Death Canopy is a poor version of the Scourge of the Undead.

All living creatures within the scope of the canopy will have their health points continuously deducted until their health is exhausted, and they will be quickly transformed into undead.

However, the rubbish part of this spell is that, in addition to the life deduction, the living creatures in the sky will have their movement speed reduced at most, and there are no other negative effects.

Even the life deducting speed is very slow.

A strong third-level man can jump around in the sky for five or six minutes without any problem.

Matthew is only at the beginning stage in the field of "immortal".

After activating the field, he still received half of the damage reduction. On the one hand, this demonstrated the transcendence of the field, and on the other hand, it also proved that this spell was indeed useless.

"If my exploration of the realm of the undead reaches a deeper level, this sky can be dispelled the moment the realm is activated."

Matthew stepped into the sky and felt this way in his heart.

that moment.

The long whip he held in his hand also became extremely hot.

"King's Appearance (Field Stirring): While the status is in effect, when you walk among a large number of undead, you will obtain the following two effects -

Majesty: You possess the preliminary majesty of an undead king. All low-level undead must bow their heads when encountering you and salute you three times before they can attack you;

Repulse: Your words and deeds will have the effect of "repelling the undead" on low-level undead. Even with a look, they will be frightened and take at least five steps back."

The field stirs.

This is a resonance phenomenon between a certain field and a specific weapon.

"Usul's Scourge" itself is an exclusive weapon for necromancers, and its original owner is a senior necromancer. Matthew is not surprised that it resonates with the realm of the undead.

He only vaguely sensed it.

The power contained in this long whip has not yet been developed to its extreme.

While he was whipping the undead.

Although he could feel a hearty emotion, he could also detect a slight sense of alienation between this weapon and himself.

Matthew knows.

Even if many weapons are not yet psychic, they will still have some spirituality.

If you cannot grasp this ray of spirituality, it will be difficult to make it truly bow to you.

“After we go back, maybe we can try to use the field of “balance” to communicate with this weapon. Balance includes “mediation” between people and “synchrony” between people and things. "

"There are many artifacts and high-level rare items in the legend, and even after acquiring them, they need a long "synchronization period." This Necromancer's specialized weapon may have a similar temperament. "

Between thoughts.

Matthew rode a bone dragon and strolled among the canopy of death.

There were many undead people rushing in all around.

But under the suppression of "kingly manners".

As soon as these undead people who originally wanted to hurt Matthew approached, they couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtowed their heads.

Seeing this, Matthew simply turned over and walked towards the undead.

The group of undead who finished kowtowing stood up and wanted to take action, but were forced back by the "Repulse" effect.

Among the undead, there are a few high-level zombie skeletons that are immune to the king's manners.

But they were blocked by the other undead and couldn't squeeze out. They could only watch Matthew walking on the red carpet right before their eyes.

For a while.

Where Matthew walked.

The undead in the canopy were divided into two, and they all retreated to the side. Those who had not kowtowed quickly kowtowed, and those who had finished kowtowing had to continue to stand.

Occasionally, a few daring rebels were slapped to pieces by the bone dragon who followed diligently behind.

Matthew walked freely through the canopy, as if he were visiting his own back garden.

Ten seconds later.

He found the senior necromancer hiding among the undead.

It was an old man who looked like he was dying.

"Oh, the manners of a king."

Necromancer Potter looked at Matthew with complicated eyes:

"I haven't seen this in many years. The last time I saw it, I saw it on a female mage named Wusuer. The whip in your hand is very similar to hers - who are you from Wusuer? ?”

"Ms. Ursula is my senior."

Matthew replied tactfully.

The convenience of this kind of rhetoric is that when explained afterwards, both situations can be explained:

Ursul is Old Faron's confidante, and Old Faron can be considered his senior in Rolling Stone Town, just to round it off.

In other words, I am actually not familiar with Ursul at all, and I only regard her as my senior out of respect.

Potter obviously understood this, so he smiled helplessly:

"What a cunning boy. It's not unjust that Jennings died in your hands. At your age, I only know how to fight and be jealous all day long."

"But having said that, if you are really a descendant of Ursul, then there is still some connection between you and me... huh? Lord Blinken?"

