Chapter 153: Nine Lamas vs. Nine Lamas!!

“Not everyone can tolerate you like Naruto in this world, if it were me, I would have defected a hundred and ten times!”

Some people who are not used to the wood industry came out and said!


Although the people of the wood industry were very angry about this person’s statement, they really couldn’t find a reason to refute it!

“This guy. Even “Spiral Maru Shuriken”…”】

At this time, Naruto used the spiral pill shuriken and the cat-faced mask man’s large spiral wheel Yu to collide hard, and the result was still unable to tell the winner from the loser!

[“Restless! Inside your abdominal cavity! Hahaha, what a dull guy! Since just now, the guy in your stomach has been about to move! “】

The cat-faced mask man looked at Naruto and said arrogantly!

[“You say in the belly. How would you know! “】

Naruto questioned!

“This may be the so-called resonance! “】

At this time, the mask of the cat face mask man gradually disappeared, and the voice began to become clearer and clearer!

[“Really, I didn’t expect it at all! “】

When the mask of the cat-faced mask man completely disappeared, his true face finally appeared in front of everyone!

“Hey, it’s really him!”

Although he had long expected the identity of the cat-faced mask man, when his true face appeared in front of everyone!

Everyone still felt an incredible feeling!

“I didn’t expect Naruto to become so strong after blackening!”

“That said, I really didn’t expect it!”

“It’s good that Naruto in our world is on our side!”

“That said! Just imagine, if in this world, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha rebelled together, then we would really be finished. ”

“yes, yes.”

At this time, everyone in the entire viewing area was talking about it, and almost the entire 12 people in the wood industry felt an unprecedented fear!

[“I didn’t expect that in this world, there would be a guy like me! That’s why I can’t accept it! Just because of your presence makes my hair stand on end! I’m going to wipe you out completely!” “】

Uzumaki Mihema climbed up from the ground and recalled the nine foxes!

Immediately after that, the Nine Tails, which had been dark red, appeared at his feet!

“That’s a bit unexpected!”

Hokage Office, Onoki said solemnly!

“Indeed, a single swirling hemp has already made Naruto a little overwhelmed, if you add the Nine Tails of another world, Naruto will definitely lose!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai, nodded and agreed!

“Is there no way to turn things around?”

Lynn watched the video with some concern!

“There is either no way, it is.”

Kakashi glanced at Jiu Shinna’s side and muttered to himself!

[“What do you call this, you would be defeated by that kind of impostor! “】

Naruto, who was beaten into the water by the Uzumaki Face and the Dark Nine Tails, unknowingly came to the sealed land of the Nine Lamas!

[“Verbose! The counterattack is only about to begin now! If you use the tailed beast mode…”

Naruto retorted as he lay on the ground!

[“Silly you, although it is a fake, but the other party is the same as me, the Nine Tails, you can only use part of the Chakra stripped from me, how do you fight? Exchange Naruto with me, and I’ll fight next! “】

The Nine Lama’s grasp scratched the sealed pillar, leaving a deep claw print!

[“Hmph, I’m not fooled! I know what you’re paying attention to, I don’t want to give my body to you! “】

Facing the temptation of the Nine Lamas, Naruto didn’t care in the slightest!

[“Hmph, still an unpleasant little ghost, but there are people outside the world, and I am even more unhappy with that Uchiha spot than you! ] If you die, I’m afraid I’ll have to be trapped in this false world, and if that’s what that guy is for, I don’t want to obey!” Only this time is a special case, I lend you the power! “】

[“Is it said that the enemy of the enemy is a companion, I see!”] This time, let’s fight together! “】

After speaking, Naruto reversed his seal and released the Nine Lamas!

“I can’t imagine that the Nine Lama, you cared so much about Naruto at that time!”

Hokage Building, Rin said with a smile!

“Nonsense, the old man helped him when he was worried that he was trapped in the false world!”

The Nine Lamas roared!

“It’s nothing, isn’t it just caring about Naruto! Just admit it! What a big deal! ”

Kakashi echoed with a smile!

“, back then, we fought together because we had a common enemy! There’s nothing you don’t care about! ”

The Nine Lamas continued to defend themselves!

“Hehe, I really didn’t expect that the Nine Lamas would have such a cute side!”

Maitreya said with a smile!

“, you guys have been putting the old man less and less in your eyes recently, it’s about to fight!”

The Nine Lamas roared with some annoyance!

After roaring, he didn’t pay attention to them, and he directly lost his voice!

“Hehe, sorry, the Nine Lamas don’t have a good temper…”

Jiu Xinnai explained with some embarrassment!

“If it’s Tsundere!”

Ichio Shouzuru whispered!

“That is to say, there is still no change after so many years!”

Nio and Brigade echoed!

“Who do you say it is, and we don’t see anyone who is so arrogant!”

Mio Iso wondered!

“You can still follow the water, it must be Indra, the eldest son of the old man!”

The four-tailed Sun Wu gave the three-tailed iso a blank look, and then said leisurely!

“It is!”

King Mu of the Five Tails nodded! Agreed!

“If you don’t keep your voices quiet, the Nine Lamas are angry now, and if they hear it, they will definitely come out to find you desperately!”

Watergate showed a embarrassed expression and said!

“Don’t worry! Although the Nine Lamas are arrogant, they are not so stingy! To say a few words, he will not really come out to find us desperately! ”

The eight-tailed cow ghost smiled and comforted!

After all, they have known each other for thousands of years, and they can be said to be very familiar with each other!

When to say and when not to say, they are very clear!


Hearing that he was praised by the cow ghost, the Ninth Lama’s depressed mood improved slightly!

