When Sulman opened his eyes again, he returned to the upper floor of the central library with the spread of the biography of argas heroes in front of him.

But unlike before, the spiritual power of argas heroes is dissipating. Before long, the book will lose its strangeness and return to an ordinary biography.

The only difference is that the story recorded above will not change. It still takes "Edmund" as the starting perspective, experiences several characters, and finally takes "Sulman Stuart" as the end of the story. The narration of the whole character is very chaotic, but the plot logic is smooth, which constitutes a very strange story.

If you take it to sell money, it can be predicted that its sales will not be very good

Sulman took back his sight, turned to open the panel and looked at the newly acquired sub occupation · thousand illusionists.

At present, the illusionist has only LV1 level, and Sulman has little experience, but the problem is not big, because he still has a backlog of tasks that have not been submitted on his own initiative.

[tip: the origin of the secret news event · prayer meeting (lv27) meets the submission criteria. Do you want to submit the task?]

[tip: your task completion rate is 89%, and the reward is being calculated...]

[tip: after accounting, your reward is as follows -]

"Reward: 15000 experience points."

As soon as an experience enters the soul, Sulman's experience slot becomes rich again. Not only that, he also meets the additional reward conditions.

[tip: special rewards will be triggered because the completion of plot events is more than 80%.]

[tip: Please select one of your talents to obtain the associated skill scroll -]

"Thousand magic faces!"

Sulman didn't hesitate. He didn't submit the task under pressure in order to obtain the sub career of thousand illusions, understand the talent · thousand illusions (incomplete), and then rely on this talent to obtain its related skills.

When Sulman made a choice, there was a faint light gathering on his palm. The next moment, a skill scroll emerged, which is the skill of deeply excavating the "thousand Magic face" - [magic art]!

"It's actually [magic art]...... it's not the best signing, but it's also winning."

Seeing this scroll, Sulman was overjoyed and chose to use it directly. The next moment, with the scroll turned into a faint light and scattered from his hands, Sulman had learned [magic art].

"It seems that Ms. heidie still retained some information. After I heard her narration, the completion rate of the whole event was only 89%..." Sulman looked at the completion rate and guessed the fact that Ms. heidie had concealed from the above information.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, his goal is more than 80% completion. The skill scroll given by the special reward has also completed the final goal. Ms. heidie has concealed something, which is harmless to him.


Suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside, as if they were heading straight here. The goal was very clear.

"The guards of the library on duty? He... How did they detect the movement? " Sulman was puzzled, but when his eyes moved to the front, he suddenly understood the reason in the spread of the biography of argas heroes.

Since argas releases all the spiritual information it imprisons, it must bring some visions. For example, when Sulman returns from the book world, there may be, but not limited to, Banshee like howls, children's night cries, strange cries, and even at the window in the warehouse where books are stored, There will be neon lights shining... The whole is a song and dance hall.

Or a weird version of the song and dance hall!

As long as the guards below are not blind and do not lose sight and hearing... Especially the latter, they will certainly find abnormalities and organize people to check the situation.

With this in mind, Sulman was not in a hurry to leave the warehouse. Instead, he made an idea and injected all his experience values into the sub career of "thousand illusionists", ready to give priority to upgrading its level!

With a lot of experience consumption, 'thousand illusionists' quickly increased their level from LV1 to Lv9.

At the same time, Sulman accumulated a lot of experience values and completely consumed them.

Today, Sulman's character level is lv28, level 19 night Knight (Master) and level 9 thousand illusionist (deputy).

When the illusionist was promoted to Lv9, only one step away from the full level, Sulman also got the prompt sound——

[tip: your sub class, thousand illusionists, has been raised to the limit (Lv9) to trigger a special 'deduction' task.]

[tip: each sub occupation must go through 'deduction' to reach the full level, and start the progress of deduction at the same time. Only when the whole progress bar reaches 100%, can the sub occupation rise to the full level, that is, to lv10 (and understand talent and expertise).]

