On the day of Lidong, they finally arrived at Jinguan City, the first city of Jingzhou.

It’s already snowing in November in the north, and it’s damp and cold. Jinguan City is located in the place where the mountains gather. It has been shrouded in cold for many years. It is three minutes colder than other places, so it didn’t take long to get here. Chu Jinglan's old illness is likely to recur, but since he has penetrated into the enemy camp, there are more important things to do, and he can't take care of this.

When they first arrived, the ostentation of King Qiyang was not small, with ten miles of ceremonies, a hundred steps of red silk, and endless flowers and fireworks. I am afraid that the emperor will come here. This is just superficial. After he personally sent them to the residence, he also enthusiastically invited Chu Jinglan to attend the evening reception banquet. People who didn't know the inside thought that a powerful official came, so that he was hollowed out to please him.

I won’t mention other people’s remarks for the time being, but I still have to go to the banquet. After all, Deng Tianguan’s play is just beginning, and it’s not good for Chu Jinglan to hit the scene when he comes up. Not to mention that some things take a long time to reveal flaws. He lied about it.

However, what surprised Chu Jinglan was that Ye Huaiyang took the initiative to express that she did not want to go, knowing that since his hand was injured, she has become a sticky spirit, staring at his food and rest every day, even he almost took a bath. He followed in, saying that he was afraid that he would not be able to take care of himself, but today is a bit abnormal.

Naturally, Chu Jinglan would not think that she would stay in the house obediently, so she asked straightforwardly: "It's getting late, where do you want to jump?"

"I can't hide anything from you." Ye Huaiyang smiled and honestly confessed, "Yejia also has farmland shops in Jinguan City. I'll meet the manager and learn more about the situation here. "

"Take the shadow guard." Chu Jinglan dropped these words and went to change clothes. Ye Huaiyang was taken aback, and then he hummed softly, with a jewel-like luster on his face.

At the beginning of the Youshi, the two went out together, one towards the Qiyang Palace and the other towards the Yejia Qianzhuang.

As the most magnificent mansion in Jinguan City, people who have been there have said that its luxury is indescribable, but when Chu Jinglan and Pei Yuanshu stepped into the gate, they saw the most ordinary scenery, as if they were deliberately erased. trace.

The banquet was set in the front hall, and dozens of tables were laid out in a lavish manner. Sitting at the banquets were all officials named Jingzhou. Chu Jinglan walked into the hall with his head high, and King Qiyang quickly walked down the steps to welcome him.

"Chen Deng Tianguan, see the prince."

A circle of people followed the mountain and called Chisui. Chu Jinglan said indifferently and took the seat. Pei Yuanshu also sat down to his lower left. The moment the singing and dancing began, the maids filed in with the dishes, and the reception was formal. Start.

To do a lot of things in this freezing north, it is inevitable to drink a glass of wine to warm up. The banquet is not an exception. Deng Tianguan will serve a glass of wine to respect and startle, and his behavior is very respectful, as if he has been admired for a long time.

"The minister heard that the prince was back to the court a long time ago, and always wanted to visit you in the capital city. He was helpless with mundane affairs and never had to be free, so he could not make the trip. Unexpectedly, the prince was ordered to come to Jingzhou to investigate. It was really fate, let alone other things. The first glass of wine must be the work of the prince who has travelled thousands of miles, prince, I will do it first!"

Having said that, he raised his head and drank it. The wine was so strong, but he didn't leak. It seemed very heroic and dry. There was already a vague applause in the crowd below, but Chu Jinglan just looked faintly Looking at him, he didn't mean to raise a glass.

"King Qiyang's kindness was accepted by the king, but he suffered some minor injuries on the way, and it was inconvenient to drink. I hope King Qiyang can forgive me."

Deng Tianguan's face was slightly stiff, but it was only a moment, and soon he laughed like a okay person.

"Where is the prince, since he is injured, he should not drink alcohol. The minister has not thought about it. But what is going on? Can the injury be serious? Do you need a few famous doctors to treat you? a bit?"

