126 – It’s scary, but it feels good

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Making babies.

I knew there was a more accurate name, but at least the word didn’t enter the demon king’s head.

However, whatever you call it. At this moment she

The demon king was vividly experiencing the fact that making the baby was more amazing than she thought.

The knowledge she knew about making babies was very simple.

The story is that if a woman takes off her clothes in front of a man in a private place where the two of them are alone, or if he is allowed to take off his clothes, then the man will take care of the rest.

In addition, it can be more painful than you think, and depending on the partner, it can make you feel very good or very bad.

In response, the demon king asked him to do this out of a pure desire to make a baby with a hero…

The scenes that followed were all things she hadn’t thought of.

The warrior’s hand slowly peeled off her clothes with a tense hand.

And, in the process, skinship that is thicker than usual.

In particular, along with the thick kiss, his hand touching her horn, which is the most sensitive part for demons as well as her.

For the Demon Lord, a sensation quite different from before.

For a moment, it made her feel as if her stomach was about to rumble unbearably.

As a result, the demon lord stopped the hero’s actions for a while in the midst of his intensifying emotions without even realizing it.

She took some time to catch her breath, feeling that she would somehow become strange if she stayed like this.

Then, she talked about making a full-fledged baby, which is supposed to be next, quickly, rather than the usual skinship.

And, according to her orders. A warrior who takes off her clothes.

Then he began to passionately indulge her bare breasts, which he had seen for the first time except when bathing or changing, using his hands and mouth.

The action of a hero like a baby sucking its mother’s milk.

Captivated by a sensation that is both heterogeneous and exciting,

The Demon King felt a tingling sensation in his stomach as much as the previous situation, but she did not stop the hero this time.

‘I hope this… Are you talking about making a baby? Come to think of it… I’ve never seen a scene like this before…’

Come to think of it, in the art works hanging inside the castle, there were often depictions of a man and a woman holding each other’s bodies with ecstatic expressions while naked.

At the time, I thought they were just doing it for artistic expression,

When the demon king thought about it now, he began to wonder if that was a description of making a baby.

‘The warrior treated my body as if it had become a baby… If this is what making a baby is… It’s not as bad as I thought.’

With such thoughts in mind, the demon lord focuses his attention on the intense warmth transmitted to the hero’s body while being seized by a feeling of something intensely beating.

at that time…

‘! ruler… Wait a minute… thing… why there… ‘

next moment,

As it was, in her chest, in the feeling of resounding from earlier, something like a sticky liquid began to flow…

With the name of the so-called father of the country

A hero who starts putting his finger in her most secret place.


The thrilling sensation felt in her immediately after that.

In response, the demon king uttered a groan that somehow felt lewd without even knowing it, and for a moment, he felt something unfamiliar… I began to be possessed by a feeling that could also be called fear.

‘radish… scared… Whoa… something… something is weird… this… ‘

Beyond the simple desire to make a baby, a strange feeling that seems to give her a big shock.

Fear for the first time to her who did not blink an eye against tens of thousands of enemies… It started to give me the feeling that can be called .

At that time, as if understanding the demon king’s feelings, the hero pulled his finger out of her private parts and stepped back slightly.

“ha… ha… ha… .”

The demon lord exhaled a rough breath in the deep sense of relief felt at the same time.

Then, suddenly, in her eyes, she began to see the figure of a naked warrior who had taken off her clothes at some point in front of her.

As you already know, a warrior who is showing off a well-trained body with muscles.

However, at this moment, the Demon King’s eyes were seeing another hero he had never seen before.

It was the part of the hero that was clearly visible in front of her eyes like a spear.

Seeing it standing there like an angry beast, the demon king swallowed dry saliva without realizing it.

Then, slowly bringing the huge object towards her.

The warrior asked her cautiously with a trembling voice.

“your majesty… you… I will put it in.”

A warrior who asks questions without saying what to put where.

As a result, the demon king began to instinctively feel that something unusual would happen, along with deep doubts.

“that… . do it.”

At this moment, she allowed it while killing the emotions she felt from it as much as possible.

To be honest, this unfamiliar situation was already frightening enough for her.

However, despite this, she was the monarch who ruled this country.

Considering the fact that tens of millions of people have already been born into this world through this process, and that you yourself have come into the world as a result of this process,

This fear now was something he had to overcome as the king of a country.

And at the same time, she had faith.

The person in front of her eyes is not someone else, but the man she truly loves.

was a warrior

She knew that this man would never do anything bad to her.

