The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 445 Phase Power and Star Fish Head

The green light all over the sky slowly converged.

Immediately afterwards.

Two traces of green appeared in Matthew's field of vision, and soon, the green green turned into a strong blood mark.

A large amount of blood gushes out from the wounds of the two super-powerful figures, and they fall to the ground like two waterfalls!

But the color of the waterfall is dark red.

Matthew saw it with surprise.

The sword struck by Tyrast just tore open the stomach of Inspector Wuken, as well as the chest and shoulder blades of Blood Angel Ulmas!

The scars were so shocking.

But on both sides of the scar, pieces of delicate bamboo leaves grew on the bodies of Wuken and Ulmas.

The tender green bamboo leaves form a sharp contrast with the dark red scars.

But the most surprising thing is.

With this sword swing.

A mysterious aura locked onto Wuken and Ulmas!

Pieces of crystal clear, emerald green bamboo leaves appeared on their heads!

The texture of bamboo leaves is like emerald, reflecting gentle and gentle light in the sun.

Obviously these bamboo leaves are very transparent.

But everyone noticed them right away!

Matthew counted.

Twenty-three bamboo leaves were suspended above Ulmas' head;

And Wuken has more, a total of forty-one bamboo leaves.

"what is that?"

He glanced at the data column and couldn't find the answer, so he couldn't help but ask.

The Beholder Sword Master replied:

"That's the "Bamboo Leaf Mark." "

"Every time they receive some damage, they will lose some bamboo leaf marks. When all the bamboo leaf marks disappear, they will die completely."

"This is the countdown to death. It is a simple and clear method of attacking the mind. It is also a sign of Mr. Terrast's swordsmanship and psychic ability."

"What a powerful method...I can't do this yet."

There was a little regret in his tone.

But even more exciting!

Matthew looked strange.

"To put it bluntly, isn't this a health bar visible to everyone?!"

But for some strong people.

Bamboo leaf markings can indeed serve to undermine their majesty.

At least everyone can see the hope and progress of winning.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The Beholder Sword Master suddenly dropped the hundreds of swords on his body on the ground.


He summoned a shadow to cover up the swords.

And he himself entered a very relaxed state:

"Don't blink, Matthew."

"This is a good opportunity to observe peerless swordsmanship. I bet you will never encounter this opportunity more than once in your life."

Matthew nodded slightly.

In fact, he didn't need to be reminded by the Beholder Sword Master to know that there were huge benefits in watching the duel between top powerhouses.

Stop talking about Matthew.

Even A Bing, who was always hiding in the dark to protect him, couldn't help but show up.

A Bing looked at Terraste's back and entered a rather strange state.

Matthew's heart moved.


The opportunity for A Bing to advance to the legend is a picture called Bamboo and Jade Creatures.

And that scroll belongs to Terraste's collection.

He must have appreciated it himself.

In the continent of Irondor.

Bamboo is not a rare species, but to most intelligent races, the plant has no special meaning.

The only exception is the wood elves.

Since the arrival of the divine phoenix, many places in Jade Cangting have been planted with bamboo forests.

Matthew also learned about it from Yu Qi not long ago.

The way of the swordmaster in Irondor is generally believed to have originated from the orcs.

But the orc sword master who flew to the island was also suspected to have inherited skills from the Sioux people.

During the years when the divine phoenix was recuperating in the Jade Cangting.

Many Sioux culture and skills have been handed down.

Due to the differences in supernatural power and practical application, most of the combat-related skills were properly collected by the wood elves and regarded as a kind of cultural art.

Very few elves can transform the skills passed down by Shenfeng into their own martial arts.

And Terraste is obviously an exception.

His swordsmanship is most likely learned from the Shenfeng Secret Treasure, which is the swordsmanship from the Eastern Continent!

The more Matthew looked, the more convinced he became of this.

Because there are too many similarities between Terraste's stance and A Bing's movements.

This is a fighting style that has never appeared in the history of Irondor.

But see it on the front battlefield.

Tyrast was one against two, facing a behemoth dozens of times his size. He showed a very elegant fighting posture.

His movements were very slow.

at some point.

Time seemed to freeze around the old elf man. He slowly took half a step back, and then froze in place, as if waiting for something——

The next second.

He turned sideways, took three quick steps back, and slashed out the bamboo stick in his hand simultaneously.


After a red sword light tore the street where he was standing in half.

