Chapter 144 Naruto blackened!!

Yao Bull Ghost: “No problem with this!” ”

“Also, I hope you can help me set up an isolation enchantment!”

“Isolation enchantment?”

“Yes, the reason why the big tube wood gold type can find us is because there is a crack in our space, so they perceive the curvature of space so they find us, fortunately, our current space curvature is only 10, which is not very large, so only the big tube wood gold type comes alone, but if the curvature is too high, others will come, with our current strength and they are really not cost-effective.”

“So you plan to arrange the enchantment first and block this world first, right?”

Obito asked!

“Yes, yes!”

“Although I don’t know how long this method can last, it can only be like this for the time being!”

“Yes, I support your decision, but blocking the entire ninja world requires a huge Chakra…”

“So, that’s why I hope to get the help of the tailed beasts, of course, I also need the help of the Nine Lamas!”

“Yes, I have no problem with this!”

Unexpectedly, the first person to stand up and agree to Watergate’s proposal was actually the Nine Lamas!

The other tailed beasts glanced at each other, all nodded, and agreed!

Seeing this, the hanging heart of the water gate finally let go!

In the following month, all the high-level officials of the ninja world were sent out!

The entire ninja world worked hard for a month to arrange this enchantment, and the viewing areas of various countries gathered a lot of people every day, they either chatted or discussed the plot!

But more, they are silently waiting for the recovery of the video…

Days without videos are hard, especially for those who are used to gathering in the viewing area every day to watch or discuss the story!

Without the video, they returned to the boring life they used to have…

“I heard, the lady of the fourth generation of Hokage has recovered her health!”

“Really? That’s wonderful! ”

“yes, do you know when you can continue playing the video?”

“I want to know too! The days without videos are really boring…”

“That’s it, you don’t know, how I live these days, every day is like the walking dead, eating is not fragrant, unstable, restless!”

You can even dream of videos! ”

“Yes, there is no video to watch, my whole person is chaotic, and I don’t even have the heart to do the task!”

“Thankfully, the video screen has finally been restored!”

In the Konoha viewing area, many people are concerned about Jiu Shinnai’s physical condition, but more people are more concerned about the playback of the video!

“Watergate, have you decided?”

Hokage’s office, three generations of Hokage, looked at Watergate seriously and asked!

“Yes, for now, Naruto is still too young, and it is not suitable to seal the Nine Lamas in it for the time being!”

And I also discussed with Jiu Xinnai with the Nine Lamas, and they agreed!

Watergate seriously!

“If that’s the case, then do as you want!”

Seeing that the water gate arranged everything, Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn’t say anything more.

“Watergate teacher, from today onwards, will the normal playback of the video be resumed?”

Lin looked at the water gate with some expectation!

“Yes, yes, start playing today!”

“Isn’t it too urgent, or let Jiu Xinnai rest for a few more days?”

Although I really want to watch the video, as Jiu Xinnai’s best friend, Maitreya cares more about Jiu Xinnai’s body!

“Please rest assured, Tsunade-sama has already checked it, and there is no problem at all!”

And Jiu Xinnai himself is a little unable to sit still”! ”

Mentioning his wife, Watergate’s face flashed a hint of helplessness and sweetness!

“You’re saying bad things about me again, aren’t you?”

At this time, Jiu Shinai pushed open the door of Hokage’s office and walked in!

“Nope! We are taking care of your physical health! ”

Maitreya explained with a smile!

“Don’t worry, sister Maitreya, the body of our Uzumaki clan is very strong, and with Tsunade-sama to help me treat it, I will be fine a long time ago!”

Jiu Xinnai said with a smile!

“That being said, it’s always right to take a break!”

Maitreya shook his head a little helplessly!

“That’s right, Mikoto and I said the same, but Jiu Shinna just didn’t listen!”

Behind Jiu Shinnai, he was followed by Garura and Mikoto Uchiha!

“Don’t worry! I’ll be fine, you said yes Naruto! ”


What answered Kushina was Naruto’s hearty laugh!

“Okay, it’s okay, if there is anything uncomfortable in the playback, remember to tell me!”

Watergate instructed!


Jiu Xinnai said with a smile!

After that, she stretched out her hand to the familiar memory light ball!

[Tsunade: “Is it almost there?”] “】

[Nara Shikahisa: “Naruto them?”] “】

[Tsunade: “Well, Thunder Kage only said somewhere, but it seems to be an excellent hiding place”]

[Nara Shikahisa: “Next, it depends on whether Naruto can honestly hide there, if he learns that the war has begun, with his character, he will immediately go to the battlefield! ] “】

[Tsunade: “I have ordered Naruto to perform top-secret level missions, and then rely on others to help round the field! “】

The long-lost video is finally playing out again! In the video, Tsunade and Nara Shikahisa are discussing something in the Hokage office, listen carefully, it should be about Naruto!

“Great, the video is finally playing again!”

“Yes, I have been having a nightmare for more than a month, and now the nightmare has finally passed!”

“It’s not easy, I actually survived these days without video!”

In the viewing area of the entire ninja world, everyone couldn’t help but leave moving tears at this time, and some even hugged together!

“They’re exaggerating, aren’t they?”

In the wood industry viewing area, Uchiha shook his head and said a little helplessly!

“Well, I don’t know who drills here all day long these days, and he looks like he’s worried!”

Uchiha pierced mercilessly!

“Itachi, you’ve changed, you weren’t like this before.”

