Type Moon synthesized the first treasure, Giant Blood Eye.

The ability of the treasure Giant Blood Eye is quite powerful.

Its core ability is to bless any treasure in the treasure Giant Blood Eye to the level of artifact.

That's it.

Single, but extremely powerful.

With this ability.

Type Moon successfully planted a world tree of artifact level on the moon.

The world tree of treasure level is temporary.

But the world tree of artifact level is permanent. The world tree that can support the world easily opened a barrier covering the entire moon on the moon.

Let the moon have an atmosphere and have the necessary conditions for life.

But there is no need for humans to discover the abnormality on the moon.

Because when the world tree opens the barrier, it also adds illusion to the barrier.

The moon seen by earthlings will still be the same as usual.

They can still feel the waxing and waning of the moon.

But in the eyes of the magician.

They can see that the moon has changed.

A huge world tree stands on the moon, enough for them to see clearly on Earth. The appearance of the artifact-level world tree.

The dream of creating a mythical world for Type-Moon is no longer illusory, but has practical significance.

So the legend that was originally circulated in a small range has now become a reality.

And Type-Moon, who can synthesize the treasure into a divine weapon, has also been given the title of the sixth magician.

Because this is also an undoubted divine weapon.

The entire Type-Moon world has completely opened its arms to Type-Moon.

Countless knowledge, various types of magic eyes, low-end magic engravings, and a large amount of various magic materials are all available.

They have only one goal.

That is, in the future lunar mythical world, they can also have a part of them.

Although the moon is small, it is enough to accommodate the magicians, heroes, extraordinary creatures, and mythical creatures that only account for a very low proportion of the world. It is much better than the earth, which is very large and the magic power is increasingly exhausted.

In response to this situation, Type-Moon naturally also established the top magician scientific research talents to study artificial magic eyes and artificial magic engravings.

Among them, artificial magic eyes are given priority.

Because the artificial magic circuit has been solved.

Other artificial virtual illusions are also under development.

Type Moon handed over a giant enchanting blood eye as the core of the virtual illusion.

This also explains why he has been researching artificial magic eyes so vigorously.

He can synthesize treasures into artifacts. He can also synthesize artificial magic eyes into magic eyes that are above the rainbow level.

The lowest level artificial enchanting magic eyes, after being combined into a giant blood eye, are powerful enough to enchant millions of people at the same time.

The virtual illusion built with the enchanting giant blood eye as the core can completely reach the level of being real.

The artificial teleportation magic eye was successfully conquered first.

Even if the teleportation magic eye that could originally teleport hundreds of meters within the visual distance can only teleport five meters after being transformed into an artificial magic eye.

However, after mass production.

More than 10,000 artificial teleportation magic eyes were transformed into a giant teleportation blood eye composed of blood eyes, which still reached the interstellar level of teleportation ability.

That is, it can be easily teleported between the earth and the moon.

So a large number of magicians began to land on the moon and began to build with the world tree as the center.

With the continuous conquest of artificial magic eyes.

Artificial magic engravings also ushered in the dawn of breakthroughs.

The greatest value of artificial magic engravings is not the inheritance of batches, but the transmission of information.

The magic seals that originally took a magician a lifetime to build a small part of were mass-produced.

In a true sense, magic was realized through the network informatization.

This will be of great significance to the entire magic world.

Before this, the magic world would never allow this to happen.

However, after the artifact-level world tree was planted on the moon, in order to build a modern mythical world, the old antiques in the magic world were finally relented.

The magic that originally took a lot of time to learn can be directly downloaded and mastered through artificial magic seals.

However, the power of downloading is still in the hands of the Magic Association. For this purpose, the Type Moon specially built a giant blood eye as a bridge to connect all magicians.

With the help of this giant blood eye, magicians can check all kinds of magic news, knowledge, patents, shopping... like modern people surfing the Internet...

When the virtual illusion with the charming giant blood eye as the core is built, these magicians who have always been known for their conservatism will live a more advanced life than modern people.

This will precisely become the source of the magician's sense of superiority.

In short.

Magicians are more conservative than ordinary people think, but they are also more open than ordinary people think, especially when it comes to interests.

Weber still got together with Medea.

Under Medea's strong offensive, the weak Weber could not resist at all.

In addition, based on Wang Dong's privileges.

After marrying Medea, he can enjoy the highest level of artificial magic circuits, the highest level of artificial magic eyes, the highest level of magic imprints, the highest level of teaching recommendations... all for free.

As a member of the magician, Weber, who considers interests above all else, can't help but fall under the sugar-coated bullet.

Gilgamesh became the king of the mythical world of the moon without any dispute.

There is no other reason.

Wang Dong opened the highest authority of the world tree to Gilgamesh.

Whoever opposes can be swept out of the moon by Gilgamesh.

Iskandar and his tens of thousands of heroic spirits also landed on the moon as artificial people.

Participated in the construction of the moon.

Altria threw the burden to Type Moon.

Concentrate on waiting for the Charming Giant Blood Eye to construct a virtual illusion of a parallel world of her time.

Take advantage of the time gap here.

She started a food tour around the world.

She was accompanied by Kiritsugu Emiya's family of four.

The reason why there were four was because Kiritsugu Emiya had an assistant, a companion, and a mistress, Hisau Maiya.

Irisviel didn't mind this.

Because she was the one who came from behind.

Lancelot didn't travel with Altria.

Although he apologized and got Altria's forgiveness.

But as the culprit of the split of the Knights of the Round Table, he naturally couldn't really have no grudges.

So he accepted a disciple named Shirou on the recommendation of Type Moon.

Teach him kendo.

The master-disciple relationship between Tousaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei still collapsed.

Even though Type Moon was talking about the future that had not yet happened.

Kotomine Kirei is now loyal.

Everyone still parted ways amicably, and it was impossible for them to interact with each other until they died.

Kotomine Risei could only accept this.

And increased the education of his son Kotomine Kirei.

Type Moon successfully used his knowledge of artificial magic engraving to exchange for the fruit of the sacred tree with his other self.

But he only got two.

One for Naruto and one for Marvel.

The knowledge of artificial magic seals is useless for Dragon Ball.

Even so, after taking two fruits of the sacred tree, with the left eye fused with the space giant blood eye, the right eye fused with the reconstruction giant blood eye, and the forehead fused with the treasure giant blood eye,

Type Moon also touched the threshold of immortality.

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