In the next few days, the pirates advertised on the canvas again.

They bought seastone at a high price of 1 million berries per gram.

This was obviously to prepare for Crocodile's natural sand-sand fruit.

In the end, he still underestimated the rarity of seastone.

This offer, which was higher than the market price, did not even get a buyer.

The Straw Hat Pirates and the bounty hunters of Whiskey Peak seemed to be visitors from two different worlds.

The two sides were clearly in the same place, but they had almost no contact.

No one was willing to participate in the fight between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

They could pick up leaks and take advantage, but it was absolutely impossible for them to charge into battle.

These extreme realists were most afraid of having a life to make money but no life to spend it.

The Straw Hat Pirates stayed at Whiskey Peak for a week.

Except for rescuing Princess Vivi and Ikalem, no one defected.

On the last night, he still bought the seastone.

It was a link of a disassembled seastone shackle chain.

It has to be said.

People die for money, birds die for food.

It makes sense.

The pirates paid 30 million Baileys in cash for this ring.

Even so, he still bargained.

After all, the weight of a ring is more than 500 grams.

The characteristics of seastone that are stronger than diamonds and heavier than gold are clearly revealed in this point. In the case of whether to cut it and sell it by gram, or to sell it in a package at a price of 30 million, the other party still gritted his teeth and sold it in a package at a price.

Because the pirates do not provide cutting technology.

He himself has no cutting ability. He can only admit defeat.

Even if Bailey in the world of One Piece is not worth much, even the dragon is only worth 20 million Baileys.

You can see the gold content of a seastone ring.

With the seastone, the pirates did not wait for the target they wanted.

They could only set out from Whiskey Peak.

Go to another Jedi-the small garden of the ancient island.

For his decision, it was naturally opposed by others on the ship.

You know, the small garden of the ancient island is occupied by sea kings.

Sea kings, which are tens or hundreds of meters in size, are the most terrifying existence in the ocean.

Every year, the number of ships sunk by sea kings is no less than that sunk by pirates.


"I have special skills to deal with sea kings"

"And we still have Moo as an advance scout, right?"

Moo, who was dragging the clipper in the river, felt a chill all over his body.

Facing the captain who had made up his mind, they had no choice but to obey and execute.

The bounty hunter who used the birds to locate the movements of the Straw Hat Pirates from high in the sky and followed them from a distance to try to get a bargain.

After discovering that the Straw Hat Pirates were not taking the route to Alabasta, but the route to the forbidden land of the Small Garden of the Ancient Island, they decisively chose to withdraw amid the abuse of a madman.

They didn't want to go there and compare their luck with the Sea King.

As they walked out of the river, the sea breeze also came on the sea.

Nami started to steer the helm again.

The sea beast Moo was temporarily free and explored the way ahead. Along the way, their clipper was unimpeded.

It was not until the Ancient Island could be seen with the naked eye that they really encountered the Sea King.

The sea beast Moo was scared to death..

It became the first target of attack by the sea kings.

It could only cling to the side of the clipper and tremble.

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Vivi, and Ikareem were all sweating.

Facing these behemoths that were many times larger than the ships.

The huge size difference between the two sides would naturally trigger natural fear.

But the pirates still looked calm.

He shot streams of blood at the sea kings emerging from the sea one by one.

The blood entered through the eyes, nostrils, and mouths of the sea kings.

Like a living thing, it went straight to the brain.

Soon these huge sea kings became inexplicably docile.

They sank quietly into the sea again.

If it weren't for the waves and swaying caused by the appearance of the sea kings, the ships would have swayed, as if those sea kings had never appeared.

The sea kings were easily tamed by the pirates with blood.

This made him shrouded in a layer of mystery.

"Log in"

"It is said that there are many dinosaurs on this ancient island"

"I haven't seen a live dinosaur yet."

The Pirate Room stated the purpose of his visit.

The Hokage Room and Marvel Room, who had not spoken for a long time, also spoke.

【Hokage: I don’t have any either】

【Marvel: I don’t have any either.】

【Marvel Room: If you give me a set of dinosaur samples, how about I give you a Ten-Tails?】

【Naruto: Same conditions as above, I will give you a giant reincarnation eye, or samsara eye】

【Pirates: Deal! 】

Pirates suddenly said.

This immediately caused the anger of Hokage and Marvel.

It seems that he didn't reply for such a long time because he knew the content of the barrage. He just saw that the two of them didn't give any good things and was too lazy to respond.

For a while, Hokage and Marvel couldn't help but rant.

But this did not affect the conclusion of the deal between the three.

"Here's this for you."

Sealing scrolls were thrown to other people one by one.

"This is a space scroll that can carry living things."

"Next, we will move freely on this ancient island."

"If you encounter an ancient creature like a dinosaur, you defeat it and seal it in a scroll."

"Seal at least four of each species"

"Do you understand?"

This is a rare mission for the pirates.

The Straw Hat Pirates naturally have no objection.

They have been eating and drinking for free and getting power for free for too long.

They need to make some efforts to make up for such unequal efforts.

"As for you two."

The pirate looked at Weiwei and Ikalem.

"Stay well on the boat."

"You can also play with Moo"

"You can also act on your own"

"Just be careful not to be eaten by dinosaurs or bitten by poisonous creatures.

"We will stay well on the ship."

They are the weakest now.

Even if the other people on the Straw Hat Pirates are relatively peaceful.

But the pirates' attitude towards them will naturally affect the attitude of others towards them.

So their daily life is very good.

They eat Sanji's luxurious food and drink fresh juice from who knows where, which can also be frozen.

The only thing is that the atmosphere is relatively depressing.

"Then this dinosaur capture operation is a test of your achievements."

"Now, the action begins."

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp each disappeared on the clipper ship and sank into the jungle of the Ancient Island in different directions.

The pirates also rose from the ground.

But his goal was not to capture dinosaurs.

That was the task of the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

His goal was the center of the Ancient Island.

There were two giants there.

They were the captains of the Giant Pirates, the Blue Demon Touri and the Red Demon Broki.

The two fought here.

But because they couldn't decide the winner, they were stranded for a long time.

Until they found that the sea kings suddenly appeared in the nearby sea.

The Giant Pirates could not cross the sea of the sea kings to rescue their two captains.

So the two were trapped here.

For entertainment, the two fought here for a hundred years.

Now, it's time for the two to be used by him.

A hundred years ago, they were each offered a reward of 100 million Baileys for the super giant pirates.

Considering the inflation over the past hundred years.

The blood debts of these two seemingly generous giant pirates are absolutely beyond imagination.

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