The necromancer just wants to plant trees

First part of the final remarks and formal leave application


Note that this is not the end of the book, but the first part, The Traces of the Dead, has come to an end.

I know that after reading these chapters, some readers will be full of doubts and even want to curse.

I can actually understand your feelings.

But many times, I have to deal with it.

I hope that after reading my "sophistry", you will have some changes in your mind.

There is a lot of content.

I will talk about it bit by bit.

[Leave and Update]

First of all, let me clarify the leave and subsequent updates.

After the end of the first part, I will take a total of two days off.

They are June 5th and June 6th respectively.

In other words.

The second part, Odd Day Change, will be updated at 6 o'clock in the evening of June 7th.

The pace of the second part will be faster than the first part.

But generally speaking, it will not be as urgent as the end of the first part.

The main content of this part is to fill in the holes and make great progress in the plot.

Most of the holes dug before will be slowly filled in this part.

Including Matthew becoming a legend, the disaster of odd day change, the arrival of the giant beast, and the secrets of the Eastern Continent.

[The rhythm of the ending of the first part]

I looked at it and found that about one-fifth of the readers thought that the rhythm change of the first part was a bit beyond their expectations.

I will first try to explain why I have such a feeling from the perspective of the readers.

Then analyze why I had to do this from the perspective of the author.

[Reader's perspective]

1. Increase in information volume:

Because it involves many aspects of a major event, including many turning points and hidden detonation points, the amount of information in each chapter is more than before.

Compared with the leisurely dialogues and gags in the early and middle stages, the ending of the first part uses more narrative texts, and the unit information density is higher, so it looks a bit uncomfortable and feels too fast.

2. Changes in plot style:

As the plot progresses, the style has also changed from daily tasks, playing jokes, and telling jokes to a serious narrative rhythm.

From a trivial, casual, and random way of advancement.

It has become an orderly and fierce exposition style.

This change will of course cause great discomfort in perception.

It is also the fundamental reason why most people feel anxious, abrupt, and too fast.

I would like to apologize to everyone here.

In the final analysis, it is because of my lack of ability, my writing skills are not sophisticated enough, and my level is really limited.

This has led to a decline in the reading experience.


But the following are some of my "quibbles".

[Helplessness from the author's perspective]

First of all, before all the quibbles begin, I actually want to say that I didn't expect the performance of this book to be so good.

But it is this good performance that puts me in a dilemma.

Of course, I hope that the performance of each book is good, after all, I am still in a state of extreme lack of money.

But from the perspective of creation, this good performance has indeed greatly destroyed the original framework and structure.

In other words.

I was kidnapped by the pursuit of reading...

At the beginning of the setting of the Necromancer.

The genre I set for this book is a game fantasy plus a light epic.

In fact, I have been repeatedly emphasizing the main tone of this book-

The cruel background under the absurd appearance.

But the embarrassing thing is.

Maybe I tried too hard or my level is not enough.

In the early and middle stages, I was shocked to find that almost all readers were attracted by the absurd appearance.

And under repeated memes and deconstruction.

Even if the cruel background exists objectively, most people turn a blind eye to it.

When reading, readers always maintain a smiling attitude, thinking that no matter what happens, the protagonist can always deal with it in a funny way.

You may not feel anything.

But I was very horrified when I found this out.

For a long time.

I couldn't sleep all night thinking about how to deal with this contradiction.

Have you realized it?

The framework structure I set for the Necromancer is in sharp conflict with the content that readers want to see...

If it is just a leisurely comedy similar to light novels.

Then there should not be disasters such as odd-numbered sky changes that may tear the earth apart at any time, nor is there any need to write about the cruel nature of the world such as wizards eating people and gods eating people, and there is no need to write about the contradictions and conflicts between the major races in the multiverse, and the various games of interests of various forces.

These things are too heavy for a light-hearted novel.

Even if these elements appear, they should only be used as background boards, not the main content of the story.

But the embarrassing point is.

After I discovered this trend, the tone of the whole book could not be changed, and the framework was roughly determined with the initial description.