[With the entry of the Nine Lamas, the situation gradually began to reverse! ] 】

“I am the one who survives!”] “】

In the case of close matching, the mood of Uzumaki Mian slowly began to be a little impatient!

[“It can actually force the nine tails of the Chakra Collective into this! “】

The evenly matched situation was also unexpected by Naruto!

In Naruto’s impression, the strength of the Nine Lamas was so strong that even his own parents died in order to seal it!

But I didn’t expect that such a strong tailed beast would actually be more evenly matched now!

[“Dead heart! Hurry”]

Uzumaki roared and harnessed this dark nine-tailed attack on Naruto!

Immediately afterwards, I saw the heads of the two nine-tailed tails colliding with each other, and then made a loud noise!

[Let’s die…]

And Naruto and Face Ma both jumped up and hit each other with their fists!

[“How could you get away with it!”] “】

Naruto avoided Minuma’s attack, and then punched Mima hard in the face!

Because the host was attacked, the Dark Nine Tails disappeared with it!


The Nine Lamas watched Naruto win, smiled slightly, and then disappeared as well…

“He also said that he didn’t care about Naruto, and he was so happy to see him win!”

Hokage’s office, Rin pouted and said!

“It is, it is! The Nine Lamas are dishonest! ”

Feng Hua Xiaoxue desperately nodded her little head and agreed!


Everyone who watched the scene unconsciously smiled!

At this time, the Nine Lamas covered his eyes and ears with his nine big tails!

Then he silently said: “I don’t know anything!” ”

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by other tailed beasts!

Otherwise, the Nine Lama, who has always considered himself the boss of the tailed beast, is afraid that he will never be able to raise his head again!

“Although expected. It’s you who win! “】

Both Naruto and Face Ma fell to the ground!

But fortunately, Naruto’s injuries were relatively minor, so he woke up quickly!

And at this time, Fei suddenly appeared in front of Naruto!

“But this battle seems to have exceeded my expectations! I didn’t expect your direct connection with the Nine Tails to be so strong! “】

Fei looked at the building that had been almost flattened by the two Nine Tails, and then said in a calm tone!

[“Next, it’s all that remains to defeat you!”] “】

Facing Fei alone, Naruto did not have the slightest fear!

“You don’t seem to understand your situation! “】

Fei jumped down from the sky! Then he entered the body of Uzumaki Mian Ma!

[“The resonance of the Nine Tails with the Nine Tails, and.” 】

The face numbness that was occupied by Ah Fei’s body stood up again!

[“After this fierce battle, now at this moment, your seal is more fragile than ever, yes, it is the same as it was then! “】

The right eye of the face that was possessed by Fei turned into a chakra eye, and then turned his head and smiled indifferently at Naruto!

[“Oops, run away Naruto! “】

Hearing Ah Fei’s words, the Nine Lamas said in a little panic!

[“What’s going on?”] “】

Naruto, who had not yet reacted, wondered!

[“Because he has no entity, I am careless, it turns out that there is still this hand! This is Hitomi, Naruto! If this continues, just like Jiu Xinnai then, I will be forcibly withdrawn! “】

Just as Naruto was talking to the Nine Lamas, Fei had already attacked!

[“Nine Tails, I’ll take it!”] “】

“Hey, if you look at that guy’s eyes, it’s all over! “】

When fighting against Ah Fei, the Nine Lamas did not forget to remind!

It’s a pity that Naruto was too tired at this time, and when he avoided Fei’s attack, he was already physically exhausted and knelt!

And at this time, Uchiha Obito, who saw this scene, lowered his head, and his face was full of guilt!

And Lin next to her also noticed Obito’s mood change!

I saw that she just grabbed Obito’s hand, and then said softly: “No matter what happens, we will accompany you in this life!” ”

Obito turned his head, intending to tell Rin that he was okay!

But when he turned his head and looked into Rin’s worried eyes, he froze!

This expression, Obito has seen countless times, he was always injured before, and every time he was injured, it was Rin who helped him bandage!

At that time, he was always stubborn, and every time he told Lin that he was okay!

But, not once did Lynn believe it!

At that time, Lin looked at herself with this kind of eyes, and then said to herself: “It’s useless for you to cover the wound stubbornly, I see it all in my eyes!” ”

Obito has always thought that he has changed a lot, and even at some point, he feels that he has become a person who does not even know himself!

But when I saw Rin’s eyes.

He knew that he had not changed at all in Rin’s mind!

“Thank you, Lynn!”

Uchiha Obito whispered!

“That’s it! Stupid people don’t need to think too much, it’s not like you who are sad all the time…”

Seeing that Obito’s mood improved a little, Kakashi patted Obito’s junior hard, and then laughed!

The beautiful atmosphere was broken, and Obito couldn’t help but give Kakashi a blank look!

[At this time, the vermilion moon is already slowly rising! ] Naruto looked at the moon and recalled the Jutsuki Art he was carrying]

[“Only one gamble!”] If now is the time of that prophecy! “】

Looking at Ah Fei who slowly walked over, Naruto took out the Book of Zhuyue on his body without hesitation!

It’s a pity that the book hasn’t unsealed yet, and Ah Fei attacked it!

Not only was the Book of Zhu Yue destroyed, but even Naruto was caught off guard and accidentally saw Teruto Sharingan on his face!

[“Forget everything! Nine-tailed demon fox! Belongs to me, you have no hope! “】

Everyone saw that Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes instantly lost their radiance in the video!

And the nine-tailed Chakra also began to be pulled out of his body little by little…

Just at the moment of crisis, Haruno Sakura arrived in time!

A ‘Heavenly Foot’ instantly separated Naruto and Fei!

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