The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 83 Weather Wonder! (Please subscribe)

A world composed purely of energy fields has only two colors: black and white.

But at this moment, Matthew truly felt the huge difference between targets that were also black or white.

It is worth mentioning that this differential response is also perceptually presented in the form of color.

The feeling is indescribable.

Probably moving back and forth between the areas of "colorful black" and "dry black".

He clearly perceived the "element field" composed of the four basic elements of earth, fire, wind, and water. They maintained the stability of every inch of space in the material world. They were distinct from each other, so it was very easy to distinguish them.

The elemental field is the cornerstone for the existence of the energy field.

The upper layer is the slightly ambiguous "etheric field", also known as the "magic field".

This is where spellcasters complete most of the process of hooking up magical energy and casting spells.

Matthew looked around and saw that large-scale advanced spells were being rotated in the etheric field almost all the time: meteor annihilation, time retrieval, chaos catastrophe, group malicious deformation, reality reshaping...but these spells were in It is constantly releasing itself in the micro environment.

The cycle of spells in the etheric field reflects the instability of magic.

Its impact on the real world is minimal, but occasionally unlucky people are affected by it.

For example, a magic apprentice who was conducting basic potion experiments did nothing when the bottle on the table suddenly fell over, triggering a series of disasters such as a laboratory fire.

People might think that it was the magic apprentice's carelessness that caused the tragedy.

But in fact.

It is also possible that the self-release of a legendary spell under the microscopic level has rarely had a slight impact on the reality of the material world.

This is the wonder of this world.

Magic can create, it can destroy, it can also create destruction, and it can even destroy creation.

Above the etheric field is the "elements field" with more units and more complex colors.

Elements are the matrix that constitutes the domain. They are controlled by the etheric field. The process of the caster leveraging the power of the etheric field to release a spell will also leverage an equal proportion of elements to cooperate.

But once a large number of elements are gathered in a certain object or life.

The special window "field" was born.

Those who master the field can work from top to bottom, using elements as media, to reversely leverage the power of the etheric field or even the elemental field.

This is the origin of "field capabilities".

The gods tied up the realm and used it to become gods, but they also tied themselves up invisibly.

Matthew can clearly see the areas he has mastered in the "Element Field". They may appear as ovals or triangles, some are large or small, but using a window to describe them is really the most appropriate way to describe them.

Looking down through the field, the units in the element field can be seen clearly.

And if you look further up, everything becomes blurry.

Because that is the real material world.

The above feelings only happen in the blink of an eye.

After Matthew activated the balanced perception, he immediately discovered the anomaly in the ether field and element field. He saw at least six figures nearby, distributed from far to near.

There is a lot of magical energy surging between the figures!

"Water mirror image, all six of them!"

Matthew was stunned.

The distance between each water mirror is no more than 500 meters, and the farthest one is only about 2.4 kilometers.

Blinken himself is roughly near the farthest water mirror.

He built a magical energy link between the six water mirrors, and through this link he could cast spells remotely!

This move undoubtedly costs a lot of money, but it is safer.

Matthew also noticed that the water mirror image that appeared in front of him and others was obviously different from the mirror image in the middle used to transmit magic energy.

He has real combat capabilities.

Blinken also relies on this "terminal combat image" to control the "Sphere of the Dead".

If you dare to step forward rashly, the other party will definitely throw a negative energy spell at you!

But the mirror images in the middle are different.

Whether it was to save mana costs or to improve energy transmission efficiency, Matthew judged from the fluctuations in the ether field that these mirror images were just simple "telephone poles"!

They have the transmission and pulling effect of mana, but they are unable to respond to the surrounding situation in time.

This gave Matthew an opportunity to take advantage of.

“Blinken summoned this heavy fog not only to cover up the celestial sphere of the dead, but also to cover up his own water mirror transmission chain!”

Matthew's heart was on fire.

Even if a normal third-level mage identifies the existence of the terminal image, it is impossible to find a clear energy transmission chain in such a short period of time!