Tyrast's bamboo stick also easily tore a bone-deep crack in the boots of Blood Angel Ulmas!

The Blood Angel suddenly lifted his boot and then dropped it again.


The streets collapsed and smoke was everywhere.

When the smoke cleared, everyone was surprised to find that Terraste was just standing there steadily.

Except where he stood.

The ground in other places has suffered severe collapse and fragmentation.

And where he stood.

There was only half a meter away from the boot that Blood Angel stepped on!

next moment.

He suddenly jumped up high, and then his figure disappeared and appeared in another place.


There was a crisp sound.

The bamboo stick chopped in advance easily tore open the patroller's thigh armor.

In the eyes of onlookers, this scene seemed a bit baffling.

It was as if Tyrast waved his sword into the air, and Inspector Uken couldn't help but come up to touch the porcelain!

Naturally, Terraste made a lot of money from this round of fighting.

But I saw that he was attacking Wuken's thighs and crotch armor in an orderly manner. Every time he swung the sword, there were traces of visible bone injuries!

To know.

Patroller Uken is essentially a larger troll spirit, and the scars reflected on his appearance are often the wounds caused to his spirit body!

This damage is irreversible.


Matthew then observed that the bamboo leaf mark on Wuken's head was rapidly decreasing.

From the initial forty-one leaves, it became thirty-nine, then thirty-six in the blink of an eye, then thirty-five, thirty-four...

The feeling of this scene is far beyond the visual level.

Every sword thrown by Tyrast brought Uken closer to his fall.

Compared to Terraste's somewhat ridiculously slow attack.

Wuken's counterattack seemed a little incompetent and furious.

He activated a powerful gravitational field, only to find that the all-inclusive gravitational vortex had no effect on Tyrast!

He also tried to predict where the old elf would land, but he ended up being treated like a monkey.

In anger, he launched an attack with a wide range, only to find that Tyrast's movement seemed slow, but he could easily dodge even range attacks——

"He can accurately predict every impact point of a range attack!"

"As long as it is not a one-time full-scale simultaneous attack, it is impossible to hurt him. Even if a comprehensive and synchronized range attack can be achieved, it may not be successful..."

Matthew was filled with surprise.

This was the first non-spellcaster to shock him deeply.

As a layman, he simply couldn't understand how Terraste did it.

He looks so slow...


"Trast is not slow!"

"It's Uken and Ulmas who are too fast!"

Matthew suddenly woke up.

Indeed, compared to their size, the speed displayed by the two super-powerful men was incredibly fast.

If Matthew himself were replaced in Terraste's position.

Maybe only by flashing like mad can you have a chance to avoid the lightning-like attacks of the two strong men!

"It's too late to open any door. If you open it, you're courting death."

"In fifteen seconds at most, I have to hand over the undead substitute. The immortal body cannot avoid damage at all..."

"Not to mention Blood Angel's sword, Wuken's gravitational field alone is enough to kill most people instantly!"

"Normal legends can't withstand three rounds!"

As his judgment of the situation became clearer, Matthew's heart became more and more shocked.

This feeling is different from observing the power of the divine mage when he casts spells.

No matter how powerful the spell is, he at least understands its principles and will admire and sigh with emotion, so it won't be so shocking.

Only when someone other than the spell caster stands at the pinnacle of power, can the great power burst out make Matthew so excited!


In the center of the market area.

Buildings collapsed one after another, causing dust to rise all over the sky.

The two super-powerful men changed their strategies. They carried out encircling attacks on Tyrast from two directions.

They are gradually encroaching on Terraste's space for movement, and then trying to regain the initiative in the battle.

This is indeed very effective.

Terraste was being restrained from two directions at the same time. After the opponent no longer took advantage of the situation, but instead used a strategy of semi-defense and semi-condensation of his movement space to encircle and suppress him, his trajectory became slightly cramped.

More and more buildings are being razed.

Force field black holes fell into the earth and sky one after another.

The space for the old elf man to move around is getting smaller and smaller.

But he himself seemed in no hurry at all.

He was still walking leisurely, and struck out with his sword from time to time. The bamboo leaves on Wuken and Ulmas' heads were still decreasing, but the speed was several times slower than before!

The fight continued like this for seven or eight minutes.

Seeing that the time was approaching, the two powerful men launched their long-planned ultimate moves.

The Blood Angel raised the long sword in his hand high, and then stabbed it upward hard.

