.

A Bing's double swords are more elegant and cold.

And Claire's double swords are completely violent and accurate, and every sword is deadly.

Her blade carries a layer of chi, enough to cause severe burns to elemental life.

After Claire joins the battlefield.

The two lines of defense formed by the coordinated cooperation of the elemental beings were quickly torn apart.

After a few rounds.

Not to mention the howling elemental beings who were chopped down, even the trolls fighting side by side were in awe of this skilled female swordsman, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Two minutes left..."

Matthew silently calculated the effective time of "Sacrifice Moment". He must make good use of this time to obtain additional BUFF, otherwise when the effect wears off, the situation will inevitably become more difficult to fight.


Just when he was about to take action.

There has already been a change on Ingram's side.

But seeing him, Shi Shiran took out a dark red curtain, and then threw the curtain into the open space next to it.

The next second.

Where the curtain had covered them, corpses appeared one after another.

These corpses were like flower petals, with their heads arranged in a circle towards the center.

Matthew saw it clearly.

There are a total of twelve corpses from different races around, and in the center of these corpses, suspended, is an extremely miniaturized villain.

The little man's eyes were bound by a piece of pitch-black burnt velvet, and he seemed to be in a dormant state.

even so.

The four pairs of wings swaying slightly behind the villain also reveal his absolute identity——

"Stigmata Angel?"

"Warning: You encountered the Stigmata Angel "Ulmas" (dead)!

Little Ingram is using the original sacrificial ritual to try to resurrect Ulmas! "

Matthew's nerves were tense instantly.

"Time is up……"

A satisfied smile appeared on little Ingram's face, and the next second, a long bell rang in everyone's ears.

The bell came from the depths of the ancient city of Krafa, and seemed to come from the other side of the endless universe.

The bells ring continuously in people's hearts, forming a long-lasting echo.

"Resurrection, my ancestors..."

Little Ingram enthusiastically wrapped the red curtain around himself, and then showed a cruel smile on his face.

"You all must die..."

His eyes scanned the entire audience.

But at this time.

The mechanical snail, which had been ignored by everyone, suddenly appeared on the side. There was an open small darkroom behind him. It was easy to tell from the traces on the ground that he had just walked out of the darkroom:

"Since you are unwilling to listen to my warning."

"I can only activate the security protocol of the safe house."

His words trailed off.

There was a loud bang!

A shocking explosion occurred throughout the safe house!

Everyone was drowned in the unprecedented explosion of fire!

Opposite the Magic Tower.

On a small flat roof with a height of three stories.

Horse manure and horse hair were scattered around.

Ordesia, the mother of the black dragon, and Leon, the star of the dawn, stood in the circle, silently watching the situation in the tower.

"Little Ingram is a really weird guy."

"He was obviously very angry that I left alone, but then he ran over to help him in person. Was he afraid that I would steal his limelight?"

Li Ang yawned boredly.

"He is the lord of Canning, the spokesperson of order, and he considers himself to be our leader."

"He has a unique understanding of what it means to be a leader, and that means protecting all those who are loyal to him."

"Although you have offended him, as long as you do not leave this organization, he will still protect you. This is his principle."

The Black Dragon Mother said calmly:

"But his temporary change of plan was not all because of you, but because he accidentally met a suitable partner."

Li Ang snorted:

"That cunning wanderer."

Ordesia said calmly:

"That's a very scary guy. I suspect that if any of the three of us went alone and faced him, we would be hit hard!"

Although Li Ang was arrogant, he rarely refuted these words.

"If that rogue is so dangerous, why should we cooperate with him?"

Li Ang asked.

"Part of the reason is that I need to get my purification staff back, and part of the reason is that the Blood Angel Ulmas has been sleeping for too long. After his resurrection, he will definitely need a lot of high-quality blood food and souls as tribute."

"If Ulmas is not satisfied, Ingram Jr. may even suffer from it."

Ordesia said:

"The quantity of blood food in this city is too small, or the quality is not enough, such as those fishmen, or the strength is too strong, such as those lunatics in the north."

"Those trolls and those who stole my staff, they are the best victims."

"I happened to hear that they were hiding in a confined space again, which created almost perfect conditions for the resurrection of the Blood Angels. In this case, of course, little Ingram is willing to cooperate with him."

"I guess after dawn, the only two people who walked out of the so-called safe house were Little Ingram and Blood Angel..."

"Do you understand now why he insisted on keeping us outside?"

Li Ang was slightly startled:

"He wants to trap and kill the rogue inside?"

Ordesia smiled coldly:


"That greedy wanderer dared to plot the sacred artifact left behind by the God of Murder."

"Little Ingram promised him the weapon in a false way. In fact, the weapon has already been reserved by the Blood Angel Urmas. Those holding the holy weapon will become Urmas's priority target..."

"No one can survive Urmas's dagger. Tonight is destined to be a night of massacre!"

Speaking of this.

A sickly blush appeared on Ordesia's face.

Her eyes were full of anticipation, and she wished that dawn would come the next moment.

But at that time.

The space near the Magic Tower was strangely distorted.


Countless figures suddenly appeared around!

Everyone's expression was full of surprise and fear, as if they were suddenly thrown out!


"Tip: The teleportation bomb was detonated in safe house No. 779, and you have been teleported to the outside world.

The door of the safe house has been closed again and entered the shelter mode.

Use the return scroll to return to the shelter."


Matthew was determined.

The next second.

He suddenly found a young hunter standing next to him with a stunned face.


Matthew's face lit up, and he raised his hand to cast a "Massive Transfiguration"!


Under the spell of the moment of sacrifice.

The super fast casting speed caught Aldessia and Leon off guard.

The stronger spell power penetrated the legendary resistance and immunity.

In a blink of an eye.

They became two goats that were at the mercy of others!

One of the goats fled to the side in panic.

The other goat actually lowered its head and attacked Matthew's crotch with its horns raised!

Matthew sneered.

He shook his right hand, and suddenly two tombstones appeared in front of him. The goat had no time to slow down, and it hit the tombstones head-on, and fell to the ground in a mess!

However, the effect of the malicious transformation was still not lifted.

Matthew casually pulled out a weapon from behind, and walked towards the dizzy goat like a butcher!

"I caught you."

"Little goat."

He smiled softly.


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