In response, the demon king overcame his feelings of fear and accepted.


“By the way… what where… ”

Aside from those feelings, the demon lord tried to ask the question as it was, thinking that he should know what he was going to do first.

By the way..

“!! Whoops!”

before she does anything.

The hero who started stabbing that gigantic spear into her body as it was.

As a result, she had no choice but to accept it as it was without saying anything further.

‘What… what… what is this? Ah.. it hurts! That hurts! I… Something like that inside Jim’s body… Kud! this… this… Is this really making a baby? Too much for that… Kud! hahaha!!!’

In the midst of extreme confusion and pain, without even stopping the warrior,

The demon king had no choice but to watch as the warrior’s spear completely occupied his own country.

At the same time, in the heavy fear felt, she felt something pierce through her body.

Tears began to well up in the corner of the demon king’s eyes without realizing it.


apart from these feelings.

At this moment, in the heart of the demon king, he began to feel as if something else was growing stronger.


‘energy… lie… ?… this… mood… .good… ah?’

A calm and warm feeling that feels so contradictory that it is a storm called fear.

Why do you feel these feelings?

What exactly this was, the demon king could not understand exactly.

but. If I had to describe it…

It was like that.

The feeling of safely handing over the most precious thing to the man you love.

It feels like she gave the man the greatest gift she could ever give.

The relief and happiness felt from that fact,

And at the same time caught up in the feeling of goodness felt in pain.

The Demon King was seized by the feeling of a subtle smile wriggling on his lips along with tears.

‘this… This… making a baby… With this… are we going to have a baby now? come out… The hero’s baby… ‘

While thinking about that, the emotions that had intensified for a while subsided and the Demon King began to feel a sense of peace.

By the way…

“de… went in… completely… ”

The warrior’s voice filled with joy in her ears.

In response, the Demon King smiled as hard as he did and said to him.

“ha… ha… that… yes… Goa… that… then… Baby with this… ”

“Yes, then we will continue.”


A warrior who speaks incomprehensible words again and again in an instant.

Accordingly, the demon king automatically felt suspicious and tried to ask him a question.

“… ? continue… .? radish… what… !!! hauuuuu!!!”

The hero shakes her waist vigorously before she even finishes asking her question.

At the same time, a moan close to a scream began to burst out of the demon king’s mouth at the tremendous sensation felt at the same time.

A tremendous shock, as if the whole intestines were about to come out.

At the same time, a stimulus so intense that it shook her head.

In the most secret place of the devil, the man’s object, which is moving violently like a raging snake, stirs inside her body, giving her the first feeling…

According to the expression I learned later. It was arousing the sensations of so-called lascivious pleasure mixed with pain.

‘ah… green onion… However… mood… great… This… This… first… hey… ‘

An obscene liquid overflowing from her precious place.

The man’s breath felt at the same time.

and… Even at this moment, the man’s big, warm hand holding her hand tightly.

Feeling that all of those sensations are so painful yet sweet.

From a certain moment, she completely surrendered herself to this indescribable pleasure.


Every moment, like a wave, an intense sensation.

It was only later that I came to know the terms such as “climax” and “gone”, but

Regardless of that, the Demon King, seized by this intense and unpleasant feeling of happiness, started screaming out of her mouth, which she thought was obscene.

And, with her groaning, just when she began to think that this was impossible…

“Quit! … Oops!”


The hero’s hot something began to fill up in the devil’s internal organs.

Different from the liquid that flowed from her body,

It’s sticky and has the same heat as lava,

As it was, it began to fill the deepest part of her body.

“ha… ha… ha… ”

Feeling as if the storm had passed, the hero gasped for breath and slowly pulled out the spear stuck in her throat.

With this behavior of his, the Demon King came to recognize the fact that this was the end of what she had asked for from the hero, even if no one explained it.

‘iced coffee… .this… This is making a baby… Good mood… happy… In addition… I want to do it again… More if you can… ‘

After taking a breath for a while with such thoughts, the demon king slowly rises from his seat.

In front of her eyes, she saw the warrior’s spear, covered with something like pure white liquid and red blood, but still standing upright.

“Warrior… ”

“Yes, Demon King.”

“If it’s okay, one more time… can you do it making a baby… ”

A warrior who looks blank for a moment at the request of the Demon King.

However, soon a bright smile began to appear on his face.

Immediately he got up from his seat and looked at the demon king and said.

“of course. No matter how many times it is His Majesty’s order.”

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