The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 63: You are surrounded by the Defias Brotherhood

"Spirit of the elements, tell me, these people are not sent by you, right?" Unlike the dwarf uncle and aunt who don't know the truth, the dwarf shaman knows her true identity, so he is full of curiosity about the roadblocker.

All of these people wore red masks, had fierce eyes, and held daggers and short swords. They hid in twos and threes behind various concealed objects, staring at the convoy with malicious eyes.

Look at this dress, this is a member of the Defias Brotherhood!

who I am? where am I? what's my name

Vanessa scratched her head, she felt that maybe she hadn't woken up from a dream, how could people from the Defias Brotherhood rob her? There is a queen of undead in the Undercity named Sylvanas Windrunner, you have the ability to rob her! What Kil'jaeden and Archimonde can be used as robbery targets, why are you looking for yourself!

wrong! She shook her head, which had been a little dull recently due to studying hard, these people are not his subordinates! The dress looks similar, but the fraternity she leads has long since quit such unskilled work as robbery.

Fifty copper coins are collected for a wolf's paw, processed by professional means, and five silver coins are sold for ten times the huge profit. Who would want to rob it?

"For the sake of Cenarius, these people are not my subordinates! None of them!" The knight and the shaman spoke for the sake of the holy light and the spirit of the elements. She always thought that It's cool, this is the face that a transcendent should have, and now it is directly copied.

What? Boss doesn't admit it? It's okay, I'll hold my thigh forcibly!

Lowering her voice, she explained the difference between the Highwaymen and her fraternity.

Putting aside the messy elf language in her head, she quickly found a clue.

This group of people is the group of thieves who wandered out from the western wilderness after Da Fan's death. Now they are only doing things in the name of the brotherhood, and they are not even counted as sub-helms. The two parties have no affiliation at all.

"Really?" The dwarf shaman was a little skeptical.

"It's absolutely true, if I lie, I'll kill Cenarius!" Vanessa swore that this matter had nothing to do with her.

The dwarf caravan doesn't want to be troublesome. In the human country, it is not as convenient as the dwarves to kill or do anything. Vanessa is now more cautious because of Jaina. The members of the fraternity know themselves, so they have been watching from the rear, and the representatives of the caravan will negotiate with the thieves.

The dwarves said that what they transported was alcohol, but the thieves didn't believe it, so they wanted to check it in person.

This time it was impossible to be kind. The two sides drew their weapons and started a full-scale martial arts parade on the side of the road.

The thieves can't beat the heavily armed dwarf warriors, but they are not fighting alone. As a Defias thief blew the horn, a large number of gnolls with crude weapons came out of the woods, and this number every second are increasing.

The dwarves are powerful in combat, but they are now surrounded. They have to protect the caravan and cannot charge indiscriminately. Fifty warriors deal with more than one hundred human thieves and more than three hundred gnolls. The pressure is very high.

Vanessa joined the battle for the first time. She wanted to test her latest set of elven war dances. Actual combat is the best teacher.

She abandoned many habits of thieves. Poison and stealth were useless. She dressed like a chivalrous woman, with a white veil covering her face and a ponytail. She joined the battle like a whirlwind with a saber and dagger.

The experience in the Emerald Dream, as well as the recent study and exercise, plus the blessing of epic weapons and rings, her physical fitness has skyrocketed, whether it is strength, speed or endurance, it has increased by one-third compared to before.

One-third doesn't seem like much. In actual combat, even if the enemy is one-tenth faster than oneself, it will be a disastrous result, let alone one-third.

She didn't use poison, didn't use Druid's transfiguration, the ice attribute of the saber can't be helped, but the demon strike given by the orc has no attribute, she attached the flame power in her body to the dagger, one ice, one flame , Watching from a distance, it is extremely dazzling.

The saber slows down the enemy, and the next move is a horizontal stab with a dagger. With the critical strike attribute and the burning of the flames, no enemy can catch her lightning-fast three moves.

Those traitors from the Defias Brotherhood thought she was easy to bully at first, but after half a minute, they didn't think so. More than fifteen thieves died in her hands. She transforms into a fiery cheetah, a pack less vulnerable than Orgrimmar's orc assassins.

Extraordinary strength and epic-level weapons can greatly increase combat power at the current level. Counting various methods, Vanessa's actual combat power cannot be measured by mid-level thieves at all.

"What kind of ability is this? Like the shaman's flame tongue weapon?" The dwarf shaman asked after he chopped down a thief with his wheel axe.

The dwarf shaman who has never released a totem is full of surprise. He doesn't know how to use flame weapons. He feels that the energy Vanessa uses now is vaguely similar to his own elemental power, but the details seem to be different~ Just like humans think that there are no bad guys among paladins, dwarves also have a good impression of the profession of shaman. In their opinion, those who can be favored by elemental spirits will definitely not be bad guys.

All the dwarves had a great impression of Vanessa, and they began to form a group to cover the retreat of the convoy.

No way, there are too many enemies! A large number of gnolls were coming from all directions, and the human thieves retreated back with a grinning grin, as if they wanted to see these dwarves and gnolls desperately fighting.

"Back! Let's go back to Golden City!" Vanessa walked at the end. With her excellent skills and super reflexes, she was like a high-level warrior, and she defeated the enemy three times with only one person. chase.

While fighting, she found a problem. If she is not at the level of a demigod, even an epic-level powerhouse will kneel in the face of thousands of troops, because the surroundings are full of enemies, and there is very little room for maneuvering. Many skills are useless. It's too late to use it when she comes out, so she can only fight for speed and strength. A dagger is not suitable for this occasion. She needs a long weapon, such as a long knife or a long sword.

She yelled to the dwarves behind her: "Knife!"

A dwarf aunt howled and handed her a serrated broadsword.

...This one seems too big? Her strength can use heavy weapons, but it is not as smooth as light weapons such as swords.

She could only shout one more sentence: "Sword!"

The dwarf shaman quickly threw her a two-handed sword.

Are you trying to **** me off and inherit more than a thousand lucky rabbit feet in my warehouse?

Putting away Proudmoore's saber, she swung her two-handed sword like a whirlwind, hacked to death three gnolls, and turned to look for herself.

But after searching for a long time, I found a hatchet, and the rest were either hammers or hammers, and there were no light weapons at all.

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