The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 108: first contact

  Chapter 108 First contact

  At six o'clock in the morning, Yan Hao walked out of the **** bar with a sigh of relief, sweeping away his frowning face before, with his hands behind his back, he felt quite high-spirited.

  His bodyguards followed behind, obviously relieved, as if he could see the sun tomorrow.

  Liu Sanye stood at the door and said with a smile: "Mr. Yan, walk slowly all the way! We won't see you off. After all, after going out, it will be the hole card of the Ethernet Association. I just don't bother to conflict with them recently."

Although he looks like a smiling Buddha, what he thinks is completely different: "A group of idiots, I thought I didn't know that you messed with the association? The master has got involved. What the hell, even if the association cares about the overall situation, it has to come and kill you."

   Let's see when we finish!

  Yan Hao also smiled on the surface: "Thank you, Third Master, I really helped you a lot this time."

  However, what he was thinking in his heart was: "Hehe, stupid fat man, you have been bribed by such a small amount of money. After we leave, you can stay and face the wrath of the association, hahaha!"

  Businessmen are like this, they are smiling on the surface, but their hearts are full of criticism.

  A black Maserati was parked outside the bar, and the people inside were whispering.

   "My lord, these two people can really chat."

   Shuweng looked down at his watch. He was sitting in the driver's seat at the moment, wearing a bodyguard's clothes and a peaked cap, blocking his face with a shadow, pretending to be a driver.

  Gu Jianlin also got a little impatient waiting, and said lightly: "I don't know, I thought they washed their feet."

  The bookman turned pale with fright. He didn’t expect that the Supreme would even know about washing feet after he integrated into human society.

  The original driver and bodyguard have been knocked out and put in the trunk.

  The Yan family is not stupid, the driver is a psychic, and the bodyguard is Furutake, both of them are second-level.

   It's just that Gu Jianlin has the lock of inexistence and the requiem bell, and he can also spell ghosts through the air.

   Coupled with Shuweng, a third-level celestial master, he directly cooperated and laid them down in less than half a minute.

   The whole process didn't even make any sound.

"Supreme, if you plan to use the blood of the ancient gods to control this Yan Hao, then you can kill all the other bodyguards and followers. After all, it is normal to lose some people when you come to the forbidden area. It is better to say that you know this People who were at the exact time when the Yan family evacuated were supposed to be cleaned up."

  Shu Weng said: "Even I can follow, lurking beside the Yan family."

  Gu Jianlin hummed.

  Shu Weng continued to add: "As for Yan Hao, although he is not weak, it may be troublesome to subdue him with one move. He will definitely not cause any trouble in your hands."

  Gu Jianlin was sitting in the co-pilot, turned around and found a hair on the car seat, wrapped around his fingertips.

   It is better to use a medium to activate the ghost spell.

  The power of the curse will be stronger.

  At this time, Yan Hao had already brought a group of bodyguards over.

  One of the bodyguards opened the rear door, and Yan Hao sat in as if he was a superior.

  Then the bodyguard and the others turned and went to the car behind.

   "What are you doing in a daze?"

  Yan Hao hasn't noticed anything wrong yet, so he said in a deep voice, "Drive!"

   Almost instantly, the illusory silver-white chains were released, criss-crossing and suspended in the void.

  —The lock that does not exist, liberate!

  At that moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly raised his right hand, with a hair wrapped around his index finger: "Death!"


  Yan Hao suddenly bled from his seven orifices, as if his head had been hit hard, and his eyes were dark.

   At the same time, Shuweng suddenly put down the driver's seat, his pupils turned into monster snake pupils, he rushed over, and locked the opponent's body with the technique of close body jujitsu.

  In just a moment, Yan Hao's body was entangled tightly, unable to move.

  The abilities of the Celestial Master path are not suitable for assassination. Whether it is element manipulation or mind explosion, it will make too much noise, especially if you are not careful, you will kill the opponent.

  But Shuweng has mastered controllable distortion, and his physical strength has also increased. He is not a simple mage.

  Gu Jianlin turned around, a pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited in his right hand, and pressed on the opponent's chest.

  The fire of the **** sacrifice, burn!

   Yan Hao let out a miserable scream, but seemed to be isolated in this space.

