Dong! Dong! Dong!

The heavy and rapid footsteps echoed in the ruins of the city-state shrouded in the night. A slightly embarrassed figure staggered. From time to time, due to lack of vision, it accidentally bumped into the nearby dirty wall, abandoned street lamps, or rotten carriages.

He stumbled a little. Fortunately, there were imperceptible transparent distortions rippling in the air nearby.

These distortions, Kankan held his body. When the latter looked up, he revealed that he had short brown hair in the night. His face looked ordinary, but his eyebrows were a little vicissitudes and gray. There were about an adult man in his thirties.

This person is president Qi Sheng.

Previously, he disguised himself as a wild transcendent and took the initiative to kill Lieyan after the giant war. Sulman and others... Of course, his main target is' Lieyan 'osido.

As for Sulman, in his eyes, he is only the successor of Mosley's family or the next leader of Lieyan, which is obviously less important than the former. Therefore, he handed over the other party to Gina, the "cold wall".

Unexpectedly, the female subordinate who had followed him for many years fell down unexpectedly

Suddenly, President Qi Sheng lowered his waist, held his abdomen and coughed violently——

"Cough..... Cough!"

He coughed his heart and lungs as if to cough them out.

When President Qi Sheng calmed down and slowly removed his palm, he saw that there was viscous, fishy and slightly green pus on his palm, which was a foreign body coughed out of his body or rejected.

"That... That monster!"

President Qi Sheng cursed fiercely. He couldn't understand why he was so unlucky?

Obviously he was tracking the trace of the "murderer", but unexpectedly, he not only met a group of virtual spirit creatures on the way, but he spent a lot of effort to quell the trouble and difficulties they brought.

As a result, when he felt for the position of the blood seal

It was a shallow pool with bare feet. In the quiet dark environment, it was like a strange mushroom endowed with life and a strange smell in the nose, but those were not the focus.

The real key is that when he stepped into the pool, he seemed to touch something!

Those mushrooms sprang up from the pool, but President Qi Sheng didn't care. Even, he didn't pay attention to them and directly used spiritual pressure to destroy them.

But the fatal thing was that this act was like firewood to detonate the fuse, which directly led to the riots

It seemed to disturb the sleeping great life. In the depths of the dark environment, with violent movements, a monster that made president Qi Sheng feel terrible was killed. Later, there was a fierce battle between the two sides. He paid a heavy price and successfully escaped from the other side as the result of this matter.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the darkness of the silent moon night..."

President Qi Sheng cursed again. This environment is so harmful that he can't see things clearly.

Who knows that there is such a terrible monster in the pool. The other party is not at the dawn level, but it is very strange. It seems that half of his life has been separated from the extraordinary level, that is, the limit of the third level..... This is his unmatched opponent!

Fortunately, the other party's fighting wisdom is not high, like relying on instinctive action. Otherwise, President Qi Sheng doubts himself and can't survive.

You know, the difference between third-order and fourth-order is completely two different life essence.

For this reason, the fourth level will be called the "dawn realm", which is different from the extraordinary realm of levels 1 to 3. Even in the ancient second era, in the silver age when ancient dragons and giants ruled the world, the fourth level life can also be called the real strong.

"Does that monster have something to do with Yatu city..."

President Qi Sheng gasped. As an experienced tourist, he had been to the end of the cold soil in the north and seen the scenery outside the Sith heritage. Naturally, he guessed that the monster might be related to the ancient culture of Yatu heritage city.

Unfortunately, his strength can't support himself, so he can explore further

"It was a heavy loss this time."

President Qi Sheng was a little annoyed, with some regret.

Sure enough, he should not easily listen to the information disclosed to him by the "insider". This aspect is indeed detailed, but he also did not expect that the "fierce eye" and the "code" still have a hand, let alone the successor of the mosleyan family

Unexpectedly, he met the most terrible life in yatuyi city. However, since he was so unlucky, even the blood seal remained in that pool. It must be that the corpses did not exist and completely turned into their nourishment?

"Gina, although I can't avenge you personally, you can rest in peace..... Cough! Cough! "

President Qi Sheng covered his mouth and showed some relief on his face.

However, my situation is a little bad... President Qi Sheng looks down and sees that there is a heavily injured exposed part in his abdomen, which is covered with mossy corruption. Every action will make him extremely painful.

It is also eroding his vitality. Affected by this, President Qi Sheng's strength has declined seriously.

In his current state, even if he meets' strong eye ', it will be a little tricky

"I have to go back as soon as possible. I need the help of that 'Insider'... Help me lift my curse!" President Qi Sheng decided in his heart that the next moment, he reached out and touched a distorted thing that was difficult to distinguish.

The indistinguishable nothingness, along with his actions, began to swim near Ge.

This is the "eye" of President Qi Sheng, which makes him qualified to act in the environment of the silent moon night!

Virtual spirit creatures are hard to detect and can shuttle through the virtual world all the time. In the eyes of outsiders, they are very terrible beings - but when promoted to the third level, President Qi Sheng, as a contract master, is still a branch of blood, and is qualified to contract a powerful virtual spirit life.


Some unreal sounds come and are difficult to distinguish in the air

Unfortunately, this life was also seriously injured when solving that group of virtual soul lives. Otherwise, with its time to explore the way, President Qi Sheng may not hit the terrible life... It can only be said to be a mistake.

The president is groping for the darkness and praying for it.


Suddenly, something in the air seemed invisible and twisted, as if it had hit something.

It's fine, cobweb like silk thread!

At the next moment, the whole silk thread was suddenly pulled back, which severely bound the "it" in the night. Instinctively, this ethereal life contracted by the president of Qisheng began to struggle with itself, but the tenacity of these silk threads was amazing.

The more violent the struggle, the more like a small insect trapped in a cobweb!

This... This is?!

President Qisheng's pupil shrinks. Even if he can't see things in the distance, President Qisheng can also perceive the tenacity of those silk threads... And the sense of familiarity with him by virtue of his connection with the virtual spirit life!

Is it... No, it's impossible!

President Qi Sheng subconsciously wants to deny the idea. He has seen this kind of silk thread, but the problem is that the shadow silk thread used by the youth does not have such strong tenacity. In a short time, it seems to have been upgraded to a higher level!

Suddenly, President Qi Sheng felt cold at the bottom of his heart and hid directly.


A knife light with black smoke came from the imperceptible night. The next moment, a young man with black hair with outstanding appearance and wine red eyes turned his wrist and chased president Qi Sheng with a knife, so that the latter could recognize his identity——

"Sue... Sulman Arthur Doyle!"

PS: second, I'm out

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