After putting away the president's badge, Sulman looked at the ground next to him and gradually revealed the real monster body.

This is the virtual Spirit creature that Qisheng president contracted. It is officially called "spirit eating whale". It is the same as other virtual spirit creatures. In other words, all virtual spirit creatures have the characteristics of vague posture and difficult to observe with the naked eye alone.

The virtual Spirit creature is a special life living in the virtual world. The so-called virtual world is the projection of the eternal night world. The two can be regarded as twin worlds, one and two sides.

Conceptually, it is somewhat similar to the human world and the underworld on earth.

However, the difference between them and the underworld is that the virtual world is the projection of the eternal world. They are things born from information and also contain the information state of the eternal world. In short, this "soul eating whale" is likely to be a strong man in the eternal night world. The residual information consciousness after death gathers reborn life in the virtual world. This is what is similar and different from the underworld on earth.

The virtual world is very dangerous.

After all, it contains a large number of information states of the strong. The strength of the life inhabiting in the virtual world is often not poor. When the professionals of the eternal night world involve the latitude of the virtual world, they basically need to be at the level of amnesty councillors or even at the dawn level to contact that place.

There is only one profession exception, that is the mage profession. They themselves are experts in controlling information.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge, in the eyes of mages, is equal to extraordinary power!

Whether arcane mages or secret mages, their strength is based on knowledge, but their efforts are in different directions.

Just as soldiers focus on refining themselves, contract division takes contract as the foundation of strength.

Mages also take "knowledge" as their source of strength.

Mages' exploration of the virtual world is far better than that of other professions, especially secret mages. They are better at traveling with the help of the virtual world... Sulman regained his consciousness without delaying time.

He ignored the body of the "soul eating whale" on the ground, because the information collapsed with the death of the other party. In a short moment, the "soul eating whale" not only showed its true face, but also the body parts of the body collapsed, and finally turned into nothingness.

As if it never existed.


Suddenly, Sulman felt the tremor of the earthquake, and the direction of the movement was really the previous Byron college. Previously, Sulman tracked down according to the clues on the ground and deliberately avoided the taboo life.

But he knew that the other party probably returned to Byron's college.

Is this a riot against life? Yes, it may have been slightly injured. It has a beast like anger instinct and takes the initiative to vent its anger around. It seems that the whole Yatu heritage city will suffer turbulence

You shouldn't stay here long!

Sulman stretched out his hand, perfectly integrated into the shadow of the night, and grabbed the head of President Qi Sheng on the ground. This was proof that he was ready to receive merit. The next moment, Sulman turned and rushed into the night and went towards the city gate!


In the dark, hard to catch, out of reach of the night.

A group of members dressed like ancient nobles, holding high torches, walked carefully among the abandoned city states.

The night curtain, thick as ink, seemed to devour everything. The torches in their hands sounded in the night wind. The light of the fire was bright and dark, and there was a faint trend of extinction. Under the erratic light of the fire, their faces were also a little nervous.

At the front, a middle-aged man with blue hair floating in the air with illusory classics beside him, his face was serious and suddenly made a sound:

"We have searched for a long time and have not found any trace of him. In this dangerous environment, I think......"

"He has encountered an accident. It doesn't make much sense to continue searching!"

Some determined words made everyone in the exploration team look different. Some people were relieved, but others clenched their fists and suddenly looked up and said, "I object!"

The speaker, wearing silver and white armor, was not beautiful, but her heroism was hidden. She glared at the middle-aged man with blue hair: "we didn't see his body. Why should we judge that Sulman had been unlucky? I think he should be in a corner of yatuyi city and may need our support! "

This group of members who are exploring the city-state are impressively the aristocratic team of Gangdian City, mainly composed of moslian and Biler families, supplemented by a part of Kano family, and the aristocratic League reconnected by the three parties.

However, after they reunited, they have lost a lot of manpower compared with the original.

One part is the team led by Codex ed, who lost their own manpower when exploring the city. The other part is that the "fierce eye" osido met President Qisheng. During the chase, the two sides rejoined Codex ed ed ed ed ed Ed's team. After a fierce battle, although they defeated president Qisheng, they also paid a lot of price.

In the follow-up search, they successfully found Scarlett, Lucy and others and completed the meeting again. Unfortunately, the team led by "fierce eye" osido also suffered losses. For example, Lauryn has been confirmed to have been attacked by a monster and died.

At the moment, this team, which had seemed mighty at the time of departure, has now withered in number.

Even living people, most of them are wounded... Embarrassment is their adjective.

"Not seeing the body is the biggest accident!"‘ Code: ed gazed at Scarlett, his eyes were solemn, and his tone was indisputable: "our loss has been big enough. Moreover, the prayer association has appeared and dispatched the top strong suspected president, although our combined strength can resist temporarily......"

"But we are facing great risks. In this case, we should give up the search action! Even this time, the goal of looking for spiritual materials for promotion to the third level should be abandoned. Our action failed - we can no longer suffer losses and should stop losses in time! "

During her speech, Scarlett felt a great pressure from the body of "code" ed. although the other party did not use extraordinary power, it was just an instinctive tone and posture, which made people unconsciously abide by and want to obey his orders!

"But... But!"

Scarlett struggled to refute. Suddenly, an old man's smooth palm pressed on her shoulder, turned her head, and the genial osido shook his head at her:

"Ed has a point. It's time for us to give up..."

"Whether searching for Sulman or the original promotion plan."

Facing her puzzled eyes, osidor sighed faintly:

"We have failed."

"Just stop loss is the most important thing, Scarlett. As a qualified successor, you should learn to control your emotions."

Scarlett opened her mouth. Finally, she clenched her silver teeth and was about to say something——


Suddenly, the book beside ed, the code, was shining like a warning, gently breaking the heavy night ahead.

This reminder made the people excited, vigilant and wary.

The next moment, in their vision, a young man with soft and outstanding black hair came slowly from the night. His eyes like red wine reflected their exaggerated expressions full of vigilance.

Sue... Sulman Arthur Doyle?!

The people were stunned. Before they could react, the next moment, ED, the most sharp eyed "code", saw the head suspended beside him... No, it should be said that it was carried by the shadow line, a dead head.

——That's the head of President Qi Sheng.

PS: there's another watch in the evening.

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