   At this moment, scarlet bloodshot eyes appeared in his pupils, trying to arouse turbulent anger.

  Ancient martial arts path, second level!

  Gu Jianlin pressed down the handle of the black metal box with gold trim with his left hand, and only heard a click!

A certain mechanism in the metal box seemed to be activated, and its shell suddenly bounced off piece by piece, and then turned over and reorganized in an instant. The hard steel like bones showed countless lines like red blood vessels, like a handle. A bunch of umbrella-shaped weapons, the tip of the umbrella gleamed with a sharp cold light.

   This turned out to be a metal umbrella, with countless red blood vessels attached.

  The so-called Heavenly Evil Ghost is actually such a strange weapon!

   When he was surprised, he stabbed the black umbrella into the opponent's abdomen with his backhand!

   With a puff, Yan Hao twitched violently. After the black umbrella penetrated his lower abdomen, it released a burst of electricity, which made his whole body twitch and his hair stood on end!

  Shuweng was also twitched by the electric shock.

very good!

  Gu Jianlin couldn't help being a little surprised, this is the real alchemy weapon, powerful and powerful!

  Suddenly, there was a beeping sound in the car.

   That turned out to be the watch on Yan Hao's right hand. The glass surface shattered suddenly, and streams of scorching light poured out, as if it contained extremely terrifying heat, and it was about to explode at any time!

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand without hesitation, and grabbed the watch.

   However, at this moment, a strange phantom was reflected on the rear glass.

  It was suspected to be a girl wearing a cat face mask, with black hair hanging down to her waist. Like a ghost from a horror movie, she passed through the glass window and approached them straight!

  The reason why it is said that she is suspected to be a woman is because her figure is petite and slim, but plump.

  The way to kill ghosts!

  Shuweng's pupils contracted violently, trying to further deform, and forcibly broke free from the electric current.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   At this moment, he remembered Uncle Mu's advice.

  Never rely too much on your profile, and life perception.

  He listened, so even if there is any danger in this operation, he can use the ancient deification to settle it.

   But he still couldn't figure out how this person appeared!


  I saw the void shatter like a mirror, with countless criss-crossing cracks, shattering in silence!

  The watch that was about to explode also shattered, turning into countless fragments, flying everywhere.

   At the same time, the girl slowly materialized.

   It's just that she doesn't seem very smart. After the entity appeared, she was directly stuck on the glass window. Half of her body leaned into the car, but her lower body was dangling outside the window.

  Gu Jianlin forcibly restrained the urge to deify the ancients.

   Because of the appearance of the other party, it seems to be the same as them!

  The girl with the cat face mask held a potion in her hand, and plunged it straight in!

   "When is the Yan family planning to evacuate?"

  She spoke coldly, with a chill in her voice that repelled people thousands of miles away.

   Yan Hao rolled his eyes, his whole body twitched from the shock, and his lips were trembling.


  The girl with the cat face mask turned her head and said calmly, "Can you call me back later?"

  Gu Jianlin remained silent, and silently pulled out the black umbrella.

Fortunately, Yan Hao is from the ancient martial arts path, with rough skin and thick flesh, he can still resist beatings, and he will not die after being tossed by the fire and electric current of the **** sacrifice for a long time, but after being injected with the medicine, he seems a little unconscious, drooling and said : "Tomorrow at six o'clock."

After getting this answer, the girl with the cat face mask nodded in satisfaction, and then said to the boy beside her, "Thank you for your help. I'm really not sure how to subdue him by myself. By the way, the water of Youying Group is very Deep, many people are not good things, it is best to stay away from them."

  She paused: "As for the evil ghost created by Ms. Lan, it's best not to be seen by people from the association."

  Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank slightly, he knew who this person was.

Including Shuweng, after getting rid of the electric current, he also slumped on the chair, panting and said: "This, isn't this Miss Yueji? This is the first time we meet in reality, right? Hahaha, such a coincidence ?”

   "It is indeed a coincidence that you are still as weak as before."

  Yueji took one last look at the young man, and once again urged: "Leave here as soon as possible, don't stay."

  【ps: This book is the first starting point app, welcome to read the genuine version. The next update is at 11:30pm~]

  (end of this chapter)

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