The black cube reveals endless darkness and evil.

In order to better control the Infinity Stones, the Infinity Stones were inlaid in various ways, and also brought different names.

The Cosmic Spirit Orb, the Power Stone.

The Ether Particles, the Reality Stone.

The Cosmic Cube, the Space Stone.

The Eye of Agamotto, the Time Stone.

The Scepter of Loki, the Mind Stone.

These are the different forms of power when the Infinity Stones are controlled.

In order to maximize the use of the Reality Stones, the Dark Elves deliberately transformed the Reality Stones into the form of Ether Particles that can be controlled by the Dark Elves.

In the form of Ether Particles, once activated, the starry sky will be shrouded in darkness.

The Dark Elves can exert their maximum strength in the dark.

But this dark form also has problems.

The biggest problem is that it is not of much use to people who are not dark attributes.

That is why the God King Odin entrusted the Ether Particles to the Collector for safekeeping, throwing away this unusable hot potato.

Odin cannot restore the Ether Particles back to the form of Reality Stones.���

Aether particles are not very useful to Uchiha Jian.

The black cube that Odin used to seal the aether particles is also made of top-level artifact materials.

Ordinary materials cannot seal the Infinity Stones.

Uchiha Jian still did not choose to destroy the outer shell of the cube.

With the power stone, he can completely crush the cube with his bare hands.


The Creation Technique of the left golden reincarnation eye gave the cube spirituality.

The cube seemed to be perfectly fitted.

But he was sure that the collector must have opened it.

He had the ability to do so and re-seal it.


The cube opened automatically.

The normal form of ether particles is a special fluid.

Uchiha Jian grasped the ether particles in his palm before they dissipated.

The power of the power gem was fully activated by him.

Purple energy covered Uchiha Jian's whole body.

Unimaginable terrifying power burst out from his right hand.

In front of this power, even a star can be easily crushed.

As one of the roots of the Marvel Universe, the Infinity Gems.

The power of stars is not worth mentioning in front of gems.

Such a terrifying force acted on the ether particles in his hand.

The ether particles were forcibly compressed from the particle state to the solid state, and finally even the solid state was broken, and a red gem appeared in front of Uchiha Jian.

This is the true appearance of the reality gem.

After the ether particle form was defeated by the power gem, the real reality gem was finally presented.

But the load of the two infinity gems instantly reached the critical point that Uchiha Jian could bear.

He did not have the Infinity Gauntlet. He could not control two infinity gems at the same time.

Normally, in the universe As the strongest person, without the help of other props, he can only control one infinite gem at most.

Fortunately, he has a prop that limits the infinite gem.

The power gem automatically fell off from the golden reincarnation eye between his eyebrows.

It fell into the cosmic spirit ball.

The cosmic spirit ball automatically closed and completely sealed the power gem.

Without the power gem.

The load of the reality gem was finally reduced to a level that Uchiha Jian could bear.

He put the reality gem into his left golden reincarnation eye.

The golden reincarnation eye has the ultimate Yang escape creation power.

In a sense, it is very compatible with the reality gem.

Three eyeballs, plus he himself shares the load of the reality gem.

It makes it less stressful for him to control the reality gem.

There is a reason why Uchiha Jian attaches so much importance to the reality gem.

The reality gem is an extremely special one among the infinite gems.

It has the ability to turn imagination into reality.

The reality here is the real reality.

It is not an illusion.

Of course, the ability to create illusions is even more powerful.

Because the reality gem can turn illusions into reality at any time, and reality into illusions.

"Generate a sacred fruit for me."

Uchiha Jian couldn't wait to activate the power of the Infinity Stone.

Huge amounts of energy flowed out of the Infinity Stone.

A sacred fruit was generated at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Uchiha Jian stopped the power of the reality gem.

The half-created fruit of the sacred tree collapsed and turned into nothingness.

In the process of the creation of the sacred tree fruit.

For some reason, he had a faint sense of crisis that was constantly gathering.

It seemed that there would be some bad consequences.

After he stopped, the sense of crisis disappeared again.

With his strength at this level, the sense of crisis is by no means groundless.

Once ignored, it will lead to extremely terrible consequences.

As a time traveler who has watched countless movies, TV shows and novels, Uchiha Jian certainly understands that some power is not without price.

Even if the price is not apparent now, it will appear in the future.

In the Marvel Universe, the biggest example is the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

Ancient One used the Time Stone to steal the original power of Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

With hundreds of years of life, his strength stood at the top of the universe.

The God King Odin kept her a secret.

Interstellar civilizations treated her as a guest of honor.

Traveling the universe with a spirit body is a daily operation for Ancient One.

But even if she Gained such a powerful force.

By the time she realized the price of the power, it was too late.

In the end, Ancient One could only escape the price of power by destroying his soul.

He has countless blood-eye pupil techniques.

Among them, there are many predictive pupil techniques.

It can only be said that the reality gem is indeed omnipotent.

But there are many taboos in the use of the reality gem that he needs to explore himself.

Anyway, using the reality gem to create other infinite gems.

Or using the reality gem to create the fruit of the sacred tree for consumption is absolutely wrong.

With such an understanding.

Uchiha Jian did not use the reality gem to directly create the fruit of the sacred tree.

Instead, he used the reality gem to amplify his"Opening Eye Technique".

The Opening Eye Technique, which was originally only able to teleport freely within the star system, suddenly jumped to the point of interstellar teleportation.

This alone is enough for him to save the long time of interstellar navigation and plant more sacred trees.

When he appeared on a primitive life planet.

Uchiha Jian began to make a gesture of knocking on the door.

""Open the door!"

A space door the size of a normal door appeared in front of the two.

With their current status and strength, it was only natural that the space door would be expanded to this extent.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist!"

The Uchiha Ma of the Naruto world congratulated.

Compared to the very limited Power Stone, the omnipotence of the Reality Stone can greatly enhance the other self.

At the same time, the title of fellow Taoist also means that the Uchiha Ma of the Marvel Universe is no longer his clone.

Instead, it is another self who has walked out of his own path.

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

Marvel Uchiha Ma bowed.

He threw the fruit-bearing sacred tree to the other side.

Naruto Uchiha Ma also threw back a sapling of the sacred tree at the right time.

He asked curiously:"Realistic gems can't generate sacred trees, or sacred tree fruits?"

That's an infinite gem.

A cosmic treasure that is probably more precious than the entire Otsutsuki clan.


"But my instinct tells me that if I use it like that, I will pay an unknown price in the future."

Hokage Uchiha Jian understood.

The two exchanged information again.

This time, the distribution of the fruit of the sacred tree between the two changed.

From the original pattern of two fruits for Hokage Uchiha Jian and one for Marvel Uchiha Jian, it became one for each of them in turn.

At the same time, Hokage Uchiha Jian shared the new blood eye information and the experience of building the kingdom of God with Marvel himself.

Marvel Uchiha Jian also shared more interstellar technology and items with Hokage himself.

Only by helping each other can both sides go further.

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