[It is said that it is to let Uchiha Itachi assist Konoha to annihilate the Uchiha clan who are preparing to rebel, but in the end, only Uchiha Itachi is alone, and the helper he pulls Mysterious Mask Man. ]

Under the attack of the two strong men, the slaughter against the Uchiha clan appeared without prior preparation.

Almost no one was able to resist their attacks, and countless strong Uchiha powerhouses, even the old, weak and sick Uchiha people, were all killed.

Even the Uchiha Izumi, who had confessed to Uchiha Itachi, was killed by Uchiha Itachi's own hands. (Here is still according to the original manga, the anime TV adaptation is that the mask man killed Uchiha Izumi)

Finally, killing everyone else, Uchiha Itachi came to his door.

All he needs to kill is his parents.

However, after learning about Uchiha's choice, Uchiha Fugaku is unwilling to kill his son, and he chooses to tie his hands.

"Entrusting Uchiha's future to Sasuke may be a viable path."

Even, in order to make Uchiha Itachi get his hands on it, Uchiha Fugaku said: "Compared to you, our pain is only a moment.

"Although we think differently, we are still proud of you!"

Uchiha struck out in tears and killed his parents.

Later, Sasuke Uchiha returned home and saw everything tragic.

"My stupid brother..."

At this moment, Uchiha appeared coldly, he lied about testing his strength, and he did all this in order for Sasuke to awaken the kaleidoscope Sharingan, so that he could obtain the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Moreover, Uchiha Itachi used the moon reading to let Sasuke personally feel the whole process of extermination.

Sasuke was stimulated and awakened the Sharingan.

Seeing this, Uchiha Itachi instantly defeated Sasuke and knocked him unconscious.

At this point, the night of Uchiha's extermination is over.

The Uchiha family, only the brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke]


Bai Ye put the teacup down, his hands trembling slightly.

Highlight his inner unrest.

For a long time, looking at Uchiha Izumi's pretty face, Bai Ye eased up, and then he couldn't help but fall into thought.

Originally, he felt that Uchiha Itachi was sitting crookedly, so he chose to help Konoha destroy the Uchiha clan.

But now, after seeing the cause and effect of the original night of Uchiha's extermination, he realized that he might have thought wrong.

Uchiha betrayed the family and killed his relatives, did he do something wrong?

The extermination of the Uchiha clan must have been a mistake, and the world will naturally attribute the mistake to the executor, Uchiha Itachi.

But after understanding the cause and effect of the incident, Hakuye discovers that it is not Uchiha Itachi who is really wrong, but Konoha Village and Uchiha.

To be precise, Konoha high-ranking and those Uchiha who are determined to rebel.

It was they who left Uchiha Itachi with no choice.

Choosing to stand on the side of the village, Uchiha can continue, and the war will not occur.

Choosing to stand on Uchiha's side, the village was badly damaged, Uchiha was exterminated, and the entire ninja world may be in turmoil because of this.

Therefore, Uchiha Itachi chose the general path of Ergozai.

However, in Bai Ye's opinion, in addition to these two roads, there are other roads.

If peace is sought through compromise, peace will perish.

If you seek peace through struggle, you will live in peace!

Truth is only above the blade, dignity is only within the range of a cannon!

This is the conclusion that the motherland of the white night in the past life came out with blood and tears.

If their ancestors had retreated, would their nation still exist?

Just like here, the Uchiha Itachi retreated, so the Uchiha clan perished.

Peace cannot be compromised, and it is also the absence of the Uchiha people, so Konoha has not gained an inch.

Peace can only be achieved through struggle!

The only thing that really went wrong with Uchiha and Uchiha was that they trusted the four politicians in Konoha's top brass too much.

After determining that Uchiha is not a bloodthirsty and cruel anti-bone boy who does not distinguish between black and white, a new plan is quietly born in Bai Ye's heart.

If it can be executed smoothly, perhaps, Bai Ye and Uchiha Izumi will not have to flee.

And Uchiha doesn't need mass deaths, and Konoha doesn't have to be in turmoil.

Having experienced the white nights of peacetime, I understand very well the value of peace.

If it were not necessary, he did not want to plunge the world into war and strife.

But anyway, who called him 'Uchiha' in this life?

Before Bai Ye only wanted to escape, because he felt that the power to destroy Uchiha was too strong, even if he obtained so many golden talents through the simulator, he could not fight it in a short time.

But now, having discovered the power that can be fought for, Bai Ye's heart naturally inclined to a better way.

Not all of Konoha are bad, and Uchiha isn't all good.

If properly implemented, this plan can eliminate all the bad guys on both sides.

Only good people and 'good people' remain, and peace will naturally come.

'Oh yes, and the perfect way to beat the level! Bai Ye suddenly thought of this, and smiled at the grandfather and grandson beside him, but on the surface, he clicked the perfect clearance very indifferently.

As a result, lines of subtitles that only Bai Ye could see came out.


...] [Noon

...] [Night...]

But after seeing it all, Bai Ye couldn't help but widen his eyes.

'Simulator, I didn't expect you to know me best!' Surprisingly

, the perfect clearance simulation given by the simulator turned out to be roughly the same as the third method that White Night had come up with.

It's just that in terms of details, the perfect clearance simulation is better and more accurate than the method of white night.

And rightfully so.

The method of White Night was only produced after watching the original Uchiha Annihilation Night, and the perfect clearance simulation of the simulator has long been available.

Bai Ye did not feel discouraged by this, but absorbed all those details and integrated them into his own methods.

Anyway, no one can see the simulator's method, and Bai Ye can directly say that it is his method.

After writing everything down, Bai Ye closed the subtitles and turned his head to look at his grandfather and grandson.

This situation had been expected by Bai Ye, and he had not hidden his shock just now.

Or you can't hide your shock.

It's normal for Uchiha Izumi and her grandfather, Sousuke Uchiha, to notice Hakuya's abnormality.

"Elder Sosuke, I may have a way to save the Uchiha clan!" Bai Ye did not have the slightest hesitation, and said directly: "Just now, I saw more possibilities!" "


Sousuke Uchiha suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be shining, "Such a short time, is it time?" He

didn't ask for more.

In his eyes, no one is more qualified to save Uchiha than Hakuya.

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