Even if you have a steel and iron bone in your heart, you want to be strong and strong, and you will not be shaken and succumbed by external forces.

But when external forces really come, the instinct not to survive still overwhelms everything.

No way, he wanted to live.

He still has too many things to finish, and his dreams are still hanging there.

He can't die!!

At this moment, I feel a little uncomfortable not chopping my heart.

If I lower my posture at the beginning, will I be able to slip away?

Hey, Tsundere ruins a lifetime!

If I had confessed to Confession earlier....

If you regret not chopping it, Bai Ye thinks it's funny.

However, the other party's voice made Bai Ye realize that there would still be accomplices if he didn't cut him.

That guy named Bai, who can not be treated like this again, must have two brushes.

In this way, Bai Ye had an idea in his heart.

"Okay, let's go!"

Haku Ye let go of the action, and then he said to the three of Naruto, "You guys have to work hard!" I'm not going to shoot. "


No more chopping.

Naruto and Sasuke glanced at each other and immediately flew up to face the enemy head-on!

The decapitation knife made a whistling sound, and it slashed at Naruto with great force.

But Naruto was not worried, and raised his hand to condense the red chakra.

That is, the Nine-Tailed Chakra!

Faced with such a strong enemy, Naruto certainly did not dare to keep his hand.

Although he was knocked to the ground by his master's blow, his strength and murderous aura could be felt by both Naruto and Sasuke.


The red chakra formed a huge shield and blocked the blow of the decapitation knife.

Before he could change his move, Sasuke, who was holding a small sword with a roaring flame burning on it, had already seized the opportunity to block and rushed up!


No more slashing the knife as a shield to block Sasuke's blow.

But Naruto followed suit!

The two of them are rivals, but also the most tacit partners!


The red chakra formed a huge fist and hammered it the stomach and knocked him out!



No more chopping out a mouthful of blood, my heart is full of horror.

He originally thought that he was accompanying children to live a family, after all, these two subordinates seem to have just graduated, how strong can they be?

Therefore, he felt that Bai Ye was insulting himself.

But at the moment, this special meow, you tell me this is a lower patience?

White night spread his hands, Naruto and Sasuke really shinobi.

At this moment, after seeing the strength of Naruto and Sasuke, he didn't know what he should do.

"Two imps, get ready, I'm going to give it my all!"

"Mist Concealment Technique!"


A thick mist attached to Chakra appeared, enveloping this piece entirely.

Naruto and Sasuke were blind at once, they couldn't see it, and they could only rely on each other's backs, back to back for possible attacks.

Naruto Sasuke fought hard against the enemy, but Hakuya saw everything clearly.

The Chakra mist can block Sasuke's chakra eyes, but it can't block Hakuya's eyes.

Whether it's his eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, or the eye of reincarnation.

Suddenly, Bai Ye felt quite bored.

So, he looked left and right and decided to squint for a moment and rest.

However, before he could close his eyes, he felt a man in the distance.

That Chakra, it seems a little cold.

Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked over, and found a man wearing the mask style of the assassination force of Wuyin Village, slowly walking over.

He was not tall, and looked only slightly taller than Naruto Sasuke.

Shui Wuyue is white, the last survivor of the Shui Wuyue clan.

Although he is good-looking, he is a good-hearted boy.

Somehow, such information appeared in Bai Ye's heart.

This surprised him.

【Congratulations on the simulator meeting the conditions, you will get a global simulation once】

'Global simulation, what is that?' [

The so-called global simulation is the simulation from now until your death]

'So powerful? Then I'm coming! White Night immediately ordered.

The next moment, he was immersed in the simulated world.

He saw the outcome of this battle, he saw the Chu Shinobi exam that would be held later, he saw ....

After a long time, Bai Ye eased up.

"Is that all that comes after that?"

He muttered.

At this moment, he looked at Zaibao, who was still fighting Naruto and Sasuke, and suddenly felt a little bored.

Leaving a shadow doppelganger, the white night disappeared in place.

In this scene, no one found that their strength was not qualified.

When the white night appeared again, he was already on the sea, treading water!

His speed is so fast that it's like a racing boat running across the sea.

Soon, Bai Ye came to the other side of the sea, the country of water, the village of mist!

From the information he had learned, Bai Ye knew that Mist Hidden Village was in the midst of the blood mist policy of the fourth generation of Water Shadow at the moment.

However, all this was actually done by the mask man Uchiha Obito using illusion to control the fourth generation of water shadows.

The reason is that Rin with soil died at the hands of Wuyin Village.

Bai Ye knows all this.

Not only that, but he also knew that the Mist Hidden Village was not actually the real murderer behind the scenes, and the real murderer was actually Uchiha!

He controlled the Mist Hidden Village with one hand and Rin Nohara with the other, and directed this tragedy!

How strong Uchiha is in the simulation, White Night has already seen it in the simulation.

Such a powerful Uchiha spot is naturally not comparable to anyone else, and he can manipulate the water shadow and play the entire Mist Hidden Village in the palm of his hand.

When Uchiha grabbed Rin Nohara and sealed the Nine Tails in his body, he installed a spell seal on Rin Nohara's heart by the way.

A spell that can manipulate human behavior!

Then, he waits for Obito to appear and manipulates Rin Nohara to crash into Kakashi's Raiche!

This is where the scene of taking the soil riot to blacken happened.

Obito, on the other hand, knew nothing, was kept in the dark by it, and did countless stupid things.

But in fact, Uchiha was also deceived.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is actually black!

This guy is not at all the manifestation of Uchiha's will, and Uchiha doesn't have this ability yet.

Kuro is the will released by the mother of the Creator of the Hokage World, Kaguya Otsuki, before it was sealed.

It can also be said that he is the third son of Kaguya Otsuki!

Therefore, Hei Jue has been doing a series of things for thousands of years to get out of trouble on the moon for the sake of Datumu Kaguya.

Comparable to 'Agarwood Savior'!

Da Tu Mu Agarwood, oh no, Da Tu Mu Hei has provoked the relationship between the two children of the Six Dao Immortals in his career for thousands of years, and let them oppose each other.

The confrontation between the Uchiha clan and Senju was also provoked by him.

It can be said that this guy is the root of the evil in the Hokage world!!

However, although Hei Jue is engaged in wind and rain, it does not have any particularly powerful power in itself.

PS: Let's end tomorrow, after which a new book will be made, the theme has been decided, pirates!

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