The darkness disappeared.

A red light flew over every falling island in the blink of an eye.

The islands were still falling.

But the speed slowed down a lot.


The islands stopped falling and hovered in the air.

The ability of the Floating Fruit was activated again.

But it was not Golden Lion who activated it.

Golden Lion would not be so kind. He would not have the ability of red light.

This is a unique ability of the pirates.

It means that Golden Lion was not only defeated. He was also killed in the battle.

The pirates defeated and killed Golden Lion in an hour and a half, and also controlled his devil fruit ability.

Considering the large number of ordinary people on the island group, the pirates deliberately slowed down the speed of falling.

The consequences of hovering immediately would be catastrophic.

When the island group began to rise again.

And the one who activated the ability was not Golden Lion Shiki.

Most of the subordinates who originally belonged to Golden Lion on the island group turned against them on the spot and knelt down to the pirates.

Most of them were captured by Golden Lion.

On the sea, it is normal for an island to disappear, and a village to disappear.

As for the few diehards, they will be punished by blood spear piercing.

Using humans as experimental subjects.

If it weren't for the possibility that they were forced to study by Golden Lion, most of them would have died.

Pirates reappeared in front of the Straw Hat Pirates and Admiral Kizaru.

He was holding the body of Golden Lion Shiki.

This was also the premise for his cooperation with Sengoku.

The devil fruit ability of Golden Lion Shiki could be given to him.

But the body of Golden Lion Shiki must be given to Kizaru.

In this way, he got the inside.

The Navy got the face.

Everyone was happy.

"It really is the corpse of a golden lion."

"What a scary young man."

Kizaru returned to his initial laziness.

"Also in time for lunch"

"Then don't bother me."


Kizaru carried the body of Shiki the Golden Lion and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, they could clearly see that Kizaru's speed had dropped a lot because of the Golden Lion's body.

"Golden Lion's Sword Deadwood and Sakura Ten"

"These two swords should be below the 12th level of the Supreme Great Sword and above the 21st level of the Great Sword."

"Zoro, if you need it, you can use it."

In fact, Wang Dong also has a big black sword, the Shusui.

That is the sword of the Wano country's swordsman, the dragon-slaying warrior Ryuma.

Because of the long-term nurturing of domineering spirit, the grade of Shusui is actually higher than the big sword twenty-one.

Its usual slashing can hurt the elementalization of the natural system as if covered with armed color domineering.

But this black sword was given to the resurrected Ryuma by the pirates.

Ryuma was resurrected by him through summoning souls and controlled by Mugui.

Now he is under the control of Moria on the daughter island as a security guard of the daughter island.

Zoro took the dead wood and replaced the snow in his hand.

The third generation of Kitetsu is very good at his use and he does not intend to give up.

When the pirates controlled the floating islands to descend over the waters of Alabasta.

The people of Alabasta and the people of Fishman Island were crazy.

In this way , In front of the ability of the pirates, the loss of the flying Ark Proverbs was nothing.

The relocation of Fishman Island was nothing.

The god-like power was enough to shock everyone's heart.

Before the news agency announced the new abilities of the pirates worldwide, the Navy Headquarters held a press conference.

At the press conference,

Marshal Sengoku and Admiral Kizaru attended in person.

It was announced that the Navy and the Straw Hat Pirates had reached a temporary cooperation and killed Shiki the Golden Lion, a great pirate of the same era as the Pirate King Roger.

As Shiki the Golden Lion's body was publicly exhibited, the explosive news spread around the world.

People also understood where the Straw Hat Pirates suddenly gained the ability to control the floating islands.

It turned out that Shiki the Golden Lion was killed.

The death of Shiki the Golden Lion almost marked the end of an era. He was a top pirate of the same era as the Pirate King Roger. The era of the strong is about to pass.

Blood-Eye Luffy has seized the devil fruit power of Golden Lion Shiki.

No wonder he can control the floating islands.

Then the pirates used their new powers to do a big thing.

That is to move Nami's hometown.

Cocoa West Village and other 20 islands were moved to the waters of Alabasta.

Also moved were Usopp's hometown, West

Rob Village. Zoro's hometown, Shimotsuki Village.

The sea restaurant Barati where Sanji grew up.

Robin's hometown, O'Hara, which was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order, was also moved to the waters of Alabasta.

In addition.

The pirates also used the power of the Float-Float Fruit to directly raise the ground level.

They used their power to build a sea mountain ring around Alabasta, Drum Island, and the Ancient Island.

The originally open sea was turned into an inland sea.

With such people The way to change the terrain is to block the majority of the great routes of the great route. The foreseeable people enter the straw hat waters from all over the sea. The members of the

Pirates are generally young , and their potential and strength are beyond their imagination.

Marco, who is like a vice-captain, is not strong enough to be an admiral.

Ace, who is highly expected by Whitebeard and trained as an heir, is only at the level of Shichibukai.

With Whitebeard's old age, Ace's strength can only be raised to the level of admiral before he dies naturally.

But the admiral level cannot secure the position of the Four Emperors.

Kaido of the Beasts occupies Wano Country.

The main production mode is also the mode of plundering and collecting protection fees, but there is an additional selling of seastone minerals.

Most of the seastone in the world comes from the mines of Wano Country.

With the help of exporting seastone, the Beasts Pirates live a relatively comfortable life.

The Big Mom Pirates follow the family industry model, controlling their territory through her 43 husbands, 39 daughters, and 46 sons.

The seemingly cruel Big Mom is actually more gentle than Whitebeard and Kaido.

Because the Big Mom Pirates mainly rely on collecting protection fees and selling desserts to maintain their industry.

The dessert technology of the Big Mom Pirates is unparalleled in the world and is at the level of luxury worldwide.

You can doubt everything about Big Mom, but never doubt her taste in desserts.

Because once the territory controlled by Big Mom cannot provide desserts that satisfy her, it can be fatal.

The Red Hair Pirates control the smallest territory, with the fewest members, and can live well just by relying on protection fees.

Compared with the investment of the other four emperors in the territory.

The Straw Hat Pirates, the emerging fifth emperor, is much more competent.

They built their own territory entirely based on the template of an advanced country.

Civilians will be extremely happy living here.

No need to hand in the sky gold.

No aristocratic oppression.

No pirate attacks.

No extreme climate.

No heavy taxes.

Free education.

Medical subsidies.

Housing subsidies.

Travel subsidies.


The Straw Hat Pirates treated civilians incredibly well in the territory they controlled, which was completely different from other countries.

Therefore, even though they knew they were pirates, some people were still willing to take a gamble, sacrifice themselves to feed the tiger, and bet on a bright future.

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