Uchiha stopped the water and said a little embarrassed!

“Hehe, no way, since watching the video, I found that lying is too tiring, so I decided to be an honest person!”

The corners of Uchiha’s mouth rose slightly, and he looked at his best friend with a smile!

“I still like that Uchiha Ryuyu from before!”

“It’s a pity, I can’t go back, I hope you cherish me now!”


【”Octopus, octopus, octopus”】

[“Octopus? “】

[“It is the octopus that leads the way, the one prophesied by the Great Toad Immortal”]

As if looking for something, Naruto stood at the bow of the ship and looked around!

“This should be Naruto’s memory when he went to Paradise Island to cultivate!”

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow explained!

“The island of paradise, yes!”

Jiu Xinnai muttered!

[“Octopus feet, octopus to guide me!”] “】

In the video, a huge creature suddenly appeared on the sea, and seeing this creature, Naruto was overjoyed and hurriedly ran over!

“Naruto, this is. Squid! “】

Before Naruto could react, the squid attacked directly towards the boat.


[“You don’t need to count your feet.”] Naruto, on! “】

[“However, let’s make sure!”] Squid has ten legs, octopus has only eight! If he were the octopus guiding me, it would be bad…”

Although the boat was attacked, Naruto was not in a hurry at all, and was still counting the octopus’s feet on the side!

“… Sorry, Naruto may not be familiar with the creatures on the ocean Watergate scratched his head and said a little embarrassed! ”

“Watergate, let’s Naruto eat seafood, and by the way, help Naruto understand the difference between squid and octopus!”

Jiu Xinnai said a little helplessly!

“Actually, such a Naruto is also quite cute!”

Maitreya smiled slightly!

“yes, it’s cute!”

Galuro echoed!

“Relax, Kushinna, in fact, Naruto is also very handsome like this!”

Even Mikoto Uchiha came out to comfort!

[“Is it here?”] “】

In the video, Naruto is rescued by Bi and taken to the island, Naruto wants Bi to help him practice, but Bi refuses!

And at this time, Moto was persuaded by Naruto, so he took Naruto to the real waterfall!

“Why? Why is there no signature in Ichiraku? “】

“What? “】

[“Those people suddenly changed their attitude and were very affectionate with you, but they were really bored! “】

At this time, another Naruto walked out of the waterfall, but this Naruto looked a little strange!

“This is the other side of Naruto, isn’t it?”

Watergate asked a little solemnly!

“Oh yes, that’s it, stupid, bastard!”

This familiar singing rap, as soon as you hear it, you know that it is better!

“Is this person difficult to deal with?”

Jiu Shinna looked at Naruto with some concern!

“If you use force alone, it will be difficult to defeat him, so you must think of another way!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying said seriously!

“This guy is exactly like me! “】

Naruto looked at himself who walked out of the waterfall with some shock, and thought in shock!

[“The group of people in the village obviously rejected us very much before”]

Dark Naruto’s words reminded Naruto of the previous scene when he was in Ichiraku Ramen when someone asked for his autograph!

“Who are you?” “】

[“It’s not clear, I’m you!”] “】

[“I didn’t use a shadow avatar!”] “】

[“I am you, your patient self! “】

“What are you talking about!” I don’t know you! Less talking to yourself there! “】

“This is the dark side of Naruto that Kakami said before!”

“That’s not accurate!”

“What do you mean?”

“Naruto, the side that he has always shown, is too positive, positive to the front, even so positive that people can’t find the slightest bit of darkness about him!

Actually, this is not right!

As long as it is a person, there will be two sides, one side is light and the other side is dark! ”

“Still don’t quite understand?”

“Whether it is positive or negative, this is not the real Naruto, the real Naruto should have the light side and the dark side!”

This adds up to the real Naruto!

“… The real Naruto is…”

[“Didn’t you say that this is a real waterfall, I didn’t expect to be able to appear in the bright place, it’s a good place! ] “】

Dark Naruto took a moment of his surroundings and continued.

[“That is, I am the real you, I am the real you!”] “】

[“Really me? “】

“Yes, I am your very important hatred, the dark part, the only difference is that the guy from the Nine Tails likes me more! “】

At this time, Dark Naruto directly attacked, and Naruto suffered a small loss when he was caught off guard, but fortunately he adjusted in time!

“Everyone is their own dark side, the key is to see if you can control it, control is people, if you can’t control it, it’s a beast!”

Rin said to herself!

“If Sasuke suppressed the goodness in his heart and chose revenge, then Naruto suppressed the hatred in his heart and chose to protect!”

Uchiha Fugaku watched the video with a tangled look on his face!

“To be honest, I really don’t want to see Naruto defeated by his blackened self, I’ve watched the video for so long, and I like him who is kind and hardworking, I really don’t want to see him turn into a monster who only knows how to destroy!”

Sara, the queen of Guloulan, muttered!

“No, he’s Naruto Uzumaki, the boy who will always go straight and brave! So we have to believe in him! ”

Shizuka Fuko next to her showed a trusting expression!

Perhaps affected by Shizuka’s smile, Sara’s heart also began to slowly show a look of trust!

[In the video, Naruto and Dark Naruto have a fierce battle, but because they are both the same person, whether in ninjutsu or strength, the strength of the two can be said to be exactly the same! ] Even the ninjutsu of the shadow avatar is the same, so no matter how the two fight like this, it can only be a tie! 】。

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