The sky is blue, and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window…”

Ye Shuang was awakened by a ringing sound. When he opened his eyes in confusion, he found a short-haired girl sitting at the head of the bed, holding a mobile phone in her hand.

The sunlight outside the window was a bit dazzling, and Ye Shuang couldn't open his eyes to see the expression on the girl's face.

"Ha~" Ye Shuang stretched his waist, and after sitting up, he also noticed that An Shiyu was sitting at the head of the bed playing with her mobile phone.

"Why are you here?"

"Um..." An Shiyu looked away, then said, "Everyone has prepared breakfast, so I came to wake you up."

"Thank you, but you don't need to use this ringtone to wake me up." Ye Shuang scratched his hair, then looked at the place beside him. It seemed that Yu You ran over last night - should she be eating breakfast downstairs now?

What a clingy bug.

"Don't like this ringtone?" An Shiyu pressed it after hearing the words, and the phone immediately played a minor tune,

"Get up early in the morning to pick up manure~"

"I won't see my woman when I come back~"

Ye Shuang: "..."

No, I don't mean to say that this song is not good and ask you to change it.

An Shiyu stood up, "Well, I'm gone. Your mouth stinks."


Ye Shuang had no choice but to go downstairs to wash up - several girls were sitting on the sofa, and the table next to them was filled with freshly prepared breakfast, which was still slightly steaming. When they saw Ye Shuang get up, they immediately said,

"Good morning, brother!"

"Good morning, Teacher Ye!"

"Ye Shuang, hug me..."

"Did you sleep well last night?" Ye Shuang first held the girl in his arms, and then asked, "Was it too crowded?"

"No, it felt more comfortable than my bed at home!" Tang Keke said immediately, "It's like there are only two people sleeping!"

As soon as the words fell, An Shiyu's eyes were immediately locked on Tang Keke, as if he was looking at some big and brainless creature.

It was probably because Yu You ran over.

Ye Shuang was also thinking at this moment, and then he smiled and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Shuang washed up while looking at the yellow Pikachu cup that Bai Yuyou usually used for washing up. After a few seconds, a faint window emerged——

[Item: Girl's Mouthwash Cup

You still have to spit out the mouthwash cup properly. Although it is all white, you can't swallow it...]

Ye Shuang: "..."

He glanced around casually, but noticed a strange place.

"Huh?" Ye Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly and found that there was a clock-like icon in the upper right corner of the window. The color was light. Although it was not obvious, he definitely remembered that there was no such icon there before!

After so many years, this is the first time that the system window has changed.

Ye Shuang continued to observe while brushing his teeth, but found that this clock did not move clockwise like a normal clock, but rotated in the opposite direction like a countdown.

"What the hell is this." Ye Shuang said to himself,

"It can't be a time machine?"

This weak chicken system probably doesn't have such powerful things.

Ye Shuang studied it a little more, but still didn't understand what it was, so he washed up and walked out of the bathroom.

The breakfast was very rich, made by Zhixia and Bai Yuyou.

"It looks delicious, thank you." Ye Shuang picked up a plate of fried rice, which smelled quite good. If only Chen Qin could learn cooking skills half as fast as Yuyou.

Otherwise, Keke wouldn't have had a psychological shadow.

"Hehe." Facing Ye Shuang's compliments, Zhixia, who was wearing an apron at the time, was a little embarrassed.

After breakfast, Zhixia and Linlin, the two girls, were going to say goodbye, because they had other arrangements, so they couldn't stay here today.

"Oh, I want to go too." An Shiyu also changed into shoes without any hesitation.

"Do you want to go swimming together?" Ye Shuang asked.

"Hmm." An Shiyu raised her head slightly, and when her eyes under her bangs noticed Ye Shuang's smiling face, she suddenly lowered her head, as if hiding her face, and made a mosquito-like sound,

"Just like that... Goodbye."

An Shiyu left just like that.

"Gone." Tang Keke looked at the hurriedly leaving back and said, "So fast."


"Then Teacher Ye, we are leaving too." Zhixia and the others also said goodbye with a smile after putting on their shoes.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

"Don't worry."

After Zhixia and Linlin left, the house seemed to be suddenly

The room became much quieter.

"Left..." Bai Yuyou whispered beside Ye Shuang.

"Are you happy? Let's play together." Ye Shuang reached out and rubbed her head.


"Invite me next time. There will be many opportunities." Ye Shuang smiled.

Bai Yuyou nodded gently.

"Brother, are you going swimming today?" Tang Keke asked curiously, then pointed at herself, "Can I go with you?"

Ye Shuang heard, "Well, of course, but do you have a swimsuit?"

"And your parents shouldn't ask you anything more, right?"

Tang Keke shook her head, "No, my parents seem to be very confident in my brother. I said yesterday that I would stay overnight, and they didn't have any objections."

"Just told me not to cause trouble. As for the swimsuit..."

"Just buy one. There is a large supermarket downstairs, and there are many swimsuits there." Tang Keke continued, turning to ask Bai Yuyou, "Where are your swimsuits?"

Ye Shuang explained, "We bought them."

"Oh, so you planned to go swimming a long time ago?"

"Uh..." Ye Shuang coughed dryly.

You can't explain that it's for taking a bath with Bai Yuyou, after all, wearing a swimsuit is much better than being naked.

"Then let's go buy a swimsuit first. Yuyou can also choose a style she likes." Ye Shuang said to Bai Yuyou, "You and Keke can go pick one you like."

"Swimsuit, OK." Bai Yuyou nodded.

After packing up a little, Ye Shuang took the two girls out.

The place where they were going to swim was a water park. Because Tang Keke joined in the middle of the trip, Ye Shuang ordered a three-person ticket package online, with a total price of 299, which was a good price.

"It's here." After arriving at the swimsuit store, Tang Keke pointed to the swimsuits inside, "Let's go."

"Well, I'll wait for you outside." Ye Shuang said.

And he didn't plan to buy a swimsuit. A black big shorts swimsuit would be enough.

"Okay, then Yuyou, let's go in."


Although Bai Yuyou really wanted Ye Shuang to go in with him, he still followed Tang Keke into the swimsuit store obediently.

While waiting, Ye Shuang decided to sit on the rest chair for a while. He rubbed his pockets, and finally took out a candy and threw it into his mouth.

"By the way... does cocoa really have the right size?"

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