132 – He woke up and whispered into the light…

A room full of darkness.

There, the man was slowly kneeling, gazing at the prize in front of him.

A statue made of an unknown metal with a snake coiled on top of a round sphere.

towards this,

The man lowered his head slowly and said.

“Our great god… Please show these foolish and ignorant people the true path.”

His sincere and sincere pleading.

and immediately after that,

As if responding to this, the image of the god began to overflow with golden energy.

At the same time, the man slowly lifted his head, feeling an indescribable sense of clarity covering his entire body.

“Oh God… Amun, the true savior of this world. Please tell me which way I should go.”

As if in response to his words, the new statue begins to emit a brighter light.

Then, in that one, only that man’s…

A clear voice in Achillesman’s ears began to ring.

– “My faithful servant. My order has not changed. lead everything in order Destroy the bonds that hold this fallen world open so that I can descend into this world.”

Its voice has irresistible power and dignity.

However, Achilles asked his god in a voice full of deep bewilderment and regret.

“Oh, Amun, as God knows, those who carried out Amun’s orders made a foolish mistake. The followers of the Nation of Elves have fallen, and the guys from the Nation of Darkness are still doing their own thing. In this situation, what should this lowly servant do?”

Achilles bows his head while conveying the frustrating reality without filtering.

And about this…

He began to hear the unchanging noble voice of God in his ears.

– “Their work is nothing to worry about. Anyway, all of this was just a paving stone to achieve this situation. good. go and do my will My coming to this land… Let us carry out the beginning of true salvation!”-

A voice that gave confidence to his mind, which had been shaking for a while due to anxiety and doubt.

Regarding this,

Achilles, with a deep smile on his lips, once again bowed his head to God and said,

“My god, I will obey your command!”


“okay? You mean Aias was defeated in the end?”

“Yes, it ended up like that.”

At the words of the attendant in front of her eyes, Cassandra was quietly trimming her nails with an expressionless face.

Then, she breathed on her lightly manicured nails and spoke in a calm voice.

“Yeah, good job. Stop going back.”

“Yes, Master.”

After that, the attendant disappeared in front of Cassandra.

After seeing her like that,

At this moment, the person sitting across from her slowly lifted the teacup with a relaxed attitude and began to show a light smile on his lips.

A person with shiny blonde hair and a beauty that is as beautiful as a goddess.

Although Cassandra was also pretty, that person with a beauty that even she couldn’t dare compare,

While showing an attitude that seemed interesting about the current situation, he spoke to Cassandra in front of him.

“Surprised, honestly, I thought you, Cassandra, would be pretty shocked to hear about this.”

“… it’s a shock Did you think so?”

“Yes, even if you say this or that, you were the kind of person who cared about your subordinates. Aren’t you surprised that such people were massacred?”

“… What? If I had to express my feelings right now, what was to come has come… Are you getting enough? Because of Aias’ personality, I knew that things would turn out that way anyway.”

“Hoo… ”

At Cassandra’s words, she begins to show an attitude that is quite unexpected.

Looking at her like that, Cassandra continued talking with a calm smile.

“On top of that, the most important part about my direct subordinates is honestly nothing to worry about. Those guys will know what I mean by the story I left at the end. They probably took care of themselves and made an appropriate retreat as soon as things happened.”

“Huh… It’s tough too Indeed, it is the attitude of a strategist that I acknowledge.”

After that, the woman put the half-empty teacup back down.

Seeing her like this, Cassandra quietly smiled at the corner of her mouth and began to quietly rhyme.

“Then, can I hear what your purpose for coming here is? I don’t think I came here to chat as a 3rd knight of the Empire… ”

“no way. I’m not that lazy either. No matter how loyal he is, he was pushed down by Achilles in terms of position, but he is a very busy body no matter how he looks.”

“Yeah, that’s right. No matter how lacking in loyalty, even if I were the emperor, I wouldn’t let someone like you rot. is not it? Officially the world’s strongest warrior, Helen.”

Even though it is only recorded on paper, Cassandra nevertheless tells the truth that can never be called empty words.

Regarding this, Helene, on the contrary, showed feelings that seemed to be in a good mood. At the same time, he asked her out of deep curiosity.

“Whoops… Being the best in the world, that’s too much praise. It’s just that I’ve never been defeated before. It’s not something that can be called the strongest. Right now, the warrior named Eren is said to have been quite strong, and in the case of the demon king who defeated him, I wonder if it would be difficult even for me to touch. In fact, don’t you know? From the standpoint of having dealt with both me and the demon king.”

“Um… ”


In response to Helene’s words, Cassandra automatically had no choice but to keep her mouth shut for a moment.

Certainly as she said, Helen, whom Cassandra faced in the past, was clearly an unbeatable opponent. The same goes for Achilles, who possesses power beyond even her.


The majesty of the demon king that he faced the other day was literally overwhelming, surpassing even Helene.

Without joking around, an existence that had transcendental powers that it was thought that at least three Helens would be needed to win.

Although, due to the nature of the match, if Helene showed her true intentions, unlike in sparring, the gap would be narrower, but Cassandra thought that it would be difficult even for Helene to win against the demon king.


Looking at Cassandra who couldn’t answer so easily.

Helene said with a deep smile on her lips.

“Is that so? If it’s a decent opponent, there’s a very high chance that I’ll be defeated. Don’t you think so?”

“… I can’t honestly say no. The power of the demon king I encountered back then was really no joke. To the point where I wonder if even you can do anything about it.”

“Whoops… Also… ”

Helene begins to express the emotion of ‘expectation’ mixed with a sense of incongruity that cannot be seen as normal in Cassandra’s words.

On the other hand, seeing her like this, Cassandra began to think of the confrontation with the demon king that took place once again.

Cassandra, who was defeated terribly despite the fact that she was accompanied by the beast warrior of the former warrior party at the time.

If the demon king had not shown ‘mercy’ to Cassandra there, her life would have ended there.

However, as a result, the demon king saved Cassandra.

With the story of not being an enemy.

And, for Cassandra, who had no choice but to know what that meant, she was aware that that time was coming.

The reason I called Helen today was to talk about it.

“Come to think of it, Helene. Are your resolutions still the same? that… The part about marriage.”

“Isn’t that obvious? Even today, I was excitedly beating the man who proposed to me. In the first place, he was so weak that I didn’t know what he was thinking of taking on the challenge.”

With those words, Helene empties the teacup all the time.

Then, she said while slowly stroking her lower stomach while her eyes shone sharply.

“I don’t know how a woman is attracted to a stronger person. In order to be my opponent, of course you have to be a stronger man than me, right? It doesn’t matter if the opponent is an elf, a beastman, or a demon. Anyone who can defeat me and defeat me is willing to fall into his arms. No matter how ugly and ugly a monster I am… Whoops.”

“… It’s really nice to see that it’s always the same. In that sense, I mean. I just have a pretty good idea. Would you like to join us?”

Cassandra speaks with a sincere smile at Helene’s words.

Regarding this,

Helene looked at her smart friend’s face slowly, thinking that the flow of the conversation would reveal something related to her greatest hopes.

“Good idea… What is it?”

“Whoops… That makes sense.”

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