Half a year later,

Shen Yujian resigned from RECT Manufacturing with a group of people.

This sudden decision almost made Yuki Shozo, who had been prepared for it, vomit blood.

Because Shen Yujian not only took away the core team related to virtual games, but also pried away his daughter.

Don't get me wrong.

Shen Yujian not only pried away Yuki Asuna, but also pried away Kiritani Kazuto.

The two who have confirmed their relationship as lovers will leave together. And it was different from what Yuki Shozo expected. Shen Yujian did not go to the United States, which he had been in contact with. Instead, he went to the Magic City. And just after arriving in the Magic City, the heavyweight new game Genshin Impact was released.

A virtual world version of the Teyvat continent was born in the sword world.

Classics are classics no matter which world they are in.

European-style Mondstadt, Chinese-style Liyue.

Even if only two large maps were shown, it attracted the attention of the world.

Two months after the release of Genshin Impact, it was directly launched.

The main feature is single-player experience of the plot and multiplayer exploration of the world.

The realism of all current virtual games is completely surpassed. The character creation and scenery creation have set off the world from the beginning.

The new autonomous AI learning function.

You can shape different character personalities through communication with the characters in the game, increase the intelligence and growth of the characters.

Once this function is released, it has greatly increased user stickiness.

Many users have therefore blocked the online function to prevent their characters from being raised distorted by others.

This forced Shenyujian to temporarily update the online map function.

In this online map, all characters are initial templates, without the autonomous AI learning function, and can be played at will without any psychological burden.

In short, the virtual game Genshin Impact, which emphasizes plot, characters, development, maps, exploration, and online versions, almost directly reshuffles the current traditional virtual games of fighting monsters and upgrading.

Two months later,

Shenyujian announced the development of intelligent robot androids. Artificial humans that are almost the same as real people.

And once the news that they can also import the high-development character AI of Genshin Impact was released, it set off the world again and triggered a carnival among players all over the world.

The market value of Shenyujian's company exploded to one trillion.

Whether it is the technological revolution caused by intelligent androids.

Being able to hang out with the characters you have cultivated offline is enough to drive players crazy.

This is also the reason why the Divine Realm did not choose Yuuki Asuna who was delivered to the door.

His place is a real forest.

There is really no need to hang yourself on a tree.

Two months later.

The experimental intelligent artificial daughter Klee was introduced into the Genshin World with high-cultivation AI and successfully appeared in reality.

This live broadcast was watched by more than 100 million people online, which was an epoch-making invention.

When the escaped sun and the fried fish girl, which were previously limited to the big world, appeared alive in reality.

It caused countless Genshin friends to cry.

It also inspired countless people's enthusiasm for working.

Having several wives to accompany them in their lifetime is their greatest happiness.

And the Divine Realm also used the The Seed-related technology that had been developed for a year to trade with the self in other planes for a divine tree fruit.

Just one.

This divine tree fruit still came from the Dragon Ball.

Others basically exchanged technology or the giant blood eye to successfully obtain it.

It can only be said that the later it is.

While enjoying more knowledge and skill convenience, the difficulty of obtaining the crucial divine tree fruit has greatly increased.

But this does not mean that he has no chance.

By combining the virtual technology of the sword world with the superpower development of the magic world, he can also usher in his own immortality.

However, in the sword world, there is no extraordinary scientific world.

It is indeed difficult to achieve immortality within a year.

In the 66th year of Konoha.

The various planes gathered together.

After seeing the treatment of the God Realm.

The other planes that were originally complaining about the unfairness immediately felt much better.

It can only be said that the treatment is compared.

But with the increase in the number of people every year.

It is really a bad thing that the fruit of the sacred tree cannot keep up with the growth.

So this time, there was no surprise that the Gintama world won by a crushing victory.

They urgently need other interstellar universes to increase the output of the fruit of the sacred tree.

The focus of the Gintama world is the Edo period invaded by aliens.

But the background has the grand worldview of the entire universe.

It's just that time has changed.

Originally, they valued the wonderful and funny daily life of the Yorozuya.

But now they value the universe where the Gintama worldview has not been expanded.

A small earth and a small Edo can no longer satisfy their ambitions.

Just like this.

The Gintama was born.

It's just that the object he parasitized has some problems.

It's Prince Hata from the Central Star, who can also be called Prince Hata, or the Idiot Prince.

He is a collector who likes strange creatures very much.

Even if it causes disasters to other people, it doesn't matter.

As for why he chose such an almost idiotic character.

Of course, it's because of his identity.

No matter what.

He is a prince of an interstellar civilization.

His status in Gintama Edo is unique.

More importantly, he can access the Milky Way map, which helps him plant sacred trees throughout the universe.

Now this Prince Hata is in trouble again.

He sneaked away a pet that looks very ugly and cute on the surface, but is actually extremely cruel after heating.

Such irresponsible behavior of Prince Hata.

The Yorozuya, the client, killed the transformed pet octopus on the spot.

Hasegawa Yasuzo, the director of the Immigration Bureau of the Shogunate, was also very pleased.

"Sorry, Prince Hada, I didn't stop them properly."

Hasegawa Taizo apologized without any sincerity.

The Yorozuya has already started to decompose the body of the alien giant octopus for hot pot.

Looking at the happy and carefree people in front of him

, Sakata Gintoki, Shimura Shinpachi and Kagura,

Gintama made a call.

"Father, it's me, Hada"

"I want to buy a planet as my pet home planet, what do you think?"

"It's a remote planet, it doesn't cost much"

"If you are really worried, give me certain permissions so that I can make money by myself, buy it myself, or even rob it."

"Do you agree?"

"Thank you, father. Bye!"

When Gintama communicated, he used the language of Central Star.

But he also turned on the bilingual translation.

So Hasegawa Yasuzo and the Yorozuya trio heard it clearly.

Hasegawa Yasuzo was dumbfounded.

The Yorozuya trio also stopped eating hot pot.

If they heard it correctly, the idiot Prince Hada across from them decided the future of their planet in just a few words.

And the purpose of placing them on the planet as pets?

This is too much!

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