The powerful professional characteristics of the Balance Messenger are displayed to the extreme at this moment.

Matthew turned off the energy field.

As a result, my brain became violently dizzy!

Fortunately, he stabilized his body after shaking for a few times, and his mental strength was slowly recovering.

"It's such a huge waste of energy! It loses concentration so much."

Matthew was secretly shocked, wondering if it was because he was using balanced perception for the first time. In just a few seconds, he was almost drained of his mental energy by this ability!

According to the current state, without external interference, he would need at least a 15-minute short rest to regain stable spell-casting ability.

Fortunately, Wild Transformation is closer to the ability of "natural spellcasting".

Matthew steeled himself, turned into a raven again, and flew towards the second mirror image.

Less than half a minute.

Matthew successfully found the water mirror hidden behind two banana leaves.

Facing Matthew's approach.

The water mirror seemed unaware of it, just staring blankly in the direction of the terminal mirror, with a red and sometimes blue arcane emblem flashing on its forehead.

Matthew didn't hesitate, took out the crossbow with his backhand, and fired a headshot from close range.


The crossbow arrow successfully penetrated the mirror image's head, and a hole as thick as a finger appeared on it, but the mirror image was not damaged. A lot of water flowed around the hole, and it was slowly filled and repaired.

Matthew noticed.

In the process, the arcane emblem on the mirror image's forehead turned into a violent red light.

"The red light is a reflection of a bad energy network?"

Matthew's heart sank.

Blinken may have realized that he is wreaking havoc, and must make a quick decision.

Since the hand crossbow didn't work, he took out the charged staff and fired 5 arcane missiles in succession.

In order to avoid crossbows, Matthew also deliberately fired 5 missiles into different locations.

The arcane missiles ruthlessly penetrated the water mirror image's head, neck, chest, thighs and lower abdomen. Five holes of equal proportions appeared instantly, and water gushed out.

The red light on the mirror image's forehead flashed even more intensely!

But not long after, it completed its self-repair again.

Matthew was really anxious this time.

His right hand dug around in his bag for a while, and he was dissatisfied with all the props he touched until he touched a bottle of something warm to the touch.

Matthew finally smiled.

next moment.

He smashed out the last bottle of blazing fire glue and half a bottle of dragon oil!

There was a bright flash of fire.


The wet banana leaf next to it burst into flames, and the raging fire burned the mirror image instantly.

This time, it was really covered in water.

But it doesn't work at all.

The combination of blazing fire glue and fierce dragon oil evaporated the mirror image completely in an instant!

"Tip: You destroyed Blinken's water mirror image, and his spell ritual "Ultra-long-distance transmission" was destroyed!

Warning: "The Sphere of the Dead" has lost its controller and may attack any nearby target autonomously! "

"The arsonist's props are still useful!"

Matthew thought that there were several arsonists imprisoned in Rolling Stone Prison, so he might as well discuss with Zeller and let them work to atone for their sins and make more sets of incendiary glue.

Although these props are also sold outside, the quality is really uneven and the prices are outrageous.

Many times the hot glue you buy from unscrupulous dealers at a low price is expired and cannot be burned at all.

Even if it burns, the fire is pitifully weak, and the effect is far less powerful than the arsonist's homemade one!

After writing this down, Matthew quickly transformed into a raven and went back to check the situation at the battle scene.

In the swamp, the violently rolling meat ball suddenly stopped rotating.

The undead on the shell were wailing wildly, and they kept reaching out towards Lumiere, trying to catch him and become one of their own.

However, the meat ball at this moment can only roll back and forth, unable to reach Lumiere and Bobo at all.

"Stopped? Matthew succeeded!"

Lumiere looked happy.

Bobo looked pale and patted his shoulder:

"Then put me down quickly, I'm going to vomit from you."

Upon hearing this, Lumiere immediately put Bobo down slowly.

Can be placed halfway.