There was a trace of memory on the old man's face. He was about to continue speaking, but suddenly his eyes widened and he looked behind Matthew.

Matthew's neck stiffened slightly, his head turned ten degrees, stopped, but soon, he turned his head back completely.

That moment.

A trace of pride flashed in Potter's eyes:

"You're still too young!"

In an instant.

The spell he had secretly prepared for a long time burst out——

Fourth-level spell: Claws of Esdra!

It was a giant tentacle-like claw with giant gray-black circle-shaped spots on it. Countless hairsprings floated in the center of the spots. They were constantly waving in the air, like hungry tongues!

The powerful instant death judgment struck Matthew on the back of his head.

But at this time.

A ray of purple light slowly rose over Matthew's body.

Astra's Claw was hanging in the air before it fell, when it suddenly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards.

Potter's vision became blurry, and severe pain hit his nerves. His eyes were twitching, and his temples hurt so much that he felt like he was going to faint.

The pain is followed by dizziness.

Dizziness is followed by uncontrollable vomiting.

"Wow! Wow..."

Potter knelt on the ground, pinched his neck with his hands, and vomited into a mess on the ground.

Soon, the contents of the stomach had been vomited out, and not even much acidic water and bile were left.

But he was still retching violently.

Apart from the pain.

He glanced up at Matthew in disbelief.

The latter was looking at him calmly.

It was as if he could see the confusion in Potter's eyes.

Matthew gently explained:

"Your acting skills are too exaggerated. I didn't want to turn away from you at first, but after thinking about it, I'll give you a chance."

"It's a pity that you are too greedy. You want to kill me with a fourth-level spell. You don't even think about why I dare to walk into the canopy of death alone."

"Besides, who doesn't have a counterattack before a fight?"

"Tip: You successfully used "Counter Spell" to disintegrate the fourth-level spell "Esdra's Claw" of the senior necromancer Porter. Porter will suffer severe concentration penalties!

Potter's concentration was insufficient to maintain the Death Curtain, and it began to dissipate.

After successfully using "Counter Spell" to render a senior mage incompetent, you gain the following elements -

Acting (deception area) +2;

Counter (spell domain) +5"

The battle between mages is so wonderful. The result can be seen in one or two rounds at a fast pace, or the outcome can be determined by fighting for days and nights at a slow pace.

The counterspell gifted to Matthew by the respected Mr. Edson can resist all spells of fourth level and below.

The effect lasts for four and a half minutes after hanging up.

When the bone dragon broke through the wall, Matthew quietly set up a counterattack for himself.

He actually died when Minotaur Jennings was playing before, but he just didn't come in handy.

Now it seems that combat spells such as counterspell can really work wonders in duels.

After all, not every mage is so cautious.

Of course, Porter's situation was special. He knew that there was a high probability that he would not be Matthew's opponent, so he wanted to fight to the death.

Unfortunately, the results were not ideal.

After the death canopy is removed.

The west side of the central tower was completely undefended, and the undead without the cover of the sky were particularly vulnerable to the impact of the rainforest beasts.

This soon became a breakthrough.

Two members of the headhunting tribe also rushed in through this breach.

The stalemate in the battle was completely broken.

The area near the tower once again fell into a state of fierce fighting.

Matthew did not charge with them, but carried Potter to the wall, wanting to continue interrogating the necromancer.

Then at this time.

Potter suddenly looked behind Matthew again:

"Lord Blinken?"

Matthew frowned instinctively.

But he soon realized that this time Porter was not acting. Behind him was the rainforest, and the "Eye of the Jungle" was still in effect.

At that moment, Matthew clearly saw a man in black robe running past the wall in a hurry with a book in his arms.

Although the man only showed half of his face.

But Matthew is also convinced that he is Blinken!


Matthew hesitated for a few seconds, searching the battlefield with his eyes, and finally handed Porter over to a native of the Black Banyan tribe, asking him to hand it over to Lumiere.

He himself quickly chased outside.

Blinken did not cover his tracks.

Matthew transformed into a raven and soon found him in the desert east of the rainforest.

"You dare to chase me alone. You are very brave."

Blinken put the purple book in his arms and looked at Matthew with sinister eyes.

But Matthew just looked him over and frowned quickly.

The next second.

He suddenly sprinted towards Blinken!

