The solemn but perfunctory inauguration ceremony of the acting king of gods ended just like that.

Because of the instructions of the father god Odin.

Although the gods did not look down on Loki, they did not make things difficult for him. This allowed Loki to handle government affairs relatively smoothly.

This time was no longer a child's play like the last time.

Instead, he was truly in power and shouldered the future of the entire Asgard.

After handling a day's government affairs.

It was already late at night outside.

He sat alone in the palace.

This time, there was no father god Odin behind him, no mother goddess Frigga behind him, and no brother Thor in front of him.

He came to the treasure room of the Asgard.


He ignored the many treasures here and held the Frost Giant's artifact Ice Box again.

As the son of the Frost Giant King Laufey.

He was cultivated with wisdom and magic since he was a child.

As a result, in terms of wisdom, he became cunning.

In terms of magic, it became illusion.

He seemed to be born unsuitable to exist as a warrior.

This is actually very abnormal.

Because both the Asgardians and the Frost Giants are famous for their good fighting.

If he follows the Asgard training method, as a frost giant, he will never be able to surpass his brother Thor.

But once he picks up the Ice Box and stimulates the talent of the frost giant,

Asgard will never recognize a frost giant as their god king.

But Loki still holds the Ice Box.

Endless frost is instinctively sucked into his body, making Loki's Asgardian appearance deviate to that of a frost giant.

With the reactivation of the frost giant bloodline, he instinctively feels a throbbing.

A throbbing of attacking blood.

He follows the throbbing and finds a coffin.

He opens the coffin.

Inside is the body of a frost giant.

The body of Laufey, the king of the frost giants.

It is the body of his biological father who died in his hands.

Laufey, who was shot into nothingness in the plot, certainly could not die so easily in reality.

As a powerful god who is comparable to Odin at his peak, how could Laufey fall so easily?

He committed suicide.

The purpose is to fulfill his son Loki's ambition to become the God King of Asgard.

His hands touched Laufey's body.

Laufey's body melted quickly.

It turned into the purest and most orthodox origin and merged into Loki's body.

At this moment.

The seal that Odin imposed on Loki was lifted.

Loki appeared in the full posture of a frost giant for the first time.

Feeling the power that was more than a thousand times stronger than before, and the strong fatherly love in the power that could sacrifice himself for his son.

Loki, who had always lacked love, shed ice-blue tears.

It turned out that he had never lacked love.

It's just that he never found out.

Mother Goddess Frigga never showed prejudice against him.

Father Laufey could sacrifice himself for him. Father

God Odin could also repent at the end of his life. In addition to the position of God King, he could give everything else, including the acting God King. Brother Thor could also give him everything, including the position of God King.

The dead Laufey was so powerful.

What about the living Laufey.

He finally had the power to rival the God King.

But he didn't feel the slightest bit of happiness.

Loki, who had always been playing like a child, not knowing the importance of things, and rebellious like a teenager, finally understood the value of love and the weight of responsibility at this time.

He finally shed his rebelliousness and truly grew up.

And of course Odin couldn't really ignore everything.

He was on Earth.

But his eyes were still in Asgard.

He could watch everything in Asgard through Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.

Seeing that Loki inherited Laufey's power, he truly felt the growth brought by his father's efforts.

He smiled with relief.

At this time, Uchiha Jian, who was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet inlaid with four Infinity Gems, finally extended his magic hand to the earth.

At this time, there were two Infinity Gems on the earth.

They were the Time Gem and the Mind Gem.

Even with four Infinity Gems.

But Uchiha Jian still had great fear of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

So his target was only the Mind Gem.

As for the Time Gem in Ancient One's hand.

As long as he waited until Ancient One died.

It would be much easier to take it from his successor Stephen Strange.

Even to avoid a rollover.

He has not sent out his real body.

Instead, he sent out his own clone.

He was testing the attitude of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

The golden reincarnation eye was unscrupulously observing the entire earth.

It triggered a reaction from all the sanctuaries set up by Ancient One around the world.

The Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One is not only one of the strongest in the universe.

She also has the mission of protecting the earth from being invaded by foreign demons.

But in fact, this is a false proposition.

Because the reason why the earth is invaded by demons from various dimensions is that Ancient One himself provoked them by abusing the dark power.

The alarm alarmed Ancient One's disciples.

They immediately reported it and planned to fight against the demons from other worlds together.

But this time Ancient One stopped their actions.

"The one who came this time was not a demon from another dimension."

"But the strongest person from other star fields"

"His target is not the earth."

"No need to make any reaction, he will naturally retreat after he succeeds in getting his target."

This is not the first time that Ancient One has made such a decision.

This was the case when interstellar predators like Yondu came to Earth and took away Star-Lord.

It was also the case when the aliens Skrulls and Kree invaded Earth.

Even disciples like Casillas who came into contact with forbidden spells were simply expelled.

It was only because of the prestige that Ancient One had accumulated over hundreds of years.

Her disciples could not question and could only obey.

There are not many targets on Earth that can block the perspective of the Golden Reincarnation Eye.

Ancient One's Sanctum Sanctorum was automatically ignored by him.

His target was Loki's Scepter.

At this time, Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver had been born with the power of the Mind Stone.

But Ultron and Vision had not yet.

A space gate appeared directly in front of Uchiha Jian.

On the other side of the space gate was Loki's Scepter in the secret base of Hydra.

Without giving the other party a chance to react,

Uchiha Jian opened fire the moment he succeeded. He started the interstellar jump.

Compared with the Mind Stone, face is secondary.

First, make sure you get the Mind Stone, then talk about other things.

During the whole process, the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One, who he feared the most, did not appear to stop him.

Uchiha Ma got the Mind Stone very smoothly. He made several more jumps.

When he entered his own space and put the Mind Stone on the scepter into the Infinity Gauntlet, he was really relieved.

He had already got five of the six Infinity Stones.

Even though he was sure that the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One was unlikely to pose a threat to him, the scenes of countless movies and TV shows where the last effort failed still reminded him.

Ancient One was definitely the last person in the universe who could pose a threat to him.

Instead of acting rashly and risking possible failure or success, he might as well wait quietly for two years.

Waiting for the inevitable success after the death of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One.

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