The endless red light cut through Wano Country, and then the earth cracked and cities rose from the ground.

Such scenes happened one after another in the base of the Beasts Pirates in Wano Country.

Cities were suspended in the sky.

This scene immediately made the Beasts Pirates realize that they were attacked by the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Bloody Eyes Luffy.

Because this is a typical ability of the Golden Lion Floating Fruit.

Now it belongs to Bloody Eyes Luffy, and it shocked the world when he moved the island of Alabasta and built the surrounding mountains.

Suppress nature with personal power.

But when this power happened to the Beasts Pirates, it was enough to make the weak feel despair.

The city is still rising.

Looking at the ground getting farther and farther away from them.

At this height, even if they jump down, they will either die or be injured.

Soon, they don’t have to consider whether to jump or not.

Because they began to feel suffocated.

The chaotic city is rising with the height, and then gradually quiet down.

Ordinary people fainted due to lack of oxygen. The ones who stayed behind are probably the Beasts Pirates and related personnel.

The pirates used this method to divide the power of the Beasts Pirates and identify the people of the Beasts Pirates.

Above a floating island, the clouds suddenly gathered.

Between lightning and thunder, a huge blue dragon was looming in the clouds.

Kaido, the animal-type fish-fish fruit mythical beast blue dragon form ability user, appeared.

Kaido, who directly entered the blue dragon form, had a gloomy face.

He naturally saw the dilemma of the Beasts Pirates.

Now even if he defeated the pirates, he could not knock him out, seriously injure him, or kill him.

Otherwise, these high-altitude islands would fall.

Not only would most of the low-level members of his Beasts Pirates be killed or injured, but the entire Wano Country would also be destroyed.

"Are you looking for death?"

"Blood Eye Luffy!"

Kaido was very angry, extremely angry.

Even though the Straw Hat Pirates directly led to the abolition of the Seven Warlords system.

Even though the Straw Hat Pirates have always been daring.

But he still didn't think the Straw Hat Pirates dared to attack him.

Any pirate who tries to challenge him, Kaido the Beast, will pay a heavy price.

Gekko Moriah is like this.

Blood Eye Luffy is no exception.

"I heard you can’t be killed?"

"So what about this!"

""Chibaku Tensei!"

The island where Kaido was located collapsed directly.

Ordinary people on it fell directly with screams.

Then they were caught by a layer of suspended sand below.

The collapsed islands gathered again.

But it was centered on Kaido.

From the outside, this move is exactly the same as the Chibaku Tensei in the Naruto world.

But the principles of the two are completely different. The genuine Chibaku Tensei is that the core has its own gravity to attract everything to seal.

The Chibaku Tensei in the pirates uses the Floating Blood Eye to control the broken islands to forcefully squeeze the center.

Kaido naturally doesn't care about the closure of the islands.

The huge body of Qinglong wantonly destroyed the island that wrapped him.

But he was obsessed with destruction and didn't realize it immediately.

The real purpose of the pirates was not to kill him with this move, but to delay time.

Because the rock sphere that wrapped Kaido, the beast, was flying into outer space at an extremely terrifying speed.

There are many ways for the pirates to kill Kaido, the beast.

But he chose the more creative one.

With the help of the gap between the islands to wrap Kaido.

First use the Floating Fruit to the maximum extent Reduce gravity to a certain extent, and then use the ghost domain for super acceleration.

With Kaido's reckless character, by the time he reacts, he is most likely no longer on Earth, but in the distant outer space.

At that time, he is looking forward to Kaido's expression and how long he can last in the extremely low temperature and oxygen-deficient space.

Seeing the pirates exile Kaido to outer space so easily, whether it is Admiral Kizaru and Aokiji, or the Straw Hat Pirates, or the Beasts Pirates, they can't hold it anymore.

The tragic battle that was expected did not happen at all.

Kaido was exiled to outer space, and it is still unclear whether he can come back.

The Straw Hat Pirates are all intact, and the two admirals are eyeing them covetously.

The top combat power collapsed directly.

How can we fight this?

Not only did the Three Disasters completely lose their will to fight.

Doflamingo's face was distorted.

What was his purpose in giving up his own foundation and joining Kaido?

Wasn't it just to hope that Kaido could save his life and the Don Quixote family?

The result is like this?

"You guys can start now."

"But remember, don't kill the devil fruit user."

"They have a use for me."

The pirates made a special reminder.

Flame Disaster Jin, one of the Three Disasters, transformed into a huge flaming pterosaur and flew away at high speed.

He is an animal-type dragon-dragon fruit ancient species toothless pterosaur form ability user.

Possessing the ability to fly.

But no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than the speed of light.

So he was hit by Kizaru's light bullet in the air.

The gap between the Three Disasters and the admiral level was revealed at this time.

Under Kizaru's intensive Yasakani no Magatama attack, Flame Disaster Jin could only passively take the beating in the air and couldn't even fight back.

Even the intensive light bombardment made people wonder whether Flame Disaster Jin was flying by himself, or was hit into the air and couldn't come down.

Flame Disaster Jin's defeat became a matter of time.

Seeing the embarrassing dilemma Flame Disaster Jin encountered in the air.

Plague Disaster Quinn had a flamethrower behind him, diving towards the ground.

Drought Disaster Jack also jumped to the ground.

"Want to leave?"

""Burst Pheasant Mouth!"

A large number of extremely cold ice birds were condensed by the cold air and flew towards Plague Disaster Quinn and Drought Disaster Jack in the air.

The two immediately saw Qing Zhi's intention.

It was to let the ice birds trap the two of them in the sky.

Copy the case of Kizaru flying a kite in the air and easily defeating Flame Disaster Jin.

"You underestimate the three disasters!"

"Brachiosaurus form!

Plague Queen is the ancient species of the Animal Dragon Fruit Brachiosaurus form ability.

His most powerful is not the devil fruit ability.

But the scientific research ability.

As the top scientist in the One Piece world.

Plague Queen not only mastered most of the technology of the Vinsmoke family, but also transformed himself.

A huge modified Brachiosaurus appeared in the air, and sent out intensive firepower to smash the chasing Ice Bird

"Mammoth form!"

Drought Jack is an ancient mammoth form user of the Elephant Fruit of the Animal System.

He transformed into a huge mammoth half-orc.

Holding two huge ivory weapons, he violently chopped the flying ice bird into pieces.

Even if the exploding ice bird condensed into a thick layer of ice on his body, he didn't care. He just used his body to break it.

The mammoth's ability to resist cold is unquestionable.

Not to mention that his own strength is extraordinary.

Seeing that Plague Quinn and Drought Jack solved the ice bird attacks he launched in various ways,

Qing Zhi's face remained unchanged.

"Very good way to deal with it!"

"What about this?"

I have to say.

The floating space between the pirates created a good output environment for him.

Two terrifying ice tornadoes quickly formed and swept towards Plague Quinn and Drought Jack in the air.

The two finally lost their composure and their faces changed drastically.

Facing the attack of the ice storm, they could not deal with many ways.

And this ice storm did not roll down, but rolled up.

Even if the two tried their best to dive down, they were still rolled higher and higher in the ice storm, and finally turned into two lifelike ice sculptures that kept spinning in the ice storm.

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