
It was late at night, and Astrid still hadn't slept because he kept on thinking about how the conversation between Wulfric and the Grimaldis had gone. That's why when he received a message from Wulfric, telling him that he would call him tomorrow to tell him what happened.

The other probably thought that he was already sleeping. So, in consideration of him, he just sent a message instead. But since Astrid was still awake, he just sat up from bed and call the other. It's not like he could immediately go to sleep, anyway. Especially since he was certain he would just be thinking about how that conversation went.

He pressed the call button, and it didn't take long for Wulfric to accept it. When his face appeared on the virtual screen, Astrid didn't wait long and immediately asked;

"How did it go?"

"It went well. We came to an understanding," Wulfric said in a proud tone.

Astrid raised his brow. "Are you sure it's not just your imagination?"

"Of course not!" Wulfric answered and added with a pout, "I'm not that delusional, you know?"

"Right," Astrid could only say.

His expression must be full of skepticism because Wulfric quickly said as a defense;

"It's true. I was polite and honest, lay out everything in the open, and we came to an understanding."

Astrid looked at Wulfric, looking at his expression, he seemed to be really saying the truth. It's not like he didn't believe him. It's just that, Wulfric's 'honesty' could rub people the wrong way. Considering that the ones he had a conversation with were the Grimaldis, who currently were still feeling guilty because of the family situation, and thus, could be a bit overprotective.

So, it's hard to imagine that they wouldn't have a negative reaction to Wulfric straightforwardly saying his feelings for Astrid. Which, he had no doubt that Wulfric would have done. The only reason he could think of why the Grimaldis wouldn't have the negative reaction he was thinking was because they must have felt that they had no right to interfere.

That wasn't entirely impossible, especially after his conversation with them earlier. They must have sensed from his words that he wouldn't appreciate any interference in his relationship with Wulfric. That's why they chose to remain passive.

At least, that was the case for now.

Astrid got out of the bathroom and put on the clothes he had prepared. It was still a bit early, so his brother's class probably hadn't started yet. He opened his Terminal and called Reas.

It took more than a minute before the video call requested. His brother's face appeared on the virtual screen. He looked like he just got out of the shower.

"Sorry. I just finished showering," Reas said, confirming what Astrid thought.

"It's fine," he said. "I have some news for you."

Reas furrowed his brows. "News? Did something happen?"

"Something happened. But not something bad."

Then he told him about his conversation with the Grimaldis, Wulfric's conversation with them, and his conversation with Wulfric.

"...That's a lot of information," Reas commented after a while.

"I'll give you a minute to take it all in."

After a full minute, Reas spoke again, "I guess we're going back home this weekend."

"That we are."

"Have you told Mom and Dad, you know, about the general?" Reas asked.

"Not yet," Astrid said. "I will, later, after school."

"I wish you good luck, then."

A helpless smile crossed Astrid's lips. He really needed that. And a lot of it too.

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