When Sengoku received the news.

When Daughter Island began to evacuate the elderly and weak, he was a little confused.


Aren't all the people on your Nine Snake Island soldiers, extremely brave, and swearing to fight to the death?

Whether it is looting or fighting with other pirates, they all fight to the death.

This is how the Nine Snake Island gained its reputation.

People are terrified when talking about the women of Nine Snake Island. The result is that this Nine Snake Island, which even dared to attack the navy, became so soft after encountering the Straw Hat Pirates?

What about the brutal fight he expected?

What about the intelligence gathering he expected?

Is it going to fail now?

The pirates are not in a hurry to go to Daughter Island.

Because Daughter Island can't run away.

This is Boa Hancock's biggest weakness.

No matter how cruel Hancock is to the outside world, she is still a king who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

After almost a week of sailing.

The Thriller Bark is the world's largest pirate ship, and its speed is probably the slowest.

It can be called a mobile sea fortress.

In terms of area, aircraft carriers are all younger brothers in front of the Thriller Bark.

Fortunately, this���Week.

The main purpose of the pirates is to let the new members and the old members have a personality adjustment.

The result is naturally good.

The new members Franky, Perona, and Brook are all talkative people.

The Moria trio left the Ark Proverbs.

Returned to the Terror Bark to command and play their greatest value.

After a week of trials, Perona was given the ability of ghost blood and ghost hiding by the pirates.

Her superhuman ghost fruit itself is a great killer.

Perona's development direction for the ghost fruit is somewhat peculiar.

In addition to the traditional soul out of the body, and the creation of huge ghosts and mini ghosts for physical attacks.

Her most special development is a special ability called negative ghost.

Pass the negative ghost through the target's body.

The target will fall into an extremely negative state in a short time, and then be at the mercy of others.

After having ghost blood.

When her soul leaves the body, the inability to move the flesh is no longer a weakness.

Because she can use ghost blood to control the body's actions in the soul state. She can also sink her body into the blood pool, which is undoubtedly safer.

And the ability of ghost hiding can hide herself to the maximum extent, making her negative ghost easier to hit.

Once the enemy is put into a passive state and loses resistance, then dragging the enemy into the blood pool to suppress or assimilate is a good choice.

Brook was reshaped by the pirates with the deceptive blood eye.

But no matter how you look at it, this is a real body with all the functions of a real body.

In essence, this is a fake body.

And because it is essentially a fake body, so he can't be considered resurrected.

It does not affect the ability of his Yomi fruit.

It will not limit the singing of his soul because of the body.

After Brook was reshaped by the pirates, he was given the ghost sound and the death substitute with the help of the ghost blood.

Ghost sound: You can play a piece of music and give it a curse.

During the curse time, the target will have a certain degree of immortality.

Normal human fatal injuries cannot kill it.

After a maximum of seven days. The ghost sound ends.

The target will be attacked by a fatal attack from consciousness.

If you can survive it, you live; if you can't survive it, you die!

With the ability of the ghost sound, you can use it as a powerful auxiliary to brush a layer of death immunity for teammates. You can also brush a layer of ghost sound on the enemy as a curse.

As the master of the ghost sound, Brook can freely determine the intensity and time of the ghost sound.

The combination of death substitution also comes from this.

The curse method of ghost sound that does not distinguish between enemies and friends can only be immune to the cost by using death substitution.

As long as the cost is transferred to other small animals such as cats and dogs before the ghost sound ends the backlash, the ghost sound can be used to brush the straw hat pirates for free.

Curse the enemy all the time.

Since the running-in is completed.

It also gave Perona and Brook new abilities.

Then he directly summoned the sea king to pull the horror three-masted ship.

The huge island-eating goldfish became a coolie.

Their speed quickly soared.

Even with the relay pulling of the sea king, they still spent almost a week to reach the windless belt in the waters of the daughter island.

To this day.

The new target of the Straw Hat Pirates is the daughter island, which has spread all over the world. The daughter island, which is famous for never retreating and fighting to the death, also surrendered uncharacteristically and began to evacuate the old and the young.

Ironically, the old and the young on the daughter island, who are enemies of the world, did not encounter attacks from other pirates and forces during the evacuation process.

It's not that the pirates and other forces suddenly put aside their hatred and respected the old and loved the young.

It's because the daughter island is the prey of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Just this point.

The daughter island's fleet avoided becoming a target.

But the daughter island's fleet was rejected by all the surrounding islands.

They were all forced to stay outside the port.

Hancock's most optimistic situation did not happen.

The terrifying three-masted sailboat broke into the calm belt outside the daughter island.

There was no attack by the sea king.

This was also expected.

The ability of the pirates to tame the sea king is no longer a secret.

Under the calm sea surface of the calm belt.

Countless blood snakes are parasitizing the sea kings madly.

All the parasitized sea kings are controlled by the pirates and lose their complete self.

When the terrifying three-masted sailboat landed on the port of Nine Snake Island.

This largest military port of Nine Snake Island is now empty.

The Straw Hat Pirates landed on Nine Snake Island.

A total of eleven people in the team let them walk out of the momentum of not recognizing their relatives and thousands of troops.

There are arrows wrapped with domineering shooting from the dark.

Zoro slashed out a huge blood-sword aura.

The arrow and the house were split in two.

The Nine Snakes female pirate who launched the sneak attack was also cut off by the sword.

This did not deter the bloody female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Someone jumped out from the ground and slashed at the pirates with a big sword wrapped in domineering.

Sanji shot out a little green fire, turning the attacking female warrior into nothingness.

Even though he knew he was no match for the enemy.

The attacks continued.

Nami used the ghost mist to assimilate the attacking enemy.

Usopp used explosive projectiles to blow the attacking enemy to pieces.

Chopper used the ghost to steal the domineering and heart of the attacking enemy.

Robin used the wood escape to drag the enemy underground.

Vivi did not use the imitation fruit and ghost makeup, so the enemy was not qualified.

The combination of this ability is currently mainly reflected in the interest between the two and the pirates.

A pool of blood emerged and dragged the enemy into it.

Franky's arm turned into a cannon and blasted the enemy into pieces.

Perona used the Negative Ghost to make the enemy lose resistance and engulfed him in a pool of blood.

Brook allowed himself to be shot through the heart by the enemy's domineering arrow, but strangely, he was fine.

The enemy fell down holding his heart.

The attack came to an abrupt end.

Confirmed that he was someone you couldn't afford to offend.

Outside the Nine Snakes Castle.

Boa Hancock and Groliosa knelt on the ground.

Pluto took the main seat and drank wantonly.

And opposite them.

All members of the Straw Hat Pirates have appeared.

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