106 – You can’t give up like this!

Immediately after the operation using the black flame ended in failure due to the demons’ interference (?),

The head of the Falcon Empire, including the emperor, hurriedly discussed what would happen next.

“We have to advance. Although we have not fully achieved our plan, we cannot sit still.”

“It can’t be like that. In the current situation, excessive advances will only do more harm than good.”

They split into two factions and continue a fierce debate.

One side was in the position that what had been achieved so far had to be seen through, even if it was a waste.

The other side was arguing that since they had achieved control of more than 40% of the country of the elves, they should step back and strengthen their defense.


After listening to their conversation, the emperor finally made a decision.



“under… But Your Majesty.”

“To do so, it would be reckless to continue the war with the elves any longer. As long as there are those who continue to get in the way like now, there is a limit to how much we can use our hands.”

“Kuh… ”

“Um… ”

The servants who had no choice but to obey the decision of the emperor who had the final authority.

In this way, they quickly prepared to retreat according to the order of their absolute monarch, and at this moment, they could easily recognize what the emperor, who was showing clear anger, was thinking.

The so-called ‘interrupters’ the emperor just talked about

There was not a single person present who did not know what it was referring to.

‘Is it Nation of Darkness… ‘

‘Well, I can’t just leave them alone after causing such a situation.’

The Nation of Darkness suddenly slashed the back of the head just before swallowing virtually all of the elven kingdom.

Still, as they were a nation of the same humans, their treachery, which they trusted to some extent, was enough to arouse anger beyond the Emperor’s treatment of the Elves, and it was the same for the Falcon Empire’s subjects in this position.

In addition, not just for emotional reasons, but if they are not dealt with clearly, they will become a major obstacle to the empire’s progress from now on, so they came to the idea that they should take care of the Nation of Darkness as soon as possible.

Of course, in order to do this, it is necessary to give enough rest to the soldiers who are exhausted from the series of wars and to restore national strength for a while.

‘Be prepared, filthy Nation of Darkness, I will definitely pay off this debt!’


With the help of the demons, they succeeded in arranging the black flames, and shortly thereafter saw the imperial army retreating as it was.

Recognizing that they had escaped the crisis that had literally come to their chin, the elves, including the Pope, let out a deep sigh of relief.

“It’s fortunate, I can catch my breath with this.”

“It seems so, His Holiness the Pope.”

“Fortunately, it seems that the Imperial Army has definitely retreated. Of course, I don’t know what will happen if they gather all their strength and move again. For now, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of that right now.”

With such a deep sense of relief, the elves began discussing the future with some composure.

After that, the key was how to restore the territory devastated by the war, but before that, the elves had no choice but to talk about the most important issue that had to be addressed first.

“However… No matter how much it is, do you really have to accept the demons’ demands like this?”

“Anyway, the black flame went out, and the Imperial Army didn’t retreat either. Under these circumstances, there is no need to make it difficult to keep promises, right?”

Of course, no matter how much the situation improved, the elves had the idea that they had to keep a certain level of faith.

However, despite such a way of thinking, they couldn’t help but hesitate whether to accept the proposal of those demons who were so harsh that they pulled out the pillars of the nation and gave it to them.

Furthermore, the opponents were demons who had been killing each other until not too long ago.

It was true that it was not easy to say yes to them as to whether they should maintain the treaty while undermining the authority of the pope along with national power against them, who might turn into enemies again.


“What are you talking about? If so, do you mean to abandon Octavia, who is now held captive by the demons?”

“ah… No, no…no, His Holiness the Pope. I… How could we?”

The pope who sternly imposes sanctions on their reaction.

At this moment, he had already made up his mind not to do anything hasty because of the safety of his daughter who was being held there, although the trust and trust of the state was more than that.

“Of course, I also have the idea that the Demon King’s demands are harsh. But even so, we are elves who follow God’s will. We cannot cowardly step forward and betray our trust.”

“Um… ”

“… ”

Just like that, the pope urged the fulfillment of the contract by resolutely expressing his intention to refuse.

But at this moment

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Most of those present were deeply displeased with this attitude of the pope.

‘No matter how precious your daughter is, are you willing to throw away the national interest just because of that?”

‘Chit… Pope Julius is usually a cold-hearted person, but when it comes to his daughter, he becomes so dull… ‘

The servants, dissatisfied with the current situation, went to Daejeon once.

and after a while,

Some of the high-ranking elves who had been there began to discuss quietly among themselves how to handle this matter.

“What should I do? No matter how much I think about it, even though it is the will of the Holy Father, I cannot accept such a ridiculous oath.”

“This is a matter at stake for our elves’ pride. For a person in the seat of the Pope to kneel down and bow his head in front of countless demons, this will surely remain a disgrace for generations.”

“Apart from the compensation given to them, the damage is too great considering the various benefits. Right now, in this yard where we have to rebuild our devastated land… ”

No matter how much they think about it, the high-ranking elves claim that they cannot accept the treaty with the demons.

at that time,

A middle-aged elf, quietly observing the situation among them, spoke in a calm voice.

“… If not, how would you like to do this?”

“Prince Cicero, do you have any good opinions?”

Cicero, the representative with the strongest power among them.

He looked at his colleagues in front of him and spoke in a calm voice.

“Anyway, if things go on like this, the pope will definitely have to bow his head and apologize to the demons, and trustworthiness is also a problem, but since his daughter is being held hostage, he will definitely do so. In that case, why not take advantage of his denial?”

“that… what is that… ”

“!… west… no way?”

At Cicero’s words, the elves suddenly start to think of something scary.

At the same time, their expressions began to harden,

Looking at them, Cicero said in a small but cold voice.

“I know that it is a really dirty and difficult job, but isn’t it inevitable to prevent the prestige of the church from falling to the ground with enormous damage?”

“Um… ”

“We are elves with a sacred mission, the only chosen race recognized by God, and a body with a noble duty to shine forth his glory in this world. To bow one’s head means that God yields to evil. I will do anything to prevent this horrible situation.”

The words of Cicero, who resolutely asserts his claim by mentioning the name of God.

Despite the feeling of rejection, the elves could not refute this.

The prestige of the Elven Church, which had already been greatly shaken by the aftermath of the past wars, had inflicted a great wound on their pride.

In this situation, Cicero’s words that awakened their shattered pride made them feel obligated to turn off any measures.

Even if it was something very dirty and nasty.

“I agree. If you need anything, let me know, Lord Cicero.”

“For the sake of the kingdom… And for the glory of our Lord, Neltharion. I will also join.”

“If the monarch loses his reason and causes the country to shake, it is only natural for a subject to correct it.”

“Give us instructions, Kigero-dono. No matter how great the risk, I will burn my body for the sake of the kingdom.”

After much thought, the high-ranking elves decided to actively join Cicero’s opinion.

Seeing them, Cicero nodded and began to show a cold smile on his lips.

“Thank you everyone. Surely God will look down on us who are dedicated to Him, so let’s discuss the plan in detail from now on. How can I make this happen with certainty…”

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