Although Sengoku threatened Moriah before, he said it tough.

But in fact, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are another facade of the Navy.

Frequent changes are also a self-confrontation for the Navy.

As a result, the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile has just been lost, and the vacancy has not been filled.

In a blink of an eye,

Moriah was also killed by the Straw Hat Pirates, and was resurrected and controlled?

Killing Crocodile is understandable.

The act of stealing a country is a taboo even for the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Not to mention that Princess Vivi has endorsed the legitimacy of the Straw Hat Pirates.

King Cobra was also proved to be imprisoned by Crocodile afterwards, and the Cobra shown to the outside world before was a fake by a devil fruit ability user.

So after his death, Crocodile was deprived of the Seven Warlords of the Sea qualification.

But Moriah is different.

Although Moriah stole many corpses and kidnapped many people, these are all within the scope of the legal plunder of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

He did not commit a crime that could not be tolerated by the Navy.

As a result, he was suddenly attacked by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Not only was he killed, but he was also resurrected and controlled.

Even his world's largest pirate ship, the Thriller Bark, was taken away by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Theoretically, if the navy has problems

, the Seven Warlords can be recruited to serve.

Correspondingly, if the Seven Warlords encounter a strong enemy, they can also apply for navy assistance.

So does the navy have to be the enemy of the Straw Hat Pirates because of Moria?

Marshal Sengoku felt a headache.

Although the last collective meeting of the Navy Headquarters finally passed a resolution to postpone the action against the Straw Hat Pirates.

They wanted to keep the Straw Hat Pirates and fight with other pirate groups.

But the Straw Hat Pirates can't focus on the Seven Warlords.

There are only seven Seven Warlords.

How can they withstand the Straw Hat Pirates' brutality?

"Give Den Den Mushi to Blood-Eye Luffy, I want to talk to him in person."

As a qualified admiral of the navy, Sengoku is loyal to the Celestial Dragons, the navy and justice.

On the other hand, he knows how to make choices and is not a simple thinking diode.

He can tolerate many evil things, including the Demon Slayer Order, the cover-up of some evil deeds of the Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the kingdom and the navy. He can also cooperate with pirates.

The flexible use of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has reduced a lot of burdens for the navy.

At the same time, he is ruthless in suppressing pirates.

But it is also in his hands.

While the sea is ushering in prosperity, more pirates are springing up like mushrooms after rain.

He is just a paperhanger. He has pasted up a seemingly prosperous age.

But because The growing gap between the rich and the poor behind the prosperous times has caused greater chaos.

Kizaru threw the Den Den Mushi into the hands of the pirates.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates dare not relax at all for this seemingly unmotivated and wretched admiral.

In a sense,

Kizaru is the most terrifying admiral. He is a user of the natural-type Pika Pika Fruit.

As long as the positioning is accurate, he can appear in any corner of the sea in a short time. He can come and go freely, at the speed of light.

No one can defeat him, no one can stop him.

Fortunately, Kizaru himself is not as passionate as Akainu Sakaski.

Otherwise, the damage he brought to the pirates alone would probably exceed that of the entire navy.

"Moshimoshi, Marshal Sengoku, this is our first phone call, feel free to talk about anything."

The tone of the pirate was relaxed.

It seemed that he was not facing a navy marshal, but the uncle next door.

He was not even on guard against Kizaru. He was so casual.

There was only one possibility.

That was the extreme confidence in his own strength.

Kizaru's eyes narrowed.

It was okay to have such an attitude towards Qingzhi.

After all, Qingzhi was strong, but still belonged to the traditional range.

But he was Kizaru.

In front of the Speed of Light, if he was not prepared, he would be the world's number one killer.

It was not surprising that even Whitebeard was killed by him in seconds.

Although the pirate had shown a record of killing the Seven Warlords of the Sea in seconds since he went to sea, the world still did not have an accurate understanding of his specific strength. Including Sengoku and Kizaru

"Tell me, are you going to deal with the other Seven Warlords next?"

This is what Sengoku is most worried about.

"That's right"

"We are sailing on the way to Daughter Island. Boa Hancock must be captured. If you know what's best for you, you will live. If you don't, you will die."

"After all, considering the crimes committed by Daughter Island, it is not too much to kill them all."

"A race that survives by plundering, I have a natural dislike for these races."

Sengoku on the other side of the Den Den Mushi gritted his teeth.

He was extremely glad that he had talked to the pirates, otherwise it would really be a big deal.

Kizaru, Moriah, and other members of the Straw Hat Pirates were also surprised by the pirates' declaration.

Because it was the first time they heard the pirates' next plan.

"Wait, I won't allow you to continue to attack the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Marshal Zhan Guo slammed the table and shouted

"You don't allow it."

"I'm not your subordinate."

"How about you try to let Kizaru take me down?"

"But I suggest you prepare a natural devil fruit in advance."

"This will redeem Kizaru's life when he is defeated."

"After all, although I have no intention to kill Kizaru, I am really envious of his natural flash fruit."It was almost like fishing with a hook for the pirates.

Not only was Sengoku silent.

Kizaru, who was on the boat, was also silent.

Do they dare to gamble?

They really don't dare.

Because no matter what the outcome of the battle is, it will be a heavy loss for the navy.

If they lose, their reputation will be ruined, and they will have to spend an extra natural devil fruit to redeem the people.

If they win, it will completely push the pirates to the pirates' side, and the probability of Kizaru capturing the pirates alive is not high.

"Tell me which Shichibukai you are going to attack, so I can prepare!

Marshal Sengoku was scared.

The pirates didn't care.

"First, Boa Hancock and her daughter Island"

"Then there is Jinbei and Fishman Island"

"Next is Donquixote Doflamingo and his Dressrosa.

Marshal Sengoku could no longer hold back.

"Wait, what do you want to do?"

"What good will it do you if you destroy the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

The pirate said calmly:"Don't worry, you will be happy soon."

"Because after defeating Doflamingo and his Dressrosa"

"My next target will be BIG MOM Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors"

"So you want to stop me?"

"Admiral Sengoku?"

"One Four Emperors in exchange for five Shichibukai, this deal seems to be a good deal"

"It's much better than making an enemy of me and killing several of your generals, isn't it?"

"That way the Four Emperors will wake up laughing!"

Sengoku on the other side of the Den Den Mushi stopped talking.

At this moment, the threat of the pirates in his mind was directly upgraded to the level of the Four Emperors.

"Yellow Monkey, retreat!"

Zhan Guo gave the final order.

Yellow Monkey turned into a golden light and disappeared from the deck.

Just like when he came.

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