In an instant.

The sky seemed to be pierced by a long sword.

A large amount of dark purple thunder and lightning wrapped around the long sword, and a loud chant sounded from the clouds.

The thunder and lightning that seemed to come from heaven rushed down the long sword and turned into an endless river of thunder and lightning.

"Elf, you have successfully aroused my anger...and appetite!"

"Come on, let me see if anyone can catch my move after a thousand years -"

"Heavenly Splitting Slash!"

All of a sudden.

The purple lightning all over the sky locked this space.

And just a second before the lightning fell, Matthew, who was just about to run away, was rolled up by the Beholder Sword Master with his tentacles.

in a blink.

He appeared on a high tower three miles away!

"These people are really irresponsible and have no control over the overflowing energy..."

The beholder sword master's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Matthew looked up.

The sky over most of the market area was covered in purple lightning.

He couldn't even find Terraste for a moment!

And at the same time.

Another terrifying force is also brewing like a storm, and it is brewing very fast!

Compared to Blood Angel Ulmas.

Patroller Wuken's movements were much more low-key. Hundreds of phantom-like hands appeared behind him.

All the knuckles on each hand were crossing each other frantically.

for a while.

There were heartbreaking sounds from behind him.

Matthew's eyelids twitched.

Of course I am quite familiar with this energy——

"Sign language casting + cluster casting?"

Before Matthew could identify the magic method used by the patroller.

A word in Troll language burst out from Wuken's mouth like thunder:


That moment.

A force grabbed Matthew and made him take two steps forward. If it hadn't been for the timely help of the Beholder Sword Master, he might have been pulled forward even more!

This is still the case at the edge of the market area.

Not to mention its interior.

Matthew could clearly see that the ground in the entire market area began to collapse crazily.

The gravitational vortices that were originally deployed turned into small black holes.

Under the earth.

A ring that sometimes glowed silver and sometimes glowed black appeared.

All space above the ring.

The gravity it faced quickly climbed to twenty times that of normal conditions!

Thirty times!

Forty times!

"Boom boom boom..."

at first.

Matthew could still hear the roar of buildings falling in droves.


The sound gradually weakened and was almost inaudible!

As the beholder sword master exerted more and more force on his waist.

Matthew realized with a start.

Even the sound cannot escape from the gravitational vortex that appears in the area enveloped by the ring!

The sky cracks!

The ground is sinking!

The light is also slightly distorted.

The scene in front of him is more and more beyond the battle scene that Matthew can understand——

Purple thunder and lightning are as constant as a spider web in the upper half of the picture.

And a hand filled with vortexes stretched out from the black hole filled the lower half.

Between heaven and earth.

Everything is being destroyed.

Only the majestic figures of the two super-limitless strong men were left!

They are like two demon gods.

They are carrying out a annihilating cleansing of this world that has blasphemed them!

The sound completely lost its sense of existence at this moment.

Matthew could only hear his own heartbeat.

His eyes gradually became dry, but he did not dare to blink, so tears poured out of his tear ducts, blurring his vision.

It was at that moment.

The light and shadow reflected from the tears suddenly made him see a familiar figure from behind!

It was a lonely shadow standing on a high tower.

All around the tower.

All the buildings were collapsing, and only a few inches where the shadow landed remained intact.

As a result, the picture gradually became abstract.

The sky cracked open more and more, and the earth sank deeper and deeper, and the shadow seemed to merge with the lonely tower underfoot.

They are so abrupt and stubborn in this scene.

The unknown wind blew the figure on the tower.

The hem of Tyrast's clothes swayed violently.

at some point.

The tower under his feet tilted slightly, as if it was about to fall.

It was at that moment.

Countless dark purple thunder and lightning merged into a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. It merged with the blood angel's sword and penetrated towards the top of Tyrast's head!

at the same time.

The giant vortex hand that merged with countless black holes also grabbed it from bottom to top like a demon destroying the world.

The beam of light fell.

The giant hand wrapped around the figure, and then ran over the middle with five fingers!

At this moment.

A calm and calm voice sounded in everyone's hearts:

"They are indeed some rotten old guys."

"These moves of yours..."

"It's all flaws!"

Matthew only saw the silhouette of the old elf man grasping the bamboo stick, pushing it up, and then pulling it down in an extremely weird posture!

A golden light erupted from his body.

The tall tower under his feet also became extremely dazzling under the golden light.

that moment.