Chu Jinglan twitched the corners of her lips and said, "I just met a few robbers who didn't have long eyes and suffered minor injuries. King Lao Qiyang is concerned."

"That's good, that's good." Deng Tianguan returned to his seat with a smile, his eyes flashed.

In fact, he knew from the spies that Chu Jinglan and the others were attacked on their way, and even the identity of the assassins was clearly identified. Fortunately, Chu Jinglan did not have any major incidents, otherwise he would have died on his land. There is no argument. However, the current situation is not much better. Since Chu Jinglan has arrived in Jingzhou alive, he is bound to find out about his secretly stationing soldiers and casting armor. If you want to hide from the sky, I am afraid it will take a lot of work.

Chu Sanghuai deserves to be Chu Sanghuai. This double-edged strategy is really wonderful. It put both of them in the dead, but I don't know how Chu Jinglan will face it.

Deng Tianguan looked at Chu Jinglan again, and when he saw that he didn't move his chopsticks much, he asked with concern: "Northern dishes are a bit sweeter, but the prince is not used to it?"

This question seemed to accurately poke the switch of a certain memory, and Chu Jinglan was a little stunned.

"No alcohol, no beef, winter bamboo shoots, seafood, etc., no heavy spicy or greasy things. I will ask Pei Yuanshu carefully when I come back. If you have nothing to avoid, I won't sleep with you at night."

It's really funny. Could it be that he begged her to sleep with him? At night, he lay on the bed with the quilt and refused to move. When he got up, who was the one who shivered and squeezed into his arms to keep warm?

However, ridicule in his heart turned to ridicule. When facing the table full of delicacies, Chu Jinglan only picked some light ones to eat.


Deng Tianguan called Chu Jinglan again before regaining his senses. He casually said, "The singing and dancing at the Qiyang Palace are very attractive. The king watched from a distance, but he forgot to be at the banquet."

"The prince is absurdly praised." Deng Tianguan looked at the dozen or so enchanting dancers on the dance floor, thinking about it.

"By the way, I haven't introduced him to King Qiyang for so long. This is Pei Yuanshu, who is the chief examiner of the official department. This time I came to Jingzhou to inspect the official with this king."

Deng Tianguan followed his hand and looked at Pei Yuanshu, then nodded, "Master Pei."

Pei Yuanshu also clasped his fists in return: "The lower officials have seen King Qiyang."

"You don’t need to be polite. I have heard of Master Pei’s clear name. Since I have come to Jinguan City and treated it as my own home, I will rate Jingzhou up and down regardless of business or private affairs. All officials give you the greatest support."

Pei Yuanshu said indifferently, "Thank you, King Qiyang, I can't thank you enough."

The two of them had a strong official tone both in and out of their words. They were nothing more than trying the depth of each other innocently in front of everyone. Everyone knew that King Qiyang would not really cooperate with them, and knew that this was before leaving. Mr. Pei, who was transferred from Yushitai to the staff department, is not a good job, everything is just for the sake of face.

Chu Jinglan was not within this range, and a few officials in the room tensed their nerves.

"In that case, Master Pei will go to the Yamen to report tomorrow, presumably all the materials there are already prepared, right?"

There was a touch of arrogance and strength in his tone. On the right, a burly man in a military uniform was about to stand up to refute him, but Deng Tianguan glared back at him, and when he turned his head, he became a smiling face that remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"When Chen Yue learned that the prince was coming, he asked them to gather the files, and they are now neatly stacked in the storeroom of the yamen, leaving the prince to dispatch."

"Very good." Chu Jinglan held up the tea cup and gestured in the air, with Ling Rui in his eyes, grasping every trace of Deng Tianguan's expression, "This king passed through Lingnan before, and I heard that people's complaints were boiling over there a while ago, thanks to King Qiyang. After sending troops to assist General Chang to suppress the situation, today’s calm and peaceful situation has been achieved. This king took this to thank King Qiyang with tea instead of wine."

"The minister dare not." Deng Tianguan lowered his head and responded, and then drank the wine in silence, his expressions and actions were meticulous, like a frozen lake in the middle of winter, there was no gap to drill.

