The Nemesis

Chapter 1 - A space mission - Eqxtron

2nd April 2023, 7.30 AM

Floresville, Texas, USA

It's a peaceful Sunday morning. The faint chirping of birds, golden rays of sunshine. It tells every day of our life is a new beginning.

Indistinct, "Sunday Morning" playing on the radio.

At this place, like everyone, a woman named Araceli is also enjoying this morning. Her full name is Araceli Decker. She is 30 years old and works as a scientist in a private organization named Arachnid. Formerly she was in the Marines. She was Captain before parting the ways with them. After serving, she now pursues her career in the field of biochemistry.

Arachnid is a vast network, highly reputed science organization. Generally, it is a Space Organization. This organization aims to study the activities of the cosmos. And if need they can send someone off to some distinct planet for research purposes. Found in 2011, the founder of Arachnid is Dr. Max Hardin. Dr. Max Hardin is an aerospace engineer and a businessman. Arachnid's main base is in Houston. And in, Floresville they have a department for their space missions.

While Araceli is enjoying her morning, she received the call. On the phone, the speaker was Dave. Dave is an ȧssistant to Araceli's superior, Dr. Harold Chaney. Dr. Chaney was a professor in the field of physics at the University of Houston. He is 50 years old. Currently, Dr. Harold Chaney is in charge of the Arachnid's space mission Eqxtron. What is mission Eqxtron? And what is its motive? You will know later in this.

So, Araceli is attending the call she received. Dave first greeted her and then informed her that there is some emergency that occurs in Arachnid. And Dr. Chaney is asking for her. After working all these days without taking a day off. Araceli took just one day off today. She thought of taking a break, but now that is going to be like a normal one. She is now frustrated and expressing a non-interested voice she asked to speak with Dr. Chaney.

Dave agreed, and Dr. Chaney speaks with Araceli. Dr. Chaney told her that he understands her frustration. But, this is an emergency, and it's level 3 urgent. It is about Eqxtron. Since it is level 3, and Araceli is the co-in charge of it, Dr. Chaney ordered her to come right away. Araceli sighs and later finished her coffee. After getting ready to go, she left. When she is leaving, she decided to leave a note for her husband, Austin Ried. Austin Ried works as a consultant in a private bank. They married two years ago.

In the note, she mentioned that she has to go to work due to an emergency and apologizes for canceling Sunday's plan. If possible, she will come early.

Just outside of her home, she met Janet. Janet is a 4-year-old girl who lives in the neighborhood. They exchanged some words, and Araceli went to Arachnid.

On her way, she wonders what exactly would have happened over there. She reached Arachnid and headed straight to EMCR. EMCR stands for Eqxtron Mission Control Room. While entering receptionist ask her to slow down, but she didn't listen. Inside the EMCR, Dr. Hardin, Dr. Chaney, and some mission-related people gathered together. Being impatient, she asked Dr. Chaney about the emergency. Dr. Hardin asked to hold the horses and inform everyone to wait. They all are waiting for the report.

As soon as Dave handed the report to Dr. Chaney and Dr. Hardin, they started telling about the situation. Their spaceship Pollux, which is on to the distinct planet for the mission, lost all the connections with them.

Also, they informed EMCR that they received the last words from Pollux's side today at 6.30 AM.

[Message - I am P4, we are under attack by something unknown, and we are abandoning Pollux, Their attack made it (Pollux) vulnerable. It cannot withstand any more damage due to malfunction. We all are separating our ways and also collected necessary data for research. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

Pollux was the spaceship used for the mission of Eqxtron. All of the members had a tag. Like P1, P2 up to P17. They also can see their vitals here. But due to the lost connection with Pollux, they were also no more known. Pollux was the only ship in the arsenal of Arachnid which can travel at the speed of light. If you didn't get it, then let me explain. For example, The distance between Earth and Pluto is 5.1987 billion km. And it will take almost 9.5 years to reach there with a spacecraft. But with Pollux, we can go there in just 4.5-5 hours. And the distance between Earth and Eqxtron is ten times that. Pollux was a strong Spaceship. Which was manufacture with some high-quality materials. Malfunction of Pollux was almost impossible, yet it is gone.

Araceli now understands the situation and also the seriousness behind it. Her frustration now changed into overthinking. She is thinking like what should they do now? Araceli joined Arachnid after leaving the marines. It is technically her first ȧssignment. Everyone in the EMCR is worried dead. Dr. Hardin is worried because he spent millions of dollars on the research. He wanted to see the conclusions on the Eqxtron. Dr. Chaney is the in-charge of the mission. Losing all the experimentation and the spaceship Pollux will be a massive loss. We can imagine their faces. But for now, they can't do anything. Dr. Chaney and Dr. Hardin were discussing something with each other.

For a moment, Araceli sat down and started thinking about something. She was lost in her thoughts again. After finishing the discussion with Dr. Chaney, Dr. Hardin addressed everyone. He asked everyone to remain calm in these circumstances. It is much more than unexpected. So, he is a little bit panicked too, he said to everyone. He intends to solve this matter internally with the people of Arachnid. After addressing everyone in EMCR, Dr. Hardin ordered Dave to send words to board members. By asking them to an emergency meeting, they must come to Floresville by 5.00 PM today. And if it is not possible for them, at least send their representatives.

Dr. Hardin also ȧssures everyone that we will find some solution and we will succeed in our work, and all we need is just a little time. It is not a time to be panic. Although, he is panicked. Dr. Hardin left EMCR with Dr.. Chaney.

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