The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 111: the wind blows

  Chapter 111 Wind Rises

  Gu Jianlin couldn't help shaking his right hand when he saw this.

   Night's Watch!

  The person lying on the bed turned out to be the night watchman, the comrade-in-arms of Lao Gu and Uncle Mu!

   Never expected that this time he unexpectedly found a clue about Uncle Mu's amnesia.

  Soul Lost Gu!

  Gu Jianlin gripped the document silently.

  Although he still couldn't find any clues to reverse his father's case, he found Uncle Mu's first.

  With a plop, Fu Chaoyang fell off the bed outside the house, rushed into the room, picked up an alchemy pistol on the wall, and pointed it at him like a small beast.

   It can be seen that as the adopted son of the night watchman, this child has also received certain training.

   Such as anti-reconnaissance technology, or the use of guns.

  It was taught by the man on the bed.

  Gu Jianlin glanced at him, then fell silent for a moment.

  Because he seemed to see himself back then.

   "Ethereum Association, D-level investigator, Gu Jianlin."

He took out his mobile phone and logged into the Deep Space Network: "The old Gu written in your adoptive father's file is my father. My father and your adoptive father are colleagues. I will not hurt you, otherwise you would have died long ago. "

  Fu Chaoyang heard the words, the hand holding the gun was shaking, and he was shocked and said: "The chair murderer?"

  Gu Jianlin almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

  How does this **** nickname even know this brat!

Fu Chaoyang put down his pistol, the vigilance in his eyes was no longer so strong, and he said with a straight face: "In the forbidden area of ​​Westport, many people have heard of you. As the son of a fallen man who committed a felony, he still chooses to I joined the association. There were many people like you in the past, but after joining the association, they either behaved with their tails between their legs, or were pushed out to the point where they couldn’t get along.”

  Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead: "Really?"

  In fact, the reason why he was squeezed out by some people in the Ethereum Association was not without reason.

   First of all, Lao Gu is a person who has fought head-on with the ancient gods. The probability of such a person being accidentally polluted is indeed very low. Generally, he cannot withstand the temptation of power and degenerates himself.

   This point has been confirmed by research, and there are countless evidences throughout the ages, so I don’t use it very much.

  Secondly, Lao Gu was identified as the instigator of the blood moon massacre, killing countless companions.

  In the end, he may have left something to his son.

  The combination of the three situations made Gu Jianlin the most extreme example in the Ether Association.

  Ordinary family members of fallen people really don't deserve the same treatment as him.

Fu Chaoyang said in a low voice: "You rarely dare to directly challenge the association and the trial court. I heard that those who excluded you were all beaten with chairs by you, and neither the captain nor the vice-captain escaped from your magic chair. "

   Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "Change the subject, what's your adoptive father's name?"

  Fu Chaoyang confessed honestly this time: "Fu Qingxuan."

  Gu Jianlin asked again: "You said he was your adoptive father, but what about your biological parents?"

  Fu Chaoyang said coldly: "I don't have biological parents."

  Gu Jianlin looked at him without speaking.

Fu Chaoyang and I looked at each other for a while, and finally couldn't hold it anymore: "My father is a gray sublimator. He committed a felony and was hunted down by the association. He is a complete bastard. My mother is an unclean person. She lacks money and wants to go to Southeast Asia Retirement. I accidentally awakened when I was eight years old, and they sold me to Westport. A boss here bought me, and he planned to wait for me to grow up and choose the inheritance path, and then let me go to Heiyun City to dig mine."

  He said coldly with a straight face: "Later I escaped and was picked up by my adoptive father. But after a few years, he went out to perform a mission and came back, and he became like this."

   Gu Jianlin looked around and understood.

   Originally, the child could have left alone.

  Just to protect the man lying on the bed, that's why I persist here alone.

  There are many empty potion bottles in the trash can in the room.

   It seems that it is used to extend the life of a man.

  Fu Chaoyang is a smart kid, if he just survives, he won't be troubled.

   But he needs to buy potions, so money is too much.

  The reason why I came to Jianbao yesterday is probably because I really can't hold on anymore.

   "So you wanted to ask me for help a long time ago? You just don't trust me."

  Gu Jianlin asked again: "Then why did you still appear in front of me in the end?"

  The child just now is obviously not weak enough to fall from upstairs.

   That was deliberately selling miserably in front of him.

   There are so many tricks.

   "Because you are a good person."

  Fu Chaoyang said in a low voice: "You are different from those people."

Gu Jianlin looked around, looked at the traces left here, and even found a homework book, opened it casually, and glanced at it. In addition to some simple calculation formulas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, there was actually a line of small characters: "Zhang Tao I always like Wang Xiaohui...well, so your name used to be Zhang Tao."

  When people are in love, if they fall in love with someone, they are very ignorant and stupid.

  For example, the operation of writing the name of the person you like in the homework book.

   Maybe because I was ashamed to take action, so I wrote him down.

  I feel that as long as this is the case, I can prove something.


  If Fu Chaoyang's face was not covered with blood, his face would be flushed at this moment.

  The toes seem to be able to dig out three rooms and one living room from the ground.

  Gu Jianlin was still on the wooden table, seeing the crooked words.

-persist in.