The meat ball suddenly started rolling again, and this time the speed was faster and more violent than before!

Lumiere was startled, but he reacted well after all. He grabbed Bobo with one hand and ran away without caring about her painful "Hey".

The meat ball pursued it wildly for a while, but was attracted by a passing crocodile on the edge of the swamp and diverted its pursuit route.

Before the crocodile understood what was happening, it was dragged in by countless hands. The shell made of the undead squirmed violently. Not long after, there was a crocodile with only half of its skin left on it.

Several zombies nearby were still frantically pulling flesh and blood from it.

The crocodile opened its mouth angrily, but was quickly chewed up and only bones were left.

This scene fell into the eyes of Lumiere and Bobo, who ran a certain distance away, and they suddenly felt a little scared.

But soon, the anger in Bobo's eyes surged out uncontrollably.


A red light flashed above her head, and she roared to the sky.

Just then the raven flew over.

Without saying a word, Bobo pulled out a small black object from his backpack and threw it into the sky.

Matthew hurriedly picked it up with his mouth.

After sucking.

He looked down and saw that it was actually a push-type remote control with a joystick!

"Can that ball over there be blown up?"

Bobo asked loudly.

Matthew suddenly threw the remote control in his mouth upwards, and then said:

"You can blow up that thing any way you want!"

As he spoke, he held the remote control in his mouth again.

"very good."

Bobo gave Lumiere the bomb in his backpack.

"Wait until it gets closer and stuff this into the belly of that hateful creature. See him? It's on the top of the shell."

Lumiere weighed the bomb and said cheerfully:

"no problem!"

Bobo rummaged around in his backpack for a while and found two larger gloves.

Then she fastened the medium-sized gloves on top of her small gloves, and attached the largest gloves to the outside.

After doing this, the blue-lighting steel glove on her hand was as big as a watermelon!

Then, she limped towards the meat ball.

Lumiere held the bomb and walked around.

Matthew found a high place to fall down, turned into a human form, and held on to the remote control.

He didn't say much. At this moment, he just needed to obey Bobo's orders.

Although Miss Artificer looks unreliable and always explodes here and there along the way, in fact, there has never been one real explosion.

Matthew has full trust in her.

After the meat ball over there swallowed a few crocodiles lurking in the swamp, it was attracted by the scent of strangers again and rolled towards the waves.

Bobo was not afraid. She just walked and adjusted the gloves in her hands.

The silver-white metallic surface of the gloves flashes blue light from time to time, giving people a quiet and manic feeling.

in a blink.

The distance between the two sides is less than fifty meters.

Bobo knelt down on one knee and pressed the glove on her right hand to the ground.

At the same time, a mechanical sound came from the gloves:

"Start level one charging!"

In an instant, the blue light on the gloves changed from light blue to almost navy blue.

The ground nearby began to tremble slightly.

The meat ball rolled violently.

Lumiere on the flank saw the right moment, approached quickly, and stuffed the bomb in his arms into Hate's mouth. When he turned to leave, he even heard the sound of his teeth being knocked out by something!

The meat ball moved slightly towards Lumiere by half a meter, but the latter ran too fast, and it rolled towards Bobo again.

On the branch, Matthew put his thumb on the putter and held his breath tightly.

The meat ball rolled closer and closer, the undead howled with excitement, and countless hands stretched out towards Bobo.

However, the little dwarf's face was extremely calm.

Twenty meters.

Twelve meters.

Eight meters!

She finally stood up with difficulty and tried her best to hit a beautiful uppercut towards the Heavenly Sphere of the Dead!

She yelled while hitting her:


The roar was hysterical, penetrating through the swamps and woods, causing countless birds to startle.


The celestial sphere of the deceased as big as a small mountain was sent flying into the sky by this uppercut!

Matthew stared at the movement of the celestial sphere, and when he estimated that it was about to reach its highest point, he pushed hard.

Two seconds later.

The meat ball exploded silently.

