If he stood in Konoha's shoes, Hakuya would be able to understand Uchiha's behavior and would be relieved.

But he is also the Uchiha who is going to be killed in the white night!

Therefore, he will never forgive Uchiha Itachi!

Moreover, in order not to let the Uchiha rebellion affect Konoha, and then spread to the entire ninja world, then don't you Uchiha Itachi kill the strong man of Uchiha?

Why should ordinary clansmen who have not opened their eyes also slaughter them all?!

This is where White Night looks least at Uchiha Itachi.

As Uchiha, not for Uchiha, but for Konoha?

If you need to think about Konoha, what else do you want the Konoha high-level to do?

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly understood something.

Because Uchiha is too genius and too smart, he thinks too much, thinks too much, and instead traps himself.

And the shameless politicians at the top of Konoha, seized on this, used their dirty means, and pinched Uchiha Itachi.

Perhaps, Uchiha stopped the water and died in the hands of those politicians in Konoha's high-level!

Uchiha Itachi is hateful and twisted, but at the same time he is also used by the Konoha high-level.

However, perhaps Uchiha was aware of the fact that he was being used, but he still obediently accepted Konoha's high-level arrangement.


What a twist!!

Is this Uchiha?

Perhaps the vigilance of the second generation Hokage was correct....

This thought only appeared in Bai Ye's mind for a moment, and it was extinguished.

Because he was Uchiha, he couldn't think about it from the standpoint of Konoha, or even the second Hokage.

That's a crooked ass!

Obviously, Uchiha is a guy with a crooked ass.


Bai Ye spat deeply, which soothed the shocked emotions in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly found that his insight seemed to have improved, and when he thought of something, Bai Ye immediately came to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

I saw a pair of blood-colored eyes, and there were three hook jades slowly rotating on each of them.

Three hook jade writing wheel eyes!

White Night's Sharingan has evolved again!

It was because of the simulation just now, knowing the psychology of Uchiha Itachi, that he was shocked out of the three-hook jade writing wheel eye!

It should be said that it is a golden talent!

In this way, with the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, if you receive some more stimulation on the night of the extermination, you may be able to awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

In that way, you should be able to survive the night of extermination!

The evolution of the Sharingan made Bai Ye's heart a little more confident, and his mood was no longer agitated and comforted again.

Back in the living room, Bai Ye continued to comb through the information.

The mask man is most likely also Uchiha!

This was the conclusion that Bai Ye drew from his inner words.

That kind of tone, that kind of words, is obviously the mentality of the Uchiha clan who was once depressed, and later because of various circumstances, he looked down on and couldn't look down on the Uchiha clan.

I want to ask why Bai Ye guessed so clearly, because in my previous life, I watched TV series, and it was all performed like this!

As for the identity of the mask man, there was too little information for Bai Ye to guess.

And the ability of the mask man, Bai Ye guessed some.

Most likely space capabilities!

The other party is standing there, and the white night cannot attack the other party, but the other party can attack the white night.

There are no 'ghosts' in this world, and excluding this factor, it can only be spatial ability.

If it is a spatial ability, does it mean that the body is in the real world when the other party attacks, and the body is not in the real world when dodging the attack?

You have to verify it yourself.

Look at whether the body can touch when the opponent's attack and dodge appear together.

As for Uchiha's kaleidoscopic chakra eye ability, there is nothing Bai Ye can do.

That seems to be the ability of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, or the illusion category, which can only be resisted with the Sharingan.

After being defeated so many times in a row by Uchiha Itachi in the simulation, Bai Ye is not sure if the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye can compete with the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye of the Uchiha Itachi.

If you can't resist, then there is no way, you can only be defeated.

However, "it can be determined that there is something wrong with Uchiha Fugaku!" "

There was no decent resistance in a simulated Uchiha clan, but after White Night informed the intelligence, the situation did not change in the slightest, that was Uchiha Fugaku's problem.

The ass of the young patriarch of Uchiha is sitting crooked, could it be that the butt of the patriarch of Uchiha Fugaku is also sitting crooked?

Hope not!

Otherwise, Uchiha would have disappointed Bai Ye too much.

After the intelligence was summarized, Bai Ye planned to solidify the golden talent 'mind reader', and then suspended the simulation and went to find Uchiha Fugaku to find out the specific situation.

If Uchiha Fugaku couldn't be trusted, then White Night wouldn't be delayed there.

Although Uchiha is the patriarch, there are also elders with high prestige in the clan.

Big deal, bypass Uchiha Fugaku and go directly to the elder!

[Is it solidifying the talent 'mind reader'?] '

Yes! White

Night did not hesitate.

In his opinion, this golden talent can not only allow him to figure out the truth about the night of Uchiha's extermination, but also provide help in the future!

The Sharingan has reached the three-hook jade, coupled with the golden talent 'Super Fast Eye Open', Bai Ye's possession of the kaleidoscope Sharingan Eye is a sure thing.

He can survive the night of extinction, that's for sure.

But, what about after getting through?

White Night still has to survive in this cruel ninja world.

In that case, it is essential to recruit people.

Although it is a ninja world where strength is paramount, the role of companions is indispensable until the individual strength reaches beyond the specifications.

However, people's hearts are unpredictable, and as long as they are people, they will have selfish hearts.

And Bai Ye thinks that he is not a person with management experience, even if he is not stupid, but he is not without the ability to control people's hearts.

In this way, the talent of mind readers is very important.

It can be seen that the true thoughts of the person in his heart are enough for him to guarantee absolute 'loyalty' in a small team and avoid being stabbed in the back.

【Talent curing, please later...

】【Curing complete】Bai

Ye tensed his body and waited for possible changes.

But after waiting for about ten seconds, he didn't wait.

"It seems that there is nothing special about the solidification of this talent!" White Night secretly sighed.

Then, he sensed the relevant use of the talent 'mind reader'.

This talent does not need to be actively used, and the ability to perceive the emotions of others towards the white night is directly a passive skill, without any consumption.

And to read someone's heart, you need to consume some chakra and focus on someone.

After familiarizing himself with the usage of mind readers, Bai Ye got up and left the house.

He wanted to go to Uchiha Fugaku's house first to see what was going on with this patriarch!

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