The cold wind roared, the snow was flying, and the snow was on the vast white snow field.

One by one, wearing heavy coats, dressed like a business brigade, but with a bit of a sense of awe, the members with hidden oppression are stepping on the heavy snow under their feet and moving towards the goal.

Sulman rode on the back of Xueyan horse and mixed in their team. He seemed to remove his appearance, and other places were similar to others.

The ancient nobles sent a lot of people, but there are few real extraordinary people... After all, a promotion ceremony was held, and very few people stepped into the extraordinary field.

Even the ancient nobles should stay behind to prevent accidents in Gangdian city.

Each ancient aristocrat sent 2-4 people, a total of 10 extraordinary people, divided into two teams. The action team leader is their preparatory master, which is a terrorist force that can not be underestimated.

You should know that there are usually only 1-3 extraordinary people in the wilderness group on the snow field, and there are few second-class strong people among them. If they have this strength, these people will not mix in the "Sith heritage land", and the external stage is more suitable for them.

In addition to ten extraordinary people, there are a large number of elites. They are all loyal people trained by ancient nobles. This time, they also dress up as a business team and follow them to the restricted area. This team has nearly 30 people and looks mighty.

"It's about half a day away from the edge of the restricted area..."

Sulman took a look and judged the approximate distance.

It is different from his last rescue steam train, because it is a single horse, regardless of the speed of others. One person can just be reckless. This time, they are collective action, and the natural speed is slower.

Sulman was not in a hurry. Anyway, his goal was to find out whether there were traces of night shadow lizards in the "Yatu heritage city". Secondly, he had to be on guard for the prayer meeting that might be used as "yellow finches". They might be peeping at their own people in a corner.

Speaking of the "peeping" function, Sulman thought of the archer profession, because this profession, whether it is the promotion faction of the "natural" branch or the "silver moon" branch, is good at tracking the enemy. For example, natural archers are good at sharing animal vision to obtain information from animal perspectives.

How will the members of that group of prayer church determine our whereabouts? Sulman guessed silently. At the next moment, he silently recited the panel and opened the taskbar that had not been moved for a long time.

At this time, he still has an unfinished task, which is also to hide events.

——[ember of prayer meeting (lv17)]!

This task is a hidden event triggered after the failure of the original auction. The reward is higher than the serial task. However, after intercepting and killing Roy who stole the oil painting, Sulman did not hand in the task, and deliberately pressed for a period of time to let the ancient nobles continue to eliminate the prayer meeting, so as to improve the completion of the task.

Up to now, they have gone out of the city with the exploration team of the ancient aristocrats, and the suppression operation in Gangdian city has come to an end. The degree of completion will not rise any more. It is the time for him to submit his task.

[tip: the ember of hidden event · prayer meeting (lv17) meets the handover standard. Do you want to submit the task?]

"Yes!" Sulman was sure.

[tip: your task completion rate is 84%, and the reward is being calculated...]

[tip: after accounting, your reward is as follows -]

"Reward: 3000 experience points, Beidi reputation + 10 (you need to complete more than 80% and meet the conditions to issue rewards)"

Hoo..... Sulman breathed a sigh. The experience value given by the task is not very much, but it has Beidi reputation, which is an extremely scarce reward.

And if he remembered correctly, when he was hunting the white wolf group in the past, he also won Beidi reputation once because his completion degree was more than 90%. The sum of the two reached the critical point of reputation value and can open the reputation column.

[tip: your northern reputation is in the Jin level and has been converted to 'Legend' (the legend depends on the sum of reputation)]

[Note: please read article 148 of the instruction manual for the specific content of 'Legend degree'....]

Surman looked at the contents of the prompt, and he wanted to make complaints about the manual. It was a book that was purchased from the game body compartment, which was comparable to the thick book of the criminal code. Unfortunately, he could not see it in his whole life.

However, as a reborn, Sulman naturally knows the role of "legend", which is an important attribute. It not only represents personal influence, but also the need to hold follow-up ceremonies after high-level.

It is said that some professions have higher requirements for "legend" than others. For example, the sun Knight seems to have a large number of believers, which is reflected in the low level. After the high level, their desire for "legend" was much higher than that of the night knight. That's why Sulman chose the night Knight at the beginning.

Open the character panel, and Sulman saw the new attribute of legend in the last column——

Legend degree: 2 points (2)

2 points is the reputation of the north, the legendary degree after transformation.

In the future, Sulman's reputation in other regions will also be transformed into legend. According to different proportions, the growth of legend is not normal linear. The higher the legend, the more difficult it is to improve.

As for the bracket, it represents the legendary effect of Sulman in the current area.

For an easy to understand example, Sulman has gained a lot of legends in the northern cold soil, but when he runs to the twilight field, the effect is bound to decline. If there is a legend of 100 points, it may be 100 points (60) in the twilight field. The 60 points in brackets are his effect in that area, just like your believers are northerners, but running to the south is naturally limited.

After turning off the panel, Sulman injected all the remaining experience values into his body, just a little away from the full level, which is already the line of control of Lv9.

[tip: after consuming some experience, your skill 'line of control' has been increased to lv10.]

[tip: your skill 'line of control' is increased to lv10, triggering skill sublimation. When you release the skill, the consumed 'shadow Avatar' will be reduced to 13.]

The consumption has been reduced... Sulman is very satisfied. You know, the original line of control consumes his "shadow Avatar". In other words, the talent of "shadow Avatar" can be regarded as the second life slot. The line of control consumes not only spirituality, but also the second life slot.

When Sulman increases the line of control, the consumption of "shadow doubles" decreases greatly. There will be no embarrassment that he puts too many skills and loses his shadow doubles, resulting in risk.

"In this state, I have a greater grasp of exploration action..."

Sulman took back his sight. At the moment, he was in his prime, almost the strongest of the 'first order'.

If you are dragged into a war of attrition, with the low consumption of the "line of control", even if you are just entering the second level, you may not be his opponent.

While thinking, Sulman's ears moved, but he heard two extraordinary people of moslian. Due to the boredom of the road, they began to chat and got involved in the topic in the restricted area——

"In other words, are we going to enter [Yinsi town] when we go deep into the restricted area this time?"

"Of course, the town is not far from the 'Yatu heritage city', and every year on the night of 'Moon silence', the famine gangs in the nearby area, wanted criminals, or adventurers will have a short rest in [Yinsi town]."

"It is said that the first place where the news came out was [Yinsi town]. They witnessed a snow flame rising from the city of Yatu heritage, but a little..."

"It seems that our Gangdian city got the news a little faster than other places. I don't know why."

PS: ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

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