Jazz District, tulip street, on the ruins of the golden song club.

A group of loyalists belonging to the ancient aristocracy are searching for the remnants in the ruins. At the same time, a noble girl with silver armor and a slightly heroic face looks at her subordinates in front of her:

"Haven't you got Sulman's whereabouts yet?"

"Is there not one of your searchers in the city who can find his trace?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Scarlett..." the subordinate she scolded was full of embarrassment: "I... we searched almost every corner of the Jazz area, no, even every area of Gangdian City, unless he hid in the sewer!"

"Otherwise, as long as he stays in the city-state and is seen by others, he will inevitably leave traces......... We are very good at tracking, but the other party just evaporates out of thin air and can't find a trace at all, which... It's against common sense!"

After listening to his explanation, Scarlett sighed deeply, but she didn't embarrass him any more. She waved her hand and said, "then go down, we have to clean up the mess. This city-state and the people who have suffered a disaster need time to heal everything."

The Loyalists followed her instructions and plunged into the search operations in the ruins one by one. They wanted to find the clues left by the "golden song" and clean up the forces behind each other.

Scarlett stared at the front. In her memory, she still stayed in the explosion last night. From that moment, not only Sulman lost his trace, but also disaster broke out in the city. The hunting Church took this opportunity to launch plans... All kinds of changes caught the ancient nobles off guard. Until now, Scarlett didn't even understand the relationship between these?

I always feel like a fool... No, the three nobles in Gangdian city are all fools, and they don't know the reason at the moment.

I don't know how long later, Scarlett regained her consciousness. Just as she patted her knee, she was ready to join the search of her subordinates.

Suddenly, her sight was attracted by a notebook placed out of thin air on the ground on the right.

"Who put this......" with some confusion, Scarlett came forward, picked up the notebook and gently opened it. The next moment, her eyes suddenly widened, with a faint sense of surprise, shock and disbelief.

On the page of the notebook, there is a clear opening sentence:

"The main points of [Yatu legacy city] are recorded as follows. First, as the main city ruled by the Sith aristocracy, Yatu legacy city is also subject to the rule of the giant court in the second era, and believes in the giant king and his followers. In other words, they are the family races of the giants, similar to the status of slaves."

"As the vassals of the giant royal family, they follow the giant customs in ancient customs. Therefore, the main gate of [Yatu heritage city] will adopt the form of 'racial identification'. All non giant races entering the middle gate will be punished by the city-state itself! Of course, this is the ancient magic that was opened during the war. Up to now, their power has been greatly reduced. "

"If you can pretend to be the descendant of a giant, you might as well try the central gate... Oh, I'm kidding."

"Second, deep in the center of [Yatu heritage city], on the site of Byron's college, there is a crazy monster who failed to be promoted. With the strength level of pseudo dawn, it is recommended not to get close to Byron's college, which is your restricted area..."

"Third, at the eastern end of [Yatu heritage city], there is a bell tower that once rang through the whole city. If the bell tower rang, the monsters would follow some of their instincts and even gather in that direction. You can achieve many things by making good use of this. For example, you can transfer the crazy monster of Byron College... But be careful, this behavior is very dangerous! "

"Fourth, it is said that the Sith aristocracy was born. There is a well-known scholar Lawrence, who is one of the founders of 'blood therapy'. However, in the second era of academic ignorance, that is, the silver age... In that ancient period, it was not called blood therapy, but called "blood exchange" by the general public.

At the same time, blood exchange is not a treatment method. Its function is mainly as a gift from the superior to the family members.

For example, many hybrid giants are not descendants of giants themselves. They have become hybrid giants by using "blood exchange", and a large number of them. After all, the giant's blood was an eternal glory at that time, just like the Sith nobles who were mixed blood giants, they were often one head higher than pure blood humans. They were born noble..... About the blood exchange, it may be hidden in Lawrence's former residence - the largest clock tower with moonlight forever, the upper restricted area and the locked place. You need to be careful about this. "

"Fifth point.........."

