After Rukongai, the Soul Society found that they had lost contact with the real world. The

Dankai, which was originally used to separate the real world from the Soul Society, was inexplicably filled with various traps that had never existed before.

All the Shinigami who tried to go to the real world from the Dankai lost contact one after another and disappeared completely.

The Soul Society became an isolated city.

The enemy did not attack.

But they could not get out.

In desperation, they could only notify the Soul Society's last trump card, the Zero Division, to save the situation.

But the response of the Zero Division was to completely seal the passage between the Soul Society and the Soul King Palace.

The Soul Gods of the Soul Society were not aware of the seriousness of the situation.

How could they not know?

How lucky it was that the five major families of the Soul Society in the past were able to seal the Soul King.

No matter what the newly born Soul King was, he was still a Soul King.

It would not be much more difficult for a serious Soul King to crush them than to crush a bedbug.

If the new Soul King knew what they had done to the past Soul King, all the Death Gods would have to die.

This is their way of judging others by themselves.

Although Shinigami Ma will not let go of the noble Shinigami of the Soul Society.

After tens of thousands of years of rule, plunder and oppression, someone has to pay the price, right? Do the sins committed by the ancestors in the past really not require the descendants to bear any price?

In this regard,

Shinigami Ma said that he is the one with the final right of interpretation.

In the present world, a new group of Quincy is being born.

And with the rise of the Quincy group, the order of the Shinigami quickly collapsed.

Without the knowledge of ordinary people, the order of the present world has quietly changed.

From the Shinigami controlling behind the scenes, it has become the Quincy controlling the world behind the scenes.

Everything is so natural.

Unless the technology of the present world reaches the point where it can fight against Shinigami, Quincy, and Hollows, human beings cannot be independent by relying solely on human capabilities.

In other words, it is much better to be able to reshape the order by the Quincy, who are also human beings, than to be set by Shinigami and Hollows.

Ichigo Kurosaki has a new Zanpakutō.

Rukia Kuchiki has also been restored to the power of the Shinigami.

Then Rukia Kuchiki learned bad news.

She can't return to Soul Society.

The good news is that Soul Society is besieged by unknown enemies, and even if she is found to have violated a taboo,

Soul Society cannot make a judgment on her.

When Urahara Kisuke said this so-called good news, his face was uglier than crying.

He had prepared a plan against Aizen for a hundred years.

It would have been fine if it failed.

As a result, Soul Society is almost gone.

Can you believe it?

Kurosaki Ichigo's training direction was also forcibly reversed.

From the previous focus on the power of the Shinigami, it became the focus on the power of the Quincy and the power of the Fullbringer.

These two powers are the main power systems in the current world.

Even if a group of Fullbringers who acted recklessly were strangled by the newly born Quincy organization, the

Fullbringers were still recognized by the Quincy organization and became a part that can be absorbed.

The Shinigami can't take a single step in the world.

Once caught, their Zanpakutō will be confiscated, their power of the Shinigami will be extracted, their Death Hagi will be removed, and they will be sent back to Rukongai.

This is more painful for the Shinigami than death.

Rukia Kuchiki used her artificial body to hide her Shinigami spiritual pressure, so that she would not be discovered by the Quincy.

The three realms did not lose balance and fall into chaos because of the loss of the Soul Society.

On the contrary.

Without the constraints of the Soul Society, which are hundreds of years old.

The three realms have shown a thriving trend.

In Rukongai.

With the development of the soul particle technology of the Quincy.

A large amount of food and water directly synthesized with soul particles began to appear.

Although most spirits do not need to eat.

Eating means having the talent of the Shinigami.

It’s just that in the past, the Soul Society would naturally absorb children and teenagers with strong talents. Those with poor talents would naturally survive on their own.

Now the appearance of the bloody Zanpakutō has greatly increased the lower limit of the Shinigami.

But there are still many spirits whose talents are so poor that they can’t even reach the lower limit.

Solve the problem of eating.

This is the root cause of the chaos in Rukongai in the past.

Now not only the food needs of this group are met.

Even the spirits that don’t need to eat can have their own share.

This is unprecedented happiness for them.

They experienced modern education and modern society in their lifetime.

As a result, after death, he came to Soul Society, but faced an ancient hell where life was worse than death.

Now new skyscrapers are being built.

New urban transportation is being laid.

New greenery is all over the city.

Even street lights and simple electrical appliances are beginning to appear.

These are all based on the development and application of spirit particle technology.

And the main research and development group is not the Technology Development Bureau of Soul Society, or Aizen's laboratory.

But the real Quincy.

Skyscrapers, road traffic, green plants, street lights and electrical appliances are all from a research team of scientists who have mastered the power of Quincy.

The omnipotent spirit particle technology has made crazy iterative breakthroughs in their hands.

Use science to reconstruct spirit particle technology.

At least before breaking through the bottleneck of science, their technological output will be extremely amazing.

And Aizen's scientific research ability is also unquestionable.

He exceeded the orders of the Shinigami.

A large number of lower-level Great Hollows Gillian were transformed into Arrancars with their own consciousness.

Even in order to give these great hollows an orderly mind, rather than the inherent chaos, he also added a process of erasing consciousness like Meng Po soup, and then processing it. The hollows that appear in this way are like newborn babies.

They have extremely high plasticity.

While Aizen cultivated a large number of hollows, the spread of spirit particle technology also brought new changes to the endless Hueco Mundo.

These newly born hollows can live in a city with birdsong and flowers, rather than a desert outside.

New hollows also need to go through a complete set of teaching procedures.

Only after receiving new education, new ideas, and graduation can they leave here to build a better Hueco Mundo.

Everything is so smooth.

Except for the die-hard Soul Society.

Since Soul Society is unwilling to take the initiative to be decent.

Then he had to let Soul Society be passively decent.

The knock on the door sounded again in Soul Society.

The Soul Society's Shinigami could no longer sit still.

They could only send out Captain General Yamamoto Shigekuni again.

This time Soul Society saw its opponent. He had three blood-red eyes, a skull mask, and a blood-red haori with a big word"Spirit" written on it.

At the same time, a word"1" appeared on his forehead.

This was the symbol of the Quincy's identity, the holy word.

He popularized the holy word system.

It became the Quincy's identity certificate, a code name, and a symbol of strength.

Facing this unprecedented new Soul King,

Yamamoto Shigekuni looked solemn, and his first move was Bankai.

"Bankai: Zanka-dachi!"

An indescribable heat wave rushed towards me.

The next moment, the heat wave subsided.

"Your Bankai is very good."

"But it's mine now."

The Shinigami took away Yamamoto Shigekuni's Bankai.

This was also the killer weapon that the Quincy had been studying for a thousand years to target the Shinigami captain.

Yamamoto Shigekuni remained silent.

Seireitei fell into despair.

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