Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another, the caged motorcade that was being dragged came to an end like a car accident due to the runaway snow nightmare horse.

The prisoners sleeping in the iron cage were immediately awakened. The sudden change, without warning, caused them to scream one after another. In the extreme chaos, many caged cars overturned, dragged their snow nightmare horses, broke free from the reins, raised their heads and rushed into the snow field.

"What happened?"

"How did the whole team get out of control? Ah, i... the snow nightmare horse in front of me ran away! "

"No, this is our chance! Look, can you take advantage of the chance to escape! "

In the chaos of the out of control scene, some prisoners screamed and shouted with excitement, while others dared not move for fear of retaliation from the white wolf group. After all, they don't dare to find out the truth of the bloody bandits before they offend each other. After all, they don't dare to take the risk of offending each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that they don't have the ability to break the cage like su'an.

At the moment, different from the frightened people, the dwarf who had assisted su'an was lying on the edge of the cage, the whole carriage overturned, and the remaining snow nightmare horse rushed into the snow field and disappeared. However, the dwarf knows very well that these abnormalities are absolutely related to the black haired young man, which may be the changes he brought

There is another man who is more certain than the dwarf.

The secret code of heiyuan in the cage behind him opened his eyes. He knew better than anyone here what had happened and who had done everything by the youth he was not optimistic about. In particular, the other party managed to control the crazy snow nightmare horse in a way he didn't know.

How did he do it?

Heiyuan's secret code is stunned. It's not that this problem is very difficult. If its real body is here, this little thing can be solved easily.

Even when others see its body, they will go crazy and fall into chaotic despair, and all problems will be solved.

However, the person who finished it was a young man with black hair... The new man who was promoted not long ago and has not yet undergone training!

How can a newcomer do this without being taught?!

What I can't believe is that the young man with black hair is like an old soldier on the battlefield. The first sneak attack on the target caught the key point, just like the seven inch key of catching a snake. The target is clear. He was the first to attack and kill the hooded man playing the harmonica. Let the whole transportation link of the white wolf group fall apart immediately, just like a domino. Under the chain reaction, his actions triggered the largest chaos!

The whole process is like flowing clouds and water, without a trace of mud and water.

Come on! Sure! Cruel!

If the heiyuan secret code has hands and feet, at the moment, its hands absolutely grasp the iron cage and look at the young figure under the night like a curious baby, because the other party subverts its idea.

"Originally, he has been pretending!"

Heiyuan's secret code clenched his teeth and muttered to himself in an almost positive tone: "ordinary people, even if they are promoted to extraordinary, can't have such skilled skills. It seems that it is. It is definitely taught by his mother. you 're right! The adventurer born in the twilight field is good at practical combat skills. He can really bear it. For so many years, he has not exposed his combat skills in the Stuart family. "

"On the surface, he has been pretending to be an ordinary poor child. It seems that his plot has another goal..." the more he thought about it, the more he affirmed his guess!

It was not the only one who had deliberately hidden, and the 'Sulman Stuart' had the same idea!

At this moment, su'an's image in the heart of heiyuan secret code became a conspirator with deep city government, and she was no longer the simple young man.

The dark abyss secret code looked at the battle in the night ahead. Somehow, it had a little expectation.


The young man with black hair is not really inflated, but he has enough confidence?!

At the same time,

Su an can ignore other people's opinions. After strangling the hooded man, following the fighting instinct developed for many years, Su an does not need to think, resolutely turns sideways and takes the initiative to jump off the snow nightmare horse.

Dong, the piercing cold snowflakes slowed down the impact, and there was a gunfire sound in her ears. Su an looked up and saw the snow nightmare horse he had just taken, which had been torn by angry bullets, splashed with blood and dyed the nearby snow red.

White Wolf members equipped with flint guns don't have high shooting accuracy. It seems that they don't have shooting talent or related skills.

The challenge difficulty is about level 7, but their lethality is above level 10 and they have the ability to threaten the extraordinary.

Fortunately, they were not equipped with steam rifles... Su'an quickly analyzed the general situation of each other through his voice. As a top pioneer in his previous life, what he needed was the experience of analyzing the enemy.

At the moment, su'an's level is only LV1.

However, when he started the main class, the combat effectiveness can be regarded as lv10 ordinary class. After all, most players in their previous lives, when they were promoted to extraordinary, had already filled an ordinary class - the upper limit of the full level of the ordinary class is lv10, which is included in the superposition of the total level.

Su an can start the main occupation so early. He is definitely a different kind of everyone. His combat effectiveness is much higher than that of his peers.

With this, Su an can kill the hooded man. Otherwise, without the initial skill and touch of disaster given by the night knight, even if Su an is close to the other party, he can't kill the hooded man with one blow.

Now, the whole scene has been confused. What Sue needs to do

Just keep killing!

Sue Ann heard the gunshot and stopped. Without hesitation, she leaned over slightly and went in the direction of the gunshot.

He has dark vision.

At night, this is Su an's home advantage!

Soon, su'an touched a gunman. The other party was wearing a small round hat and his vest was stained with snow. His face was nervous and looked at the direction of killing Xueyan horse. Unfortunately, he turned a blind eye to su'an close at hand.

Su an kicked at her feet and bullied the other party in an instant.

The arm wrapped around the black smoke, under the frightened eyes of the other party, is like the kiss of death. Ordinary people have no power to fight!

"Tip: you have caused fatal damage to white wolf group member Nelson. The target has died. This time, you are killing the enemy beyond the level."

"Tip: you have gained 75 experience points (leapfrog reward)"

After all, su'an's total level is lower than the other party. Although the killing is not extraordinary and the experience reward is reduced, su'an still gets a very high bonus compared with normal conditions.

You know, it is extremely difficult to obtain experience in the eternal night world. The early dozens of experience often require a large number of tasks of breaking legs. If it is to form a team to go out of the city, it is also necessary to hunt a large number of violent creatures in the wild and share the experience with people.

In a short time, Su an killed two white wolf members, including an extraordinary one, and captured more than 300 experience points.

However, he also paid a price.

"Hiss..." Su an looked up at his arm. At this time, the black smoke wrapped around his arm gradually showed signs of emptiness. It seems that his spiritual consumption is serious. He can kill three more people at most. I'm afraid he must stop.

The so-called spirituality is equivalent to magic value.

It can be understood that all classes release the necessary consumption of skills and the magic value in the eternal night world.

At the next moment, su'an approached the next target again with the help of the night.

This is to irrigate their own growth with the blood of the enemy.

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