But in an instant, Bai Ye recovered, "No problem! But I didn't bring enough money, first give you three million, and then give you two million, how?

"Of course!"

Bai Ye paid, ordered the knife, and turned to leave.

He wants to find someone else and sell himself again!

But before that, he needs to have lunch.

Even the smooth loan and finding the right knife took almost a morning.

After lunch, Bai Ye did the same and 'sold his body' again to get three million taels from a merchant named Kenta Uchiha.

Pay for the knife without any twists and turns.

However, by the time White Night returned home, night had fallen.

The second 'selling' did not go as well as the first time, because he wanted to hide that he had already 'sold' once on Uchiha Kane's side.

If this Uchiha Kenta knew about this, Bai Ye would have a lot of trouble.

This is very detrimental to him, who needs to develop.

Fortunately, Bai Ye's acting skills are outstanding, plus the news of this morning's loan has not yet spread, and the other party does not know.

White night passed smoothly.

Perhaps in their opinion, how dare a small Shinobi like Uchiha Baiye dare to deceive them with a background in Shangnin?

But White Night is dare.

He even said in his heart: 'If you want me to be a slave, you can!' Come to me in person in five days! As long as you can come! '


After dinner at home, Bai Ye came to the place where he usually trained, pulled out a short knife called 'Fire Rain', and began to practice knife skills.


All kinds of knife techniques are extremely skillful, horizontal and longitudinal slashing, one move is quite methodical, and the power is extraordinary.

Bai Ye's sword skills are actually quite good, but his physical fitness can only be regarded as average, and after knowing that he has some fire talent, he naturally chooses to put more energy on the fire escape.

Ordinary people's energy is limited and cannot be messed around casually.

Moreover, in this real ninja world, Fire Escape is a technique that combines the characteristics of wide range and high lethality!

At this moment, the resumption of sword art is also to enhance the strength as much as possible, and after that, there may be a talent in physique, which will make Bai Ye's sword art useful.

Moreover, he bought the short knife 'Fire Rain', also to practice fire ninjutsu.

In the case that the fire escape cultivation has not reached a certain level, if you want to perform the fire ninja technique, you need the Chakra weapon.

Speaking of fire ninjutsu, White Night will be.

Uchiha Ryu Ken Yueyan!


The rain of short knife fire instantly turned red, and a roaring flame burned on it, exuding heat to the surroundings.

Using a weapon that can conduct Chakra and covering it with flames has achieved the effect of increasing the attack power.

Uchiha Ryu Wind Sword!

Bai Ye held the burning rain of fire and swung his sword violently.


A crescent-shaped blade of flame flew out of the knife and bombarded the stake in the distance.


With a loud roar, the stake split in two and ignited a roaring flame that endured.

Fortunately, this is the back mountain of the uninhabited Uchiha tribe, and no one notices the scene here.

But in the next second, Bai Ye's feet were soft, Chakra's supply was insufficient, and his physical strength was too large, and he almost fell to the ground.

And the flames on the short knife fire rain have also disappeared.

"Chakra is too little!"

Even with weapons that could be used and able to use the Fire Ninja Technique, Bai Ye could only swing two or three swords.

This is enough to see that his talent is mediocre and his strength is average.

However, this fire ninja technique was an opportunity half a year ago in the white night.

He was practicing by the small river near here, and then a corpse floated over the river.

The appearance of the corpse is damaged, and the eyes are a pair of blood holes, but the ninja bag can be opened.

Haku Ye saw that he was wearing a Konoha brace, and also had Uchiha's family crest, so he took off the ninja bag as a reward and buried him nearby.

Later, he vaguely guessed that the corpse he encountered that day might be the number one expert in the clan-Uchiha Shuishui!

But he didn't have much to do, after all, he was too weak, even if he told the clan about this, he might be killed and silenced, so he hid it.

For the weak, more is better than less.

There are not many things in the ninja bag, except for some ninja tools and silver coins, which is the practice method of Uchiha Flowing Fire Ninjutsu.

Bai Ye took half a year to master it, but he didn't have a good knife and didn't have enough chakra, so he shelved it.

It wasn't until today with the Ninja Simulator that he regained his sword skills and fire ninjutsu.

Now it seems that with the Fire Ninja Technique and this Chakra Short Knife 'Fire Rain', Bai Ye can have the strength of Zhongnin.

The power of the Fire Ninja Technique is stronger than the power of the White Night's Fire Ninja!

This is the power of krypton gold!

Of course, the premise is that he can last a little longer, and it is not like two knives like now.

Although the middle patience is not strong, it is also stronger than the lower patience.

Subsequently, after recovering for a while, Bai Ye began to practice the illusion and mirror world transformation and physical arts again.

After all this was practiced, he returned to his home.

The Golden Talent 'Hazard Perception' is a passive ability that does not require practice.

Bai Ye just needs to be familiar with this ability.

Lying in bed, Bai Ye fell asleep with such a complicated psychology with the expectation that the talent that could solidify tomorrow and the fear of the night of extinction five days later.

The next day, Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the time, it was already past seven o'clock in the morning.

This is his biological clock, which fits his routine very well.

I got up to make breakfast, and after eating in the white night, I began to sit quietly and wait.

He waited until eight o'clock in the morning, which was a new day for the simulator.

"Today you can solidify a new talent!"

His eyes were full of expectation, hoping for a stronger talent.

Soon, the time came to eight o'clock.

【Number of daily solidifiable talents has been reset】【Number of solidifiable talents


】【Do you want to start simulating?】

Bai Ye did not hesitate, 'Let's go! '

[Ninja Simulator has been opened

] [Event: Uchiha Annihilation

Night] [Current optional talents: 'King Gigi', 'Shit Luck', 'Pain Mask'...

] [Please select up to three of the above talents and turn on the Ninja (Night of Extermination) simulation]

Although White Night had expected the random appearance of talents, he still felt that this talent was too funny at the moment!

[King Gigi (purple): Double the combat power when holding a club-type weapon]

This talent is very powerful, if given to the three generations of Hokage, it is simply invincible and indiscriminate!

Because three generations of psychic beasts can turn into sticks.

But Bai Ye is not good at club-type weapons at all, how can he need this talent?

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