157 – Your life is like mine…

Richie Eileen lying on her knees in front of me.

In response to my question, she began to talk about everything she had been through.

disputes related to suds;

As a result, Torare ended up in a situation that could in fact be called extortion.

As a result, Torare was currently living happily in the Nation of Darkness along with Shud.

Therefore, in order to punish them, they had to use their hands in relation to the Nation of Darkness.

And about these facts.

I couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t really going to be easy.

‘It’s getting really annoying…’ It’s a Nation of Darkness, in a way it’s a more troublesome place than the Falcon Empire.’

A country of witches, and like an empire, a country built with humans as the main axis.

Although its national power itself was known one step lower than the Empire, from my point of view, who actually knew the background in the game, I was well aware that the Nation of Darkness was the most troublesome guys to deal with in the Demon Kingdom.

Unlike the elven kingdom, which had relatively declined national power, or the Falcon Empire, where the seed of conflict was Cassandra.

Due to the long reign of ‘Overseer’, who is regarded as an immortal monarch, the overall situation of the Nation of Darkness has been fairly stable.

In other words, it is not easy to break into the inside and attack from the inside as before.

In addition, unlike the others, Shude, who could be said to be the actual final goal, was one of the most powerful people in the Nation of Darkness, unlike the other bitches of the warrior party.

Shud is one of the 4 demons closest to Overseer and lives in a mansion located in Lehier, the capital of the Nation of Darkness.

As such, in order to meet her right away, the level of difficulty was considerable in that it was necessary to break through the iron-clad security of the Nation of Darkness, which was protected by magic twice and three times.

In addition, unlike other countries, since the state of the Nation of Darkness was not mocking, the reality was that even if they tried to seduce them with negotiations, there was no answer.

If we do something wrong, the demons may see blood on our part because of this.

However, even so, I was judging that it was still too early to give up on this situation.

‘If you think about it, now I have a way… It’s not even very rare.’

Working with the Nation of Darkness, which is normal, requires a considerable amount of time and effort.

However, now I heard a joker that could turn this situation around at once.

‘A sealing stone said to be located in the Nation of Darkness. If you can somehow break it, it’s like the situation is over. I will be able to significantly break the momentum of the Nation of Darkness, a potential risk factor, and achieve my revenge as well.’

Of course, depending on where the sealing stone is, the difficulty of the job could be rather hell.

If buried in the right place, it was surprisingly easy to solve.

In fact, in the case of Achilles, it is said that he relatively easily approached and destroyed the sealing stone using his position and speech, so this is a situation where there is a possibility as a joker pick.

After deciding on the next goal,

I decided to go back to ‘home’ to rest for a while.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

My beloved woman and my eternal master.

To Jerusalem, the land of promise where the demon king Nazareth awaits…


After the interview with the hero, Rich Eileen disbanded and returned to the cabin.

Even at a glance, looking at the hero’s clear will to complete his revenge, complicated emotions dwelled in her heart in many ways.

‘In the end, it’s clear that Eren intends to punish Shud and Torare-sama as well… It won’t be easy though. Considering that man’s tenacity, it’s definitely not impossible.’

As a childhood friend of the hero Eren, Eileen was well aware of his bad temper.

A person who, once he has set a goal, will achieve it by any means necessary.

In fact, because of such a character, he was able to rise from a commoner to the position of a warrior, the strongest of mankind, and reached the stage of fighting against the demon king, which no one had achieved.

Although, as a result, the subjugation of the demon lord failed, and because of this, Eren completely surrendered to the demon lord and became his subordinate. Eileen could sense that her fundamental nature had not changed.

However, Eileen had no intention of stopping him or interfering with his plans.

It wasn’t because he was simply bound by the rules of being a summoner and couldn’t resist him.

Even if it’s not like that, right now.

Eileen was in a situation where she was determined to do her best to help Eren.

‘About now… Obviously Torare-sama… No, Torare and Shud are living a very happy life together. Unlike me who was in such a miserable state… ‘

A body that has appetite and hunger, but no mouth or stomach to satisfy them, and no way to solve them even if carnal desires exist.