The remains of countless undead were scattered into the sky like splashing mud.

next moment.

Inside the celestial sphere of the deceased, a pitch-black spherical crystal that looks like a black hole and is rotating rapidly is also exposed to everyone's view.

The violent explosion destroyed the crystal and triggered even more powerful airflow fluctuations.

In an instant.

A black tornado formed at the center of the explosion.

The undead remains that were about to fall due to gravity were instantly sucked up again and wrapped into the edge of the tornado!


There was a strong wind near the swamp.

Everyone looked at the sky in surprise.

But seeing the tornado in the sky getting bigger and bigger, zombies and skeletons danced crazily on the edge of the tornado, accompanied by the heads of Jango people, the tails of Nagas, the hearts of trolls, and others who didn’t know where they came from. A lot of flesh and blood!

"Oh My God!"

"I was actually running with this thing in my arms just now?!"

Lumiere raised his head and looked at his hands with lingering fear.

The tornado stayed in the air for several minutes, carrying a large number of undead remains and branches, and moved toward the southwest at high speed.

Ten minutes later.

Evening Breeze Pier.

Old Ali was leaning drowsily under a coconut tree.

Xiao Shitou, who was playing with crabs, saw the tornado in the distant sky and screamed:

"Grandpa, Grandpa! Look over there!"

"Oh my God, you won't believe what I saw!"

Old Ali was awakened by his grandson and changed his position dissatisfied:

"Don't make a fuss, kid, I've lived all my life, what haven't I seen?"

Xiao Shitou no longer knew how to describe the scene in front of him. He just pointed at the horizon and repeated:

"Tornado! Zombie! Zombie! Tornado!"

Ali was annoyed by his noise, so he turned his head and looked towards the horizon. The next second, he jumped up!

After staring blankly at the horizon for a few seconds, Old Ali suddenly ran towards the pier!

"Get up Xuan Kunzi! You will never believe what I saw!"

The old man shouted as he ran.

On the shore, a huge sea turtle buried its head in the water and blew bubbles happily:

"Don't make such a fuss, Ali, I've lived for hundreds of years, what haven't I seen?"

But he still turned his head curiously.

When he witnessed the tornado passing through the distance wrapped in hundreds of undead, leaving behind some zombie remains, animal bones and internal organs, resin or mud along the way, his neck suddenly stretched to a length of twenty meters!

"I've never seen this before!"

Xuan Kunzi exclaimed and hurriedly got into the water. He could still vaguely hear the sound coming from the water:

"Wife, wife, you will never believe it..."

This evening.

An undead tornado sweeps across the Gold Coast's north shore.

It was not until night that the tornado turned from the southwest and southwest of Kordo City into the Arun Inland Sea, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Tip: You destroyed Blinken's sphere of the dead and the negative energy gravity crystal.

Blinken was mentally damaged.

Dragon Worship Cult hatred +10!

You unintentionally created a meteorological wonder, the "Undead Tornado"!

Several Jangos and an elemental traveler watched the whole battle between the brave team (you) and the undead celestial sphere. They may spread the battle orally in the form of oral accounts. It won't take long before the "No" There will be more and more stories about "Tornado of the Dead", bards will rush to sing about you, young people who aspire to become heroes will regard you as their idols, and wealthy forces will consider recruiting you.

The southern legend of your team (Lumiere, Bobo) +1;

Your regional legend (Rainforest +3 \u0026 Gold Coast +1 \u0026 Zeshui City +1 \u0026 Naga Clan +1)"

"Very good, you actually destroyed my celestial sphere of the dead. Before I'm completely angry, I'd like to have a few words with you."

"But I only give you a chance to say three sentences."

"Now, let's begin."

A black shadow quickly appeared in front of the three people.

Blinken said with a sinister expression.

An enthusiastic book friend drew a map. Although the location of the inland sea is a bit problematic, it is not bad. Interested friends can go to the book review area to take a look.

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