The conflict between the two will inevitably continue.

Given that this book is a commercial and enjoyable article, I put readers first in most of the creative conditions.

So I chose to sacrifice the framework.

Fuck epics!

I write whatever readers like to read!

So you can see.

From the beginning to the end of the first part, the 2.8 million words are all written in an extremely casual but consistent style, full of leisurely daily life and absurd antics, as well as some sense of achievement.

For this reason.

I completely destroyed the original framework of the book, smashed all the main content originally planned for the first three parts (it was originally designed to be a total of five parts with clear structure) and merged them into the first part.

So in the past year, everyone’s reading experience should have been pretty good, and I have tried my best to maintain this.

But the framework is here.

No matter how much you delay, he will always come, just like the end of the world in the story.

You can deconstruct and make fun of the little fragments of life at will.

But there are some things that you cannot deconstruct.

Most of the world will be destroyed, many, many people will die, and the protagonist will also encounter setbacks.

I can't describe the occurrence of major events in daily mode, because major events themselves are sudden, violent, with strong impact, and even make people feel uncomfortable——

Readers, like the aboriginal people in the world, are accustomed to the established order and comfort, and will feel instinctively uneasy when encountering huge shocks and changes.

I foresaw this a long time ago.

So how to solve it?

One way is to not write about big events, big crises, or big changes at all.

That is to say, this book is completely leisurely and fragmented.

This is actually more in line with business interests.

Most readers who have followed it up to this point will surely be able to adapt to the consistent tone and atmosphere.

As for the pits dug earlier, I have resolved them in an understatement. In short, I have kept the style of painting light and less serious and cruel. Even if the doomsday happens, the protagonist is safe and sound, leading the protagonist group to drink tea and listen to music in the sunset...

Probably this way of writing.

But I finally rejected it painfully.

The reason is that it is difficult for me to accept this kind of writing with large-scale logical defects.

Since we can't completely give up the frame, we can only turn around and hug him.

Here I am faced with two choices again.

The first is to write about major events in a way that matches the original narrative rhythm as much as possible.

The problem with this way of writing is that it is not suitable for daily online articles.

The daily update of online articles requires something refreshing every day, which can at least provide emotional satisfaction or a fulcrum.

If this plot were written at the previous slow pace.

I can write for at least half a month.

Then I was scolded for more than half a month...

I can actually understand everyone's reading experience, because if you follow updates every day and encounter these unpleasant things, the unpleasant time will be 24 hours. This thing is so disgusting...

However, this level of plot advancement is bound to be accompanied by a lot of reversals and twists and turns.

If I used a slow pace, I would most likely have frequent twists and turns, which would create a lot of painful experiences for everyone.

This is actually why novels about bitterness, great hatred, and deep hatred are no longer popular nowadays.

Instead, light-hearted stories became popular.

Everyone just reads and enjoys it. Just click on the app every day and that’s it. Why are you feeding me shit?

Go to tmd reverse!

Go to tmd, suppress first and then increase!

So what about slow-paced, straightforward narratives?

Nope either.

It will be very, very boring, like a chronicle. Even if the protagonist is strolling around, it will be difficult to write as interesting as daily life. If I write it for half a month, I may even be suspected of cheating money...

So I finally chose the second approach of embracing the frame.

I call it skipping class.

I used a faster pace and a larger amount of updates to end this main line process that must be advanced in one breath, and explained everything that needed to be explained.

Then we came to a relatively soothing new platform that can calmly present the content everyone wants to see.

That is the content of the second part.

But with the change of speed at the end of the first part, I believe everyone will be more adaptable to the slightly improved pace of the second part.

I will also optimize my writing techniques in the future, and choose a more interesting way to promote the plot while trying to ensure that the tone is similar to the first part.

It's not easy.

But I will work harder.

After seeing this, everyone should be able to understand why I said I had no choice but to do it.

In fact, I have been thinking about how to deal with the huge gap between readers' expectations and the frame structure for three months after it was released.