["deduction · thousand illusionists": you need to use the ability of thousand illusionists to pretend to be characters in the eyes of others. The higher their recognition, the higher your deduction progress. The current progress is 0% (meeting 100% will unlock the upper limit of lv10 for deputies)]

Interpretation task, which is the prerequisite for the full rank of deputy..... Sulman was not surprised. In the past, he was not in a hurry to start the deputy. It was because of the "interpretation" task. As long as he didn't complete the progress bar, even if he had a lot of experience, he couldn't fill a deputy career.

From the perspective of Aboriginal people, this is a kind of "Epiphany". They need to undergo training, slowly hone the progress bar, meet the conditions at a certain node, and successfully promote a sub career, that is, the "Epiphany" in their eyes is equivalent to graduation.


When the footsteps outside the door gradually approached, Sulman's foot was a little, and his body was hidden into a shadow.


In front of the bronze gate, a group of guards with dim yellow lanterns and black and gray police uniforms looked at each other and were looking at the gap opened by the front gate. They hesitated with each other. No one dared to step into the warehouse, which was so dark that someone wanted to eat.

"Oh... Austin! You go in and have a look. We'll support you outside! "

Finally, one of them wore a star emblem on his shoulder, which was obviously higher than others. He was like a middle-aged guard of the team leader, and said to a young man who was much younger than him and had freckles on his face.

"I... I!" The young man called "Austin" immediately blushed. Instinctively, he wanted to reject the proposal. However, when Austin looked at his boss's indisputable eyes, he thought of the year-end salary to be awarded and the little sister of the tailor's shop to whom he was engaged.

Finally, he bit his teeth——


The middle-aged guard was very pleased and patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, we will support you outside."

Support of dog shit... Austin cursed in his heart and pulled out an extremely ugly smile. The next moment, he took over the faint yellow lantern and walked towards the bronze gate. His right hand had touched the baton around his waist, and his fingers trembled.

The crowd looked at his figure and disappeared into the dark as ink. Then there was a long wait. For about a minute, when they were nervous, suddenly, a figure in the warehouse came towards them.


"It's me..."

The voice of the figure was a little low, as if it deliberately made them unable to hear clearly. However, when his face appeared in the dim yellow light of the lantern, people saw a very familiar young face with freckles.

"Oh, Austin, are you trying to scare people?" The middle-aged guard was angry. He seemed angry, but in fact he covered up his inner tension. He came forward and patted him on the shoulder. Somehow, the middle-aged guard always felt that his palm hurt a little after patting each other... When did this guy's bone become so hard?

"I... I didn't mean it. By the way, there's nothing in the warehouse." Austin scratched her head and looked a little shy.

These words made people feel relieved and agreed one after another:

"Yes, maybe we're dazzled..."

"In the middle of the night, it's always easy to make people nervous. Hehe, maybe we're collective nervous and hallucinating?"

"Is this a 'collective illusion'? I heard that the psychologist of linxuecheng put forward this view...... "

While saying this, the group of guards walked into the warehouse. Although Austin said it was okay, they still had to test it. This is an indispensable process in work, but since Austin came out safely, it proved everything. At most, it was their illusion.

No one noticed that Austin quietly stayed outside the door and looked at their backs. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. The next moment, his face changed like water lines and turned into a boy with soft facial features.

He bowed slightly to the crowd, saluted as if to thank them for their cooperation, and then quietly left like a magician in a circus.

In the extremely dark warehouse, the guards are patrolling in groups.

Suddenly, the middle-aged guard tripped at his feet, suddenly out of balance, making him almost fall.

The angry middle-aged guard suddenly raised his lantern and wanted to see what the culprit was with the help of the dim yellow light——

A very familiar young face with freckles came into view. It was a young young man with short hair. The other party was stripped of his coat and only his vest was left on his body. At the same time, the whole person lay on the ground with consternation on his face - it seemed that he was knocked down by someone and fainted directly.

Looking at the young man close at hand, a chill suddenly climbed up the back of the middle-aged guard. The cold sweat whizzed down, soaked his underwear, and lined a large map on his back, cold and greasy.

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