The informative notes almost suffocated Scarlett. After being stunned for a few seconds, she finally reacted, Shua! Scarlett immediately stood up, turned her head and swept the whole street.

Unfortunately, her efforts were doomed to be futile. She didn't find the familiar figure in her memory. The next moment, Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the notes and smiled and scolded: "sure enough, I knew you were still alive... Thank you!"

Not far away from nobody's attention, a middle-aged gentleman with his back to them stopped slightly. Soon, he resumed his steps and disappeared at the end of the street step by step with a light and bright rhythm.


[tip: you have received deductive feedback. At present, the progress of 'thousand illusionists' is 76% (omitting the decimal point)]

"Hoo, only a quarter of the progress is left, even less than a little..." Sulman sat on the chair in the waiting hall and rarely had a bit of leisure, from his war with the grey robed people to his involvement in the conspiracy of the hunting church.

Along the way, all kinds of fierce battles and breathtaking situations have strained his spirit to the limit. If he had not had the life experience of his previous life and handled it carelessly, he would be in an irreparable situation.

However, such a huge risk also brings a huge return.

In the process of sneaking into the underground palace, Sulman received great deductive feedback and pushed the "thousand illusionists" to more than 45% at one stroke. In particular, in the follow-up progress, the hunting church may mistook him for other unlucky bastards and let another "pot man" bear all the hatred. This situation is also in line with the professional meaning of "thousand illusionists".

Let the deceived detect something wrong and find that the person they know is actually disguised as a "thousand illusionists".

This is the first deductive feedback.

Let the deceived have a false perception that it was done by another object, and let others carry the pot instead of the "thousand illusionists".

This is the second deductive feedback.

According to different occupations, there are more than one way to complete the deduction. Normal people need to explore methods. Sulman doesn't need to know the answer in advance like them. This is due to the player forum in previous lives.

Of course, there are more and more clear life memories after he crossed.

"Not only that, but I also faced Miss Anne, Ms. Black Butterfly (Selena) and ancient nobles in another capacity after the event, which made me make a lot of progress, pushing from 45% to more than 75%..." Sulman silently analyzed his harvest and was satisfied with it.

You know, the deduction progress is not linear growth. When it is 0% to 25%, it is easier, but the difficulty of 25% to 50% is increased, which is a bit more difficult than the former, and the more it goes to the back, the more difficult it becomes.

Because the deduction of the sub occupation includes different aspects. For example, the two deductions given above are two aspects.

[deduction progress] it is equivalent to a large defective map. What the extraordinary people have to do is fill in the blank space one by one, and the deduction method is the puzzle style in their hands.

Using only one deductive method, it must be very difficult to fill from 0% to 100%, but using two deductive methods is like having two blocks of the same puzzle in your hand, which is equivalent to an additional backup. Even if you have a few fewer pieces of your original, you can find puzzles of the same color from the backup and fill in the blank of the big map......... It's much simpler.

If you find all the methods, your performance will be amazing... Such as Sulman.

Sulman returned to Gangdian city in another new identity and took the initiative to meet Miss Anne, Selena and others, which is not only his farewell to this journey, but also the most unique third way of interpretation.

After saying goodbye to several people, Sulman's performance progress soared, which was almost as good as the performance harvest in the underground palace. He also made a perfect curtain call on his original identity. In the future, Sulman will be able to travel with a new identity - Yasen Robin.

This is Sulman's evil taste attack, giving himself a new name.

Anyway, no one in this world will understand its meaning

"From now on, I will be Mr. Yasen."

Surman looked at his disguised, cocoon and safe hands. He make complaints about the fact that if Robin is placed on the screen, it's probably the oldest version. Of course, this is his disguised appearance. The real age has to be reversed.

——Woo woo!

There was also a roaring sound of gas coming from the platform in front, and there were also swarming crowds. They immediately surrounded the dark appearance of the steam train entrance. Passengers lined up to get on the train according to the station order.

Sulman regained his mind, looked at them from a distance, didn't care about them, and pretended to look at the morning newspaper.