Blinken panicked for a moment, muttered something, and a piece of green light fell from the sky——

That's a bunch of venomous snakes!

However, Matthew jumped up boldly. With this movement, he transformed into a moon bear, kicked his feet, and jumped over the group of poisonous snakes.

"Blinken" was still trying to cast a spell, but Miss Ghost's "dead cry" was already on his face.

Accompanied by the sharp and shrill roar.

An extremely ugly face appeared in front of his nose.

"Blinken" fell backwards almost out of control.


The moon bear landed and his feet sank a little on the sand dune, but this did not prevent him from grabbing "Blinken" by the collar.

This time.

The latter could no longer maintain the effect of the transfiguration.

The black robe slowly faded away, turning into a piece of seemingly invisible white gauze.

And the hateful-looking necromancer just now was replaced by a goblin descendant with a pleasant face and a hot figure.

"Elf Warlock?"

Matthew pressed and asked:

“Did Blinken make you look like him to lure me away?”

The goblin warlock showed a shy expression:

"Oh, you hurt me. As long as you let me down first, I will say anything to you and do anything with you..."

But she wasn't done yet.

The giant bear grabbed his neck and forced his head into the sand on the ground!

"Charm has no effect on me. If there are any more spell fluctuations, I will just twist your head off."

Matthew pressed down for more than a minute before pulling the goblin warlock's head out of the sand, and then warned him coldly:

"You are in good health. I am still missing a banshee among the undead under my command. I heard that the corpses of fairy descendants have a chance of giving birth to the rarer "death banshee". Do you think you have that potential? ? "

The latter's face was full of horror at this time, and her pretty face was covered with sand and scratches. While she was spitting out pebbles, she couldn't help but breathe heavily. In the process, she even more A lot of dust squeezed into her mouth.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

"I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

She looked frightened.

"Let me ask you, now - name, identity, origin, and why you joined the Dragon Worship Cult?"

Matthew wasn't going to give her time to think.

Perhaps the giant bear's breathing so close at hand really put a lot of pressure on her.

The goblin warlock replied without thinking:

"My name is Bai, and I come from a secluded elf tribe in the north of the desert. Our ancestors come from the Arcane Wilderness."

"I joined the Dragon Cult three months ago. The reason why I joined the Dragon Cult...well, was because I wanted to sleep with Blinken."

Matthew nodded thoughtfully:

"It seems like it's not perfect."

Bai looked at him with some fear, and then his eyes added a little curiosity:

"How did you know?"

Matthew said in a calm tone:

"No matter how close you are to Blinken, you should know to button both rows of buttons on the lining of your shirt when pretending to be him."

With the obsessive-compulsive disorder shown by Blinken, it is absolutely impossible for this to happen.

So Matthew saw through her disguise at a glance.

This is also the embarrassing part of transfiguration.

Personal habits are hard to change. This goblin named Bai obviously likes to leave his collar open all day long. Even if he became Blinken, he only made adjustments to the outer coat and other places, but the inner lining was habitually done according to his own rules.

This is a fatal mistake.

It is not difficult to see from this mistake that this goblin does not have rich adventure and combat experience.

Matthew continued to interrogate:

“Why do you want to be like Blinken?”

“Where is Blinken now?”

"I pretended to be Blinken to attract your attention, and preferably to scare you away. Who knew I would be found out as soon as I got there."

Bai said very frustrated:

"As for Blinken himself, no one knows where he went. He took more than a hundred people out that day. Later, those people came back, but he was missing. People who came back reported that, Blinken went to make a deal with the Scourge Cult, and he will not return to the Dragon Breeding Farm in the short term. Blinken also left us a message saying that if the Dragon Breeding Farm is attacked and it is difficult to resist, we should try our best to retreat. "

Matthew asked:

"Then why don't you retreat?"

Bai couldn't help but cursed:

"Aren't they two stupid men who are full of loyalty?! It's so annoying that we have different interpretations of the message Blinken left.

His original words were:

"If a strong enemy attacks, you must try to hold on. If you really can't hold on, it's important to save your life, so retreat as soon as possible."

As a result, those two stupid men held on to "must hold on" and refused to let go. Now it's better, even I can't run away! "

After hearing this, Matthew felt even more weird.