  The characters are ugly, but deeply engraved.

  Gu Jianlin seemed to be able to see the child gnashing his teeth and writing with tears in his eyes.

   "Why don't you run away yourself?"

   He said suddenly.

  Fu Chaoyang looked at him and paused every word: "I don't want to be like my biological parents."

  This once-abandoned child has stubbornness in his eyes.

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly: "I see."

Fu Chaoyang looked at him and reminded him: "When my adoptive father came back, he kept nagging, but he kept telling me about one thing, the blood sacrifice. He told me that if he forgot, then I must Remember, by all means, tell this to a reliable person."

  He said, "My father needs medicine, can you..."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second: "I understand."

   This matter is of great importance, and he must contact the association immediately.

  However, at this moment, the deep space network was automatically interrupted.

  He frowned and tried to dial the phone, but the signal was cut off!

  Gu Jianlin realized that this was definitely not a coincidence, but someone deliberately cut off the communication here.

   "It's about to start."

   he whispered.

  Fu Chaoyang saw that his expression was not right, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Jianlin thought for a while: "If there are no accidents, there will be a war here soon. Don't worry, the people in the association are not fools, they will realize that there is a problem here. If you stay here honestly, there will be no problems anywhere. Don't go. As long as you survive these two days, you and your adoptive father can get out of here."

  He slightly sensed the life rhythm of the man on the bed.

  Although it is very weak, it is at least stable, and it is not a problem to live for five or six days.

   "Then where are you going?"

  Fu Chaoyang forced himself to ask.

   "It has nothing to do with you."

  Gu Jianlin turned around and left, said lightly: "Protect your adoptive father well. He used to take care of you. Now that he is sick, it's up to you to protect him. Can you do that?"

  Fu Chaoyang didn't speak, but the gaze cast from behind seemed familiar and determined.

  Gu Jianlin walked out of the room, closed the two doors of Shimen, and stood in the corridor.

   Looking at the rough sea in the distance.

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment, then tried to dial the phone again.

  This time I called Jing Ci.

  Unfortunately, there is still no signal.

  It always feels unsafe to let the father and son be here.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of the mysterious person who had been secretly protecting him.

  The original viaduct was the canteen of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School, and even Heiyun Walled City.

   This person has always been there.

  Although I don't know what method the other party used to avoid my own perception.

   But he felt that this person might still be around.

   "Hey, can I help you?"

  Gu Jianlin suddenly raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and said, "Help me take care of the father and son. They are witnesses themselves and have important clues in their hands. I don't want anything to happen to them."

  No response.

  Gu Jianlin waited in silence for ten minutes, just when he was about to give up.


  A coin suddenly fell to the ground and slid down the stairs.

  Gu Jianlin looked at the coin and smiled silently.

   "Although I don't know who you are, I guess you should have a good relationship with my father, right?"

   He said softly, "Thank you."

   After speaking, he left along the iron stairs and disappeared into the shadow downstairs.

   And on the roof of this building, someone silently watched his departure without saying a word.


  The sky is cloudy.

  In April, there was a wind on the island, and the sound of the monsoon tide seemed to swallow everything.



   The sound of the tide echoed between the sea and the sky, and the sun was swallowed by the dark clouds.

  The villa area on the shore picked up a gust of wind, mixed with sand, stones and leaves dancing wildly, and flew upside down into the sky.

  Mrs. Yan shivered on the sofa, lowered her head and pinched the corner of her skirt without saying a word.

  Yan Wu was sitting next to her, his chest was heaving violently, apparently just had a violent rage.

  His pupils were filled with angry scarlet bloodshot eyes, his embraced arms were trembling slightly, and his knuckles were slightly white.

   "How do you think about it?"

A pale middle-aged man sat across from them, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, and said lightly: "You also know that Lin Yuan has been arrested, and naturally he confessed to you. You are plotting to assassinate an Omega Sequence , The Ether Association can no longer accommodate you. Ah no, the entire real world cannot accommodate you anymore."

   "Do you really think that you can survive by renting a boat from Youying Group?"

  He smiled and said, "Oh, the only person you can rely on now is me."


  Yan Wu, the domestic violence man, slapped his wife back on the sofa.

  Like an angry bull suppressing.

   This time, Mrs. Yan didn't say anything, she just lay on the sofa covering her red and swollen face, and the five fingers of her other hand were deeply dug into the leather sofa, her face twisted.

   "My name, you may have heard of it before, my code name is... Nightmare Master."

Nightmare Master smiled and said: "As long as you help me complete this blood sacrifice, you can leave Fengcheng alive. And I heard that your son also died. This time, you can also avenge your son. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?" ? No, to be precise, it kills three birds with one stone."

He smiled and said: "I can also share with you the secret of the Qilin Asgard... From the first location of the Asgard eight years ago, to the subsequent mining, and the blood moon massacre, don't you want to know, Is there a secret behind these things?"

   "—Think about it, time is running out."


   Thunder sounded.

  In the distant sky, there are countless black shadows rushing out of the clouds, like a group of stern falcons.

   No, that's not a falcon.

   But helicopters.

  Helicopters of the Dawn Combat Order!

  【ps: This book is the starting point reading app, welcome to read the genuine version! 】

  (end of this chapter)

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