After listening to what Uchiha Mikoto said, Hakuye got the prompt text of the simulator.

[Event: The Rebellion of the Nine Tails · Second, 100% known intelligence, 0% unknown intelligence

] [Does it present the full picture of the real Nine-Tails Rebellion incident

?] [Do you open the simulation plan to deduce the perfect clearance?]

'It's really okay!

' Bai Ye couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Originally, it was just a casual guess, but I didn't expect it to be really like this.

Was it because of my good luck, or because of my lady luck?

After all, if it succeeds, that's the best thing.

Just now, when Mikoto Uchiha asked about the situation of the Nine-Tails Rebellion in White Night, she bluntly said that she did not know the specific situation.

After all, she was also staying in the clan that day, and she couldn't even go out, how could she talk about understanding

the Nine-Tails Rebellion? The Nine-Tails Rebellion that Uchiha Mikoto knew was the Nine-Tails Rebellion spread by everyone, and there was nothing special at all.

But when Hakuye asked about Uzumaki Shinna and Wave Feng Shuimen, Uchiha Mikoto could tell a lot of stories.

After all, as the wife of Wave Feng Shuimen and the best friend of Uzumaki Shinnai, Mikoto Uchiha knows about this great couple that many outsiders do not know.

After saying this, Bai Ye had just learned some information about the four generations of couples, and the above situation happened.

Bai Ye dared to conclude that this information definitely did not match the remaining twenty percent of the Nine Tails Rebellion.

It will also not complete the information of the True Nine-Tails Rebellion.

However, the simulator is so magically recognized.

It's great!

' No. Saying

this word to the simulator in his heart, Hakuya thanked Uchiha Mikoto, and then left Uchiha Sasuke's house with Uchiha Izumi.

This is someone else's home, and if something is seen, it's not good.

Moreover, there are many inconveniences here, so it is better to go home and see it again.

Uchiha Mikoto was a little strange about Hakuya's play, but she didn't ask more, and she didn't need to say anything about Hakuya, and also helped Hakuye keep the secret.

This is also because Bai Ye has a particularly high reputation within the current Uchiha clan.

In this way, the people of the Uchiha clan are willing to cover for him.

Uchiha Fugaku also knew that Bai Ye had come here for business, so he did not ask his wife what he had just discussed.

After letting go of the burden of the patriarch, Uchiha Fugaku looked away a lot.

Only Uchiha Sasuke was a little unhappy.

He also thought that Hakuya and Uchiha Izumi came to see him on purpose!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Fugaku explained: "Sasuke, if you want your master to face you squarely, then use your strength to compete

!" "When you show enough strength, no one's eyes can be taken off you

!" Sasuke perked up again, "I will work hard, father, please rest assured

!" "Also, I will chase the traitor Itachi back!"

After that, Sasuke went out to cultivate.

It was getting dark, but the youngest son was so diligent and hardworking, and Uchiha Fugaku was relieved.

However, he knows the reason why his eldest son Uchiha Itachi did this, and if the future Itachi comes back and tells Sasuke the truth, can Sasuke accept it?

And all this depends on the efforts of the patriarch

of Baiye! It is also because of this that Uchiha Fugaku really has respect for Baiye.

In this world, age is not a reason to be respected, strength and ability are!

Back home, Uchiha Izumi went to take a bath, sat in the living room in the white night, and clicked on the first reward of 100% intelligence - to present the situation of the true Nine-Tails Rebellion.

'Start to present!

' [Event: Rebellion of the Nine Tails · Second, known intelligence 100%, unknown intelligence 0%

] [The original appearance of the real Nine Tails Rebellion incident is being combined...

] [The combination is successful, the real Rebellion of the Nine Tails can be played

] [Do you play it?] [Note: The playback content is only visible to you]

Seeing these prompt texts, Bai Ye couldn't help but think of watching it a year ago' Uchiha Extinction Night Hara's situation.

Before I knew it, a year had passed

!' 'Play!'

[Rustling ~ (sound of the wind blowing)

Kakashi Kiki, dressed in a dark costume, stood in front of the graveyard of Uchiha Obito and Rin Nohara, his eyes sad.

He spoke while wiping the tombstones of the two.

At first, it was all ordinary and commonplace, but when he said it at the end, Kakashi Kiki revealed a shocking news, "Watergate sensei's child is about to be born."

"The time is about midnight tomorrow." Watergate-sensei's child will be called Naruto, and I have guarded Naruto from birth to ten months before he was born..." However,

what Kakashi Kiki didn't know was that a masked man in a black hood and a goose-yellow striped mask in the shadows listened to his words.

After Kakashi left, the masked man came to the tombstone, grabbed the flowers offered by Kakashi, and then flung them off, "Kakashi, you brought me 'good news'!"

This mask man of the Nine-Tails Rebellion was actually dressed exactly the same as the mask man on the night of Uchiha's extermination.

In particular, the other party also knew Kakashi Kiki, and appeared at this time in the Konoha cemetery where only specific people would

appear!' 'If the Mask Man is really Uchiha Obito, then it makes perfect sense that he will appear here!' But if that's the case, wouldn't it be the True Nine-Tails Rebellion that was caused by Uchiha Obito?!!

'This really shocked Hakuno!


Moreover, as far as the information that Hakuye knows so far, nine out of ten times Uchiha Obito is the mask man of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and he is also the mask man of the night of Uchiha's extermination

! What a long life!

The information that Hakuye knows, Uzumaki Jiu Shinna treats Obito as his own brother!

The only person who can compare to the land position is Bofeng Shuimen and the child in her womb.

But that's it, Uchiha Obito actually killed Uzumaki Jiu Shinai with his own hands?

He complained about the wave feng shui gate, Bai Ye could barely understand, after all, as a teacher, the mistake of not rescuing in time and so on can also be pressed on the wave feng shui gate.

Bai Ye was still strange before, judging from Uchiha's personality after bringing soil blackening, how could he not take revenge on Bofeng Shuimen?

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