I have conceived about thirty ways of writing.

I can guarantee it.

This is the most painless, quick and best method I can give that can maintain the plot style and ensure a relaxed tone in the follow-up.

Let’s talk about various thoughts below.

[shredded outline]

mentioned earlier.

What I originally wanted to write was a light epic with a certain depth.

But most readers don’t actually want to read this.

So I have torn the original outline into pieces for several editions.

What is iconic is the marginalization of the character Rhaegar.

Originally, many, many knives were to be issued.

Rhaegar was the one who got stabbed the hardest in the original outline.

Sif also ushered in more drastic changes and growth.

The original Traces of the Dead was supposed to end at around one million words, and then many familiar faces were cut off...

Then I tried it a few times.

I found that the readers who were attracted to me simply couldn’t stand this!

The knife in my hand hesitated.

Still collected them all.

I figured it out.

It is best not to show too drastic changes in the main tone of current web articles.

If it’s easy in the early stages, it’s easy to take it easy in the end.

If you are serious in the early stage, you can issue some knives appropriately——

In fact, the knife is also a high-level excitement point, but it has quite high requirements for the other parts of the book and the level of the author.

Unfortunately, I didn't estimate that I would not issue a knife in this book in the future.

If I want to write more substantial content in the future, I still have to set the tone right from the beginning, but then the results may be far worse than now, which is contradictory.

[Online articles kidnapped by follow-up reading]

Although I don't want to admit it.

But in this era where everything is kidnapped by follow-up reading, the fragmentation of online articles is probably inevitable.

Very few authors can ensure the perfection of the structure under the premise of daily updates.

Daily updates and follow-up reading requirements can be met every day.

Then the guidance must be the continuous optimization of small plots.

And the big structure is destined to be the one to be sacrificed.

Compared with the Necromancer.

The structure of the first part of the wizard is more perfect.

It also makes me a little sad.

I have observed that many authors of upgrade articles are often scolded badly.

But at the same time.

This does not seem to affect their results.

This is actually a very interesting phenomenon.

I will try something different in the next book. I may focus more on long-term structure rather than daily reading. It may end in failure.

But let's talk about the next book.

The Necromancer will take another eight to ten months to write.

I only have two goals next.

1. Fill in the gaps and ensure completeness as much as possible.

2. Fun, fun, and fun.

[Let's talk about the plot? ]

Compared with the pace of the rampage, the controversy about the plot is less, but it still exists.

I mainly respond to the more representative opinions of two readers.

I think what the first reader said is very right. The original words seem to be "It's not that you have foreshadowed, and the readers must accept it."

That's probably what it means.

I think it's very well said.

Some places may be ill-considered. Under the pressure of daily rampage, it is indeed not handled smoothly. I will continue to work hard.

Another reader wrote a long paragraph, which basically said that he was not satisfied with the entire plot and felt that some of Matthew's behavior was very damaging to his character. He even asked me to rewrite it.

First of all, rewriting is impossible.

Online writing is like a train whizzing by, only moving forward and not backward.

All those who stop to revise and rewrite will eventually collapse.

No matter what I encounter, I can only move forward with my head held high.

Secondly, regarding the topic of whether Matthew's performance and some behaviors ruin his character, I have something to say -

If you think that a character can only be considered as not ruining his character if he always keeps his inherent impression and label.

Then this character is too thin and pitiful.

There are two controversial points. One is Dark Peggy. Matthew is too cowardly. The reader questioned why he didn't jump out before?

In fact, I think I wrote it quite obviously. The only problem may be that if I use more space to describe it, it may be more rounded. After all, breaking through the inner demon is not a trivial matter, but the result of doing so may be what I said before, and I will be scolded for several days.

Black Fire left Matthew with psychological trauma.

If trauma is so easy to overcome, then why is there trauma?

Here I think the point that should be questioned is why Matthew overcame it so easily?

It can also be barely explained. I am really pressed.

Another controversial point is Matthew's behavior in the dream.