Time seems to have stood still.

Then it jumped forward for more than ten seconds like a wind-up alarm clock!

The almost frozen picture seems to be framed in a glass frame.

Then the glass shattered.

The purple lightning rolled upwards.

The giant black hand disintegrated into thousands of black light spots.

All the dappled colors that made up the previous scene lost their meaning.

They keep collapsing.

For a moment.

The material space near the lonely tower was shattered into powder!

In that incredible collision of forces, Matthew saw that the bamboo leaf marks on the heads of the two super-powerful men were reduced by more than half at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Reminder: Tyrast used the "Spell Breaking Sword"!

You sense the power of the phase source! "

"The sword that breaks the law! It is indeed the sword that breaks the law!"

I noticed the confusion in Matthew's eyes.

The Beholder Sword Master took the initiative to explain:

"This is a kind of swordsmanship inherited from the immortal clan, which can counter any incredible extraordinary power.

It is said that it was originally a stick technique, and its founder was a famous Archdruid in the Eastern Continent, and that Archdruid was famous for his love of transforming into an ape.

Many years later, this move was integrated into the swordsmanship by the immortal people.

But I want to master this ability.

You must achieve perfect control of the power of phases..."

Immediately afterwards.

The Beholder Sword Master quickly taught Matthew about the "power of phase".

About the power of phase.

The Alliance's research on this area is still blank.

Matthew once thought that phase was another name for ether.

It took him a long time to realize.

Phase and ether are strongly mutually exclusive.

Mages who are favored by the ether are often unable to perceive the existence of the power of phase. This is why many mages directly claim that the power of phase does not exist at all after doing relevant research!

But Matthew knew that the power of phase was real.

Not to mention being far away, A Bing can absorb the power of phase, and the "flicker" that Matthew usually rubs is also a manifestation of the power of phase.

According to the Beholder Sword Master.

Almost all melee professionals have the opportunity to come into contact with the power of phase after entering the legend.

Unlike the ether, there exists a separate plane and can be highly concentrated in the form of magic.

The distribution of phase power in the multiverse is more scattered and chaotic, and more elusive.

But once a certain melee profession masters the source of a certain phase.

He will become a person who scares spellcasters.

to some extent.

Phase powers favor assassins or rogues.

Many of the top rogues in history were owners of the Source of Phase.

The Juggernaut is much less.

But there is no doubt about it.

The sword master who has mastered the source of phase may be a hundred times more terrifying to the caster than the rogue!

While the two were talking.

The collapse of material space is still spreading outward.

Only the place where Terraste stood was unharmed.

After a few seconds.

A few gray spots and lines appeared in the fragmented area surrounding Tyrast.

From time to time there are volcanic eruptions and strange patterns like mushroom clouds flashing past.

Matthew's pupils shrank violently:

"That's turbulence in the void!"

"The power that Tyrast just burst out actually tore this demiplane apart briefly!"

"He can forcefully break through the restrictions of Blood Drinking Mountain!"

His heart beat even harder!

That is to say, the demiplane of Blood Drinking Mountain has a solid foundation and has been continuously transformed by the magic weapon master. It is much more stable than ordinary demiplanes.

Change to an ordinary demiplane.

At this moment, I am afraid that it has been torn into pieces by the turbulence of the void, and is sinking to the star realm under the gravity of the universe!

"How can this be?!"

"How could such a powerful elf exist in this world?"

The edge of turbulence in the void.

Wuken, who had a lot of cracks on his body, murmured in disbelief.


Wuken roared angrily:

"I am the guardian of Blood Drinking Mountain!"

"Krafa, in the name of the god Pu, I ask you to lend me the power of the ancient city!"

"I want all, all the power...ah!"

Before his words could be spoken, they turned into violent cries of pain.

A horrifying scene appeared——

Unknowingly, the Blood Angel, who was also severely injured, had touched Wuken's back.

Blood Angel's wings spread out, and his arms suddenly wrapped around Wuken's neck from behind. His powerful wings quickly closed, suppressing Wuken in place!

at the same time.

Ulmas's visor was pushed upwards, revealing four rows of teeth that were physically uncomfortable.

"Crack, click, click!"

He is actually chewing on the body of the ancient city inspector!

"Can't you see?"

"With the current state of the two of us, even if we join forces, we may not be able to defeat him!"

"Don't think too much, just be my blood food obediently. When I finish eating you, I will definitely avenge you and kill that shit elf..."

