Feeling that she had suddenly lost contact with the Fantasy Hand and that she had suddenly lost control of her body,

Kiyama Haruo was in a panic.

But she was not panicking about her own safety, but about the safety of her former students.

"First time meeting, Expert Mushan.

The Magical Forbidden Room appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"What is your purpose in looking for me?"

"I don't know anything!"

Kiyama Haruo directly denied the three

"Introduce yourself"

"You can be my room"

"You can also call me Demon God."

His eyes turned blood red.


An angel ring appeared on his head.

"Or the Magical Forbidden Room."

At this time, his face was not the appearance of Jie Li Chu Ya, but his true appearance.

"As for the reason why I came to you, it was for this reason."

An automatically rotating diamond-shaped crystal appeared in the hands of the angel.

"This is the essence of the fantasy hand."

"AIM Diffusion Field Crystallization"

"In a sense, it is a scientific angel godhead."

AIM diffusion field, which can be regarded as the ability field emitted unconsciously by the ability user, has the dual attributes of ability and belief to a certain extent.

The words between the angels attracted the eyes of Kimura Haruo.

She herself is an expert in AIM diffusion field, and she immediately understood the meaning of the words between the angels.

The appearance of this crystal almost means that the level 6 absolute ability user who only exists in the theory of Academy City has seen the dawn.

It is a subversive discovery that is enough to shake the world.

But she didn't realize it before.


"Because you spread it without restraint, this godhood has inherent flaws."

"It is easy to lose control and run away"

"So I need to restrict it."

The diamond crystal on Angel's hand began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Instead, the diamond crystal became purer and brighter.

As if this is what a diamond crystal should be.

Compared with the previous diamond crystal, it was like the difference between chaos crystal and top diamond.

At the same time.

Among the tens of thousands of users of Fantasy Hand in Academy City, at least 80% of the users were kicked out of the link.

These 80% of users are generally psychologically twisted.

Like Jie Lu Chuya before.

As the level of ability increases, they become psychologically out of control, and become impulsive, irritable and commit crimes.

The remaining 20% are psychologically stable types.

Even if the level of ability is improved, they are more likely to satisfy themselves and enjoy the fun and convenience brought by super powers, and will not use super powers to commit crimes.

These people are the ideal super power believers in Angel.

Rather than thugs who act recklessly because of their improved abilities.

"That's why I'm looking for you"

"You have figured out the key to creating a god."

"I need you to cooperate with me for further research.

The angel ring on the angel's head also became dim as the crystal shrank, but it was unusually pure and sacred.

"What can I get?"

Kiyama Haruo instinctively asked for his own treatment.

"You can be my slave.

This is the promise between angels.

"I promise you"

"But you have to promise to save my students first."

Kiyama Haruo recounted her past experiences and the reasons why she developed the Fantasy Hand.

Several years ago, Kiyama Haruo was affiliated with the Kihara Institute, the Advanced Education Bureau, the top research institute in Academy City.

There, she was arranged by her boss, Kihara Gensei, to use a class of elementary school students as the experimental subjects of the"Detonation Experiment for Analysis of the Law of Uncontrolled Ability".

As a result, the experiment went wrong.

Some elementary school students lost consciousness for unknown reasons.

This was because Kihara Gensei secretly changed the content of the experiment, changing the original"Detonation Experiment for Analysis of the Law of Uncontrolled Ability" to"Testing the Use of Ability Body Crystals."

Then Kiyama Haruo left the Kihara Institute and carried out research on restoring student consciousness.

She had reached a critical moment in her research.

A lot of computing power was urgently needed to verify the experimental results.

However, she repeatedly applied for the"Tree Diagram Designer", the highest computing power masterpiece in Academy City, 23 times, and her applications were rejected.

So she had no choice but to develop the Fantasy Hand, trying to connect the brains of the ability users in series and use the computing power of their brains to get the results she wanted.

After hearing Kiyama Haruo's request,

Angel nodded

"Your request is very reasonable."

"But before that, I need a complete set of special ability development tutorials."

Kiyama Haruo looked puzzled, but still nodded.

"This is simple for my permissions"

"Then after the transaction is completed"

"You will get what you want."

Kiyama Haruo came back to her senses.

She found herself still in the coffee shop, but she didn't know when she had fallen asleep.

"Was that just a dream?"

"It's not a dream!"

Kimiya Haruo concluded.

Because she had indeed lost the connection with the Fantasy Hand.

She drove her sports car back to her research institute.

As an expert in brain physiology and AIM diffusion field, she was involved in the cutting-edge field of ability development.

So she easily copied a copy of the ability development data.

After she finished all this, she found herself inexplicably entering the"dream" again."?

"Thank you for everything you do"

"Your wish will be granted."

When Kimura Haruki came back to her senses, she found that the USB flash drive in her hand had disappeared.

Was it not just a dream?

Kimura Haruki was shocked. The demon room holding the USB flash drive was talking to herself in other dimensions.

【My mission has been completed】

【Ability Development Tutorial and Fantasy Hand Audio】

【With these two things, it is not difficult to copy another Academy City.】

【So, who wants it?】

【Marvel Room: Give me one, a fruit from the sacred tree】

【Naruto Room: Give me one, a sacred tree fruit】

【Longzhu Room: Give me one, a sacred tree fruit】

【One Piece: Give me one, a giant blood eye of the animal type】

【Shinigami: Give me one, a giant blood eye of Zanpakuto】

【[Magic Forbidden Room: Happy Cooperation] He had such a harvest on the first day of entering the Magic Forbidden World.

He was in a good mood. It was just that it was difficult for him to open the inter-universe door with his current ability.

He could only get his items back when he was stronger.

He showed the ability development tutorial and the audio of the Fantasy Hand to himself in other planes.

His biggest mission in entering the Magic Forbidden World was completed.

The next step was his personal free time.

The first thing to do was to distribute the Fantasy Hand.

The Fantasy Hand was automatically transmitted to the level 2 and below groups of the Academy City with online conduct through the ghost call.

And set many rules such as not to spread, not to commit crimes, and not to disclose.

Once violated, the link to the Fantasy Hand will be disconnected, and all the abilities improved by the Fantasy Hand will disappear overnight.

In this way, the Fantasy Hand spread secretly and quickly among the student groups in the Academy City.

The group that was disconnected from the Fantasy Hand also caused a certain degree of riot because of the loss of ability.

It gave a warning to the students who had already obtained the Fantasy Hand.

The originally shrunken diamond crystal recovered rapidly with the sharp increase in the number of people using the Fantasy Hand, and exceeded the previous one.

The angel ring on his head also became bright and dazzling.

While others used the Fantasy Hand to improve their ability levels, their abilities and computing power could all be used by the Forbidden City.

With the support of a large number of ability users, it was only a matter of time for his computing power to reach level 6.

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