With the level of rigor shown by Blinken, how could he leave such an ambiguous order to his subordinates?

Either there is something wrong with the command itself.

Either Blinken was in a state of half-heartedness when he wrote this order.

He has more important things to accomplish, so naturally he doesn't care that much about everything about the Dragon Worship Cult.

Emma's appearance came to Matthew's mind again.


That apparently friendly skull always left an evil impression on him.

"If you ask me, Blinken will definitely not come back. He must have got something in the deal with the Scourge Cult. That thing was enough to make him abandon the Dragon Cult's foundation. I guess that and he often hold it in his arms. The head that muttered the words has something to do with it.”

Bai said again.

Matthew asked:

"How much do you know about that skull?"

Bai shook his head:

"Not much, but when I first joined the Dragon Worship Cult, I was secretly reminded that that thing was what Blinken cared about most. To be honest, I was really surprised that it ended up like this. Blinken clearly wanted to worship the Dragon. The teacher has put in so much effort, how could he suddenly leave?"

"Anyway, if you can't stand the evil deeds of the Dragon Worship Cult, please let me go. I've only been a member for three months, so I haven't had time to do anything bad."

She looked at Matthew longingly.

Matthew ignored her.

He lightly slapped the goblin warlock on the forehead, beating the latter to pieces, then transformed into a human form and tied her hands with a rope.

Do it all.

Matthew plans to return to the battlefield.

However, I just walked out a dozen steps.

A figure holding a bow and arrow appeared on the sand dune to the side.

"Let her go!"

The half-elf archer aimed at Matthew's head and said in a cold tone:

"Don't question my accuracy."

Matthew slowly turned ninety degrees and faced Iracema:

"You can try to see if a bow and arrow will work on me."

"Or do you only care about the life of one of her companions?"

While talking.

Several figures rushed over quickly from the direction of the dragon breeding farm.

Walking at the forefront was Lumiere, who was carrying a person on each shoulder.

On his left side he carried the necromancer Potter, who was still vomiting, and on his right side he carried the burly dragon-blooded warrior Kumbo Totela, who was unconscious at the moment and still bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Li Weiqi, who was following closely behind him, used the "Magic Walk" to catch up from behind.

"It is not a wise move to chase Blinken alone. Matthew, although you informed us in time, if we are delayed by something, everything will be difficult to say."

He was relieved to see Matthew safe and sound.

Matthew responded with a smile:

"Don't worry, Blinken will most likely not show up here."

Immediately afterwards, the figures of Bobo, Xiu Yi and Laila also appeared in Matthew's field of vision.

Matthew's eyes swept across the entire team and couldn't help but ask Bobo:

"Where's Rhaegar?"

Bobo lowered his head and did not answer.

When Matthew saw this, it was not convenient for him to ask further.

He just looked at Iracema again:

"Look, your companions are all in our hands, so don't point your arrows at me."

The half-elf archer's gaze swept across the entire scene.

"They are just my colleagues. I'm sorry, Bai. I've done my best."

As she spoke, she jumped back and disappeared behind the dunes.

When everyone rushed over, they only saw a black hole that was being filled with sand.

“Blinken really just abandoned the Dragon Cult?”

"It's unbelievable, it's like someone telling me Rhaegar gave up on Stones!"

On the way back.

Li Weiqi complained wildly:

“So we traveled thousands of miles to the rainforest and didn’t even meet Blinken’s face?”

Matthew smiled:

"Will have the opportunity next time."

While talking.

They have returned to the fringes of the dragon breeding grounds.

At this time, the area near the central tower has been occupied by rainforest creatures and Jango people.

The dragon breeding farm was noisy.

The rainforest beasts that lacked command only knew how to cause wanton destruction. They surrounded the tower one by one, venting their anger.


A rumbling sound came from the east side of the central tower.

Immediately afterwards.

Large tracts of wooden structures began to collapse.

Dust fell in flakes.

Between the flying sand.

In the tower, a huge head was exposed.

He seemed to have just been awakened by the movement outside, and couldn't help but raise his head and let out a low groan!

Rolling sounds surged from the tower.

The nearby rainforest creatures froze, their limbs became limp, and they couldn't help but kneel to the ground!

Matthew took a closer look.

That is--

A dragon!

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