It seems that Pirate Knight Jinbei has given two choices.

But in fact, there is only one.

He showed a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment at the beginning, but later he acted upright.

This puts moral pressure on people.

Then you can only choose one between life and money. This puts pressure on people to choose.

Because it is difficult to say that Jinbei and Arlong are in a superior-subordinate relationship.

It can only be said that he made a mistake of negligence. It can't even be considered as failure to supervise and lax supervision. If you really want to care.

The navy released Arlong is a real crime.

Even if pirates are always unreasonable.

But a person who is slightly related to it, and is a Shichibukai, is directly executed. It is better for Jinbei not to plead guilty. The two sides went to war directly, and it was more satisfying to decide life and death. Jinbei bang bang's two bangs not only held Nami, but also the Straw Hat Pirates.

"You can go to the Kokoani Village in the East Sea and work for the twenty villages harmed by the Dragon Pirates for ten years."

The Pirates came out to rescue Nami.

The face of the Sea Knight Jinbei changed.

But he still bowed and agreed.

The plan was finalized.

The Pirates' plan was also vicious.

It seemed to be ten years of hard labor.

But on the one hand, it tarnished Jinbei's reputation as a Seven Warlord.

On the other hand, it was equivalent to abolishing his position as a Seven Warlord.

It also made Fishman Island lose his strong ally.

It was also killing three birds with one stone, extremely vicious.

If you play tricks, you are destined to be fooled by others.

How can you take advantage without suffering losses?

The grievances between the Seven Warlords Jinbei and Nami were dealt with.

Indirectly abolished the Seven Warlords.

The next is the compensation of the Dragon Palace.

The Pirates gave various data of the Ark Proverbs.

And the various materials stored on it.

Finally, an astronomical figure was calculated.

Not much. , which is only 1.2 trillion berries.

Converted into US dollars, it is 12 billion US dollars.

The cost of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier exceeds 12 billion US dollars.

He can travel freely to and from the moon. The Ark Proverbs, which is made of gold, is estimated to be worth 12 billion US dollars.

And the conversion rate with Bailey is 1:100.

This is all because King Neptune really has the sincerity to entertain them.

Otherwise, it is reasonable to increase the compensation tenfold.

Even so.

When King Neptune received this reasonable cost price compensation, he was still almost scared to have a heart attack.

His hatred for the fishman pirates in Fishman Street has reached a new level.

It is to be wiped out by a wave of pirates.

Otherwise, he would like to crush them into meat sauce with his own hands.

1.2 trillion berries.

That is a bounty of 237 Whitebeards, 237 Four Emperors.

This money is more than enough to develop the navy.

Let him take it out from the underdeveloped Fishman Island. It is not enough even if he sells him.


"King Neptune has any objection to this amount?"

Sweating profusely, King Neptune shook his head in panic and wiped the sweat from his eyes.

"No, no comment"

"But if, I mean if"

"What will happen if Fishman Island can't pay the compensation?"

King Neptune was trembling all over.

"Very good"

"As long as Fishman Island is my territory"

"I will not add such a heavy burden to my people."

Neptune shuddered again.

The eldest prince of Shark Star quietly went around and saw the amount of compensation on the white paper fixed there.

The second prince of Emperor Star also went around and was also fixed.

The third prince of Flip Star curiously came over to take a look and was also fixed.

Princess White Star also went over to take a look.

"One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred million, billion, ten billion, hundred billion, trillion, trillion."

She counted on her fingers.

"One trillion and two hundred billion?"

The banquet hall was in a state of chaos.

Even the members of the Straw Hat Pirates fell down.

They couldn't imagine that the pirates had given King Neptune such an outrageous compensation price.

The Ark Proverbs was indeed precious.

It was built with a lot of gold.

But it shouldn't be so outrageous.

Sea Knight Jinbei no longer had the sincerity of his previous kowtow and confession.

At this moment, veins on his forehead bulged.

It seemed that he might attack the pirates at any time.

With such a huge compensation, everyone knew that Fishman Island was finished.

"Although you have been on the Ark Proverbs"

"But I forgot to tell you the real function of the Ark Proverbs"

"The Ark Proverbs is a spaceship"

"That is to say"

"The Ark Proverbs can fly out of this planet and go to outer space, to the moon, and to Mars."


"Do you still think this amount of compensation is high?"

"Isn't it clear that King Neptune did not refute it?"

"As a civilization that has been passed down from 800 years ago to the present day, Fishman Island should know that it was normal to travel back and forth between the moon and the moon 800 years ago."

Sea Knight Jinbei collapsed.

"How could this happen?"

Robin and Franky were even more distressed.

As scholars and scientists, they naturally understood the significance of flying into space and exploring the universe.

But now, all of them were gone.

"Captain Luffy, can I give you Fishman Street as compensation?"

"All of this was done by the new Fishman Pirates of Fishman Street"

"It has nothing to do with my Fishman Island."

King Neptune came to his senses and began to shirk responsibility.

Then he was faced with the half-smiley faces of the pirates.

"Please give Fishman Island a few days of grace"

"Let me discuss with the ministers how to make compensation."

The pirates agreed.

The compensation at the banquet was spread through various channels.

Then it exploded on Fishman Island. It was spread through Den Den Mushi.

The world on the sea also exploded directly.

1.2 trillion berries in compensation.

The price of the Ark Proverbs exceeded the limit that everyone could imagine.

Even ordinary Celestial Dragons can't afford it. Even

Celestial Dragons, who are supported by the wealth of the world, have limits for each Celestial Dragon.

The pirates said that the Ark Proverbs was a spaceship that could fly out of outer space, to the moon, to Mars.

And they said that eight hundred years ago, humans could travel between the earth and the moon at will.

The huge technological gap further caused an imbalance in the mentality of humans around the world.

The saying that the Celestial Dragons made the world's technology regress began to spread widely.

The legitimacy and rationality of the Celestial Dragons were questioned and impacted.

If the Celestial Dragons are really the descendants of the Creator, then in the past eight hundred years, the world should be getting better and better, not worse.

The world's technology should also be more advanced, not more and more advanced. Falling behind.

Because of the incredible amount of compensation from the Ark Proverbs, the boomerang turned to the end and hit the Celestial Dragons.

All newspapers pointing to the Celestial Dragons were closed, the presidents were interviewed, and the reporters were arrested.

One wave has not settled, another wave rises.

Unable to give compensation, Fishman Island finally decided to make the Pirates the new king of Fishman Island.

King Neptune abdicated directly.

And Wang Dong, who became the king of Fishman Island, issued his first order since he took office.

That is to migrate Fishman Island.

Thousands of meters of sea kings were domesticated and summoned by the pirates.

In the future, Fishman Island will be located in the waters of Alabasta, divided into two parts: sea and underwater.

All mermaids and fishmen who recognize his rule will be protected by him.

All forces and individuals who try to sell mermaids and fishmen will be hit by his thunder.

Safety is his first promise to mermaids and fishmen.

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