137 – Divine Judgment

After a few words of conversation, Amun killed the emperor.

In this situation, the leader disappeared in an instant along with his relentless majesty, which seemed to literally show what a god is.

The soldiers who somehow managed to muster up the courage to defend the imperial capital had no choice but to kneel down as they were, losing the ability to resist any longer.

“city… god… Sir… ”

“wealth… Please have mercy on us… ”

People praying with sincerity toward the red dragon floating in the sky.

However, not paying attention to their prayers, Amun began to shout with a mad voice as he emitted a brilliant light from his body.

-“You ugly and foolish people who went against the standard of justice set by the world, I will judge you from now on!”-

With those words, lumps of light began pouring out of Amun’s body.

The size of each one that came out of the huge body is almost the size of a person.

Subsequently, the innumerable lumps of light began to transform into a single shape as they approached the ground.

Lumps of light that have the appearance of divine beasts such as winged lions or wolves.

The myriad beasts that landed on the ground like that quickly began to scatter in all directions, like hounds led by their prey.


Amphiterion, a person who works as a hunter in the ecliptic.

He had hunted numerous animals in the past, and even today, he was returning home after catching his game earlier than usual.

At this moment, unlike the profession of a hunter, he was running away from the beasts he had never seen in front of him.

“damn! what the hell… monsters.”

A fearsome red dragon still floating in the sky after killing the emperor.

It was obvious to anyone that the beasts it created would attack them, so Amphiterion decided to do what he could to stop these beasts at all costs.

Amphiterion took the risk to attack the beasts to protect his beloved wife at home.

However, despite his efforts, Amphiterion had no choice but to run away without hurting the beasts at all.

Beasts of light who had a solid body that could not be eaten by arrows or spears at all, and at the same time bit off the necks of people standing in front of them with swift movements.

As a result, Amphiterion realized that it was not something he could deal with, and eventually came to the conclusion that there was only one way left for him.

‘There’s no way to defeat a monster like that, so in the end the only thing left is to escape. He and his wife are leaving the city right now. No matter where you are, if you can run away with the girl you love… ‘

Although it was clear that the hardships would unfold after that, nevertheless, there is a way to survive once you survive.

Amphiterion ran with all his might and finally arrived home.

He immediately opened the door and entered the house.

“honey! Where are you! There are monsters out there right now… ?”

Amphiterion rushed into the room with his family and his own life at stake.

But at that moment.

Amphiterion was momentarily unable to think about the scene before his eyes.

“! female… . female… paper? all… you… How at this time… ”

“… ah… ”

A half-naked wife lying on a bed with only one underwear on.

And, the man next door, Jauss, who is laying down with her.

The moment I saw them,

Amphiterion couldn’t say anything because of the terrible sense of betrayal that made him forget even this situation where his life had come and gone.

“female… H..Bo.. that… That’s it. this… This is because this person tried to rape me by force… ”

“radish… What are you talking about? You seduced me first! Are you now passing the blame on like that?”

“honey! Don’t listen to this man! I’m always a victim! This ugly man suddenly came into the house, pulled me into a hug, and forcibly… ”

“You said you loved me until just now, but are you really like this? You definitely didn’t decide to run away with me, abandoning a husband who doesn’t come home often!”

“who… who said that… Amphiterion! Trust me! It’s real this time! You have to believe me, your wife! I really did nothing wrong… ”

“… ”

The image of a wife who makes lame excuses that anyone can see is bullsh*t while shifting responsibility to each other.

Seeing this, Amphiterion couldn’t help but feel a deep skepticism about the life he had lived so far.

Even when hunting for game in the rain and wind, even when his life was in danger due to being swept away by a blizzard, Amphiterion steadfastly overcame it by thinking of his wife who would be waiting for him at home, and sacrificed his life to feed even one more piece of meat for her. I had caught the game with a bet.

Even fighting the beasts created by an unknown being from the past was only to protect his wife.

But at this moment

No, maybe even before that.

As if laughing at all the effort and love he had made for the family, the wife had met the man next door and whispered love to each other in a warm bed.

‘This… For… just for this… I… I’ve been… ‘

Amphiterion started to shed tears with an empty expression, seized by the feeling that all of his time and effort over the years had been buried in a heap of garbage.

Seeing him like that, his wife made up only excuses that still didn’t work, and was doing her best to avoid this situation by selling Zauss anyway.

By the way…

[Rurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ]


“What… What… is that?”


The next moment, the appearance of a shining beast appeared from behind Amphiterion.

At this, Amphiterion looked back weakly as it was, and smiled at the beast with an indescribable smile.

The thought of escaping with his wife had long since disappeared.

The only thing that fills his head right now is the thought that it would be easier for him to have his head ripped off by this beast.

So, resigned to everything, Amphiterion looked this way and waited for the beast with its sharp teeth to chew and swallow him.

As if responding to this, the beast flew its massive body and started charging toward Amphiterion in an instant.

At the same time, the sharp teeth in front of Amphiterion’s eyes.

Seeing that it was made of translucent light, which made it feel sacred and beautiful for a moment, Amphiterion began to think that it would not be bad to be killed by such a sacred thing.

By the way..


At the moment of connection, the beast passed through Amphiterion’s body and disappeared backward in an instant.

And right after that, the sound he heard in his ears.

that’s right…



The voices of his wife and Zauss seemed to strike Amphiterion’s ear.

Then drops of blood began to splatter on his back, giving him a warm sensation.

“… buy… Help me… save me…give me! My… please live… ”

“ruler… sorry! female… honey! honey! Please save me! big… .. big… ”

Even though you are sitting with your back turned and not looking at it with your own eyes, the situation behind your back seems to be vividly pictured in your head.

The constant sensation of fresh blood and the terrible screams.

And in the meantime, it was quite familiar to the hunter Amphiterion.

The voice of a beast chewing and swallowing its prey whole.

After some time has passed,

The voices of the two people who had resonated vividly in Amphiterion’s ears were no longer audible.

In his ears, only the sound of the animal finishing the meal could be heard.

“Kreurreung… ”

A beast that puts an end to the situation as it is with a low cry.

Then Amphiterion, who was still sitting there, suddenly began to feel a soft touch brushing his body.

warm yet serene.

A feeling that seemed to put to rest the feelings of despair that had been filled in his heart until just now.

Leaving it behind, the beast continued to slowly brush past Amphiterion’s body.

A beast that slowly disappears out of the house without causing any harm to Amphiterion.

Looking at its back, Amphiterion, still with a dazed look on his face, started walking out slowly.

Seized with the feeling of not wanting to know or think about what had just happened behind him.

At the same time, with deep doubts about the behavior of the beast that had avenged him in this way, as well as feelings of gratitude.

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