The people below were a little uncontrollable. You must know that they had been rampant in Jingzhou for a long time, facing Chu Jinglan's naked irony and provocation. Chu Jinglan seemed to be unaware. Enjoying the dance and eating calmly, the long body is awe-inspiring, hidden infinite aura and power, people dare not be inferior to the previous.

Fortunately, these sensitive matters were not discussed again. After drinking for three rounds, Chu Jinglan and Pei Yuanshu retired on the excuse of exhaustion from the journey, and the Jingzhou Party, which had been tolerant for a long time, finally broke out.

"Lord, he is just a lost prince, why should he be so patience with him?"

It was the burly man who was talking just now. He was a direct commander of the Deng clan in the Jingzhou Army. He was considered to be one person and more than 10,000 people. Naturally, he couldn't understand the appearance of Chu Jinglan showing off his power. It was Deng Tianguan's reprimand.

"What do you know!"

He choked, and said unconvincingly: "Although his subordinate is a military commander, he also knows that he can't let foreign monkeys run wild on his own territory. What should others think if this is spread?"

Deng Tianguan was very angry and smiled, staring at him and asked word by word: "Since you are a military commander, you should know the battle at Lingxiao Pass ten years ago?"

"I know, isn't it the battle where I attacked the enemy camp with two thousand men and horses at a certain general, and even killed the three generals of the Yi tribe?"

Deng Tianguan spit out a word coldly: "That person is Chu Jinglan."

The big man suffocated suddenly, his face full of disbelief, and it took a long time to squeeze out two words: "But he..."

"Doesn't it look like?" Deng Tianguan snorted, his eyes seemed to have been immersed in the cold night, with a bit of unpredictability in the cold, "If you can easily teach you to understand him, or Chu Jinglan? I am here today. Pick out the words clearly, he is not a good person to deal with, you all bring me up, and if something goes wrong, I will blame me for punishment!"


Seeing that everyone was waiting, Deng Tianguan was relieved, and after another sip, he turned his head and said to the general manager: "Pick four more beautiful dancers and send them to him."

Of course the manager knew who he was talking about, so he made arrangements immediately.

In this way, when Ye Huaiyang returned to the mansion half an hour later, she was greeted not by the quiet but respectful shadow guard, nor the Tang Qingfeng who was watching the night, but a group of Yingyingyan who was making trouble. Yan.

"Servant Tang, we were ordered to come and serve the prince. If you don't let us in, how can we explain it later?"

"That's right, which guard is as incomprehensible as you!"

"In my opinion, it's better for a sister to solve him on the spot, hehe..."

Tang Qingfeng has always had nothing to do with women. What's more, he was sweating profusely. At this moment, a thin shadow suddenly drifted into the surrounding light. He turned his head and looked at him like a savior. He rushed over, because the man was dressed in men's clothing, he just stood by and whispered a little while you came back.

The four women also turned around and looked around, and found that the person here was just a white-headed elder brother, and they covered their mouths and smiled disdainfully. Unexpectedly, the person glanced here, and there was a sudden flash in the quiet phoenix eyes Impatience, such as moonlight on a thin blade, clear and covered with frost, is daunting.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Tang Qingfeng, the four women couldn't handle it well, so I deliberately kept it for me to come back and see, right?"

Tang Qingfeng immediately knelt down and said with a bitter face: "The subordinate is incompetent, please punish you!"

Ye Huaiyang glanced at him, but didn't wake him up, but turned his head and said to Ci Yuan: "Tie them to me in the backyard woodshed and throw them out tomorrow morning."

The four women were shocked, and just about to ask her why she would dare to do this, she was acupunctured before the half-tone was heard, and then they watched each other being carried away, without even the chance to struggle.

"Learn something."

"Yes, the subordinates understand."

Tang Qingfeng watched Ye Huaiyang walk into the room, and then raised his hand to wipe his sweat. In just a few seconds, he had realized the truth-in the future, he would rather act rough on a woman than provoke the princess Mao.

The author has something to say: The next chapter is high energy, early warning dididi——

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