"Hassan, you are excluded first."

"Even if you want, I can't let you stay in this world."

"I am not sick to let a super-multiple-personality assassin king stay in the world."

Hassan threw out more than a dozen flying knives.

As expected, they disappeared into the hands of Type Moon.

"The production period of that top puppeteer is one per week."

"Medea has already booked a"

"Therefore, there is only one complete doll during the half month of the Holy Grail War."

"Hurry and buy now"

"Otherwise, you can only keep your consciousness in the doll's head, or in a lower-end doll, and wait in line."

Type Moon is promoting

"Then book me one."

"I believe my brother's wife will not harm me"

"Right, Weber."

Iskandar took the lead in booking and succeeded in making Weber blush.


"I will add ten times the treasures."

Gilgamesh spoke.

Now no one can argue.

In terms of treasures, no one can compare to the King's Treasury.���Gilgamesh

"I quit."

Diarmuid really didn't have the face to stay in the real world.

As long as he was in the real world,

Sora couldn't help being attracted to him.

Not only was he extremely handsome, but he also had a black mole on his face that could seduce women.

He came to the real world to complete a beautiful story between a monarch and a knight, not to pick up the monarch's fiancée.

"What about you, Altria?"

"I am looking forward to your"

"My king is as beautiful as a painting"

"I can eat three more bowls of rice if I can see your face every day."

Altria glared at him.

For a monarch, being praised for one's appearance was also a great insult.

"If you don't want to, forget it"

"Anyway, I have written down your data."

"At worst, I don't mind if you make a hundred puppets to be my maids!"

The golden holy sword appeared and aimed at Type Moon.

"I mind it very much!"

Lancelot also became a little restless.

He turned evil and went crazy, but that didn't mean he had no thoughts at all.

"Behave yourself."

Lancelot stopped moving.

"Then you stay."

"That's enough for me to see you. No matter how realistic the puppet is, it's not as realistic as you."

Altria couldn't bear it anymore.

She slashed at the flowery-mouthed Type Moon with a sword.

Lancelot stepped forward to intercept

"Don't get too excited"

"You can't even leave people imagining"

"King Arthur is not a tyrant."

Altria confronted Lancelot, with anger still on her face.

"Isn't your wish to change the future in which you pull out the sword from the stone?"

"Although going back to the past and changing history is something that even a lion's head can't achieve, the Holy Grail"

"But I can build a virtual parallel world for you to experience how the future will develop under different choices."

"In a sense, this can be regarded as making up for your regret."

"After all, without you, Camelot will most likely perish faster, not get better."

Others also knew of Altria's wish. They looked at her in surprise.

You know, few monarchs would deny their own achievements.

Not to mention the famous King Arthur.

But looking at Altria's appearance and personality that remained in her teenage years.

This may be the reason why she was able to become the Knight King.

It is also the reason why she failed as King Arthur.

Because being a knight and being a king require different responsibilities.

Altria may be a perfect knight, but not a qualified king.

Altria retracted the holy sword in her hand. She returned to her seat silently, turning her troubles into appetite.

"You've gone to so much trouble for the Holy Grail War, so what's your purpose?"

Hero King Gilgamesh asked the truth that everyone wanted to know.

After all, they have been listening to Type Moon's talk about the future.

They also want to know what Type Moon's plan is for his own future.

"My purpose is simple"

"For the origin of magic"

"Artificial magic circuits, artificial magic imprints, and artificial magic eyes are all what I want."

"But this is a bit too undemanding."

"So I plan to reconstruct the mythological era in modern times."

When this was said, it finally shocked everyone.

"Do you think it's difficult?"

"In the final analysis, the essence of the end of the mythological era is the contradiction between the decrease of magic power and the increase of population."

"The rapid growth of population will dilute the concentration of magic power, making it difficult for mythical creatures to survive in the real world. They can only be forced to move to small worlds like the Kingdom of God to continue to survive."

"In the modern population explosion, not to mention mythical creatures, even extraordinary creatures are extremely rare."

"But this is not irreversible."

Xingyuejian's statement aroused everyone's curiosity.

"There are two key issues to be addressed here"

"One is where to find the vast amount of magic power?"

"One is how to reduce the interference of population on magic power?"

Type Moon looked at the suddenly dangerous eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu and Altria, and finally chose to ignore them.

"To solve the problem of magic power, the key is energy conversion."

"If solar energy, electrical energy, fire energy, and kinetic energy can be converted into magic power, then magic power will be endless."

Hearing this, Director Kenneth, Tohsaka Tokiomi, and even Weber were all disappointed. Did he think that magicians had never thought about it?

It turned out that even the Magic Association didn't have any good solution.

"As for the population issue"

"Wouldn't it be possible for us to move to the moon or Mars?"

"It is difficult for ordinary people to survive on the moon or Mars"

"Magicians, heroes, extraordinary creatures, and mythical creatures are no problem at all."

This idea made Kenneth and other magicians' eyes light up.

Because with the development of time, even ordinary people have a certain feasibility to go to the moon.

It will be even easier for magicians to go to the moon.

"I want to build a new mythological world on the moon or Mars that is composed entirely of magicians, heroes, extraordinary creatures, and mythical creatures."

"This is my ultimate dream."

"It would be a wonderful thing to be able to sit together with the heroes of all ages in the world to hold a banquet and chat about everything!"

Regarding this dream of Type-Moon, the heroes and masters at the banquet were silent.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly unreliable Type-Moon had a dream that was bigger than everyone present.

Even the hero king Gilgamesh had never had such an idea.

Iskandar's dream of conquering the world seemed dwarfed by it.

"What a nice dream"

"Are you interested in being my subject?"

"I can be your king and carry your dreams."

Hero King Gilgamesh couldn't help but send out a call.

"I'm not interested."

Xingyue flatly refused

"Compared to conquering the world, creating a world is more exciting."

"I join your plan.

King of Conquerors Iskandar announces his joining

"I also want to see how far your dream can go."

Medea's eyes were shining.

But it was definitely not a love story between a man and a woman.

In Medea's eyes, all men who were not monogamous were heretics.

"The King has also joined"

"I will never allow you to mess with my image."

Altria is full of pride.

"OK, that's settled!"

Xingyuejian never mind having too many people.

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