I can say this openly and directly, that is, in my deduction and concept, not only Matthew, but everyone in that position will do those absurd and dissolute behaviors, or even more outrageous.

I am actually not willing to express my views so clearly.

When writing, I also try to be restrained and rarely insert personal opinions.

However, this is one of the core ideas of the whole book, and it is also an inevitable conclusion I have drawn after repeatedly deducing the fantasy world in my mind in the past twenty years-

The expansion of extraordinary power will inevitably devour human nature.

The infinite extension of life will inevitably distort human nature.

The immortal plus extraordinary power will inevitably lead to a person's continuous madness, and then completely perverted, and finally usher in death under the influence of the self-destructive factor in the body of the living being.

This has nothing to do with personal quality and morality.

No one can escape such a fate.

The protagonist is no exception. I don't think this is a ruin to the character.

Because many issues in this regard have been discussed in the book, I will not elaborate on it.

You can discuss it yourself.

I actually like the collision of thinking levels, and I hope everyone will speak actively.

Although this chapter is not available now, it will be available again after a while.

Perhaps you can still gain a lot of interesting ideas?

In short.

Due to my personal writing habits, I have repeatedly considered the plot, and there should not be too many loopholes.

Including the singularity cannon that some people think is very abrupt.

In fact, when ascending to the gods, you should have clearly realized that there are two largest forces in the star world-

Tianlun Palace, which has been scattered like birds and beasts.

Stuluk Industries, which keeps a low profile.

These two forces are likely to react to the ascension of Paradise Lost.

The former is the Dusk Tribulation.

How could the latter not express it?

Someone may ask again.

In this case, why didn't Matthew predict it in advance?


Matthew has too many things to consider, so it is understandable that there is a loophole, right?

Someone asked again, is the singularity cannon that awesome?

Official setting: Under the void, T0-level lethality, there are also shortcomings, after all, it is not based on personal extraordinary power, and requires a high degree of industrialization to integrate.

When Paradise Lost was destroyed, it was in a state of just ascending, which was originally very unstable.


The way of the ancient gods was originally eliminated by the times.

Matthew finally gave up becoming the God King. On the one hand, he resisted this path, and on the other hand, he did not particularly look down on this path.

From the beginning to the end, his caliber was to go over and see if he could make some money.

If it was really that awesome, the mages would not go to the historical world...

Someone else wants to ask, are the mages really indifferent?

I have emphasized this many times in the book.

The mages don’t care about anything, they only care about themselves and their interests.

Because I can’t spoil it.

I won’t go into details here, but in this big event, there is actually the handwriting of the God Mage, and the answer will be revealed in the second part.

In terms of the plot, I have carefully considered the motivations of each character and the choices of each faction.

This also caused me to suffer from insomnia frequently.

There are too many unconscious deductions in my mind...

Sometimes it really feels very hard.

I will definitely not write so many characters in the next book!

It is really difficult to make them as full as possible.

After all, this is just a cool article.

When the protagonist is highlighted, other people can easily become cushions even if they have distinct personalities.

Fortunately, my goal is not high.

When the whole book is finished, the overall plot has a beginning and an end, most of the holes are filled, everyone has a little nostalgia, and there are still a few characters left in their minds. For me, it is already a remarkable achievement.


The quibbling is over.

I believe that this 5,500-word speech can answer the confusion in some people's hearts.

Of course.

If you are not happy with it, you should curse it.

Just don't curse for too long.

For me.

Writing a book is really a very difficult thing.

My talent is average, and my health is not good either. I can only try my best to complete many things, and the results are all up to fate.

Let me say one more thing.

In the next two days, this book will be officially renamed "Necromancer". (The name change is to attract more traffic, and it will be changed back later)

The introduction and cover will also be changed one after another.

Everyone, please pay attention.

The second part of the odd-numbered day change will be updated at 6 o'clock in the evening of June 7th.

In order to ensure a smoother connection, the number of words updated every day may be more.

You have to be patient.

By the way, please ask for a monthly ticket!


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