The ruthless words put behind Uchiha Weasel were directly ignored by Bai Ye.

However, he did not have a head iron, but immediately dodged, avoiding the gaze of Uchiha Itachi.

Although he knew the reason why Uchiha did this, in order to win the trust of the mask man, Bai Ye couldn't help but smack his mouth, "This black flame is also too domineering!" "

If you see it, you will be burned, and if you burn it, you can't extinguish it, you can only be burned alive!"

So, the faint sense of crisis I just had just now is because of this black flame?

Suddenly, Bai Ye had a bold idea.

The golden talent 'Lord of Flame' is immune to all flame damage, so can it be immune to the damage of this black flame?

Considering that he had the ability to incarnate flames and had the qualifications to fail, Bai Ye pretended to dodge, and a hand appeared in Uchiha's line of sight.


Spontaneous combustion out of thin air!

Bai Ye's hand instantly burned with black flame, and he quickly withdrew his hand and continued to avoid Uchiha's gaze.

However, he did not feel much pain.

Turning his head, Bai Ye found that his sleeves turned into flames, and he was struggling to resist the attack of the black flame.

Just in an instant, Bai Ye's sleeve disappeared.

Black Yan touched his body.


The intense pain like a needle prick struck, so that Bai Ye almost failed to stabilize his figure and fell from mid-air.

However, it just hurts.

Bai Ye held back the pain, looked carefully, and found that Heyan only made his skin red, but there were no more serious consequences, not even burns.

Black Yan, who can burn everything, encountered Bai Ye, who had the talent of flame immunity, but did not burn a single hair of Bai Ye.

Is that why that faint sense of crisis? However

, this black flame is really powerful enough.

Other flames have no effect on the white night, but it can make the white night feel painful.

Perhaps, this black flame is my goal!

Now in the white night, all fire ninjutsu have no difficulty in cultivation for him, as long as there is a cultivation method, he can quickly learn it.

And his fire attainment is also stuck here, which is the scale of today.

If you want to break this limit, you can either increase the amount of chakra and increase the supply of chakra for fire ninjutsu.

Or, let the quality of the fire itself be improved.

In terms of Chakra, Bai Ye has a golden talent 'Immortal Body' that can slowly improve on its own.

In terms of the quality of the flame of the fire, he didn't even have a target before.

Now, the goal is there.

What flame is more powerful than this black flame that burns and never goes out?

Therefore, the two aspects of improving the attainment of fire are all necessary in the white night.

Grab both hands, hard hands!

However, how to preserve this black flame that burns nothing?

Bai Ye remembered a sealing technique, sealing fire seal!

You can seal all flames in the scroll, but the problem is, White Night doesn't know this sealing technique!

And just when Bai Ye was a little worried, he felt a strong sense of danger.

The position is on the right rear of the road he must fly.

Bai Ye immediately turned his head and looked over, and he met a pair of eyes that were a little shocked.

[Get 200 shock points]

The mask man was shocked.

He took advantage of the fact that White Night was chased by the flames of Uchiha Itachi, and quietly opened an exit of Kamui Space on the path that White Night had to pass through.

Shenwei space is the essence of the mask man's time and space ninjutsu.

He did transfer himself elsewhere, as White Night thought.

But not anywhere in the ninja world, but his own Kamui space!

As long as the mask man perceives enough, he can use the Shenwei space to move in space.

The principle is to enter the Kamui space first, and then open a new exit where you want to go, and leave through that exit.

Just like at this moment, use your ability to let yourself come behind Bai Ye, ready to sneak up on Bai Ye!

What upright battle, what sneak attack is a shame, these words are of no use to the mask man.

His will is extremely strong!

But at this moment, Bai Ye couldn't have noticed at all, Bai Ye actually turned his head and saw himself, which was the reason why the mask man was shocked.

But even in shock, he did not panic.

Because the Ku Wu in his hand has already come to the position of Bai Ye's back waist.

This position is where the spleen is.

Once the spleen is pierced, death is a matter of minutes, and it is difficult for the immortals to recover.

The Mask Man felt that he had calculated everything.

The kaleidoscopic chakra eye of the white night, the pupil technique of the left eye is to enhance the power of the fire, and the pupil technique of the right eye is to make the fire escape unable to hurt itself!

Any fire!

The mask man could see it clearly, Amaterasu Black Yan did not burn the white night palm after wrapping it around Baiye's palm.

Such a powerful ability to be immune to flames is definitely not possessed by White Night itself.

It must have been given to him by the pupil technique!

Then in that case, my attack, you are out of luck!

The mask man is full of confidence in his heart.

{Even if you Uchiha Baiye senses danger in advance, you can't avoid it!} }{

Miscellaneous pieces that affect the plan, give me death!} }


Suddenly stabbed out, this blow used all the strength of the mask man.

But in the next second, the mask man found that he was empty.

It's all already at the back of the waist, how can it be empty?

Looking up, the masked man was even more shocked.

I saw that Bai Ye's body suddenly turned into a disembodied flame, like a humanoid flame!

That hand of black flame was also sucked in by the flame of the incarnation of the white night!

{How is this possible?} How can a person turn into flames?! A

wisp of heat hit the mask man's mask, telling him that this was real.

Sasuke, on the other hand, fell from the sky because the flames had no entity.



Bai Ye manipulated the flame he incarnated, forming a huge flame fist and slamming at the masked man's body.

Because half of his body is in a whirlpool, at this moment, the mask man cannot use the divine technique to 'blur', and can only resist this blow.

The masked man flew out upside down and was punched into his divine power space.

And Hakuya flew down sharply, rushed to Sasuke's side, turned into a human body again, and grabbed Sasuke.

"Aaaaa Uh..."

Sasuke was still screaming, but Hakuya was not used to him, and directly knocked him unconscious with a knife.

Then, he looked at the position of Uchiha Itachi and the Mask Man.

I saw that at this moment, the two of them quickly fled towards the distance one after the other.

{The pupil technique of his right eye is not only immune to flame damage, but also transforms into flame!} }

The mask man's body was burned in many places, his clothes were damaged, and his breath was a little unstable, obviously the injuries were not light.

{Next time, I'll kill you!! }

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