The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 127: who are you?

  Chapter 127 Who are you?

   Before Gu Jianlin could react, the wheels of the car had already passed over his face.

He cleared his throat and corrected: "No, what I mean is, the person I profiled based on the marks left on the roof of the teaching building of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School basically matches you, and that person is at least the first Four letters."

   "Have you started beating around the bush and asking about your figure?"

With deep eyes, Yueji said lightly: "The night watchman department of the Ether Association, the famous Professor Gu Ci'an, is known for his 100% conviction rate and superb profiling. Over the years, countless supernatural criminals have been arrested. And his son, You actually use profiling to analyze a girl's private parts?"

  She snorted: "Or, the Prosperity Liquid has already started to take effect? ​​If you really can't help it, I can turn around, and you can do it yourself. Don't worry, I will never look back."

   God **** it, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.

   Gu Jianlin was choked by her, couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said, "Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I still think you are the one who is secretly protecting me."

   Mainly this thing, it’s really hard to observe with the naked eye.

  If you use a corset, it is actually hard to see.

   Unless Gu Jianlin had directly chosen the Overlord path back then, he would have had a passive surveying skill at level zero, that is, the famous Eagle Eye, and his observation power would have been directly maxed out.

   One glance determines the universe.

  Yueji crossed her arms and said lazily, "It's up to you, anyway, the person you're talking about isn't me."

   After speaking, she let go of her hands and got up from the small bench.

  Gu Jianlin clearly felt something tremble as she let go of her hands.

   This time, his guess was strengthened.

   "Can you stop watching?"

  Yueji said coldly.

  Gu Jianlin has experienced the driving training of the beautiful iceberg girl at home, and he is no longer Wuxia Amon.

  Since the other party does not admit it, continue to exert pressure.

   "If you find it too tight, you can untie it."

  He shrugged slightly: "I can also turn around and never look back."

  Yueji didn't like this, and rolled her eyes: "A man's mouth is a deceiving ghost."

  Although she has always been cold, this white eye looks a little coquettish.

  Gu Jianlin hesitated for a moment: "You remind me of my sister."

  Yue Ji glanced at him and said lightly, "You still have a younger sister."

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "The figure is very similar to yours, but it is much taller than yours."

  He remembered that he hadn't replied to the girl's message, so he hurriedly clicked on the chat box and edited the message.

  Su Youzhu's WeChat avatar is her own photo, and her nickname is a bit abstract.

  —My mother is so cute and cute.

  Yue Ji came over to take a look, and a strange color flashed in her eyes: "Your sister looks good."

   "It's really nice."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a while: "According to my aesthetics, I can rank among the top three."

   Unexpectedly, Yue Ji was actually very interested in this, and asked: "Who are the other two?"

  In Gu Jianlin's limited life, he has actually not had much contact with girls.

  But in the past six months, I have encountered top beauties one after another.

  Sisters like Chen Qing and Lin Wanqiu needless to say.

  Although Lu Zijin is an old woman pretending to be tender, I have to say that she is really cute.

  Su Youzhu and Tang Ling are among the top three beautiful girls in his aesthetics.

  The former is three beautiful girls, and the latter is a sassy royal sister.

   As for the one ranked first, it really can only be the terrifying Venerable Candle Dragon.

"you do not know."

  After sending the message, he put away the phone, frowned and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

  Yue Ji Youyou said: "It's nothing, just curious, this shouldn't be your own sister, right? It seems that she treats you very well, and she is still cooking for you at home waiting for you to go back. Your sister cooks in your house?"

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "My mother and her father are both busy, and there is an older sister who works outside."

  Yue Ji's beautiful eyes were deep, and she teased: "You have a sister and a house, and your parents are busy, so punish me."

  The corners of Gu Jianlin's eyes twitched.

"Isn't it? Your age happens to be adolescence. Two people get along day and night in the same house, and it's easy to develop feelings for each other, right? What's more, you don't have any blood relationship, and it's not even considered a blood relationship. Legally You have absolutely nothing to do with each other."

   Tsukihime said meaningfully.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, and said lightly: "Do you know the curse of the Gu family? Before the curse is lifted, I will not think about emotional matters, nor will I approach her."

  Yueji obviously knew about this, and squinted at him: "Are you afraid of hurting her?"

  Gu Jianlin didn't say anything, but that's what he meant.

  Yueji asked intentionally or unintentionally: "I heard that the curse of the Gu family is not that simple. If you have been unable to lift the curse, you have been avoiding her? Including your current family?"

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "This matter has nothing to do with you, I have my own plans."

   After speaking, he sent a message to the girl at home, expressing that he would find time to go back as soon as possible.

  However, for some reason, perhaps because the sense of déjà vu was getting stronger, he still played a video.

   After a while, the video was connected, and there was the sound of splashing water.

"what's wrong?"

  Su Youzhu's clear and sweet voice came from the bathroom.

  Gu Jianlin vaguely saw the slender silhouette in the bathtub through the reflection of the mirror.

  He immediately said: "It's okay, I miss you again."

  Hang up the call immediately.

  Gu Jianlin put away his phone, feeling that his lower limit was getting lower and lower.

  For now, he confirmed one thing.

  The person who protects her from beginning to end is definitely Yue Ji.

   There is a high probability that she is the student mentioned in the father's file.

  Including Lu Zicheng, he also mentioned that his father had such a student.

   However, what is even more curious is who is Yue Ji's identity under the mask.

   This is simply multiple nesting dolls.

   Layer within layer.

  Yue Ji saw everything in her eyes, and was about to say something.

   There was a bang.

  The cave trembled, and the deafening sound outside could be vaguely felt.

  Gu Jianlin thought the killer had come again, so he immediately became vigilant.

   "It's okay, it should be the third master who fought with the people in the trial court."

Yue Ji also looked up and explained: "The third master has been unhappy with the court for a long time. This time the court issued an order to clean up, to put it bluntly, it was for the land reclamation of the Qilin fairy palace. The ether association is now the most powerful force in the court. , so they also want to take advantage of it.”

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself, "I thought they came here because they sensed the fluctuations of God-Servants."

   "There must be a part of the reason. The Tribunal has nothing to gain, and there must be a bigger conspiracy, so it will end in person."

  Yueji suddenly asked: "Do you know where the person who assassinated you came from?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head silently: "I'm not sure, many people have reasons for wanting to kill me."

  Yueji sighed: "Then let's hide here first, in case there is an ambush facing each other, in terms of the current state of the two of us, we will definitely die. By the way, I have something for you to take a look at."

  She walked to the end of the cave, took out a dagger, and swiped it casually.

   I saw several stern cracks spreading in the void, the hard rock wall was suddenly cut, countless stones lost their support, and turned into fine stones that collapsed and rolled down.

  The dust diffused, exposing a huge cave behind the rock wall.

  The cold wind blows from the cave, as if something is whimpering.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Is this your secret base?"

Yueji shook her head and said: "No, this is actually an abandoned engineering facility. From the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, the German Federation spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build a huge sewer project in Fengcheng. The implementation of this project After many years, it seems to be very successful, but as long as you compare the original design drawings, you will know that this is an unfinished project, and it was stopped when it reached the coastline.”

She paused: "I listen to my guide... One of my elders said that when the people of the German Federation built sewers along the coastline, the construction team encountered very strange things one after another, and in the end they didn't dare to dig deeper. Work was hastily stopped."

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "So?"

  Yue Ji said lightly: "This secret is related to your Gu family."

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, and the next update will be at 8:30 tomorrow night. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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