His train schedule is still very early. As the only external transportation of Gangdian City, this station has to undertake a large number of steam trains every day. They come from different civilized city states and drive to different civilized areas.

Because of the large number of incoming trains and the staggered routes in all directions, the frequency of steam trains is also surprisingly complex.

On the northern cold land, if there are passengers taking trains, they need to buy a thick line bound "train timetable" from the station. There are at least hundreds of pages, which are filled with the train frequencies of major steam companies and their departure time.

The major steam companies belong to different mobile castles. They are all peripheral organizations of the steam church, but they have internal competition. Therefore, major steam companies often compete for passenger flow and like to arrange shifts on popular routes during peak hours. Even on the same steam route, the ticket price quota is different due to different subordinate steam companies.

This situation has further increased the degree of confusion on the train schedule, such as rush departure, schedule collision, delay, and even serious accident scene. It is common and can be called a classic interpretation of the word "inner volume".

Of course, in addition to the slightly expensive overall fare, the safety of steam trains is still very reliable.

At least it's much safer than traveling with the caravan... Sulman didn't forget what state he was in when he came to the world. Of course, thanks to this, he got to know Ibis... Well, there's sin flame!

Now, Sulman has great strength, and his performance progress is very high. Only when he reaches the level of "thousand illusionists", he is qualified to be promoted to the level of "amnesty councillors". Traveling alone on the snow field is not a problem at all.


Who is willing to suffer on the snow field if they can enjoy the comfortable carriage and hot bathroom? Therefore, Sulman did not have the idea of traveling alone, but ordered a "special seat" ticket to go to another destination, which was also the place where he planned to perform the mission of the secret code.

Fortunately, due to the disaster in Gangdian City, many people lost their ID cards or were in a hurry. They had no time to pack up many things and wanted to leave the place and stay away from the whole vortex.

Those railway personnel who sold tickets, looking at the face of gold pounds, happily increased the price of each ticket a little. Of course, in order to facilitate the purchase of the victims, they also exempted the link of identification.

Very standard looting, but also convenient for some people.

Otherwise, Sulman had to find another gray market merchant in Gangdian city to get the identity certificate from his hand. There was some trouble. The most important thing was to delay the time. At present, he didn't need it.

It can be predicted that there may be a mixture of good and bad people on the steam train in this environment. After all, without identity certificates, some absconds like "Ibis" or famous people on the wanted notice can get on the train openly.

I hope no one without eyes will annoy me... Sulman looked at the morning paper and was quite quiet.

At this moment, while enjoying his leisure, he calculated silently in his heart.

In addition to deducing the progress, what have you gained——

40000 experience points gained by killing Jenkins, plus all the way out of the ground to kill the enemy with the hunting Church in Gangdian city.

After a battle, he has accumulated more than 50000 experience values... This is an extremely amazing experience reserve!

Just wait until he is promoted to "amnesty councillor", he can take off in a wave!

Jenkins' personal contact secret volume and his wallet, together with the contribution wallet of President Qi Sheng, even if the money in the bank's registered account can't be taken out, it's just cash. Sulman also has more than 9000 gold pounds on him - this is a huge sum of money!

This is equivalent to the income of a small squire with land for about five years, which is equivalent to the total income of a formal lawyer who has worked without food and drink for ten years. Moreover, it must be the top-level elite among lawyers. Otherwise, the annual salary of ordinary lawyers will be about 400 gold pounds, which will have to be doubled on the basis of ten years. Only after 20 years without food and drink can they earn this money.

"If you convert it to the earth, it's about 45 million... Well, it refers to before house prices soared." Surman silently make complaints about it. In the end, he still does not forget the trophy in the secret bag.

Apart from a large number of experience points, more than 9000 gold pounds and the "contact secret volume" of the Stuart family.

Sulman also seized a C-level soul quality "pregnant eye", which has not been unsealed and is in the state of sealing negative effects.

This is his express gift from the members of the hunting Church in the city

Compared with the beginning of the crossing, at present, Sulman's property and heritage items are very different.

Both the hunting church and the praying for life are good people... Sulman sighed silently.

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