Ulmas made inarticulate sounds while gnawing wildly.

at first.

Wuken was still resisting fiercely.

But later.

His resistance became weaker and weaker, until half of his head fell into the Blood Angel's belly, and the patrolman's resistance was close to nothing.

Blood and brain matter flowed out from Wuken's wound, quickly soaking Ulmas' body surface and the surrounding ground.

The Blood Angel ate it indifferently.

This eating scene is so uncomfortable that most people will have severe stomach cramps when they see it.

The same goes for Matthew.

But he also noticed that just a second before Ulmas swallowed Uken's head into his belly.

He saw a strange smile on the corner of the ancient city inspector's mouth.

It is certain that Wuqin was eaten alive by Ulmas.

But does the former necessarily mean death?

Matthew doesn't think so.

Ulmas ate very quickly, and in less than ten seconds, he devoured most of the patrolman's body.

As he ate, he mocked:

"You must be very anxious now, right?"

"That move just now was indeed impressive. Unfortunately, I won't give you another chance."

"You are also a fool. You actually made such a big scene. It must be unpleasant to be trapped in the void turbulence. Hehe..."

Facing Urmas's provocation.

Terrast seemed very calm.

He stood there and waited silently. A few seconds later, large pieces of black curtains appeared in the places swept by the void turbulence.

There were some moving color blocks in these black curtains.


The black curtain occupied most of the turbulence.

The color blocks behind it also became more vivid and obvious.

Matthew knew.

When the material world was torn apart, the first to arrive must be the void turbulence.

The second is the astral matter.

These astral materials can provide a window to the astral world. Correspondingly, some astral creatures will appear at the other end of the window.

The braver ones among them are more likely to take the opportunity to enter the material world!

There are more and more color blocks in the black curtain, which represent the trend of astral creatures gathering.


Terrast had an ordinary bamboo stick in his hand. The bamboo stick automatically extended and slowly poked into the black curtain.

Seven or eight translucent threads appeared at the tip of the bamboo stick.

There was nothing on the threads.

But it also triggered a competition for food among the nearby astral creatures!

After a brief disturbance.

A larger astral creature drove away the others.

And it swallowed all the threads into its mouth!

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait.

Terrast casually raised it.

The next second.

Under the traction of the bamboo stick, the astral creature was dragged to Terrast's side without any defense!

Matthew saw it clearly.

It was an astral swordfish with a very long body, more than ten meters long, a pointed head, and many barbs on its scales!

The old elf grabbed the swordfish's lower fin with one hand, and gently wiped the bamboo sword in his hand on the fish scales, and all the barbs and scales disappeared.


Green light appeared on the bamboo sword.

The emerald green light poured into the swordfish's body, and the astral creature that had just been struggling suddenly froze in place.

Its body surface glowed with green fluorescence, and from a distance, it looked like a huge, emerald green sword!

"You don't think I can't do anything to you across the void turbulence, do you?"

Teraste snorted.

The next moment.

He raised one hand, clenched his fist, then extended his index finger and middle finger, tilted upward ninety degrees-


A green light flashed.

The huge green sword passed through the void turbulence and the astral window like a shuttle, and flew towards Ulmasi who was feasting!

The sword passed through the black curtain like a missile.

Several astral creatures who got too close were injured by the sword light.

Bang bang bang!

Some scattered organs and parts fell from the astral window, and were washed down to the material world at the edge by the void turbulence.

Matthew was surprised to see a fish head rushed in front of him.

He didn't have time to express his feelings about the strange shapes of the astral creatures.

This move of Terrast was enough to make him open his mouth wide:

"Oh my god!"

"Flying sword!?"

In an instant.

The swordfish from the astral world pierced the chest of the blood angel, and also pierced the bodies of Wu Ken and Ulmasi, two super-powerful men!

A large amount of green light drilled out from under their bodies.

Thousands of vines and bamboo forests pierced the dirty skin and appeared on their bodies!

Seeing this scene.

Matthew's heart could not calm down for a long time.

He took a deep breath.

He threw a necromancy summoning spell at the astral fish head in front of him to relieve his mood.

However, what he didn't expect was.


"Hint: Your necromancy has received a spiritual response!

You have discovered a potential convertible unit!

Do you want to consume some negative energy crystals or some necromancy scripts to obtain an undead with astral fish heads as raw materials?"


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