Unlike her, who lives in terrible pain without the means to satisfy her painful desires,

The two of them are sure to be groaning with joy as they lead happiness without lacking in anything.

At the thought of them, Eileen was automatically overcome by feelings of intense jealousy, anger, and hatred.

Eileen’s jealousy towards Shud that she originally felt became even stronger as Richie became.

What remains of her, who has become a body that can no longer resolve any desires.

The only thing he could do was to fulfill a desire he thought was solvable: to turn the lives of happy rivals and former lovers into hell.

‘never… I won’t leave it like this. Do you think we’ll see you guys live happily ever after? Your life must be… I will make you as unhappy as I am!’


A VIP room located in the depths of a sailboat headed for the Demon Kingdom.


A man who was once one of the best warriors in the Empire, but now a woman.

His name was Achilles,

She is now using the name Pura.

He was showing a blank expression for a moment because of the scene that was showing in front of his eyes, which was extremely embarrassing in many ways.

“Um… ”

“Haha… haha… haha… ”

At this moment, in front of his eyes, he sees his close friend Cleopatra licking the feet of others like a dog.

And that opponent, the beautiful demonic girl with silver hair who turned him into a woman.

It was the commander of the Demon Corps with the name Elisa.

“… what are you looking at? If you want to be with me, come over here.”

“… No, I will decline.”

“Is that so?… Well, I don’t have any intention of forcing you if it’s not your taste, but it’s getting in the way, so I’d like you to leave for a while.”

“… OK… all.”

After answering Elisha’s words with a little difficulty, Pura goes outside.

At that time, she suddenly began to see another demonic woman standing in front of the door and waiting quietly.

‘The name must be… Was it Nyathan?’

Unlike Elisa, she has a fairly mature beauty, and from what I hear, she and Elisa are known to be in a romantic relationship.

In that regard, Pura suddenly began to think that the moment of lust taking place in the cabin would be quite uncomfortable from the point of view of the woman in front of him.

Surprisingly, at this moment, there was no such emotion on her face.

‘The act itself is about licking your feet, so you’re saying it’s not a narrowly out?… Yes, but they’re lovers anyway. I wouldn’t mind… ‘

Feeling so bothered by so many things, Pura asked Nyathan, who was carefully trimming her nails in front of her.

“Are you okay?”

“… huh? What do you mean?”

“that… That’s what’s going on inside. From your point of view, your lover is cheating on you, so is it okay to leave it as it is?”

Pura feels a bit embarrassed by Nyadan’s attitude of asking with pure doubtful feelings.

Regarding this, Nyathan said to him with a smile on his lips.

“Ah, is that what you mean? Well, from my point of view, it doesn’t really matter. After all, that’s a kind of pet training, and I know that Elisa doesn’t cross the line in the process.”

“that… is it? However, it must be a bit of a concern… ”

Pyrrha begins to express her feelings of concern at Nyadan’s overly calm words.

However, towards her, Nyadan answered with a calm voice.

“I don’t know about you humans, but among us demons, there are clear rules that are inscribed by nature. Never give your heart to anyone other than the one you’ve been tied to. This is a rule that not only us, but even His Majesty the Demon King cannot break. Even if there are scenes that look unsettling from your point of view, there is nothing fundamentally a problem.”

“… Umm… ”

Nyathan’s words without a hint of wavering,

at that time,

“after… finished. It was clinging to it so much that it finally fell off after throwing its tentacles at it.”

“great job. Now, let’s go quickly.”

Elisa walked out of the cabin door feeling a bit like running away.

In response, Nyathan grabbed Elisha’s hand with her eyes shining as if she had waited.

Regarding this, Elisha left the place with a smile on her lips and was led by the hand of her ‘lover’.

It was a short moment, but it made me feel that they were purely looking at each other without any regrets.

Seeing this, Pyra suddenly came to think that the culture of these demons was better than he thought, compared to the empire, where it was common to beat betrayal while talking about true love when his heart was shaken even a little.

‘It’s unchanging love… Or me too… Will I be able to find something like that in the Demon Kingdom?

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